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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/22 in all areas

  1. Noticed a hedgehog staggering across the lawn, shaking like in the middle of an epileptic fit before it curled up. Lined a box, put in a warm water bottle and let it settle there. See how it fares. The local Hedgehog preservation group is closed due to bereavement at the moment, so google-fu for what might be appropriate.
    5 points
  2. Yesterday G & I were talking about the "collapse" of crypto and the economy in general. Then she starts laughing. She told me I had the perfect "prepper castle" to ride out the economic apocalypse and sold it. Zing.... that wasn't funny! I told the worst part is the cash I received for the sale is worth 13% less than it was just six months ago! Oh well. We're all dead in the long run no matter what. In 30 years it won't matter.
    2 points
  3. 3DMark (freebie version) tests: DX11/Firestrike/1440p - Score: 26,500/better than 95% - all right! I don't even overclock or anything like that. My rig ain't too bad, yet! DX12/Timespy/1440p - Score: 12,800/better than 77% - CRAP I need to build a new PC, like, right now! ...*uninstalls 3DMark* ...I think I was better off not knowing.
    2 points
  4. Gorth man, you really need to be careful how you talk. Someone could get really hurt by your words. Cancerous growths on the human gene pool have feelings too, and it is very hurtful to compare them to Scott Morrison.
    2 points
  5. the thing is, you are being reasonable, and that is a flawed starting point. first step is you need imagine total lack o' self awareness coupled with a me and mine mentality which challenges credulity. school lunches for kids is bad 'cause is free for them. welfare is bad 'cause even if the vast majority o' adults receiving welfare benefits do so for less than six months, they are undeserving; likely using the free money to buy drugs and alcohol. programs which tax me and mine to provide benefits for they and them is necessarily bad even if those programs may be shown to benefit society as a whole. however, if a program is designed to tax the "fat cats" so everybody else benefits, including me and mine, then is good. unreasonable? sure but not necessarily irrational. rationality may be maintained even if the initial premise is unreasonable. as long as internal consistent, unreasonable may be rational. regardless, you gotta start with embracing a comical unapologetic me and mine perspective which am guessing is difficult for hurl. good luck with that. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  6. I'm lucky that this is from a gaiden movie series, so not a whole lot of time wasted in case it goes sideways. Touching the movie proper or the series? Yeah, hell no.
    1 point
  7. You're right - the non-Japanese version is also halfway through the album, and if that's the version used for the film, it's probably the 2006 film. Good luck, .
    1 point
  8. I went ahead and decided to track down the singer on VGMDB, and the song in question is on this soundtrack. Issue is, this soundtrack is for both the 2006 and 2007 films. The fact that it's the very last track of the album makes me think it's actually in the 2007 film, but I don't know for sure, especially because what I had previously seen suggested it was on the 2006 film instead. There are a couple of entries to this franchise:
    1 point
  9. Poor hedgehog. Hope it survived. Left field: I don't find Tom Holland at all attractive in any way...not even remotely...except for some reason when he's doing that Umbrella lip sync in drag routine. I can watch that video and he suddenly becomes a little hot. ...I saw a comment under one dance group video: "every man that can dance automatically becomes handsome." Seems sorta true - at least for that 3 minutes they're dancing. Kind of like the drummer/musician or a few other cliche similar things. I'm going to assume this is true (the instant hotness) for females too. It just speaks to our lizard brains in some way I guess.
    1 point
  10. Ukrainian soldiers reached Russian border northeast of Kharkiv, and according to British intelligence, Russia has lost one third of all the servicemen, assigned for invasion (probably counting all servicemen unable to fight, not only the dead ones).
    1 point
  11. How about a scaffolding platform that doesn't cost any recourses. (Hear me out) You can only jump and stand on it, to be used while building properly, you can't build on it and the scaffold will only last for so much time or until you cancel it.
    1 point
  12. From what I can determine, it's very likely the 2006 film "Shin Kyuuseishu Densetsu Hokuto no Ken Raou-den Jun'ai no Shou". I once tried the 1986 film, and that's all I have to say about that. Princess Tutu: I didn't hate it either, but it was certainly highly frustrating and not exactly to my taste. Closer than most other anime, sure, but not enough that it felt like a good time. I regret watching the entire first season given that it clearly wasn't working for me, but not too terribly. I don't have an issue with that explanation, it just doesn't shift the needle for me - I require my characters to be justified through them being characters, not through abstract plot and theme stuff. It's just how it is, . At the very least, that needs to be the case for the important characters that the viewer spends a lot of time with. I'm not offended by Edel's role in the story, after all, seeing as she only appears in the show for probably a grand total of 5 minutes of its run-time. I guess the difference is that it's a show where they easily could have done a lot more with the run-time it was given - Disney's Sleeping Beauty is an hour and fifteen minutes, this was close to 4 and a half hours. Yet going from a show to a shorter movie conversely would've probably just made for a Madoka situation for me, where the tighter focus on the elements I don't like necessitated by the shorter run time strip it entirely of the things that I did like. On the other hand, it would've been over a lot sooner. They had a highly specialized skill-set of adapting bad material when given the creative license to just make up whatever they wanted to fill in the blanks between the main story parts. Too specific a set of circumstances for it to apply to other shows, .
    1 point
  13. LOL no they get to oversee the s--t details. That's a Corporal's s--t detail. Believe it or not Corporal is a pretty good rank in the Marines. There are three ranks that. once you make them, your quality of life improves noticeably; Corporal, Staff Sergeant, and Major. In the other three services (not counting the Space Force because it's stupid) E-4 is pretty meaningless. In Navy you get your rating at E-4 so there is that. But in the Corps E-4 is where you start to be exempted from some of the petty BS
    1 point
  14. I take the view that eighty years spent rotting away in a high security prison is a worse punishment than execution. It's a disincentive for those who would follow. Plus scientists can perform experiments on his brain.
    1 point
  15. I can confirm its not the original tv series or the original movie; animation isn't right for either (since the original movie was re-edited from the tv series). My guess is that it is footage from 2005's Shin Kyūseishu Densetsu Hokuto no Ken / Fist of the North Star: The Legends of the True Savior (3 films, 2 OVAs). I've never seen these films (not sure if it got released in the US), so can't be 100% sure, but the animation in the posted video looks like the footage I've seen.
    1 point
  16. I voted on the weekend. Really thought early voting would let me skip the people handing out how to vote cards, but nope, still a few of them. Not much of a queue, though.
    1 point
  17. I totally missed the fact borg queen had no reason to help Soong. Not only that but she should have worked against Soong. Otherwise the future where humans destroy Borgs becomes true. I guess there's just so much horrible writing in Picard, you're bound to miss some of it. The video is fitting good bye to Kurtzman/Goldsman era Star Trek.
    1 point
  18. As a kid I would have expected the 21st century conversation to be about where to park my flying car, yet sadly here we are, still tethered to the ground.
    1 point
  19. Aussie elections coming up in a few days time. Will the locals take the chance to rid their country of this cancerous growth on the human gene pool?
    1 point
  20. I have come away from this with a much worse opinion of Wil Wheaton, and my opinion of Wil Wheaton was already pretty bad.
    1 point
  21. Never stackable would be better then, I think.
    1 point
  22. I'm all for diversity, but it shouldn't be pushed onto media via a metric that's tantamount to a quota. I feel like artist(s) having to go through a checklist and check off a certain number of boxes is not a healthy artistic process. The idea should come first and whatever diversity checkboxes it checks off is what it checks off. Sometimes that produces a game running the gamut of genders, ethnicities, etc. Sometimes that produces a game that's almost exclusively heterosexual 24 year old white guys with crew cuts and 5 o'clock shadow. Promoting a company culture that entices and welcomes artists of all genders, ages, sexual orientations, religions, and ethnicities is the way to organically produce diverse games, but that's more difficult for a company and takes time, so you don't get the instant results that said company can flaunt.
    1 point
  23. Technically, Uncle Sam is the personification of Samuel Wilson, so it would be his wife Aunty Bettsy.
    1 point
  24. I had not read it all yet, but before 1917 revolution, there was the idea of Pan-Slavism, because Russia were the most powerful Slav nation, and they were an example for other Slav Nations which had no states of their own, but the creation of Soviet Union pretty much throw it out of the window, and only neo-nazis are now dreaming of them being the most superior country of Slavs, and that we should follow. In short, just look at the history of creation of Soviet Union after the revolution, and how Soviets treated other Slavic Nations up until 1993, and you will see, why almost no one except Serbia likes them anymore (talking about their politics, not the common people). Myself, I have Russian colleague or two, and they are nice people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan-Slavism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Soviet_Union (there you can click on articles about specific eras, and how they treated Ukrainian and Eastern European people and countries etc.)
    1 point
  25. It's possible to play a 4-year old version of it, using the beta feature. Obviously still not original, but that's pretty far back.
    1 point
  26. Not being able to find a parking spot seems very immersive to me.
    1 point
  27. Because it gives points to characters based on racial stereotypes. Also it's stupid. Like, how the hell do you rate "culture"? Does the space viking guy not have "culture"? Who has "culture"? Native americans with feather headgear?
    1 point
  28. Some of the jury votes were, but not all. The popular vote was pure politics though, with 439 out of a possible 468 points awarded to the Ukrainian entry. Prior to the event our TV hosts this year speculated that Ukraine would win this one even if they just sent nobody and we'd sit in three minutes of silence, and what do you know, three minutes of silence would have been preferable to this year's winning entry. On the bright side, it's marginally less terrible than 2016's political winning entry which was three minutes of howling. Sorry, I meant so say, a three minute touching ballad that rightly won an apolitical music competition! Sorry, mea culpa. Not that the competition isn't a joke by far and large anyway, and has been so for a long while. Some years it's just more of a joke than in others. edit: Technically the winning entry should be disqualified by the rules of the ESC due to, well, the artists yelling Slawa Ukrajini at the end, but hey, ain't nobody got the balls for that. Wonder how the UK feels, the first time after years of zero pointe entries that they got a potential winner and an actually decent song with a nice artist, and they're upstaged by a bunch of clowns that would not have won if it had been an entry by any other nation. edit 2: Not to mention that the UK will most likely be asked to host the next event, without winning it. So that's a double whammy. Losing to... that, and having to bear the burden of hosting the next competition. Sheesh.
    1 point
  29. The game's description for the Ascendant subclass is misleading and in fact understates their power. It states that your Soul Whip deals more damage while Ascended; this is not true. Instead, Ascended is a universal +20% damage bonus that applies to your spells as well, which is extremely powerful in conjunction with the +3 PL bonus.
    1 point
  30. Kinda racist but also just kinda lazy. Why bother with a well-developed character, just check some diversity boxes and class it a day?
    1 point
  31. Before I can condemn military forces attacking mourners at the funeral of someone said military forces murdered earlier this week, I will need to confirm that Hamas was not hiding in the coffin.
    1 point
  32. Nah, it'll just mean you'll fall through the world only half as much as in other releases, and maybe it'll not be as broken as Fallout 76.
    1 point
  33. Hello everyone! First of all thanks for creating such a beautiful Game! I wanted to ask if u Guys could add a Filter System for the Waypoints in the Game. As we know we can put down a flag and give it a specific Picture like the Cave, House, Food and more. After a while the Waypoints gets more and more and the Screen is kinda full of them. It would be decent if there was a way to filter them: Like for example : add a tab for Food (only own marked Food Waypoints are shown), a tab to Caves (only own marked Caves are shown) and same for the other Types. Thank u very much!
    1 point
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