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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/21 in all areas

  1. I totally agree it was a mob with no clear organization. I say the same thing when people try to blame antifa for everything. There is not clear leadership structure and no concrete agenda other than breaking stuff and looking tough. I still think you can hold Trump responsible for creating the mess. Since the election, he has eroded the democratic process with fake hyperbole and called for action from his base. The President should be held to the highest standard.
    3 points
  2. From the article They're not traitors or terrorists, they just want to, with the help of the US Military, install Donald Trump in office and forcibly remove all Democratic politicians. Riiiiiight. Do I believe a non-profit organization that takes donations to translate into bail for low income, homeless, and people of color would, by the nature of the judicial system, provide bail for people who would turn out to commit further crimes? Sure; I believe that would be true of any organization that provides bail. Do I believe that same non-profit would tell someone trying to get data about the individuals it'd helped (which, as far as I know, they are not legally required to do, because it could arguably not be in the best interest of those they help) that they could not provide that information? Why yes. Yes I do. Do I further believe that if that individual who was refused the information from the charity posted news articles under the nom de guerre "Tyler Durden", that they would then post about it in an innuendo laden article to try and imply several unsavory things about the charity and the people it helps? You bet your sweet bippy, I do.
    3 points
  3. As written in the holy text: Render unto peasants the things which are peasants'... Or, uhm, something like that, anyway. If it weren't bad for CDPR and therefore also really bad for GOG I wouldn't stop grinning at the irony of a single bad console port having all the peasants up in arms demanding refunds and pulling out the pitchforks.
    3 points
  4. Uarrrgh! Somebody said "cooldown" on the internet which immediately fills me with nausea.
    2 points
  5. If that's to get around Trump's pardon power, as I understand it he can pardon them without them being charged, and without specifying he's pardoning a specific person. So waiting to charge people until the 21st doesn't do anything to negate Trump's pardon power. EDIT: I too hadn't heard people say the rioters were highly skilled/trained group. I have heard people talk about their organization and what that means for their intent (like knowing where windows were and directing people to them so they could penetrate further, etc).
    2 points
  6. Mitch McConnell is telling GOP senators their decision on a Trump impeachment trial conviction is a 'vote of conscience' A vote of conscience? That's a new one from him, .
    2 points
  7. wrong new coke. https://www.foodandwine.com/news/new-coke-vs-coca-cola-taste-test HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  8. Oh Im no expert, I have some knowledge and work experience but its limited But I have family members who do this every day for a living around investment banking and other financial work so what I normally do is discuss these types of complex topics with them and get their feedback. But end of the day somethings cannot be predicted with accuracy ...especially the long term economic impact of BREXIT on the UK and the EU I will go through this and get their opinion on what it practically means
    2 points
  9. And the XCOM test. Is this a proper, true XCOM clone? Let's find out: I did not miss this attack. Test failed. Not a true XCOM clone.
    2 points
  10. Well, apparently you can use two cables (connect each 8 GPU pin to it's own PCIe power slot in the PSU) to provide it with enough power, especially with overclocking. That's what I did today following @Humanoid's advice. (it's super ugly with those space headers dangling, but I will take care of it tomorrow once I plug in remaining drives and tidy up come cables. A nice custom 16 pin cable does look very enticing right now. That said: Behold! It works. The graphic card though... really?
    2 points
  11. It's a first person role playing game set in the world of Eora. Please use Paypal for your payment, thank you!
    2 points
  12. I like how this dude tried to study law to become a lawyer or whatever and get himself out of it, but later dropped that, because he found out he aint smart enough for that. Makes me wonder if he realized by now that he f'd up good and isn't the genius he thought he'd be. Most of the world already forgot about him and his action pretty much changed nothing except getting him into jail forever. /Edit: "And he gets to decide what type of console he prefers????" He doesn't. If I remember right, his request got denied.
    1 point
  13. Take a guess during which season they ran out of book content to adapt... Hint: It's the number between 4 and 6. Season 5 is also the season where every character chose the STUPID feat during level up in order to get them to the ending D&D planned with GRRM, and where GRRM removed himself from the show's production and writing because everyone was badgering him about finishing the damned books (me included, although... not to him, I just sit *here* and complain ). 's the problem with having an ending in mind and finding out that it makes no sense for the characters to get there. It took Martin the better part of six years to figure out how to get Dany away from Meereen in the books, let alone make her cross the sea, which hasn't even happened yet. That's how the entire Dorne subplot ended up being completely pointless in the show, for instance. It's not finished in the books and a good deal of characters that are involved were cut from the show. In the books Trystane's sister Arianne is involved in an attempt to kidnap Myrcella with the Sand Snakes to force her father into going to war with the Lannisters while his older brother Quentyn is sent to Meereen to make good on a secret marriage contract between the Martells and the Targaryens (Arianne was to be Viserys' wife). Since the show needed Myrcella to go to Dorne they had to put Dorne in (as a separate location instead of just the origin of Prince Oberyn of Mandalore), and what we got was bad. No, terrible. Actually... terribad. Oh boy.
    1 point
  14. Dialogue choices that matter done right:
    1 point
  15. Yup, it's own LCD screen. You have this useless animated thing, but you can also set it up to show GPU info (tremperature, load, power draw, frequency etc) which I currently have it on. You can also upload your own picture of gif. VANITY! Yeah, I will be turning it all of, especially as the case will be on my left side. Otherwise, I might have kept the GPU info on.
    1 point
  16. I brought it to my sanctuary. I mean, cool fresh beer in the wasteland? Yeah, I'm definetly taking that. That said, I'm looking forward to Fallout New Vegas; The Frontier, it's supposed to come out soon, and it looks cool! To add to my little rant from monday by the by, I've been telling the night shift to stop using their ****ing dirty ass gloves inside the tractors. Every day this week I've had to spend upwards of thirty minutes to wipe every ****ing gripping surface; the steering wheel, control joystick, the knob to move the armrest with the joystick out of the way. But. Not. The. ****ing. HANDBRAKE. I HATE the idiots working the night shift.
    1 point
  17. 'Hello, Nice FBI Lady': Capitol Hill Jamoke Emailed FBI Video of His Crimes, Court Documents Say According to court documents, Lyons, who initially denied his involvement in the incident but confirmed he was in D.C. at the time, said he had a “dream” he was nearby when something similar to the far-right invasion of inside Congress occurred. But investigators clearly weren’t buying his story and showed Lyons a mountain of evidence suggesting he was involved, including Twitter and Instagram posts Lyons made while he was in D.C. Lyons, who underestimated the investigative powers of the FBI, was surprised at how quickly they had linked him to the events of last week and admitted his guilt. “Wow, you are pretty good,” he said when he was confronted with overwhelming evidence of his actions on Capitol Hill. ... HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  18. I've been testing today and you were absolutely right, but it's not always, it's very arbitrary. I'm actually planning to file a bug. Sometimes it allows you to place some foundations near to others, but then in a position where it should work, it just doesn't. And that happens vertically too. Foundations are very buggy at the moment it seams.
    1 point
  19. Sounds like hyperbole coming from me. I do that sometimes. Keeps the conversation snappy and interesting. Never fails to provoke a response from you.
    1 point
  20. Wait, so Skarpie's entire family went and get tested before holidaying together? That's actually pretty awesome, you guys are very responsible. I prefered to just avoid my family. But that isn't just about the virus.
    1 point
  21. But the important thing is that the PC version worked fairly well.
    1 point
  22. So... the Trump administration is now refusing to pay Giuliani's legal fees. Maybe now we find out what Giuliani has on Trump? Things could get even more interesting... Rudy Giuliani says he has 'insurance' if Trump tries to throw him under the bus in the impeachment process
    1 point
  23. Long periods of time: Christmas parties aren't long at your place it seems. Shorter than eating at a restaurant maybe? Also your party location must be well ventilated.... during winter. Determining if somebody is infected or not is difficult since 50% of infections will come without symptoms. If party guests didn't all get tested you can never be sure that there isn't a superspreader among them. And even then there's room for error. No test is 100% precise. You wrote about tested family members, cool - as if every party guest on Christmas did do a test... You want to claim everybody did that and thus Christmas parties are no problem at all? Sure, if everybody is healthy then nobody will get sick and we won't have to stop parties and can burn our masks! Nice prerequisite in a pandemic... very realistic. If weddings, mass and birthday parties are spreading events (and they are) then Christmas parties are as well: You also wrote Covid-19 only transmits via droplets that fall down: But Covid not only transmits via droplets but also transmits via aerosol (which you even quoted after claiming that Toy Story nonsense above) : Check the definition of "suspension". You also suggested that wearing masks ist not helpful. Which is not true either as you can read on the very site you linked. What you did was read some stuff on the WHO page and then interpret it in a biased way to support your narrative - when it in fact it does not.
    1 point
  24. Key point underlined. Breivik will spend the rest of his life in jail.
    1 point
  25. Oops, I forgot Paladin's Inspired Beacon (+40%) and Ranger's Takedown Combo (+100%). Also Barb's Blooded (+25%) works with spells. Inproved Critical passive, too.
    1 point
  26. Do not use a blunderbuss on an Assassin. Except when it's Kitchen Stove with Thunderous Report. The first projectile of a blunderbuss will get the bonus from assassinate, the others will not. Iirc this is also true for mortars since the AoE follows the initial hit and will not profit from Assasinate. Thunderous Report however is a insta-all-hit cone attack that does enormous base damage to begin with and not only profits from Assassinate, Sneak Attack and Deathblows but also from the quality enchantments of the weapon (+ACC, +dmg, +PEN via exceptional --> superb --> legendary etc.). If you can lure enemies to a spot - for example with a tank or some loud spell from stealth you can hit them all with the rather big cone (needs high INT!) and ascend immediately. It also has two damage types (burn/crush) which makes it less likely that you need to use a backup weapon. Backstab only works with weapon attacks from 2m range or less (no spells unless tagged as weapon attack - like Taste of the Hunt), Thunderous Report might work for trgets nearer than 2m.
    1 point
  27. Yes, I completely agree. You can easily consult them online, but breaks the immersion a bit. Also I pointed something in a different post that may help with experimenting more instead of looking recipes up (because the way it's done right now doesn't motivate experimentation even if the devs would like for us to do so):
    1 point
  28. Taken from Wikipedia: 'On 24 August 2012, Breivik was adjudged sane and sentenced to containment—a special form of a prison sentence that can be extended indefinitely; with an approximate period of 21 years and a minimum time of 10 years, the maximum penalty in Norway. Breivik did not appeal and on 8 September media announced that the verdict was final.' But wait, it gets better... 'In letters to foreign media outlets he told about his demands (in 2013) to prison authorities "including easier communication with the outside world and a PlayStation 3 to replace the current PlayStation 2, because it offers more suitable games"; media reported in 2014 about demands that he would starve himself to death if refused "access to a sofa and a bigger gym"; furthermore he said that "Other inmates have access to adult games while I only have the right to play less interesting kids' games. One example is "Rayman Revolution", a game aimed at three year-olds," Breivik complained to prison officials."
    1 point
  29. I hope they televise that trial. Maybe he can argue that he brought the lectern with him.
    1 point
  30. We should be able to add flower petal curtains or something like that to the windowed stem walls. Please consider this idea, I think a lot of people would love this idea!
    1 point
  31. Baldur’s Gate III: The Black Hound. Icewind Dale and NWN2 + expansions are probably my favorite incarnations of FR, I like how Black Isle and Obsidian, and Sawyer as a game director, approaches the setting and thought BG3 sounding very interesting, even though using the BG name was a bit if a cop out. And even after the game was canceled, I wish Josh had had the time ( / had been allowed?) to finish the NWN2 module he was working on.
    1 point
  32. Star Citizen... it is a game I keep forgetting about because it seems to just not want to die. A continuous death rattle and every time you think that's it is dead, it coughs up some more blood. As if we were in the gaming industry's version of a morbid slapstick comedy.
    1 point
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