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  1. 6 points
  2. I can't imagine anyone being happy for C77 launch. You have been crunched to rush the project, while management lied about games state and progress. A big chunk of W3 goodwill is being burned, and without a doubt CDPR reputation isn't as it was a month ago. It's a shame.
    4 points
  3. the duration doesn't change, but you will get reduced healing and such. PL-scaling for duration appears to be fixed at cast.
    3 points
  4. they absolutely scale to legendary. they do so at the same rate as single-classed. this is firebrand scaling to legendary on a multiclass theurge:
    3 points
  5. Typical whiny console peasants
    3 points
  6. Now with the Strand-of-Favor cheese I'm really musing about letting my intitially ironic idea to complete the Ultimate with a single class Mage Slayer become a reality...
    3 points
  7. I'm at 135 hours now, and **** me if I'm not lovin' it.
    3 points
  8. So guys, if I set my details to low, can this run somewhat smoothely on my setup? I really feel like buying the game just to spite the peasants and whiny investors right now. Never thought I'd see that in my old age. I'm going contrarian again. xD
    2 points
  9. It seems, like second (frost) hit roll is not "proper" weapon attack, but rather separate ability with 100% chance to proc on greaze/hit/crit. It work simillar to Grave Calling proc Chill Fog - CF benefits from weapon enchantments and other bonuses, like sneak attack, but not from single handed bonus Acc. The character sheet seems to confirm this, since it only shows dmg and acc of flame head, wich would be "main attack roll" of weapon. On the other hand, blunderbusses are described the same way (only one of four bullets in the weapon tooltip), but all of them gets single handed bonus. Weird Btw i found, that Ring of the Marksman acc and pen bonus works with Chill Fog from Grave Calling and other AoE spells from weapon, like Ghost Blades of Engoliero, but not with Sun and Moon.
    2 points
  10. With Smoke Veil + Lover's Embrace + Gouging Strike + Brand Enemy I could kill almost everything as an Assassin/Bleak Walker in a solo run at lvl 8 or so without sweat. You just need patience. Lots of it.
    2 points
  11. I have to say though, that Skyrim when it came to PS4 was basically what CP2077 is now... I actually looked up that a while ago, and it's more like a 7700 gpu and cpu clocked 1.7Ghz
    2 points
  12. I don't think I already said, but I do also think the "hate train" for the game is rather absurd, outside of the last-gen console stuff maybe. But I think that for most things of this nature. Sure, be annoyed if it isn't running well for you but we've all had games that do that. These days with all the popular 'net reviewers, meme-spreading social media etc. it just snowballs in mere hours and "everyone" likes to be edgy/cool and parrot what they think everyone else is saying, even people who don't even own the game. >.> Outside of technical issues, not liking something or being angry at a dev. doesn't mean the game is bad. It's just not "for you" or what you were hoping for. I mean, most of us here haven't even had major constant bugs or crashes, either. I think it's a decent game but the whole cyberpunk thing isn't for me and I knew that going in. I don't even think Bladerunner is that awesome/interesting of a movie. *ducks...* That all said, if one is on the fence, I probably would recommend not buying (or at least not playing) the game for another couple months, wait for all those patches.
    2 points
  13. am not gonna speak for @Boeroer, but one cannot help but recognize how you are indulging in arguable the same sin against which you rail. also, while am not agreeing with you regarding obsidian's best titles, am thinking such a recognition is hardly significant. am convinced fact we both approve o' obsidian, in spite o' fact we disagree 'bout their best works, is a positive sign. all too often, "niche" is an excuse for why a game sold poorly. fact that nobody thus far has identified the two titles we would identify as our obsidian favorites (not necessarily their best works) is potential a positive as such suggests the appeal o' obsidian games is not limited to an insular and discreet hardcore fanbase so utter homogenized they is incapable o' embracing a game which could have broader appeal. gonna go out on a limb and predict microsoft wants broader appeal than the bulk o' previous obsidian titles. in another bit o' irony different from your lack o' self awareness regarding boeroer's criticism is fact we disagree with you which has us optimistic 'bout future obsidian games. whatever is the essential appeal o' obsidian, it clear transcends individual titles. notoriously finicky hardcore fans may be able to continue to enjoy whatever is the new brand o' obsidian titles. ... what the heck. am gonna admit that while the game were woeful undercooked and ended worse than even other obsidian titles which tends to end less well than started, kotor 2 were our favorite game from obsidian. sure, near everything after the big confrontation with the assembled masters on dantooine is a torturous slog, but the first 2/3 o' kotor 2 is fantastic. big name title with a publisher as much adversary as enabler and we still ended up with a few o' obsidian's best written characters. obsidian even managed to work with an established ip not their own and do something unique with it. kotor 2 were, even at its best, a hot mess. we liked kotor 2. is aspects o' kotor we liked better than any other obsidian game. manage kotor 2 while working with/for lucas has us far more optimistic 'bout the future working with/for microsoft than is many o' our fellow boardies. and am recognizing kotor2 and lucas ain't same as microsoft situation. just sayin'. btw, am not much o' a star wars fan, so the kotor2 approval for us is all the more curious. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  14. "Let's go to the Golden Dragon and ask for protection." "Why should we go to a fancy exotic restaurant? How are they supposed to... Ahhh - THAT Golden Dragon! Right!" - Two shop owners who got bullied by thugs - Menu of the day: Appetizer: a fresh shout served with an echo First course: fiercest barbarian yelly Main course: sliced heart of fury with a taste of hunt Dessert: sweet minor fatigue, served with a bit of anger - Menu card of The Golden Dragon - The Golden Dragon is the wild, unconventional, but also posh counterpart to a usual bodyguard – distinguished by his frightening and threatening presense and his recklessness and his predilection to substitute raw aggression for discipline, but also by his showy style and his bravado. Lacking the accuracy and strong deflection of a fighter, the Golden Dragon makes up for this through intimidation, savagery and abilities tailored for repelling groups of enemies. The Golden Dragon is a challenge to deal with on a battlefield, though he is vulnerable if his nice shiny armor gets splattered with gore too much. The Golden Dragon loves to show off and uses illeism - usually referring to himself as "The Golden Dragon". Some say this man wasn't even born, but created by two animancers who realized their ideas of a perfect bodyguard... =================================== The Golden Dragon =================================== Difficulty: PotD v. 3.03 -------------------------------------------------------------- Class: Barbarian -------------------------------------------------------------- Race: Pale Elf -------------------------------------------------------------- Background: Old Vailia - Colonist -------------------------------------------------------------- Stats (character creation): MIG: 18 CON: 03 DEX: 04 PER: 16 INT: 19 RES: 18 -------------------------------------------------------------- Skills: Stealth 0, Athl. 4, Lore 6, Mech. 0, Surv. 14 -------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities (a=auto, r=recommended, !=important) Elemental Endurance (a) Barbaric Yell (!) Heart of Fury (!) Threatening Presence One Stands Alone ® Dragon Leap (!) Savage Defiance (!) Thick-Skinned Echoing Shout ® Talents Veteran's Recovery (!) Weapon & Shield Style (!) Stalwart Defiance ® Superior Deflection ® Spirit of Decay Weapon Focus: Ruffian Accurate Carnage Bear's Fortitude ® --------------------------------------------------------------- Items (*=additional echantments by me; !=important, r=recommended): Weapon set 1: Bittercut (*legendary, *corrosive lash, *durgan refined) & Dragon's Maw Weapon Set 2: Captain Viccolo's Anger (*corrosive lash) & Little Savior Boots: Fenwalkers Head: Liripipe of Thinking Armor: The Golden Scales (*Durgan Reinforced) Neck: Cloak of Comfort Belt: Binding Rope Rings: Ring of Deflection, Ring of Protection Hands: Siegebreaker Gauntlets Quick slots: stuff ----------------------------------------------------------------- First of all - the basic idea for this build popped out of Jojobobo's head in a threat about barb tanks some months ago. We discussed some things and afte a while agreed that I would post the build (if it's viable) while he wanted to follow some different build ideas in detail (look at his Silver flash chanter build!). So, thanks Jojobobo for all the input! Your ideas proved to be very viable: this was the best main tank I ever played so far. Some people may know that I absolutely loath those pure tanks who can only soak damage and do nothing else - well, this is not one of those. Thanks to Heart of Fury and Bittercut, ombined with certain bashing shields, this "tank" did TWICE as much damage as my dps wizard in the same party - while being VERY sturdy even with dumped CON (more on that later). The main idea of this build is not only to stack defenses, but also to debuff enemies' ACC values. This not only helps our barbarian to tank better, but it's also benefical for our whole party's survival. Although he's slow, he should also be able to dish out good damage per hit. This is important for carnage and esp. later for HoF (attack speed doesn't matter there). When thinking about lowering enemies' ACC, things like dazing (-10 ACC and also -2 PER which leads to -12 ACC overall), frightened (-10 ACC) and so on come to mind. A barbarian can lower enemies' ACC in an AoE with abilities like shouts & leap, via items with auras, via spell binding or scrolls and also via carnage: ACC debuffing abilities: - Barbarian Yell frightens in a faily big AoE (-10 ACC) - Barbarian Shout terrifies in a really huge AoE (-20 ACC) - Dragon Leap dazes in an AoE which size is comparable to carnage's (-12 ACC) - Echoing Shout dazes in a ridiculously long AoE line (-12 ACC) - Threatening Presence causes sickened in a quite small AoE when you don't move. PER gets reduced. (-1 ACC) ACC debuffing via carnage: - Glittering Gauntlets daze on hit (-10 ACC) - Captain Viccolo's Anger causes Minor Fatigue on hit (-10 ACC) - Lost Thayn's Reach causes interfering on hit (-5 ACC) ACC debuffing via aura: - Executioner's Hood's Intimidating Presence causes frightened in a quite small AoE and has reduced ACC (-10 ACC) - Redfield's Harbinger aura causes -3 ACC in a quite small AoE (-3 ACC) ACC debuffing via spells/scrolls: - Elryn's Jacket has a spell chance of Eyestrike that blinds (-29 ACC) - Stuck via Binding Web or Binding Rope (-5 ACC) - Forgotten Tear of the Beloved has a daze spell chance (-10 ACC) Maybe I forgot something. Of course you could also use a weapon with overbearig or stun to lower enemies ACC to 0 if you crit - because disabled foes can't hit you. Based on this, I developed the barb you see above. Of course not all the things I mentioned above stack. So I tried to develop a char which isn't too micro-intense, can stack a good amount of ACC debuffs without too much fuzz, who is sturdy and - maybe most important - looks nice. At the same time there are only two bashing shields that are good with carnage & HoF: Badgradr's Barricade and Dragon's Maw. This limits the style options significantly I'd say. Here you see the outcomings. Let's talk about how I do encounters with him at lvl 16: 1.: The barb enters combat and then casts Echoing Shout, prefarably if a priest buffed his ACC. Enemies who run towards him get damaged and dazed: -12 ACC. 2.: The barb casts Stalwart Defiance - I know, why start healing right from the start? Well, because it also gives you +10 to all defenses and the start of the combat usually is the time where a main tank needs defenses the most. Think about the opening salves of Lagufaeth, wizards and stuff. His defeses are now +10. 3.: Then he yells his finest yell and causes frighten all around him in a big AoE. Best thing, again, would be to yell after your ACC got buffed by a fellow priest or so. The enemies' ACC is debuffed by additional 10 points. 3.: He jumps into the place with Dreagon Leap where he will hit most enemies with his HoF. If there were enemies without dazing, now they usually are dazed and even more damaged. 4.: He triggers HoF with Bittercut + Dragon's Maw, dealing tons of damage with the high dmage of bittercut and Taste of the Hunt from Dragon's Maw, not only diond raw damage but also completely healing (if even neccessary). Most of the time this means death for all enemies in range. It's awesome. 5.: If enemnies survived, he switches to "full tank mode" with Captein Viccolo's Anger & Little Savior and causes Minor Fatigue via carnage while buffing his and fellows' defenses via herald enchantment: -10 ACC of enemies, +5 to all our defenses, add. +5 to deflection. If you want, you can take Brbaric Shout, too. It#s a very strong debuff and totally fits the theme, I also had it for some time. But I realized I seldomly used it because usually the yell was enough. It doesn't stack with frightened and is per rest - so thought I'd take something else instead. All the debuffs and defense buffs stack, meaning we will have the equivalent of up to +47 points to all defenses - on top of your already great deflection and other defenses (which are balanced). This can be buffed further by any deflection or defense buff: the things the barb does stack with everything which is a great plus. So, for example a Circle of Defense would lead to +62 to all defenses (if you add up ACC debuffs and defense buffs). YOu could even buff deflection further with Shields for the Faithful - stacks! This is also the reason why I could easily dump CON to 3: you seldomly get hit. And even if: survival bonus (+60% healing) combined with Veteran's Recovery and Taste of the Hunt lead to full endurance all the time. And even with 5 CON (3 base + items) this barb has as much endurance as a fighter with 10 CON. Of course the early game is a more challanging this way. And sure, fortitude is a bit low - that's why I took Bear's Fortitude so that my defenses may be balanced. Of course you will meet enemies that are immune to dazing of frightening - but it's not very common that enemies are immune to both. And even then those encounters are not the toughest ones, so it doesn't matter at all. By the time you get HoF you can have Badgradr's Barricade, which works perfectly well with this build. In fact I'd say for offense it's even better than the Dragon's Maw - so it's a matter of taste. Down below I will also add a variant of this build with Badgrad'r Barricade. I took it until I got Dragon's Maw. Before the WHite March I used a large shield without bash with a common sabre - and thanks to the high PER it worked quite well for me. Because Dragon's Maw has this special look, for me the only armor that fits to it are the Golden Scales. And since now everything's golden, I had to put on th Liripipe of Thinking, because it's the only headgear with an enchantment that looks cool with this outfit. Of course there are better helmets out there - but I can't play when I must always fear that the dyrwooden style militia may arrest me because of fashion crimes. --- Variant A: The Golden Dragon with Godansthunyr ------------------------------------------------------------------ When using Godansthunyr, you can skip Spirit of Decay and take Vulnerable Attack instead. It also works well with HoF and it looks really badass with the shield and armor. Variant B: Veildancer ---------------------------- When using Badgradr's Barricade until the end things get difficult with your outfit. You can either use a generic armor that can be dyed (crucible knights' plate looks nice) or you choose the monk's robes from the Abbot of the Abbey of the Fallen Moon. It's ok to have lower DR. Thick Skinned + Second Skin will give you +5 to physical damage and you will be faster. It's a bit more dps and a bit less sturdyness (while still being very sturdy). You could swap a bit MIG for CON if you want, but I tried it with the original stats and it works fine. Too bad there are only unenchatned helmets that look cool with this outfit - but on the other hand: the game is so easy later on that you can favour style over power, right? This doesn't look as a golden dragon at all - hence the alternative name. Also: Bittercut's green stain doesn't look so great with all that turquoise, so I took Resolution instead which also works really well - with Thrust of Tattered Veils you'll do crush damage, so the singe damage type isn't too bad. And annihilation with HoF is nice of course. Here you can also skip Spirit of Decay and use Vulnerable Attack or something else you like - Penetrating SHot works with Thirst of Tattered Veils without slowing you down in melee - this can also be a good pick. Or Gallant's Focus maybe?
    1 point
  15. This isn't as funny in a laugh out loud way as Valhalleluja or And Then I Noticed That She Was A Gargoyle but it's the most spot on (power/true) metal parody of them so far. Fire in the sky!
    1 point
  16. BBC - How should you talk to friends and relatives who believe in Conspiracy Theories
    1 point
  17. When you woke up this morning, I bet you didn't think "I want to see an otter munching on ice cubes." Well, here it is anyway:
    1 point
  18. You always know they're out there. The difference is the 'net makes us more aware of it/shoves it in our face. I did like Rutger Hauer. To me he was the best thing about that movie.
    1 point
  19. Actually, they'll probably make a series about it. Looks like everyone else is getting one anyway.
    1 point
  20. Well, what you say is valid for the most of the jobs out there, but there are not enough programmers and other IT professionals to fill out all the posted job positions. EU lacked few years back more than 500 thousands IT professionals to fill all such positions, and it is rising more and more. So you have a choice in that regard, and if you join Acti or EA in current conditions, you probably do not care enough about what kind of job you do *shrugs*
    1 point
  21. I am more interested where pierce damage comes from xD
    1 point
  22. I own a Lenovo Legion Y27q-20 and it's great, so I would recommend that.
    1 point
  23. CPU: Core i9 9900k 5.1Ghz 1.34v 8c/16t GPU: EVGA Geforce RTX 3090 FTW3 1955Mhz boost clock RAM: 32Gb 4x8 Trident Z Royal Series 3200 CL4 SSD: 2 Tb Samsung SSD Evo 970 MON: ASUS ROG G-sync 1440p 165hz MOB: MSI MEG ACE z390 CLR: Noctua D-H15 air cooler OK. I am absolutely DONE with PC parts until Meteor Lake hits in probably 2023, and the Nvidia 50xx series in probably 2024.
    1 point
  24. yeah, as Boeroer, Kaylon, etc have said, Firebrand is fun because of the synergy with scion of flame and ring of focused flame so you can do a little more with it than say most priest spiritual weapons. For a warden (figher/druid) a devoted fighter set to great sword would be a fun pick (with some arcana to use scrolls in case battles run long or you get arcane suppressed), though I would also pick up monastic unarmed training as a backup source of crush of damage with your fists: it's the only other free proficiency you get as a devoted; spiritshift claws don't count unfortunately. Also important to note that for some odd reason, firebrand doesn't do slash damage, like other great swords. it does pierce/burn. (i guess it's so hot that if you swipe attack, it cauterizes wounds instead of cutting baddies open?)
    1 point
  25. I personally would use a bit less MIG and a tad less INT and put something into DEX (best dps stat imo) and maybe also PER - just to make the early game more enjoyable where you tend to miss a lot and won't have access to Ring of Focused Flame, Enduring Dance etc. yet. But it will also work fine like you posted. My ability picks would be a bit different - but there's always retraining so I would experiment. Thunderous Blows is very good (it also works with spells etc.). Because +2 PEN is - and the added MIG is also not bad.
    1 point
  26. unlikely to make you feel less blue, but... Holiday Suicides: Fact or Myth? "CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics reports that the suicide rate is, in fact, the lowest in December. The rate peaks in the spring and the fall." ignoring fact that fall ends today, in lateish december, is nevertheless a curious bit o' myth busting regarding the holiday + suicide myth... at least in the US. on the bad side, if malc is blue now, the 'bove facts suggests he gots a tough couple months ahead as melting snows and blooming flowers is the more sinister harbingers o' lethal blues as 'posed to santa and same eight christmas carols played on a loop 'til you is driven mad, Mad, MAD... HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  27. Yes, that was the irony when I first supposed that class for an Ultimate run.
    1 point
  28. Hm, interesting, maybe I'm too used to monastic, which I guess scales past legendary, thats why my summoned weapons always have less pen.
    1 point
  29. No it doesn't, I'm hoping someone will convince me to not do that. 60€ I could also invest into a decent steak or two.
    1 point
  30. I've tried everything, including caching a copy of each used record in memory instead of using pointers just to make sure I'm not running into some weird compiler bug like the one I mentioned a while back where arrays on the client application and on the server behave radically different (same code, different results, I hope someone rots in hell for this one). Nothing seemed to help. Today I finally found out what is going on. The error message I introduced showed up in the log (actually I added three checks, and it was the last one that was triggered). I re-tried the import and noticed that it failed again. And again. And again. It also failed on the client. Meaning no code issue, no weird compiler error like last time, and all of a sudden it was reproducible. I mean, except for the fact that retrying the steps in our test enrivonment worked perfectly. So I did what every sensible developer in this situation does, screw best practices, time to debug in production. Turns out it was a Layer 8 issue. The automated update messages we're getting take up to 10 minutes to arrive (they're batched to go out every 10 minutes on our customer's end). That's plenty of time for someone to see that there's an order that's been picked and packed by the warehouse, sit down and update manually... in a way that doesn't add the necessary reference numbers. Oh boy. So glad this year is over soon.
    1 point
  31. What @Gromnir said. The rather naive (and some would say potentially dishonest*) point of "no politics in games please" aside - it seems you are mixing up personal preference with objective quality (which is difficult to measure with art or entertainment stuff like games in the first place). What you are feeling is that those two games are the ones that you enjoyed most. But you are expressing that they are the greatest games Obsidian ever made (or at least I get that impression when reading your title and post). It's very hard to argue with the first statement while the second will be challenged by a lot of people. Tyranny wasn't bad, it has some really nice ideas - but it also has some serious flaws which prevents it from being one of the games I cherish. *) because you most likely wouldn't complain about that if those games touched your political views and embraced your worldview.
    1 point
  32. I haven't played singleplayer games much these past few years, but 2020 has been special and I've played a few. Quick impressions! -Doom Eternal: Probably my favorite FPS, the fast-paced combat is just exhilarating. -Sekiro: Played this right after and surprisingly I loved the combat even more. This game really really impressed me. Exploration was enjoyable too. -Into the Breach: This little turn-based gem is freaking awesome! I love how the game mostly deals with input randomness, but allows you incredible control by letting you know exactly how the enemy will act and in what order, giving a lot of depth in what is ultimately a pretty simple system. -Slay the Spire: Very cool deck-builder roguelike. The various characters added some nice variety, but ultimately this didn't have as much lasting value as some of the other games for me. -Steamworld Heist: I was pleasantly surprised and impressed by this one. It turns out that 2D squad tactics with Scorched Earth/Worms-aiming combines very nicely. -Ori & the Will of the Wisps: I already loved the first Ori, so I knew I'd like this one. It definitely meets my expectations. Fantastic metroidvania with great exploration and traversal, and also an audiovisual fest. -Disco Elysium: I was enjoying it (nice writing!) until I got sidetracked and lost interest. Getting back to an RPG I've put on hold is very very hard for me. Or maybe I don't have the patience or constitution for RPGs anymore. I dunno.
    1 point
  33. So the Jets beat the Rams. I've known for years that the Rams secretly sucked but this surprised me. It's the most Jets thing ever that we can't even ****ing tank right.
    1 point
  34. I already said most people probably don't have to worry about it re: save file problem. It's just something to be aware of/check those save sizes now and then to be safe. But there are enough players who are likely obsessive enough, with these types of games, to make it more than just a minuscule issue. Just for myself ... I spent 550 hours on my first playthrough of FFXV (console) before even bothering to complete the main quest (yeah don't ask I'm not even sure myself) and more in post-game. FO:NV? 400 at least IIRC. Although I don't think I'd reach anything like that with this game (maybe 100 at most if I kept going). I don't feel much lasting "obsession" for Cyberpunk at this point. Plus, no fishing. If I had continued to obsess tho, this would be a 300+ hour 1st-run game for me, easily. I'm quite sure I'd reach that 8mb limit long before.
    1 point
  35. Lol, with my testchar I just killed Jadaferlas with level 10 and never even went to Neketaka, Assassin slippers + strand is very op in getting to him (and ofc gouging)
    1 point
  36. Honestly I haven't either. I mean, I have been to a lot of places, but it is a pretty big map. I havent really explored the snowy north stuff much. Dangit, now I am tempted to go back.
    1 point
  37. It's not a BDD but it's possible to trigger reforge the flesh(belt) and darkest before dawn(necklace) for -85% and -25% dmg with a lot of healing on top of that, I was able tu sustain Dorudugan with it. But it's kinda wonky, it looks like (from my limited testing) any recovery will be permament so blade cascade is obligatory and no weapon switching (or picking blackjacket multiclass maybe?). Soul blade bonus is out of combat too, looks like sky is the limit for dmg of soul annihilation. Can be gained outside of combat on barrels etc.
    1 point
  38. Blackadder - Encouraging a socially distanced Christmas since 1843...
    1 point
  39. Text reads: "If you EVER think Anthony Head is anything less than an angel then you’d best remember that I have always been a huge fan of his and we’ve always had a little contact over the years and he heard I’d come out as Trans and was having a hard time and that I was kind of sad that the photos I had from conventions with him were of me with long hair and no binder and they were all signed to “Sarah” and so he invited me to spend the day with him at his farm and he picked me up from the station and we just hung out and had lunch and he insisted on paying and took loads of photos and had them printed on photo paper the same day so he could sign them to Jay, along with other photos of him as Giles and Uther and he literally spent five hours chatting with me and got all of the pronoun stuff right every time and then he dropped me off at the station, gave me a final massive hug, waved me through the ticket barrier and insisted I message him when I got home so he knew I got back safe."
    1 point
  40. You think antivirus software is good?
    1 point
  41. Well, they gathered some "evidence". But I don't remember everything. If you are curious, this is where I found out about it:
    1 point
  42. This worked! will have to fiddle with it a bit to decide exactly where we end up with the best balance between too dark and too light but it is a great improvement for those old tired eye! Thanks
    1 point
  43. Physical media? Did you have to defeat a lich to uncover that artifact of a bygone era? Were you able to decipher the long forgotten language contained within? What mysteries does it hold?
    1 point
  44. Cool. The Justin Sweet and Jason Manley portraits from IWD/IWD2 are my favorite from the IE games. I like their painterly approach a little more than the BG series portraits from Mike Sass. Some of the portraits we've seen so far for Eternity are pretty good too.
    1 point
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