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What do you mean? That was such a Guy Ritchie film trailer it could be its own parody.4 points
Wow, I missed that Tilly was being written out first time. Everything really does just blur into one. Shame, she had some potential and I liked her as a concept, even if it was utterly wasted in execution. Yep, he and Tilly's actor- plus Saru and Captain Malfoy, of course, and Michelle Yeoh at least looked like she was enjoying herself- were completely fine as actors, and made the most of the very limited amount they were offered. Their main trouble is the writing, and I'd certainly add the directing too, which meant they were either given uninteresting and inconsistent rubbish, or told to be ludicrously melodramatic. For that matter even Stamets was far better as Mirror Universe Stamets, but my overwhelming memory of him was his tendency to smile as if he'd never done it himself but read how to do it in a manual. Actual real person managing uncanny valley or Pod People simulation, and there was a lot of it even from people I know are capable of acting from other things (hence the directing being an issue). End of the day though as Picard shows you can have a literal RSC legend delivering the lines, and actually trying, but if they're garbage lines then they're garbage and the gravitas counts for nothing. On the tokenism, and because it came up earlier in the week... Frankly, I'd say that Omar Little the Baltimore stick up boy murderer and drug dealer from 2003 (?) does more for gay perception than Stamets the engineer and Culber the doctor. But that's because Omar (and Rawls, if you want to count him) are well written characters first and foremost whose sexuality is secondary. And you don't have to be premium drama to do it that way either. End of the day if your stated goal is to normalise those who are marginalised then you have to, well, normalise them. And that means not writing them as if that one marginalised trait is the only thing about them that matters most of the time.4 points
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3 points
I got a promotion a couple of months ago at work. Barely a pay upgrade (partially due to the fact that I was already being paid more than people who were above me due to experience), but the work load... I've heard people talk about getting promoted and finding themselves having less to do, but I never thought I'd see it. I've spent the last decade of my life feeling overworked or anticipating regular crises and now I fear I may only feel that way two months out of the year. I enjoy the work, too. It's payroll data entry, but there's just enough playing with poorly designed computer systems and basic algebra to keep me from falling asleep when there's actual work to do.3 points
3 points
Rain of Holy Fire is PL7, so should be blue on this list.3 points
I think I'm really not Kyubey's type, but the idea isn't bad. Just realized that there was a paragraph I anted to add but forgot. Yes, indeed, I originally wanted that post to be even longer. This one is mostly for @Bartimaeus, but everyone if of course welcome to read, but it'll probably only make sense to a handful of people. *shrug* The worst thing is that one can see these elements handled so much better in kid's shows, and yes, I'm by far and large talking about Sailor Moon here, but also about Steven Universe - Steven Universe, while being a bit newer, has Steven's lovable patchwork family (and three moms) and the marriage scene that almost got the show cancelled (would be odd to not mention it, given how much Rebecca Sugar was influenced by Sailor Moon). Next year, Sailor Moon will be thirty years old (hard to stress that enough), and it has: An all female superhero cast without drawing stupid attention to that fact or putting them in situations where they're ridiculed by males (Hello Captain Marvel!), except once by Jadeite, and he gets an airplance in the face as a reply, so that's fair. A really wide range of lovable characters with actual strenghts and real weaknesses, and even one that tells you that one can be traditionally girly and still kick ass (huh, try to find a Makoto in today's shows, really). Openly lesbian characters, one of which is androgynous enough to be mistaken for a pretty boy. Gay characters in the villain squad that are more than just "sterotype" bad gays. No gender difference whatsoever in the type of jobs the side characters hold. Female scientists, male waiters, doesn't matter. A transgender boy band in its final season. Eh, and it has Profesor Tomoe as villain. It does all that without ever feeling like virtue signalling. It doesn't comment on it, it just shows everything as it should be. Normal. Can't wrap my head around the fact that this is really, really old by now, and does everything Star Trek: Discovery seems to set out to do so much better. Is there really nothing that anyone would be able to take away from an old show like that, which is continously talked about by women, homosexuals (of both genders) and others (like myself) - who grew up with it or caught a rerun sometime - as being supremely helpful and representative. Never mind being hilariously funny, heartwarming and wholesome. Yeah, well, the seasonal story arcs are probably not that much better than Discovery's, but that's neither here nor there. Sure, it was originally intended to be for girls, but hey, not everything ends up being like it was intended. Can't see Star Trek: Discovery being talked about like that in thirty years. Maybe that distance will let everyone view it as the trash it is, perhaps, but even if it doesn't, is there really going to be someone who's going to say "I went to a psychiatrist because Dr. Culber convinced me to?" Yeah, sure, nah. If anything, that show will convince you to stay the hell away. Ugh.3 points
I planned on finishing the second Nanoha movie tonight, but it looks like I'll make a second overly long post about Star Trek: Discovery instead. That should be slightly more fun, at least. Trigger warning, I might add the occasional swear word or two, because this really grinds my gears. I am very sorry if you got the idea that this isn't just a collection of the most egregious stuff that happened in this episode. The paragraphs from the beginning of the spoiler to that picture of Wham! is actually what happens before the opening credits. If I'd comment on the entire episode - and there'd be plenty more to comment on, really - then I'd probably still sit here and the episode would not be over. I left out most of the ridiculous phaser battle the cadets have with the Evolution aliens, for instance, and most of the diplomatic negotiations, and some moments between the president of Ni'Var and Saru, among other things. @Zoraptor has the right of it, though. These characters are so forgettable that I actually had to go and look up who killed Culber in the first season, because I completely forgot that Klingon spy in human form was actually a thing, and that he was involved with Burnham for a while. We're talking about a show where the bridge crew got full names in the second season because they had a character death planned and realized that it would not work so well if nobody had actual names. Can't for the life of me remember the name of the Cyborg navigator woman. It's baffling. I know I wrote about her in a post I made about the third season. I posted a picture of her, and wrote "They all got names last season, and hers is..." but after that my mind is a total blank. Ever since the first season, Star Trek: Discovery had certain elements added to the show that primarily have one goal: To insulate the show from mainstream and nerd mainstream (e.g. The Mary Sue, or Den of Geeks, i.e. the Kotakus of TV) criticism/critics. All these outlets and "progressives" - see, that's the thing, I do consider myself part of that group, but I want nothing to do with that very vocal part, really - just cannot talk about the many, many faults of the show because it's so god damned woke it oozes wokeness out of every orifice. The longer this show goes on, the more that feels like a deliberate troll by Kurtzman. It gets the internet talking about his terrible TV shows, creates clicks, controversies and probably also viewers. He might be a hack fraud writer, but at least he knows how to stir up a hornet's nest. I also hate myself for regurgitating alt-right criticism of the show, but it is what it is. These absolute morons on YouTube whose videos YouTube continues to suggest to me beause I write posts like this one all have one thing in common though, they say that these shows (i.e. Star Trek: Picard and Star Trek: Discovery) are bad because woke culture banned "males" from holding "positions of power" in the Star Trek universe. I don't even know where to start, no you f*cks, these shows are bad because they're all written by the same hack fraud that apparently knows enough about CBS to have their balls in a vice if they'd fire him, or whatever the hell else keeps Alex Kurtzman employed. Instead of enabling billionaires to go to space for fun or dumping cars in space, Elon Musk should give Kurtzman a one way trip to the 月 (moon, also used for month). Sorry to the other folks reading this, sort of an inside joke. Bad writing is bad. This has nothing to do with these shows being woke, Star Trek has always been like that. Did they miss the African-American woman on the bridge of a (semi-)military starship in the sixties, with a Japanese helmsman and a Russian navigator? This is actually the worst part about these new shows. Not that they're bad, but that they're set up in a way that gives traction to internet trash like The Critical Drinker. Where was I? Right. Objectively - and as objective as one can get - Star Trek: Discovery is terrible. That's just what it is. It's badly written, it's a disjointed mess more often than not, it doesn't neatly integrate into the Star Trek universe at the point in time it was chosen to play out, and that begins with the basic engine the ship has, and continues with introducing a formerly unknown adoptive sister of Spock's, it makes no sense at the best of times and as an added bonus, nothing about the distances they're talking about and nothing about the science makes sense. That seems like a strange complaint for a soft sci-fi show, but earlier Trek hired science advisors for a reason. The characters are flat non-entities. The storyline is boring, although that's subjective, and nothing that happens has any lasting consequences like in the good old days of non-serialized storytelling. Except this does have seralized storytelling because TV shows are expected to do that these days. Nothing of that, really, nothing of that is talked about if you look up some of the articles on the nerd internet magazines. I looked at the Den of Geek review of this episode, they basically wet themselves over how great and balanced it was. What? So Discovery has this cast that includes Michael Burnham, the woman with the male name, an adopted daughter of Sarek, whose acting talent and character keeps getting praised in spite of the height of her acting being able to cry at will, which she does so often it became a meme. There's a reason for my Burnham crying counter. There's the openly gay couple of Paul Stamets and Dr. Hugh Culber, who I... honestly don't have anything bad to say about, except for Culber being a complete non-character up until this season when he suddenly gets the role of ship's counsellor and everyone is coming to him for their weekly shrink session. Stamets has more of a character, but comes with the strings attached that he's necessary to operate the drive of the Discovery, a concept that's so utterly stupid that I don't want to talk about it, but it's up there with the worst ideas in sci-fi ever. Second only to the Starchild in Mass Effect 3. There's Ensing, later Lieutenant, Tilly who is a body positivity token hire, which is really sad because if given decent material, the actress can make things work that really shouldn't. Instead she's running half-marathons on the Discovery and wins. To send a message, I suppose, but who knows. Her work in the mirror universe was actually fantastic. I know I was happy that she got written out in this episode, but her performance was unwatchable recently, and she clearly was uncomfortable on the set (and they put her in that horrible catsuit from last week, I... yeah, I don't even know what to say to that). Every step of the way there are these characters and elements that were put in there for no other reason than to make the show immune to criticism, and to do some serious virtue signalling. Last season they added Blu del Bario to the roster, playing Adira, a non-binary (like her actor) human girl of 16 who is Discovery's version of Wesely Crusher in that she's a super-genius instantly capable of outsmarting Starfleet's best and brightest. Everyone calls her a "she" on the show until she says she wants to be called they. That would have been fine, but it didn't end there. Culber and Stamets have an extended dialogue in front of a sleeping Adira where they make sure to use "they" to address them for what feels like 20 times in half as many lines, and they put an incredibly stupid sounding emphasis on the pronouns that made me think they were making fun of the dialogue they were forced to say. I can't even begin to think what Will Cruz thinks of the show. Not of his role, perhaps, but of the show. Oh, by the way, Stamets is played by Anthony Rapp, otherwise probably best known for being the 14-year-old molested by Kevin Spacy. Eh, and his role in Rent. That... piece of sh*t musical thing. Through some shenanigans Adira sees her dead, and now imaginary former boyfriend, who is played by non-binary transgender actor Ian Alexander. So, let this serve as the background for the actual answer to the question you posed. Both Adira Tal and Gray Tal (for the record, they're neither married, nor related, Gray Tal is a Trill, and Adira is now carrying his symbiont, even though it was stated by Star Trek canon that Trills symbionts cannot permanently link with humans, but screw canon) are complete non-characters. They're boring. They're badly written. They have the most terrible dialogue, and everything, really everything they say on the show is a thinly veiled metaphor for being non-binary or transitioning. That's what I mean with not helping. It's so painfully obvious that these actors were just hired to slap some more wokeness onto Discovery to make sure it's keept out of the crossfire of criticism, or at least to give the showrunners the option to push non-favorable critics into the transphobic corner if need be. Well, and to create even more alt-right pushback. This show virtue signals so bad while at the same time being so terrible that it makes the other side's usually dreafully stupid criticism appear valid. The fourth season now seems to have taken up championing mental health care as the new token pet project, with Culber offering therapy to everyone, and the show trying really, really hard to tell us under how much strain the crew is, while they're doing nothing much, most of the time. Tilly was the worst part up until now, freaking out over two non-characters that died that she didn't even know, after the firs three seasons were raining death and destruction upon the Federation (including a time-travelling version of Skynet, and no, I WISH I WAS KIDDING). In this new episode, she spends more time with the shuttle pilot than the warrior nun that died last episode, but she doesn't even give half a sh*t any more. Probably because she knew she could go looking for a better gig. Or spend some more time with her newborn kid. Or get better, I mean, there's a chance that she wasn't just uncomfortable on the set but that she's really sick. Which is what I hate it the most for. It just keeps adding these elements that should be treated with more care, and by someone who is not Alex Kurtzman. By anyone else. I don't care. Let Sargon of Akkad write a Discovery episode, it can't be any worse. It really, really, really can't. It's... GAH. Really, just... GAH. F*ck if I know. It certianly isn't me. Perhaps its this girl: Although that's pretty much me whenver I watch an episode of this absolute fustercluck of a show. The worst part about this is that Will Cruz's been a consistently decent actor on the show. He just doesn't get anything worthwhile to do. His therapy sessions aren't badly acted either, they're just terribly written, and in this latest episode he mixed in some Spanish in his usual dialogue. Why? Who knows. Maybe the writers realized they had an actual gay actor with Afro-Puerto Rican descent and went: "Hey, you have untapped virtue signalling potential there, mix in some Spanish! ¿Está bien ahora?"3 points
This is a list by classes with abilities and spells wich trigger potentially every inspirations when empowered with the least unstable coil. If anyone found something else, I can edit the post. In blue, until PL7 ; in yellow, restricted to SC ; in green, Spell is beneficial effect (extendable) —Paladin— Minor flame Shield (Darcozzi Paladin) (on self or other, reliatation cause inspiration to the Paladin) (ext.) —Cipher— Detonate (when target Near Death ennemy , depending of how many ennemies are hit by the explosion) Screaming Soul (for every screams ; with BPM (this spell dont work in vanilla game) —Wizard— Flame Shield (on reliatation) (ext.) Minoletta's Concussive Missiles (depending of PL and ho many ennemies are touched) Zandethus' Draconic Fury (when attackers are terrified by the reliatation enchantement ) (ext.) Concelhaut's Crushing Doom (on each hit) Minoletta's Missiles Salvo (dependent of PL, on hit) Meteor Swarm (on pulse) Arkemyr's Mercurial Madness (every 6s, when the unpredictable effect is refrehed on the target) Minoletta's Piercing Sigil (on reliatation) (ext.) Cloak of Death (on reliatation) (ext.) —Chanter— Her revenge ... (depending of PL and how many ennemies are touched) Her Tears ... (on explosions) Boil their Flesh (and upgrade) (when Near Death ennemy (ies) trigger an explosion) —Druid— Venombloom (on pulse) Cleansing Wind (on ennemies and allies touch, like other Healing-and-Damaging spells in the list) Garden of life (dependent of corpses) Avenging Storm (on hit) (ext) Pollen Patch (as long the spell stay, each step? work also as stationnary) (ext.) Giant Maelstrom (on pulse) —Priest— Flame Shield (Magran Priest) (Same as wizard) (ext.) Iconic Projection (Like other Healing-and-Damaging spells in the list) Rain of Holy Fire (on pulse) Spark the souls of the Righteous ( on self or allies, no dependent of ennemies, for the caster) (ext.) Symbols (on pulse) Hand of Weal and Woe ( per 1s, like other Healing-and-Damaging spells in the list) Magran's Might (on pulse) Call of Rymrgand (on pulse) Blessing of Wael (on blind reliatation ; careful to not use the BPM when empowering, see in comments) —Monk — Whispers of the Wind ( Each hit) * Miscellaneous : Bouncing weapon proc another roll for martials abilities AoE melee weapon proccing swift-flurry on Empowered ability (2-4 inspirations) Sun and Moon hit twice, then dualwield and empowering a Full attack, 4 Inspirations, even more with swift flurry. Tekehu get a version of Cleansing Wind and Avenging Storm in their Stormcaller subclass. The complementarity with some resting bonus is significant : the Captain cabin (Dunnage) give +1 empower point, like Adratic Glow (Luminous Bathhouse), and especially the Ocean's Song (Tikawara), "attacks interrupt with empowered attacks". Meaning on each pulse, each reliatation, on each screams... even when they not crit.2 points
It's not a mere rain, it's a Storm of Holy Fire!2 points
2 points
Huh, never thought that one would get a 2nd entry. Not gonna lie, probably a first-day buy.2 points
2 points
I don't think DIO's taste is that bad. If this was a real show I'd agree, Sailor Moon does indeed do representation of gender and sexuality surprisingly well for a 90's kids show. I'm not sure if it's to SM's credit or modern shows' failings that a pg 90's cartoon does so much better than most modern shows, probably both. Really the problems with this made up show all stem from bad writing. It just isn't engaging enough to make people care about characters enough to overlook the bad parts like they could with the real Treks.2 points
Damn it, and now I bought it. Will probably wait till "next gen update" though anyway.2 points
chanter's her revenge works with single target too as all bolts hit the single target in that case2 points
Yes, but his devoted/street fighter will have some harsh penalties when using an arbalest and without Heating Up he might be also too slow to perma interrupt the oozes.2 points
Tell me you're mad about not having more games that you liked in a year without telling me you're mad about not having more games that you liked in a year. Also, from the article: No it doesn't. If that's the authors belief, then they have a very, very narrow view of fantasy.2 points
Its been a couple of years now but I keep coming back to POE and POE2 Deadfire. I especially enjoy Deadfire and I'm perplexed as to why it wasn't more popular. Eora is a brilliantly fleshed out world with a very real and believable level of story charater and depth. The main plot is subdued and subtle like a good film rather than the typical over the top epic where you are the centre of the universe. While you can smash your way through the main story fairly quickly, the world itself gives great sense of scale, everytime I play it I find some extra lil thing that I missed the previous play through, or interacts differently because of history choices or disposition. Its remarkably rewarding. I like the story book style scripted interactions they create a narritive feel. I also like the ship combat, its fun, simple but fun. Its also different and something that I haven't seen in a iso RPG before. I think its great and for those that don't it has the option to bypass it, so you're not even forced to partake in it if you don't want to. As a principi pirate though I go around raiding every merchant I can find. People hate on it and I just don't get why. Yeah it could have been something more complex or compelling but its a side game not the main event and does that role well. Deadfire stands out in particular because its not the typical fantasy tropes. High fantasy suffers from a lord of the rings obsession. Tolkien was great but the fantasy genre has been so tied up in re-creating it that games are almost an insufferable collection of tired cliches at this point. Deadfire's setting is refreshing. I wish there were more fantasy games set in an age of exploration type world. (Greedfall is another that comes to mind). I get there are some pitfalls with this setting as a lot of the inequalities in the world were born out of the age of colonialism. How is this any different though from the slavery, exploitation and religious oppression of the dark ages where most high fantasy is set. When done well it creates a compelling and conflicted world that Eora has captured beautifully. The factions are all very believable. The idea of a mobile stronghold in the form of your ship is great too and I just wish there were more uncharted islands to find, explore and name. I'd love to see POE 3 but given how POE2 was recieved it probably won't happen and that really bums me out because frankly pillars of eternity 1 and 2 are the best RPG games I've played since BG1, 2 and IWD. I just wanted to post up a thanks for an awesome game and say don't give up on it because I'd love to see more isometric adventures set in the world of Eora.1 point
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I was going to post that your first line here has potential to replace your quote in @KP on top of ZA WARUDO's signature, and then go went and edited it with some helpful explanation. Ah, what a missed opportunity. Considering the spelling of the name: ミャオ, yes very much meow. Heh. It's not that bad with Nanoha. Yet. You're thinking of Pretty Cure, I guess. 1000 episodes and 40 movies, yeah, that's a lifetime project. Still, sometimes I wonder what makes a series go that long, and if that's like a daily soap or something. The Bold and The Magical Girls, maybe? Kinda wish I could look into an episode here and there, but man, what... nope. Nanoha is "just" 3 seasons, four movies and two spin off series with 12 episodes each, at least when not counting mangas and video games and other material, which I pretty much don't. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid is up next, then ViVid Strike! which drops Nanoha from the title because the old cast is apparently no longer in it, or just with some brief cameos. Just reading up on it annoys me to no end because that character relationship chart had a helpful pink line (aka "romance" because what else would be pink, amirite?) between Vivio and a character named Einhard who is, oh what surprise, also a girl. Guess you really do catch the gay from having two moms, right? Shipping fanservice must go on, I guess. I'm willing to eat my comments if this ends up being tastefully done, but somehow I doubt that (in spite of it not really coming up as fanservice outside of that one picture I posted in StrikerS - and even that was ambivalent - it was really in full force in the movies, and those were more recent, so they take precedence). Also Vivio is like ten years old in ViVid, so that's about as stupid as that ship tease scene from the second Nanoha film. Not to mention that apparently Vivio is a clone of Einhard's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother (give or take a couple of generations), what with her being a descendant of the royal family from the days of yore. The one that built the Doomsday device Dr. Scaglietti found. I'm probably overanalyzing already.1 point
I always do POTD + Upscaled. Often with Galawain's Challenge too. I haven't noticed that anything has been too overly difficult. Oh don't get me wrong I wipe sometimes and there are some very challenging fights. But usually after a little perseverance and some better use of consumables etc I manage. The beginning tends to be the most difficult. Once you get into the upper teens and start finding the powerful equipment things aren't so bad aside from some select fights in the DLCs. And for my part some fights can get annoying when I fight a tough beast type enemy which rolls an annoying effect with Galawain's challenge but I enjoy it anyhow1 point
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I'm a boy of the Federated Suns, always have been, so I started somewhere in the center right. There's so many things that annoy me in this game, but still I can't stop playing now. Ugh. That said, by now I also feel like the equipment you can put on the mechs is awfully limiting. I could swear back in the MWO days I was able to equip multiple weapon modules based on available slots (e.g. 4x LRM5 instead of 1 LRM20), but this isn't possible here... This really, REALLY sucks. Honestly, feels like a dumbed down version of what it should have been. Also modules and stuff where added into slots directly in MWO, here you just put them into a list and done. Meh.1 point
Yeah, so, this is your version of StrikerS. Speaking of which. Magical Girl Lyrical NANOHA The MOVIE 2nd A's You might notice that there's no struck out REBUILD in the title. That's mostly because this film was, shipping fuel aside, a lot better than the first one. Not to make any mistake, it's still not nearly as - ahem - good (in contrast) as the second season was, but the extra half an hour of runtime and dropping the pointless Tuxedo Mask subplot made the film much better than it could have been. It's still full of really bad CGI, and changes that aren't necessary and add nothing, but it works as a film, and I can see it working as a standalone version of the second season. Provided one likes extended, CGI enhanced action scenes. The fun critcisms that I had of the combat in this series looking a lot like turn based JRPG battles is gone. The movie budget was clearly spent on making the battles flashier and much less static, which on one hand is actually a nice change over the series, but on the other hand makes Hayate's divine caster outfit and magic a lot more ridiculous, and I don't even want to talk about how stupid Fate's giant Cloud Strife style plasma sword is in the light of hyper fast moving action combat. I already thought the second season had too much combat going on, and the film just upped that, but it also took out the edge and the opressive feeling of lingering on Hayate's disability and Nanoha's Weltschmerz narration about not having the peaceful days with Fate that she imagined and having to fight for peace once more. As such that leaves me somewhat conflicted, on the one hand, it eases the melancholic atmosphere a little, on the other hand, it also removes a few of the character scenes that made the second season reasonably decent in my book. The film rushes through Hayate's condition and the way it deteriorates where the series has more time to breathe, has more time to show the slowly developing respect Fate and Signum have for each other, the way the "villains" don't want to fight but feel like they have to in order to protect the only good life they ever had. Anyway, with how the film went, I'll probably look into the next one instead of pausing for a bit. Still no reason to recommend this over the series. There's some more Fate fanservice in this and the girls get ridiculously long transformation sequences, but no anime tiddies worth their money, to be honest, even with the Tome of the Night Sky being all nude in one scene. Tiddies! 'S funny, as good as I thought the third season was, all in all, the second had the best antagonists. It ends with fate of the world boss fight, of course, but it's by far and large something that arises from a defect in Hayate's magical device, not like StrikerS' manic scientist plays 60ies Bond villain JRPG stuff. Ah, well, can't have everything, right?1 point
Gizmodo - Mike Flanagans Edgar Allan Poe netflix show adds Mark Hamill and More1 point
It was surprise, because we added infectious disease section in the constitution after swine flu in 2009, to give government tools to react quickly to pandemics, but we found out that it had lots of design problems when it come to restrict people's right to travel and gather and business right to do their business. Government had to use quite lot emergency powers meant to for war times, which our parliament felt were governmental overreach, which is why enabling restrictions using them took quite long time and no proactive measures could be used. We also found that competition laws prevented government giving direct assistance to companies, so government had to use development funds to support businesses impacted by covid measures, which meant that businesses had to come up with some sort development plan for their business in order to get assistance. I hope that during next pandemic we have bit more flexible laws that allow to do proactive measures against the disease instead of waiting that situation gets worse enough to allow usage of emergency laws1 point
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1 point
No, I'm probably going to finish it, mostly because...well, it is pretty silly trash, but it's also short and it's sort of my kind of trash, especially being animated by Madhouse and having female leads and everything. Not that either of said leads are...well, they're not making me want to slap myself silly unlike some other shows quite yet, let's leave it at that.1 point
I thought about nitpicking your comment earlier, but you also pretended other shows end after one episode or so, I figured it wasn't too interesting and you're not going to do more than three. edit: At one hour and ten minutes runtime left of the film, the Book of Darkness begins to absorb the Belkan Knights to complete itself. In the show, this is what summoned the final boss fight. This is going to be at least forty five minutes of supremely stupid action, isn't it? Looks like the movie drops Tuxedo Mask completely. Huh.1 point
a scoring system that makes sense? I would probably give it somewhere between 5-6. I found combat very boring but narrative and visual design was good enough for me to enjoy it nonetheless. Give Bioshock1&2 a go. 1 is a classic (8 in my book. Would be higher if it ended earlier) and still easily my fav in the series. 2 has IMO best gameplay, and story is ok to, but less developed.1 point
Generally speaking still fine. The added health isn't impactful even on PotD if you have sufficient healing. And if you don't have sufficient healing then a bit more health will most of times just delay the unavoidable defeat a bit. Also you can have an Amulet of Greater Health and the Tough passive if you feel you need a bit more. Sometimes having a bigger health pool is just convenient. For example if you want to get to "bloodied" with one use of Berserker Frenzy - but you don't want to get knocked out either - you may need to raise your health a bit or whatever. But as a tank that usually isn't your thing anyways. The thing that needs more attention for tanks is the fortitude defense. High(er) CON can certainly help here - but high MIG also can (and it even boosts healing/self-healing). Also immunities and reistances can somewhat substitute a (very) good fortitude defense since fortitude is mostly used to fend of nasty afflictions. If I decide to boost my fortitude with the help of CON then I usually go all-in (stuff like Monk's Iron Wheel, max starting CON etc.) because it can be fun leaning into it and not only achieve very high fortitude and a ridiculously high health pool (gives lots of leeway with timing healing abilities) - if not I will keep it low and circumvent the minor shortcomings.1 point
Same issue I criticized about recent Life is Strange games. It's total garbage writing that will not help their cause, but instead rile up people who otherwise wouldn't really care.1 point
A bit of background information... it all started with a rugby player who got fired from his club because he went on a hate rant on social media against the LGBT community. He sued his then employer for wrongful determination, because he did nothing wrong according to the bible and his religion (I'm not kidding, that was the basis of his claims) So, the Liberal party saw an opportunity to get back at the LGBT community because of the lost referendum in 2017, which the church handled very badly. Enter stage left, a new law that would allow to discriminate as long as it fits the narrative of your (the Christian) church and give it some fancy name like the Religious Discrimination Act, which is ostensibly about not allowing people to discriminate against religion, but in reality is a carte blanche for religious people to discriminate against minorities not to their liking. Because if something is offensive to the church, it's obviously discriminating against the church, right? So, lets give the church some added protection by allowing it to discriminate at will. They have since then watered down the text a bit, as it now does not allow doctors etc. to refuse to treat minorities, even in life threatening situations (which was possible in the original wording of the law), because if they were part of LGBT community, they were obviously sinners and it would be ok for medical staff to just let them die. That's The Australian Liberal Party and the Australian Church (bunch of hypocrite child rapists that they are) for you.1 point
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The best way to lower your reputation is to just farm factions ships before starting their quests.1 point
I don't think I clearly communicated my point across - I didn't criticise games, and criticised article. I don't find RPGs to be any less "stagnant" then the rest of the industry. As I said: I don't think the author of the artical really had a point to make. I am a traditionalist at heart, so I don't mind things staying familiar if they work well. I also don't believe that Owlcat or Obsidian were blindly following tamplate of Baldur's Gate, for the better or for worse.1 point
Kanie, you wont find Cyber cheaper than 50 % ....now is the time to be bold and resolute !!!!1 point
I'm done with my post about the Star Trek that I would also like to pretend does not exist. Go and like it. Leave a comment, subscribe...1 point
I still remain unconvinced there's any Star Trek shows since the Animated Series (and I'm on the fence on it).1 point
your need to indulge false equivalency is unhealthy. why do you keep downplaying trump excesses and the insurrectionist efforts on january 6? answer: unless you do so you can't even convince your self that the gop, which embraced trump and is now seeming okie dokie with white supremacists sharing their tent, is just different branding o' the democrats. you latch onto minor mischaracterizations o' biden comments to the media and continue to support the overt ridiculous burisma conspiracy theories because you need to find equivalency between the bidens and the trumps, and reality makes that very hard indeed. is not hard to find individual bad democrats. create a ledger and tell your self that is just as many bad democrats as republicans-- proof they is all bad. whatever. ignore the past +five years. btw, have been banging the muslim ban thing for years, so@KP on top of ZA WARUDO is preaching to the choir in that respect, but bring up is useful for dealing with gd as well. the problem with kp's date is twofold: 1) trump promised a muslim ban in december o' 2015 2) many republicans were still criticizing the muslim ban in 2017 ... every major candidate at the time, republican and democrat, voiced their strong disapproval o' the initial muslim ban promise by trump. were an obvious bridge too far for republican and democrat leadership in late 2015. is not that those republican candidates were lying 'bout their rejection o' the muslim ban neither. were ez to vilify trump in 2015. by january 2017 there wasn't in actuality much more support for a muslim ban 'mongst even republicans than there were in 2016, but trump and bannon had figured out the formula and they knew that moderate republicans would eventual be complicit with the unthinkable if they kept selling hate and fear to the radicalized +20% o' their party. and that is what happened. republicans and independents as a whole did reject the muslim ban, but inch by inch and transgression by transgression, we got to a point where folks like mejier, who we suspect is no chance in hell woulda' defended white vans in oregon, burying ig reports, attempted overturn o' electoral college results and dozens o' other excesses way back in 2015 or even 2017, were struggling with such conundrums? should never have been any difficulty in standing up against such naked villainy, but that is what years o' incremental trump abrogation o' rule o' law and conscience did to the gop as the far right became more radicalized and the moderates passive and complicit followed behind, no doubt telling selves that doing so were ok 'cause they could limit the excesses but only from the inside... or somesuch similar self-serving doggerel. gd, on the other hand, has been perpetual hopeless. they is all bad forces him to downplay obvious excesses and magnify nonexistent or small ones. recall we were told by gd in early/mid 2020 is no way trump would challenge the election results if he lost and such stories were yet another example o' the media trying to make trump look like a monster. 'course when trump actual did challenge election results, gd only saw as proof the system worked as designed, 'cause trump is no longer in office, yes? the capacity human beings to engage in extreme self-delusion is fascinating and terrible, no? yeah, for Gromnir it were december 7, 2015 which were the date we realized that not only were trump unfit for office, representing something vile and repugnant which were impossible to embrace no matter what kinda transactional thinking you might wanna posit, but when we saw crowds cheer and alt-right (but increasing mainstream) media sources applaud his promise, we realized trump were more dangerous than we had previous believed. trump were intentional setting himself apart from those they are all the same beltway politicians and he were doing so not with a positive message, but rather with fear and bigotry. but again, many republicans were similarly disgusted and appalled by trump in 2016 and even early 2017. recall how low 2016 voter turnout was and just how many votes independents received... which gd mistaken identified as a sea change. inch by inch. crime by crime. we already noted just how counter intuitive the trump insanity is, but the more trump did wrong, and the more polarized the country became, the easier it were for people like mejier to meekly ignore each new transgression, and each new transgression made more clear to everybody but gd how ridiculous is his they are all bad silliness. HA! Good Fun! ps and this shouldn't need be said, but clear is-- if DEMOCRATS had been genuine appalled by trump's muslim ban in 2016, then trump would never have been elected to office in the first place. 12/7/2015 "should have been it for anyone with even a pretense of giving a **** about freedom or opposed to government overreach and yet too many folks were and are willing to swallow or downplay" such. instead, too many democrats sat on their arse or voted independent as gd advises. a gentle reminder how painful the mirror may be looking for bad guys.1 point
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