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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/22 in all areas

  1. Which frankly makes perfect sense when you're the one doing all the dying on the ground...
    4 points
  2. Binging on this dude's animal videos commentary
    3 points
  3. Metro 2033 author put on Russian government 'wanted' list for condemning invasion of Ukraine There was always an anti-authoritarian bent to the writing in both the novel and game series for <<Metro>>, and in <<Metro 2035>> and <<Exodus>> a major plot point was...
    3 points
  4. Great, I can look forward to rats crawling over me as I suffocate to death under rubble.
    3 points
  5. This sounds like it's just a transparent excuse for having her fall and look "cute". Is that the case? @majestic Sorry to hear that, I'm sure they'll get back on track soon.
    3 points
  6. Marvel Midnight Suns has gone up for pre-order at 59.99
    2 points
  7. "How many times do I have to tell you we don't do hygiene in this house, young man!"
    2 points
  8. Quote for the DAy: Ok so let me get this straight. The #1 movie in the country is Top Gun, the #1 song is Kate Bush “Running up The Hill”, and America is in a proxy war with Russia? So we’re just like “**** it, let’s give 1986 another go then?”
    2 points
  9. Sigh, indeed there is again a need for my doublepost But I've found Interesting summary on the web of lies by Kremlin since 2008 Feel free to read whole conversation to see more
    2 points
  10. Well sometimes I try to watch Al Jazeera (qatar), and WION (india), which try to offer sometimes least skewed angle at the conflict. The true middle ground would be possible to find only maybe after 10 or so years after the end of the conflict... And on completely unrelated way to your question, to avoid doublepost, I have found this interesting rumour As always, impossible to confirm this from any Russian source, unless you know someone, who is willing to risk 15 years of jail Allegedly Volodya had thrown some very naughty words at Xi and Lapdogvrov
    2 points
  11. 'CRT' probably needs different version if you want to taught it in SA. As it is very specific to USA history, laws and culture It is similar situation like trying to use other US civic classes outright in SA schools. CRT = "Critical race theory (CRT) is a cross-disciplinary intellectual and social movement of civil-rights scholars and activists who seek to examine the intersection of race, society, and law in the United States and to challenge mainstream American liberal approaches to racial justice." CRT itself is academic way to look things and challenge general academic narrative, so as it is it can't really be taught as it is way to do and argue academic research. I am not sure why academically solid results of CRT research is such boogie man for people that they feel that people hearing about them is much worse than censoring teachers, media, books etc.. And make people protest even idea of looking if there is any value in the results.
    2 points
  12. After a couple of days I hit the tougher contents where you realize "maybe this doesn't work after all". I struggled at Splintered Reef for hours but eventually made it, but now facing Nemrok I'm kind of lost: I don't have enough defensive stats for Arcane Dampener and Form of Helpless Beast, and couldn't kill those higher level warlocks or acolytes fast enough with Her Revenge... or Seven Nights... Basically finding somewhere not to be surrounded - summon weapons in the crowd (empowered with the sabre) hoping friendly fire on their side - hit lowest DEF enemies to get phrases - doing anything with those phrases doesn't prevent me from dying. I only heard good things about chanters and with the rebalance of troubadour I thought I might give skald a try, and using rebalanced unbroken for defensive since I've played so many paladins and FFs. I don't know if there's something wrong with the way I play chanters, or should have utilized slightly cheesy items like inivisibility potions or high lvl scrolls, or this build just doesn't work very well?
    1 point
  13. A way to fix all problems could be to change the heads of Sun and Moon to really deal fire and cold damage (or maybe fire/crush and cold/crush), which was probably intended considering the keywords assigned and the draining enchantment (draining just from the lash doesn't make much sense). (Dragon's Dowry and Frostseeker deserve probably the same treatment too).
    1 point
  14. I also really enjoyed though I couldn't help but think of some Voyager episodes while watching, specifically the one with the Kobali and the one with void space. It also shows one of my biggest nitpicks with space exploration in these shows,
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. I saw all the black actors, general style, the fact that it's horror...and couldn't help but immediately think "man, this really feels like a Jordan Peele film". I thought that having watched and enjoyed his Get Out and Us, and then oh look, it actually is a Jordan Peele movie. Feeling slightly racist, but at least I was right, .
    1 point
  17. I usually have two chanters in most of my parties. While the chants generally don't stack, I have them chant different chants, as there are so many good chants, more than enough for 2-3 chanters in a party. Inspirations also don't stack as you note. If you have two chanters, however, one can cast Each Kill, and the other Set to Their Purpose, giving the whole party the whole set of inspirations, which is nice. Each chanter should also get Their Champion (if MC) or Far from Defeated (if SC) to get Energized, and one should chant Thick Grew Their Tongues to strip away concentration stacks. With it, all of the chants that roll against enemy defenses, like Thick Grew Their Tongues and The Long Night's Drink, will be interrupted every time the chant crits. Chanters are just so useful given the way their chants work. Another nice things about chanters is their unique relationship with Sasha's Singing Scimitar, which allows you to empower and invocation every encounter. Blightwood is also great for chanters due to its +1 phrase per kill enchantment. If your Beckoners is SC it's definitely worthwhile to invest in arcana and explosives, which gives you other things to do aside from auto attacking while waiting for phrases to accumulate.
    1 point
  18. Sievierodonetsk is pretty big mess with or without propaganda from both sides. Of course the Ukraine is Outgunned there, as Russia put in Donbas 50% of all soldiers in Ukraine, despite that, I would not say that Ukraine counteroffensive was messy at all. They tactically retreated from city, and Russia being "happy" for easy victory, with probably most of their soldier being on vodka, the next day Ukraine obliterated them, including one whole tiktok kadyrov unit. They just shelled the hell out of them by artillery from Lysychansk, which is on high ground. Then they stormed the units in chaos, fully knowing, that they will have to retreat in day or two again back to the Insustrial quarter of the city. Unless Russia takes down Lysychansk as well, the same stuff will be probably repeating next few days/weeks.
    1 point
  19. So I did a bit of tinkering using the excellent documentation noqn has provided, and have created a basic proof of concept! PoE2_Adventurer_Conversation.zip There isn't really much to this mod beyond this one custom conversation, with a man giving monosyllabic responses (and possibly challenging you to a staring contest), but it does maybe give some insights into a few aspects of how a custom conversations can be implemented. For convenience, the "Speech Bubble" in the actual mod comes pre-equipped on the character. There is likely a lot I am skipping over explaining, so if there is something that anyone is curious about or would like me to go into further detail on, please let me know! Here are a few interesting aspects: As you can hear the conversation uses voice lines from the Stoic Male voice set. I've used the "ExternalVO" line on some nodes in the .conversationbundle to play specific audiofiles during certain points. For example "ExternalVO": "player_stoic_m/ch_player_stoic_m_investigate_40011", is used on the first node of the conversation for the character to give a sort of grunt as a greeting. However it's totally possible to add new voiced dialogue for characters during a custom conversation! I only did things this way to keep it simple for myself. But as I mentioned in the original post, if there is an audio file related to a conversation in the folder associated with the speaker (this is defined by the ChatterPrefix line) the game will play it. The audio file itself needs to be named after conversation and the 4 digit ID of the specific node it should be played on. So for example if there were an audio file named "adventurer_caedman_0001.wem" in the "player_stoic_m" folder, this could be played without needing "ExternalVO": "", to be used. There are a few minor details you might noticed that don't really sell this as a proper conversation between the characters: The adventurer and Watcher don't turn to face each other when speaking. Which is pretty impolite if you ask me! The Watcher won't approach the adventurer like they do other companions, which leads to potential for instances of conversations happening over long distances, or from other rooms entirely. The scripts FaceTarget and AIPathToObject/AIPathToPoint could be potential solutions for these respective problems? But I've yet to actually test them, since I've only just become aware of them as I am writing this post. Moving on to the character themselves, there are some pretty cool things that could potentially be done using the GUID of an exported character. An example of this is to do with the "Speech Bubble" item. On the "InspectOnUseButton": [ ] there is a conditional to only display the "Talk to Caedman" button when a character with the specific GUID of the adventurer is in the party. Oh and with regards to making a fully featured companion with topics of interest... this GUID can be used to link companion data to the adventurer! I haven't looked into anything really surrounding flagging a node as a topic, so I have no idea if this character will "roll their eyes and let out a long sigh" when an assigned topic is mentioned in other conversations. So yeah really exciting stuff!
    1 point
  20. So the guy who was trying to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh because he supports the 2A was carrying a gun to do the deed. I don't know if it's appropriate to chuckle about that or not but I generally find irony to be very humorous. Just in case anyone was wondering, the Supreme Court has rendered 0 decisions on 2nd Amendment cases since Kavanaugh joined the court.
    1 point
  21. Their is nothing in that video that is too hard to believe, we already know that China has not aligned with their " good friend Russia " to create the new world economic order China has much more trade and investments with the West and like most countries China is not going to sacrifice those economic benefits to really support Putins War outside of the rhetoric Why would they?
    1 point
  22. So what you're telling me is that those assault weapons ARE good for fighting tyranny? Because that was the whole point in the first place!
    1 point
  23. Nah, the domes are connected with tunnels, unless they lost their legs they were perfectly able to move. I've since replicated the same again multiple times later when things started really going to hell. I destroyed their workplace, homes and pretty much everything in the dome. Quarantined it, turned it off, and the ones that hadn't yet died still wouldn't move (didn't try what would happen if I destroyed the dome they were in, something to keep in mind for the future). Since I cleared everything I ended up moving them manually since I could easily select them this time around (though can't move renegades, so he just chocked to death like the dumbass he was) As for the priority thing, seems the only way to fix the AI is using mods as the "default" AI is dumb as bricks when it comes to job preferences. Eg. if you don't specify "specialists only" (or the inverse) on buildings you'll have Geologists doing the dishes in the bar and untrained mooks mining, from the same dome. Otoh, if you do specify specialists only you often get understaffed buildings. Setting preferences on domes similarly has the risk of you ending up with *only* that specialisation in that dome resulting in trouble with utility building staffing. Per my understanding the only fix is either dealing with it, and just letting them do whatever, micromanaging the hell of out of things, or mods (which is what I'll try next). There really should be more fine grained control of target populations here, imho. When it comes to resource management, I kept things at default priority unless I needed them sorted asap. Though in general it doesn't really seem to matter much, and gets much, much, worse when Shuttles get involved. Eg. if you have an Electronics Store at low or medium it will still gobble up all your electronics if you're low, even if you set repairing the Drone Hub to max priority (and yes, there were active drones in range to actually do the repair), only solution is to actively turn it off. Not sure how you'd get away with only a single colony on a map with massive elevation differences though. Guess you could flatten the entire thing, in theory, but doubt that's practically workable. The only other thing I can think of is to make each colony entirely self-sufficient, but that sort of defeats the purpose... I'll look for some of the mods that are claimed to be essential to fix some of the AI issues and give it another go, see if that makes things more workable.
    1 point
  24. AFAIK almost none of them stack, and when I say almost, I can't actually name any exceptions. Might be you can "stack" Her Courage Thick as Steel, in the sense that when one absorb is depleted, the next one kicks in.
    1 point
  25. I think its appalling to see anyone fighting in public but especially politicians who are paid salaries to represent the citizens of a country But just for the record that video from SA wasnt a fight. Thats how we engage in robust debate But on a serious note you will see its the EFF, Economic Freedom Fighters the people in red, who are responsible for that violence. Almost every single political problem in SA like that fight is because of them. They are our pseudo-socialist party and believe in policies like mass nationalization of land, banks, mines and everything else that is privatized. Their leader is notorious for offending minority groups that includes white people and he is currently facing numerous criminal charges like assault and charges for things like hate speech
    1 point
  26. Can anyone really understand what communist China has against democracy? It works well for Taiwan... Or even "Western Style" democracies like the UK and Australia... Representing your voters... indeed! South Africa too... just for Bruce I think democracies have more fun than totalitarian countries Edit: There are better Australian Parliament MMA videos on Youtube, but they were age restricted
    1 point
  27. NYC Cancer Trial Delivers ‘Unheard-of' Result: Complete Remission for Everyone
    1 point
  28. Elex 3 is probably going to feature the kid you have with Nasty. My guess is the kid will rebel against his mom and be super square.
    1 point
  29. ^Now to get tested. Just in case. After all, Nasty brings new meaning to doing the nasty.
    1 point
  30. @BruceVCeat your heart out. Who could resist an offer like that?
    1 point
  31. Yeah I'm a little underwhelmed by Old World myself. It's right up my alley but just leaves me wanting more/.
    1 point
  32. While not nearly as good as the first movie, I thought Predator 2 was a perfectly competent and enjoyable sequel.
    1 point
  33. I'm assuming you're making a joke. But I'll leave this here, anyhow...
    1 point
  34. What that says is not untrue in the past political circumstances. The truth is, that due to political demonization of fossil fuels industry, there is no will to invest in expensive methods of extraction. Oil related investments are killed politically (permits, pipelines, etc.) The US gov did not bail out the oil industry when it got pummelled during the pandemics so investing a lot of money, which is at risk of being destroyed by OPEC+ or domestically by a Dems government, is not really causing large investments in Oil, even when banks raise benchmarks for this comm. price to 140+. OPEC does not need to act to lower the price at all, they can keep the price and send replacements to EU, US, while Russian,cheaper Oil, will be flowing to Asia (mainly China and India) . That would give Sauds more political leverage. LPG might be a bit different, but still US consumer got hit hard, as the price went to over 9 USD, highest since the depths of the 2008 crisis, and this is before the proper summer season with high temperatrues hits and before the winter season, where a lot of parties are still at very low reserves. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas/Big-Oil-Set-To-Win-Stakes-In-Qatars-Huge-LNG-Expansion-Projects.html
    1 point
  35. I beat Elden Ring. It was alight. Not spectacular or anything.
    1 point
  36. Another couple of things I forgot about: Would be nice for my backpack to STAY how I organize it! Or even make certain divided sections of the bag for types of gear. Some landmine style explosives, mainly for base defense! Be able to pick up a friend's backpack and bring it to them, but not take stuff from in it. A quicksave & quickload hotkey, PLEASE!!! A giant hotdog, cookie or other human-sized foods should give more than 1 to 3 tiny bits of food that don't even give us 10% refill on hunger. This is so jarring compared to the feel of the world. Make them give more than a single person can carry, making the ants and other creatures eat it before you can get it all. And/or make it spawn in random places so people can't set up a base right next to it for unlimited food. How hard would it be to give us some seasonal weather eventually? Or at least summer day hours....not this daylight savings crap where it's dark at 6pm! You made a vent that blows players under the water. How about some similar things up top? Where it launches you a huge distance and you have to float down or die. A fan, exhaust from a car or lawnmower, or something along those lines would be cool and fun AF. Currently I don't think it's possible to connect things like ladders hanging DOWN from other structures. Only up, and even then they don't always work, even though they build just fine. Would be nice to be able to hang a ladder down from a 2nd floor or something, since you can jump up to skip a bottom one anyway. I like the idea of the koi fish coming at you from time to time. How about a cat/kitten(s) that occasionally roams the yard? Or maybe just the porch or upper section later in the game? A permanent booby-trap to catch weevils and aphids for food. They don't spawn as often as they should, and can be tricky with 4 players. We built a walkway past the light for gnats to combat this issue, but roaming far away from home and running out of huntable food can be tough. Especially since you can only carry 1 piece of meat per item slot! (But I can carry 25 chunks of quartzite per slot eventually? Even it out a bit for food, if you would.) When you drink soda (or even juice), you should be hyper for a bit (gotta love that caffeine!!!). Faster running and swinging and maybe even a short crash after you come down. I'm sure I've forgotten more ideas I have had. I'll start writing them down as we play and add them to the list. - BAM
    1 point
  37. Thanks a lot for the converter, it's absolutely great! Just used it on my new Watcher.
    1 point
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