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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/21 in all areas

  1. Thought this was funny so I am sharing. First I must deliver the Gromnir disclaimer; The following image is being posted for the purposes of humor and amusement only. Guard Dog (herein referred to as poster) Makes no claims of the veracity of the image, draws no comparisons between this impeachment or the last, or suggest the hobbit or hobbits of middle earth would be on board. The following image does not represent the opinions of the poster the Tolkien estate, the Dunedain Rangers, or any other persons living or dead. The poster is not responsible for the creation of the post and assumes no liability for anyone who is triggered by it.
    6 points
  2. Climbing towers will be easier with Force Jump.
    4 points
  3. I'm just glad EA isn't the only one making Star Wars games anymore even though I have no interest in an open world Ubi game.
    4 points
  4. I thought so, hence the spoiler tags. I mean, I know you don't care that much, but still, common courtesy and all. Who knows, maybe someone else on the board will have their interest piqued and join in watching a magical girl anime show. Come on guys, it's as manly as wearing tights. Just had to post after seeing that scene with the cake talk. Little things like that I no longer remember. I'm not even sure that dialogue was in the dub in that way, seems easy to "fix" that in dubbing and put in something thematically and atmospherically more consistent with the rest of the episode. I'd check, but there's no real way, the German dub has been stuck in license hell of a sort. It's on regular TV every now and then, but not really on any streaming service. The remastered blu ray version is actually coming out tomorrow, it was originally supposed to come out way back in 2015, and someone thought they can cash in bigly. As much as I love the show, I'm not buying at almost 70€ per season.
    3 points
  5. Britannia doesn't rule the waves ?
    3 points
  6. I'm honestly getting pretty burned out on open world in general. Maybe it's not so much open world but instead how every AAA game has to check every single check box: Open world, RPG, action adventure, looter, survival, narrative, exploration with crafting, building, collecting, and multi-player.
    2 points
  7. Fun as this has been, I figure the thread has been derailed enough, and I'm willing to take my share of the blame for this. I'm asking members to continue any further bickering by PM.
    2 points
  8. I hope they televise that trial. Maybe he can argue that he brought the lectern with him.
    2 points
  9. Funny how the original New Deal of the 1930's wasn't widely regarded as "radical", yet a more moderate, decentralized version of it in the 21st century is considered extremely radical in many if not all right wing circles in the United States.
    2 points
  10. It may seem different... but two handed weapons don't have extra reach in general (there are exceptions). All melee weapons have a range of 1m (or 0.8m? Don't remember the exact number) - unless you use a pike (1.8m), a quarterstaff (1.8m) or the great sword "Whispers of the Endless Paths" (1.2m). Two handed weapons are also as fast/slow as the heavier one-handed weapons (sabres, swords, spears, maces etc.). Sometimes players believe they are slower but they aren't. What they have is higher PEN and higher base damage.
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. NY Times on Rift Between Pence and Trump This is worth reading. But you should probably do so quickly. It’s not behind a pay wall yet but likely will be soon.
    2 points
  13. Full article from Glenn Greenwald re Parler and big tech etc, as per the tweet from yesterday. Pretty good read overall, though likely to fall on deaf ears from corporate apologists. He does confirm that 'no users of Parler were arrested' was referring to those initially arrested on the day, which is far more realistic than none full stop.
    2 points
  14. Sometimes I wonder is it actually possible that people don't actually understand that these things are bidirectional which is why there was agreements in first place
    2 points
  15. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErpA8-_WMAUDNfV?format=jpg&name=medium Hopefully not like a Star Citizen Roadmap...
    1 point
  16. Oh wow, I was fooled. His first 2-hander was WotEP, which like you said does have extra reach and I started thinking they all do... I'm glad you told me!
    1 point
  17. Finished watching Sailor Moon R. Onwards to Sailor Moon S. Watching the Japanese original with subtitles is a riot. know it's shallow and stupid, but I lost it every time someone on the voice cast tried to say Sailor Pluto. They did fairly well calling Chibi-Usa "Small Lady" but Sailor Pluto just came out SERA PRUTO every time. I sit here grinning like an idiot just thinking of it. No wonder Chibi-Usa just calls her Puu.
    1 point
  18. *sigh* you do realize that the claim 'bout needing rebuild almost all housing were part o' that original "farting cow" blunder filled draft that aoc and others admitted were not meant to be released. actual language from the green new deal were for, "upgrading virtually every home and building for energy efficiency." am thinking most is aware we are critical o' aoc and her frequent "stealing bread" stoopid. am not certain why people are so quick to make excuse for aoc mistakes. release o' the original green new deal were only one such mistake. however, is unfair to hold her to the retracted draft. serious. fact check. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  19. It would be more fun if it were made by Bethesda directly. Indiana Scrolls maybe, or Elder Jones: Kingdom of even more Crystal Skulls. Oh, the possibilities...
    1 point
  20. Colloquially it used as an insult though.
    1 point
  21. The SPD makes it easy for them though. They moved away from their roots to standing for nothing with candidates people have trouble remembering unless they managed to stumble about memorably enough. To say it in German: hätte, hätte, Fahrradkette. The most social democrat rhetoric we heard in the last years were satires by Böhmermann. Heck, I think I would vote for him if he did join the party.
    1 point
  22. West Germany of 80-90s had higher income taxes, property tax, higher and longer unemployment benefits, better health care coverage (glasses, dentures), government-run railroad, government-run postal service, govern-run telephone service, higher pensions, more powerful unions, tighter controls for the financial sector, higher inheritance tax, higher contribution assessment ceilings and more stuff people would call "more left". And we had East Germany which was a self-proclaimed socialist state. So not really. EU politics are mostly neoliberal and conservative. This is also resembled by the factions of the EU parliament (from left to right - literally) : Of course it really depends on your perspective. If you have far right ideals then of course it's all pretty lefty. If you are a socialist it's all very right-wingy stuff.
    1 point
  23. Sure. Compared to what? Bolsonaro?
    1 point
  24. That was a brutally boring corporate circle jerk of a keynote, even by corporate circle jerk standards. The takeaway is mobile Zen 3 in Q1 and more RDNA2 desktop cards and RDNA2 mobile coming H1, no specifics given. Also, new EPYC chips coming, again, no specifics. Pretty much a waste of an hour. I did get a chuckle out of the Not Mass Effect music at the beginning.
    1 point
  25. I saw that and it made me even sadder. Before they hired Quinn I read an opinion pieces on Bleacher Report about how the Cowboys should consider Marvin Lewis for DC, and I think that would have been a much better choice (assuming he wanted the job).
    1 point
  26. love me some red dwarf, no idea who are those other people
    1 point
  27. It has been getting attention for years now, and folks even reached out to groups like the ACLU and Intercept (less after Reality Winner) with no reply. In this light columns decrying social media tyranny after the President of the US gets suspended looks a lot more like opportunistic careerism than a real desire to combat social media tyranny. Frankly it's a mirror of the social media companies themselves, who had years to address growing right wing violence being encouraged on their platforms and only acted when it was evident there wouldn't be any blowback from people in positions of power. "The United States is also a one-party state, but with typical American extravagance, they have two of them." Facetiousness aside, there have been some concentrated efforts by the Democrats and Republicans to make big hurdles from other parties from making any real headway. The political mechanisms of the US also contribute towards this, with voting for other parties being seen as a vote for whatever Democrat or Republican you're further away from. Isn't that the guy who authored the torture memos?
    1 point
  28. CIA Shares All Its UFO Documents for Everyone to Download.
    1 point
  29. I still don't understand why there are only two major parties in the US. The fall of the Weimar Republic taught us that too many tiny parties are no good either (hence we have a 5% hurdle in Germany nowadays to prevent the Bundestag from deteiorating into tiny fractures and coalitions to become too unstable) - but only two "real" alternatives sounds bad, too. Besides that it's quite weird that Democrats in the US are all labeled socialists, communists and whatnot by Republicans - while half of them would be seen like conservative (CDU) or neoliberal (FPD) in Germany and most of Europe. People like Bernie Sanders who call themselves Democratic Socialists would still fit into our moderately left SPD or be part of the pragmatic wing of Die Linke (leftists) or Die Grünen (greens) - not even part of the hardcore left. Republicans would fit into AfD (populist right wingers) and the right wings of CDU/CSU and FDP. Yet we don't have a socialst system. It seems - compared to Europe - that US's politics as a whole is shifted to the right. Obama wasn't following very left politics if you view it through the eyes of an average European voter. Why don't the green party or the libertarians etc. get more votes? Is it all the fear that the vote will be in vain what drives people to only vote blue or red? Or is tehre something else?
    1 point
  30. Eh, I'll always favour that Fate of Atlantis over a Wolfenstein style...
    1 point
  31. Anyway I actually managed to return to game, not even sure what it was. Strange stuff. Maybe even weather...
    1 point
  32. I'm playing "Regalia", kind of turn-based RPG with resource management about a group of blonde anime people who wanted to reclaim their ancestral home and got slapped with astronomical debt of their ancestors instead. It's really well-written if not too original and Larian could learn a thing or two about how to write comedy that's not just lolrandom llama cheese wacky antics. I'm also v. much appreciative of Polish gamemakers' tendency to make their RPG protagonists not very bright but self-aware (and get zero respect from the world ), this approach is way more interesting than usual Hero McPowerfantasy whom everyone reveres just for existing. Combat's a bit slow but fun in this rock-paper-scissory way when you curb stomp with correct party setup and struggle otherwise, but there's time limit and you don't know what awaits in the dungeon before entering and cannot swap party members after entering. Some mobs are a bit bullsh†t though, so is the final boss -- but since he's final you can unload on him all the consumables you've been scrooging all the time, so it's all fine. And the game does not end after that, what is a very good thing -- nothing's more irritating than looting all that powerful stuff from the final boss just to realize you won't be using it.
    1 point
  33. "There's one thing that you can only do with two people."
    1 point
  34. https://gizmodo.com/parler-users-breached-deep-inside-u-s-capitol-building-1846042905 Assuming it is legit (and I have no reason to believe it isn't) Parler users were definitely out in force on Jan 6th. And dumb enough to bring their phones as well as go in unmasked. Skimming through Greenwald's screed has me laughing, we've seen the increasing authoritarianism of both the state and corporations for years (with effective social media monopoly and subsequent tyranny being the least offender) but it's only a big deal when some dip**** with a large following gets caught up in it. I've seen countless activists, sex workers, and ****posters get their social media accounts suspended because of malicious mass reporting or spurious claims but only when Twitter finally bans an account that they've been bending their own rules to avoid banning do the free speech brigade swoop in to declare their stand against such foul authoritarianism. Like our resident goblins calling for social media to be nationalized, it stinks of opportunism and self-interest (the same as silicon valley ghouls ignoring or enabling right wing extremism until it blows up) and makes me think that even if this person is correct in this instance that they can't be trusted to work with on it.
    1 point
  35. Hmm, that does sound promising. Hopefully there is like 95% less killing than the Wolfenstein games. I love the setting and the areas in those games, but I get quickly tired of the constant killing.
    1 point
  36. Maybe you have Open World Syndrome. PoE was more "guided" than Deadfire is, also because content was gated behind its acts. I personally don't like "Open World" and this whole "you can go where you want, yeah!" approach very much. It often leaves you felling lost - or not feeling compelled to really do anything. You can experience the same when you play TTRPGs and the game master just lets you run around without nudging you into the right direction. Open World is completely overrated and isn't necessary for a great CRPG - at least that's my personal take. Maybe other players like it but I feel that it takes significantly longer to really connect with a game if it follows the Open World approach. What saved Deadfire for me was Fort Deadlight. I entered secretly and did a "Thief"-like dungeon crawl in order to reach Benweth. It's such a satisfying part of the early game that I got hooked. So maybe try that one first?
    1 point
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