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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/21 in all areas

  1. The only news site I follow is this one.
    5 points
  2. You're wrong. China has a proven track record of dealing with people who were "tribal" in nature. Nothing like concentration camps and ethnic genocide to fix such small problems, all to Make Benefit Glorious Nation of China... China hasn't been communist for the last 20+ years. The rhetoric has for the last couple of decades been identical to the authoritarian European regimes in the interwar period (1919-1939). I.e. Mussolini's Italy, Hitler's Germany and Franco's Spain. Xi is doing the very Chinese thing, stealing whatever idea isn't bolted to the floor and most of what he does is ripping off rhetoric spouted in the past in the West, just... being made in China at a questionable manufacturing quality. In short, it's the poster child of a nationalist, totalitarian state where individuals are to be sacrificed for the benefit of your (un-elected) leaders. Chinese "Housing projects" for ethnic minorities and tribal people: Chinese democracy in action. As you can see, it's much better than its western counterparts in supporting the Chinese people's freedoms:
    3 points
  3. I am so taking that quote out of context.
    3 points
  4. Yersinia pestis the primary suspect* for the Black Death (and responsible for Bubonic Plague, Septicemic Plague and Pneumonic Plague) is transmitted by fleas between carriers; an infected rat would come into human inhabitations, the fleas on the rat would also bite humans and in doing so inject them with the bacteria, infecting them. Thus the disease would spread between rat and human - and also camels, chickens and pigs and several other animals. *I know there's still some debate about the actual nature of the plague.
    3 points
  5. Hi! Did you know that Sundering Blow works with ranged weapons? Because I somehow missed that all the time. Okay, I haven't played a lot of single class fighters in the first place (bit boring) so I didn't have much motivation to check that in- or outside the game. But causing solid -4 AR in a quite big AoE for over 30 secs is nothing to sneeze at. Trying a SC Tactician atm and the Blinding Smoke (distracts) seemed to be a convenient way to flank most enemies on the spot. Then I stumbled across Sundering Blow... Sunder! Ah-ha-aha-aha-ha-a! Sunder! Ah-ha-aha-aha-ha-a! I was caught In the middle of a duuummy pack (Sunder!) I looked 'round And I knew there was no switching back (Sunder!) My mind raced And I thought, what could I use? (Sunder!) And you know I had already lightened the fuse... (Sunder!) Scorching their arse penetrating their heart The thunder of mortars Tore them apart They've been... ...Clean Swept!
    2 points
  6. For the sake of referring to the primary source, and since the declassified summary of the US Intelligence investigation into the origins of covid-19/ SARS-CoV-2 is pretty short: Actually short enough that it barely requires a tldr ("we don't really know much, it's not a bioweapon though). (weirdly hard to find a direct link to the report summary, despite it being fairly important. I had to go through Science, none of the mainstream media seemed to want to link to it)
    2 points
  7. Does it have diminished spellcasting like in PnP? Imo the archetypes with diminished spellcasting never really got stuff good enough to justify it, I'm particularly thinking of the Kensai who sucks at low levels. Probably a safe bet. The Kingmaker mod that took out kingdom management is essential for me. Unfortunately I don't think you can mod out romances.....or mod in every npc being a horny bisexual that isn't in to your character so you can be forever alone as a dragon or swarm of locusts. Oh well, if Kingmaker mods track at least we'll get Occultists.
    2 points
  8. Lol - not even I am using that.
    2 points
  9. It's looking pretty good! I wonder if they are going to implement NPC's anytime soon. The cinematic trailer was cool, but coming home to some people is not actually in the game unless you play multiplayer, I think. I need some company. They don't need to dance around in bikinis like in Conan, but it would be nice if they can manage the stove.
    2 points
  10. Very good points. I'll stick to my stats then, and try to gear up for a + 8 might along the way.
    2 points
  11. I think Facebook is monitoring this discussion and specifically the way I play Skyrim. The targeted ad I got today: If you want to STOP the teenage attitude and START raising a responsible & respectful young adult… this is for you! I’m offering a 97-page book that outlines how to be the parent you’ve always wanted to be and grow closer to your teen - even if they tell you they hate you and you’re the “worst” and “meanest” mother out there!
    2 points
  12. It only works when the target actively "walks" (pushing/pulling and stuff like moving via Escape won't trigger the DoT). So it does indeed nothing if the target doesn't move normally. If it does walk/run it's pretty hefty dmg though. Extremely good against slow but hard to crack enemies like Iron-/Steelclads etc. It's even more devastating if you use it with any kind of AoE weapon (Whispers of the Endless Paths, Hand Mortar, Fire in the Hole, Citzal's Spirit Lance, Kalakoth's Minor Blights, Rods + Blast modal...) Debilitating Strike stops being useful once you get the Persistent Distraction passive which unlocks Deathblows by mere engagement. That needs a melee weapon though (else no engagement). So as a melee Rogue I'd always prefer Arterial Strike + Persistent Distraction over Debilitating Strike. Arterial Strike stacks with Gouging Strike and alse Ring the Bell and Toxic Strike. If you combine some of those on one target its AR won't matter - its health will melt away very quickly. And most of those guys do move. The only case where I'd may pick Debilitating Strike over Arterial Strike would be a ranged Rogue who doesn't use Hand Mortar - in order to unlock Deatblows. But on the other hand I can also unlock Deathblows with Blinding Strike - so it may be that I won't take Deb. Strike even then. Another alternative is to simply not upgrade Crippling Strike. If you feel Arterial Strike isn't worth it and Deb. Strike neither - then spare the ability point. Crippling Strike scales with Power Level just fine - and from a direct-dmg-perspective both upgrades won't add any direct damage.
    2 points
  13. Ok, so I started again. Basically I "grafted" a copy of Spark the Soul of the Righteous attack to Screaming Souls ability. Then, step by step, I modded it to redo the Screaming Souls effects. Now it's working fine, with original Vessel/Spirit only AoE, secondary raw damages AoE and Distracted status. Can be applied several times and affect all valid targets. Basically it works, but I haven't copied the original visuals yet. Needless to say that I have yet no clue why this works and why it didn't, but I don't really care at this point. (note that because I had to re-create the attack completely, I might make imossible the split of the changes between 2 separate files) I'll complete the ability and the mod version later. I have a plane to take But if you want to try (Edit : Mechanically it should be the same as final version, except cast/recovery time should be 3s/4.5s instead of 4.5s/3s ; haven't changed yet from Spark the Souls). Edit : Some feedback about how the ability feels now would be precious. Oh, Screaming Souls also works on Spiritual Ally that any priest can take. cl.cipher.screaming_souls_all_targets_scream.gamedatabundle
    2 points
  14. A pretty decent stelthemup with abrupt ending Styx: Shards of Darkness. Steam Key. PM me preferably, as I don't dive into this thread often.
    2 points
  15. Rooting Pain is pretty great. As long as you're not sitting on max Wounds all the time, that is. If you are, try spending some (for example by Triggering Thundering Blows free action) for the Rooting Pain to trigger again (and again and again... and again...).
    1 point
  16. Yes, there is a bit more INT gear. Splitting 15-15 or 14-16 or whatever feels right is also okay.
    1 point
  17. You will tend to find more +INT items (helmet, amulet, rings, also potentially cape...). +MIG items are a bit more limited outside of Gloves, Belt, potentially Ring depending on your class. Honestly, don't sweat too much on your stat spread... unless you go with very extreme values it won't have that much positive or negative impact. I personally find that MIG tends to be a worthy investment if you have passive regen (so it helps DMG, Regen and FORT saves - nice). Otherwise usually you get more mileage out of INT since it influences AoE and Duration that not only increase your net total DMG but also your buffs, afflictions etc.
    1 point
  18. Arterial Strike is funny against terrified enemys
    1 point
  19. I'm skeptical about a build relying on Destructive Channeling only. As an Evoker, you'll want to cast spells, and that won't do channeling self-damages. At least you'll have Deleterious Alacrity of Motion which could help a lot. Provided you have any source of party regeneration (Druid spells, Ancient Memory, Paladin Auras - which are really good to have for your whole party) and you are on the backrow, you're likely to not always be under 50%. You'll have to skip these and use mostly (Paladin's) single target heals. 20% raw damages isn't that high. It's like, well 10 damages per swing max ? With around 250 endgame health minimum, that's about 12 swings before getting the effect you build is meant for. I have a caster/scepter user with Destructive Channeling always on and I don't even notice the self-damages. But that's just my (paranoid) opinion.
    1 point
  20. As @dgray62 mentioned, its DoT is based on movement, but you can create some devastating combos with Arterial Strike, for example with Pull of Eora. It's also the ultimate hit n' run tool.
    1 point
  21. High MIG is not really needed for a Mindstalker imo. Your melee dmg will be raised by Sneak Attack (scales with Power Level up to 50% with a multiclass Trickster iirc) and later Deathblows (50%) - then your weapons will add some dmg with quality and so on. Even if you went to 20 MIG it would "only" give you a +30% additive dmg bonus. If you use a lot of damaging cipher spells one could make better use of MIG. But if your main dmg output comes from weapon attacks I think it's not worth it. But that's just my personal approach. You could try it out and see what feels better.
    1 point
  22. I thought for sure I was going to get Mari-ed again - I'll take Lord Dio any day of the week over her! If nothing else, her and this show did scar me for life from hearing the words "big brother" one too many times...
    1 point
  23. education has been around much longer than 1639, but a separate field o' study for education is relative new and real world application is limited almost entire to teaching of children. seven thousand years ago if you were learning to be a farmer or hunter you would be taught by a farmer or hunter. is no different today... at the university level. is highly unlikely your professor o' physics at princeton or berkeley has a background in education. you wanna learn to be a physicist and are willing to pay to be educated? your teachers is gonna be people who has studied the subject in which you wish to gain knowledge and/or proficiency. unlike university courses or truck driving or cooking (or pretty much anything else) if you wanna teach kids in the US, you is expected to have some bear minimum knowledge in the subject matter you teach, but you need have substantial hours o' classwork completed in education specific. education as a distinct field o' study is newish. knowledge and proficiency in education as a pre req to teach kids is having even less tradition. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  24. I don't like too many things on HUD as well because it kinda breaks the immersion, but if it can be smartly implemented where it meshes well with mechanics and story that's well done in my books. I just got back into this game after not playing for 3-4 months and I am hooked. xD
    1 point
  25. That's your opinion man, but it's wrong. Nanami is horrible. In just 4 episodes she's managed to be completely unlikeable and nerve grating. The last time a character grated me this way was probably So far in the sub she has no personality and is just boring. Like vanilla ice cream topped with vanilla sauce and whipped cream. Or Aerie.
    1 point
  26. Common pesticide may contribute to global obesity crisis
    1 point
  27. That wouldn't be to bad better than the idea that everybody sees a HUD because google glass was successful instead of laughed at
    1 point
  28. Music in shows like these always make me feel so old in soul. There's no reason that I should love the music of shows like Sailor Moon or Neon Genesis Evangelion and then hear their modern incarnations and think that it's the most boring, fraudulent garbage that has the complete opposite effect of what's intended. Even older stuff like Dragon Ball or Ranma, stuff that was made literally many years before I was even born, their music just...it works for me. Why? I don't know. Just another reason to add on the pile that most modern shows won't appeal to me while older stuff will, I suppose... So the show isn't quite right and doesn't seem to have any intended demographic and keeps shooting itself in the foot, but you liked it anyways, huh? It's janked, but it's your kind of jank! That ending does sound kind of hilarious, especially if people were totally split on their reasons for watching it - I'd much rather make the MORE ACTION people angry than the actual shoujo fans, so I guess it worked out, . I mostly watched the show in English, but I thought her Japanese VA was hilarious from what I heard of her too. ...I don't need to justify Nanami to you, she's absolutely imperfect in every way and that needs no justification! ...One character I wish I had heard more in Japanese was Anthy, who has such a flat and overall strange delivery of her lines in the English that she was immediately...not unlikable per se, but definitely uncomfortable.
    1 point
  29. #notanyonesanime, actually. This doesn't work on so many levels, for so many reasons, but it was just awesome for me. It's one of these imperfect shows where you have occassional brilliance, sometimes great direction, sometimes terrible direction, pacing issues, exposition overload, then not enough exposition, flashbacks at the worst of times, uncomfortable scenes, great scenes, all mixed together in 24 episodes that were either way too many, or not nearly enough, depending on who you ask. There's decent writing, occasionally great writing, and sometimes terrible writing, especially when it comes to the plot, with characters literally narrating what's going on, or what we have just seen, or recounting what was going on in a past episode. I think these might be manga holdovers, because Sailor Moon Crystal suffered from exactly the same problem - expositional dialogue that's there even though we can see what is happening on the screen. In Sailor Moon Crystal, you have a scene of a stormy sea, with Sailor Neptune saying "The sea is restless today" over it. Yes, that works in a manga panel when you only have one frame to draw the sea, and then some dialogue or monologue explaining it. That's fine, especially when you need to meet super tight deadlines and barely sleep at all. It's not fine to take this into adaptation. And I think - without having read the manga - that the story elements of this suffer from the same thing. Too much repetition, not only in scenes, but in things we're told. The dreamseers are especially bad, because they keep narrating their dreams, and when they happen, the real life verions of their dreams just as well. Mr. Director Man, this doesn't work in an anime, maybe talk to your writers. Generally, people who watched this for the action say that they would have preferred 13 episodes and less episodes focus on character stuff, while people who usually watch for character stuff would have liked more, and less action, and more importantly, much less of the plot. This really, absolutely and unmistakingly has no target audience, and it saves the absolute best for last: The ending is so mind blowingly awesome that I had to check if it pissed off all the people who usually watch shōnen anime and who were sort of tricked with all the action in this. I was not disappointed at all. I think the guy meant to write "simply not appealing", but that doesn't track with the rest of the post. I bet this guy liked Evangelion: 3.0 + 1.01 Thrice Upon A Time. Then there's some gay panic: No homo, guys. What he's talking about is an implied shared feeling between Fuma and Kamui, even though Kamui is clearly into Kotori. He's not wrong, there's definitely the occasional homosexual vibe going on, but really... pull your head out of your arse here. This guy, on the other hand, pretty much nails it: Except that I didn't really find the soundtrack to be that great. It's generic orchestra awesome, generic orchestra sad, and generic orchestra emotional. Then again, people thought the Sailor Moon Crystal soundtrack was awesome, and that was indeed, just generic orchestra awesome, generic orchestra sad, and generic orchestra emotional. It's functional, but not standing out. The intro song is stupid post-2000 anime punk/guitar heavy stuff. The sad part is, if you streamlined the plot heavy episodes, took out the repetitive narration and exposition, and cleaned it up a little, this would be legitimately good. As it stands now, it's a mess that only people like me could possibly enjoy, I think, or someone who caught it while it was on TV and just went with watching because nothing else was on. Oh, right, the ending:
    1 point
  30. Roasted corn, bacon wrapped filets, and a fresh salad. Paired with some bourbon and Cointreau. Pretty good.
    1 point
  31. I was thinking more of a DBZ but it links to your scab and it doesn't look too out of place, and you have to pull it out instead of it being binded onto your HUD
    1 point
  32. Based on past play thoughs, I'd say no. I believe that the DoT is only triggered by movement. When I play rogues, I usually take eye gouge as well. I'd recommend using it against stationary targets, since its DoT is unconditional.
    1 point
  33. It's pretty good. I enjoy survival horror games usually and this one has the credentials. It's more Silent Hill than Resident Evil. Got genuinely stumped on a couple of puzzles so far and eventually I had to cheat and look it up which I hate doing :(. Atmosphere is dark and spooky, monsters are creepy and give you aa run for your money but but are nothing out of the ordinary and the combat is kinda dull, but I guess people don't play these types of games primarily for combat. All-in-all worth a playthrough.
    1 point
  34. Yeah it's a definite disclaimer for non imitation especially since the game specifically calls it an edible mushroom. I mean yeah it's what was ate buy the Norseman to create the myth of flying reindeer. Also to be fair the LBM in this game is more than likely toxic as well. It's similar to size of a Deadly Galerina which given the name must taste like delicious bacon and eggs........that is a joke. However it is rather odd they went with these two. The problem with an actual edible mushroom is that many would be the size of a juice box. The probably reason for these two selections is probably Minecraft's mushroom bioms
    1 point
  35. Well, you didn't tell him about pala/shifter stacking sacred immolation and nature terror, or beastmaster and his pet holding the line all day long or even hellwalker/shifter insta cc/killing ennemy group with spells or high priority target with flagellant path, and god forbid speaking about thundercat... ... ...oh wait... ...
    1 point
  36. Roleplaying, giving your char a unique face and mentally investing in the (back)story does indeed help a lot. Even if you're doing your umpteenth playthrough. Berserker/Paladin is indeed a nice combo. And there also is the Goldpact/Shifter who can achieve enormous AR with 0 recovery penatly which makes him sturdy af but at the same time a good damage dealer. Err... I guess I'm not helping...
    1 point
  37. Right - I checked again yesterday because seem to have missed to uncheck one mod when I was doing the test. And I found out that FF works with Wildstrike in my game because of the Community Patch (which I somehow must have doubleclicked or misclicked when turning off mods). CP turns the FF ability into a "proper" melee weapon attack so it is able to generate focus, trigger Swift Flurry/Heartbeat Drumming and Enervating Blows etc. (and profits from other melee weapon passives in muliclass combos) which it didn't before and which was kind of a bummer, especially for FF/Ciphers. Because of this "little" change Wildstrike lashes will get applied to the FF ability attack. Boar DoT also gets applied bc of that reason (I guess, it's not tied to the tusk weapons in the first place but to the spiritshift modal). So indeed this interaction is NOT in the vanilla game (I suspect, didn't do an additional test yet) - but it works with the Community Patch. It's not gamebreakingly good - but def. very good. The very long Boar DoT I mentioned is not a product of the CP though but should also occur in the vanilla game: Enfeebled + Shifter Boar DoT (in vanilla game you might need two attack rolls for that: fist FF and then another "real" melee attack) will naturally lead to a very long DoT time because the Shifter Boar DoT has a quirk (vanilla game, too): it seems to have the base duration of the Spiritshift iirc - not the intended one which the non-shifter Boar DoT has. That's why Enfeebled + high INT from Monk leads to very long DoT times with a FF/Shifter.
    1 point
  38. "Überkäse"... we should establish that as an official term.
    1 point
  39. That is true, but keep in mind that eye gouge does relatively little damage, but forever. It's not that impactful in normal fights, in which you'll kill the foes much faster using normal means. But it can be strategically used to take out megabosses and other challenging foes.
    1 point
  40. Huh, I always thought it's kind of a waste that Monk/Druids can't use Transcendent Suffering in any form for their spiritshift attacks (could have been a weakened version of TS or whatever) - but I never thought about the Forbidden Fist ability in combination with Spiritshift. Just slept on that combo. Does the ability get Wildstrike bonus in the vanilla game, too? I reckon Shifter Boar's DoT with Enfeebled + Turning Wheel might be insane on its own...? Edit: jeez, FF ability indeed gets the bonus of TS and all the Wildstrike goodies in the vanilla game, too - including Boar's wounding DoT. That's awesome! ...Lol - the Boar DoT lasts for nearly a minute then. What a beast... I also love about the FF/Druid that you can walk in your own Tanglefoot and get <1 sec afflictions all the time (=plenty of wounds).
    1 point
  41. To counter that it could have a boss arena similar to the Broodmother, and the arena could be haze free and the Mantis could have a move where it just slices through some mushrooms to create a low visibility spore cloud or maybe it temporarily releases some extra thick haze from itself that's only around for a bit, could enter a hit and run phase while it's like that too, just some ideas though since that would mean there's not a built-in enrage timer but the boss would still be able to give the same "there's something in the fog" vibes. also not related directly to what you said just the boss but since it's living in the haze which is also a fungal area the summon item for the haze boss should be a mix of bug the infecting fungus.
    1 point
  42. am seeming to recall that were for leprosery specific. it may not be our job to ruin every meme, but it probable seems that way at times. (no longer responding to raithe in particular) am s'posing this is exact what the bible thumpers is angry 'bout: indulging in hyperbole, they equate mask wearing mandates, which has been de rigueur since at least the time o' the black death, to be being treated like a leper. anybody who isn't wearing a mask, says the religious folks, second amendment honks and @Guard Dog, is being treated as if they actual have leprosery in ye olde times. of course is bs, but there is a whole lotta bs no? claim: early in the pandemic, the cdc offered conflicting guidance? reality: the cdc offered guidance based on what were reasonable and supported by science at the time. recognizing how at the start o' the pandemic, given the extreme limited supply o' n95 masks, and before it were understood that an individual infected with covid-19 were most contagious prior to being symptomatic, the wearing o' mask were discouraged 'cause at the time mask wearing were seen as a largely ineffectual measure for preventing an individual from catching the disease and we only later understood how important were masks in preventing the asymptomatic carriers who were already widespread in the community from spreading the disease. IF there is a complaint 'bout cdc guidance it shouldn't be at the not genuine confusing or conflicting guidance regarding a NOVEL virus at the beginning o' a pandemic, but rather their willingness to lift social distancing guidelines and mask restrictions more recent... which ironic is the opposite o' what the Liberty and Personal Responsibility folks is complaining 'bout. have said it more than once that all liberties have a body count. spread disinformation 'bout a disease which has already killed hundreds o' thousands o' americans in a relative brief period o' time is a rather extreme example o' how painful may be the costs o' protecting speech rights o' the malicious and stoopid. the fact that in the US we ere on the side o' freedom o' speech as 'posed to public safety is telling and is indeed a strong argument (but in our mind insufficient) for a finding that the First Amendment is too protective. however, personal responsibility and law all too often has little in common and we wish people would stop conflating. Legal is so not a synonym for Right or even Justice. the recognition that covid-19 makes it difficult if not impossible to identify which liberty loving american who refused to wear a mask in a hardware store managed to nevertheless infect multiple people asymptomatically with the delta variant, should makes the personal responsibility folks more willing to don masks and social distance, but all too frequent it don't. similar, we will never legal prove which alt-right radio personality convinced an individual white and male conservative to forego getting vaccinated or to resist wearing masks. yeah, such irresponsible behaviors led to innocent third persons dying, but prove the causal link is extreme difficult. however, given that a high percentage o' folks being hospitalized and dying is unvaccinated, pretending as if the alt-right radio guys and self-interested republican and libertarian politicians ain't at least partial responsible requires a three wise monkeys approach bordering on the willful obtuse. am thinking the fundamental error o' the current group o' death cult hypocrites is that they confuse a lack o' personal liability with an absence o' personal responsibility. lack o' a provable causal link 'tween stoopid behaviours and deaths or a recognition that the First Amendment prevents prosecution even when such a link is found does not in any way diminish personal responsibility. the government won't be locking up alt-right radio personalities and "conservative" politicians for spreading disinformation 'bout covid-19. God help us, but am ok with not making the radio hosts and politicians personal liable for so many unnecessary deaths. however, americans should should be able to recognize the personal responsibility 'o those same radio personalities and politicians for spreading disinformation which led to harm. there should be a personal reckoning... but there won't be. heck, as weird as it may sound, trump is the only politician am able to name who suffered some kinda political setback 'cause they spread disinformation regarding the pandemic. there may be other such politicians who were voted outta office in large part 'cause o' covid-19, but we cannot name a single such individual. go figure. HA! Good Fun! ps funny aside 'bout the mask wearing and social distancing guidelines during previous pandemics, but for many christian nations, social distancing guidelines and mask wearing mandates which were ordinarily enforced with draconian severity for centuries were lifted w/i the confines o' churches and during mass... 'cause 'course God would not allow disease to spread in a church. spanish flu were actual kinda a turning point in the US regarding special rules for churches. more than a few cities in the US, for firstest time evar, refused to make religious exceptions to social distancing mandates. not surprising, those cities which ignored exceptions and were quick to act fared better... relative speaking. *chuckle* in 2020, SCOTUS actual scroll back the calendar regarding religious exceptions by a century.
    1 point
  43. When it has low health it can run straight into the pond and a horsehair worm comes out to freak everybody out.
    1 point
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