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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/20 in all areas

  1. Updated. It says giveaway, but I'm actually taking your souls. No hard feelings?
    4 points
  2. somehow I must mist this little teaser - seems very different from the last one Comment section is also golden
    2 points
  3. Finished season 1 of Sailor Moon. Loved it, though I thought it started dragging towards the very end as there were just a few too many "serious mode" episodes in a row and not enough ludicrous nonsense (and also seeing literally everybody except Sailor Moon herself get horribly maimed and killed one by one was a bit of a bummer, even though I knew things would likely eventually work out - if not by the end of the season, then probably by the beginning of season 2). Worried that the next season won't have the necessary amount of ludicrous nonsense that I require. After all, the ludicrous nonsense is the key to everything. Absolutely a keeper, and I'd wager that the show has a lot of rewatch value. I also watched all of Neon Genesis Evangelion and The End of Evangelion. Uh. Well, there were a number of things I liked...and a number of things I didn't. Kind of a frustrating show, and also, I was confused as hell by the story and had to look up piles of stuff on the wiki to figure out what the heck was going on after I finished it and even the wiki sometimes didn't know. My impression was still...mostly positive, I think? Asuka and Rei were the stars of the show (and although both of their voice actors were kind of goofy, I thought they fit them very well and grew to like them a lot), while I wavered between being ambivalent towards and disliking Shinji, the protagonist, for most of the series, up until The End of Evangelion, where I started to openly despise him. More evidence that I don't do well with particular kinds of male protagonists (i.e. most). I'm not really a big themes guy, but this show had some interesting ones that have have resonated and stuck in my brain since watching this, so good job to it on that front. Weirdly, I think I preferred the more abrupt, less-explained ending of the original show rather than The End of Evangelion's ending...which was less abrupt, but just as bizarre (if not more so) and not clear in meaning. Still not totally sure how I feel about this show, honestly...and there's a good possibility I might not ever.
    2 points
  4. Xenonauts 2 is coming out soon. By soon I mean 2021ish, but I've been following the development and it looks like solid sequel. Early Access will come out around January.
    2 points
  5. Nah, we're good. Traded it so many times, it will be fun to watch all the debtors trying to figure out who's soul it actually is.
    2 points
  6. Play single class pick Vengeful Defeat, use Effort, Effigy's Husk and Mantle of the Seven Storms and roll with it. Addendum: I wrote about that several times now so I hope I'm not boring anybody but if you export a character with Ring of Reset you can have two. If you stack them in the stash they will refill their charges, giving you 3 knockouts+resurrection without suffering from an injury per encounter. Cheesy of course but it can be fun to play such a suicidal character then. You know with Leaping in, having Barbaric Retaliation, using Heart of Fury and triggering the occasional Vengeful Defeat + Effort AoE attack + Mantle AoE attack.
    2 points
  7. I apologize in advance. (the video creator's channel is full of these...they're hilarious).
    2 points
  8. I believe "I didn't vote" won the popular vote last time. Too bad the interstate electoral compact wasn't dominant then, "I didn't vote" would have made a much better occupant of the WH than Trump or Clinton.
    2 points
  9. Nothing official, but there are also a lot of rumours that Erdogan's cancer is back. On the scale of illness rumours it's closer to Putin having Parkinson's and about to imminently resign than Roosevelt having Polio and being wheelchair bound, but there are multiple other signs that Erdogan's hold on power is a bit wobbly. A decent number of heavy-ish hitters (eg ex PM Davutoglu) have left his party, the economy is in a shambles with the Lira plummeting and his popularity is being propped up by a load of military and nationalist adventurism. Which is like hooking your voters on drugs, it will provide a short term boost but the longer it goes on the more you need the next hit and the less the next hit actually gets you. Once you can't get it or something goes wrong you've got a big crash instead. Dunno about the war being a genius ploy by Putin, so much as it being due to Armenia's stupidity. The number of Armenians (emotional actual Armenians, Turks larping their wet dream scenario and diaspora western based Armenians with no grip on/ knowledge of reality) saying they should drop Russia and 'join NATO' or similar is really rather funny. Can't join NATO with an active territorial dispute, can't join NATO if one of its members- say Turkey- doesn't want you in it. See for an almost completely direct comparison, Cyprus, which cannot join NATO because its north is occupied by Turkey, and Turkey has veto power anyway. EU isn't a defence pact and also doesn't want countries with active territorial disputes. So absolute best case scenario is having to give up Artsakh anyway, to get protection, if Turkey approves it. Which they won't. In the end Armenia got a lot more out of it than they really deserved, have got an open ended commitment from Russia to their protection and that of most of Artsakh proper, and have had their main historical genocide level enemy near completely sidelined. That's a decent result from a war they were clearly losing fairly badly.
    2 points
  10. quick update on trump legal claims: a pennsylvania court agreed the secretary of state did not have the authority to unilateral extend the date when ballots could be submitted. this does not invalidate those votes, as voters reasonably relied on the secretary o' state. regardless, it makes it less likely the sequestered votes received after the original election date deadline will be counted. ~10k. biden is current ahead by 54k, so the sequestered votes are not actual relevant to the Presidential race. this case only has relevancy to down ballot state races. the other pennsylvania cases have not fared well in Court and there hasn't been a new claim. am gonna keep watching but so far the biggest news from pennsylvania regarding non-sequestered votes were the usps employee who recanted a claim o' witnessing fraud by a supervisor. as we type, an arizona judge is expressing a bit o' frustration with trump lawyers. turns out the case in question would possibly affect 191 votes... total. 'ccording to trump campaign lawyers, "this is not a fraud case. we are not alleging fraud. we are not saying anyone is trying to steal the election." trump campaign is suggesting there were, "good faith" errors. voter witnesses is admitting that they became convinced that their vote for trump didn't count either based on conversations with family members, internet research or 'cause o' attorney advice. a couple poll watcher witnesses has now testified that they didn't actual see anything nefarious, however there is a curious argument over red v. green button depression by poll workers. the trump poll watchers don't know if the pressing o' a green button were a bad thing, but they saw it happen numerous times. is getting kinda close to rule 11(b) territory. trump campaign just rested. will update if anything further happens, but were not a good day for trump in az. ... michigan is... the latests michigan case were filed not in michigan but in the dc court of federal claims. if a plaintiff is making a monetary claim 'gainst the fed government, then the court o' federal claims is having jurisdiction. ... am admitted confused. however, michigan is kinda unique in that certification requires an okie dokie from a bipartisan commission o' two democrats and two republicans. if both republicans decide not to certify, then there is no certification and the state legislature needs decide the outcome o' the state election. red state legislature. regardless o' court cases and evidence, all that needs happen in mi is for two republicans to claim there were enough suspicious activity to prevent certification. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  11. This is just a collection of ideas and thoughts ive had about the game since playing it. I will break everything up into groups to better clarify my ideas. Please if you have any thoughts on these ideas or additions let me know. Thank you. Base Building Base Building is an important part of the game and i think the variety is lacking. It doesnt seem fully flushed out which is fine considering the development phase of the game and i have no problem with that these are just my ideas and im sure some of this is probably already in the works. Pebblet Walls Roofs Triangle Pieces Palisades Stairs Doors Windows Clay Walls Roofs Triangle Pieces Palisades Stairs Doors Windows Wood (A New material maybe gathered by chopping branches or saplings. This could be processed by a new workbench like a saw table which could require parts from a new enemy. (maybe the blades of a praying mantis. Alternatively maybe we make a saw from those blades to cut down wood from a resource.)) Walls Roofs Triangle Pieces Palisades Stairs Floors Doors Windows Crafting Decorations Weapons Rack (Like the clay Dummy but for Weapons) Couch Alternative Light Sources (Something that may specifically attach to fences) Tools Rack (Like the clay Dummy but for Tools) Meal Prep Water Filter (Could be connected to a larger water source and then must be connected to a sink to provide a more permanent water source) Sink (^) Refrigerator (To store cooked foods to add more value to foods cooked on fire instead of everyone just using jerky and acorn bits) (Could be a cool way to introduce a resource like ice the fridge may require a new piece every few days and thus keep the player more active in the daily activities of the game) Stove (Allow the player to use other parts of the bugs in recipes thatd provide other buffs than just food some may hydrate, damage buffs, temporary health buffs, etc)(Would open up a whole cooking storyline and different recipes and they could be stored in a fridge) Cook Book (This would reveal new recipes as players discovered them and can use as a reference for cooking) Utilities Sap catcher should be able to hold more than one sap Saw Table (Previous Reference Wood) (Could also be used to break apart bug parts that may have other uses once broken down) Catapult (It would be cool to fling myself across the map and use my glider to float down to safety)(Death if not deployed lol) Campfire (This is more than a light source...Id suggest the ability to put materials in it thatd have different effects. Maybe use lily wax as a natural bug repellent for like 10 feet or something, or put in bug parts as a natural bug lure and the different part could lure different bugs) (This could add variety to fighting and players activity during the night) Wood Pallet (To store previously referenced new material) Clay Pit (To store large amounts of clay in instead of needing to use chests) Pebble Quarry (Store all your pebbles in) Juice Collector (Similar to the Sap collector but punctured into the Juice Box for Juice) Dye Station (Maybe add a new set of mobs or resources that can be turned into dye that could be used on buildings or armor) Kiln/Furnace (Could be used with clay to make specific items giving more purpose to clay)(Could also be used with sand) Armor/Weapons/Gear (Some of the gear in the game isnt fully flushed out itd be cool to maybe make complete sets of armors like the Aphid, Weevil, Mite and Bird Feathers Personally i think there should be gear for every mob in the game) Genuinely i think the idea of having a special ability maybe even if its just associated to certain armors from certain bugs would be a cool idea for the game. Some Ideas Night Vision Goggles Higher Tier versions of the same Armor Like Ant armor LVL 3 that give 10 carry capacity More specific abilities or buffs granted with each armor set when worn in full (Example each ant armor grants plus 1 carry capacity but when worn in full its plus 5 totaling 10 carry capacity) (Or if there was Gnat armor maybe it gives you small wings for a light double jump) (Bee Armor could have a damage enemies on hit effect when attacked) More fully body Armor Armor Dyeing Character Clothing (This could be through a cosmetic store through micro transactions i wouldnt care itd be cool to stand out) Food Pouch (Could be used to hold food instead of taking up inventory space like a canteen) Bigger Backpacks (Craft able, Swappable, Customizable) (I wanna put the team on my back) Stackable Throwing Weapons (Small Knives, Shuriken, Axes, Spears) (Specifically Disposable throwing weapons as disposable as an arrow) Throws weapons should have more of an effect maybe my spear when thrown causes the bug to be stuck for a bit if its against a wall Fire Arrows Binoculars New types of gliders (Maybe one made from berry Leather or a bugs wings) New Bugs Praying Mantis Firefly (Armor lets you be your own light source in and out of water) Bees Pill Bugs Beetles Water Striders (Make Armor that lets you stride on the water) Horse/Green/House Flys Crickets (Can jump really high) Mosquitoes (Vampiric effect with armor on) Butterfly's Dragon Flies Black Ants (They could be used for World events with the red ants and go to war with each other) (could also be used for a seperate armor set of black ant armor and red ant armor maybe even a combo so players can stay neutral) Wasps (Very Scary) Queen Bee (Bee Hives baby, Honey, Honey Comb, Honey Nut Cheerios) Scorpions (Credit: Dgrim) Caterpillars (Credit: Dgrim) Centipedes (Credit: Dgrim) New Animals (Alot of these may be more worth while in world event type situations) Squirrel Owl (At Night) Dog and a Dog house Skunk Fox Stray Cat Snakes Pets and Taming (Using Spider Web to capture Bugs and Tame them) Aphids (Could find me Nectar or aphid Honeydew) Weevil (Could Smell out danger) Gnat (Could help find resources) Ant (Could Carry stuff) Soldier Ant (Fight or Move Fast as a mount) Lady bug (Carry Stuff and good protection moves slow) World Events Sprinklers (Flooding) Neighbor Kids throw a ball into the yard Lawnmower (Cuts some grass very Dangerous) Bug Raids (The bugs get aggravated in the yard and very hostile) Weather (Seasons and maybe the weather is reflected) Dog Playing in the Yard 9Might keep a certain area off limits or if your brave enough to go you can get a specific item only during that time) Resources Sand (Could be used to make glass maybe to stop gnats or other bugs that fly from getting in your windows) Ice (This could be used in the fridge "Previous Reference") (this could probably be implemented through a split cooler in the backyard may require a special armor to hold off the cold weather maybe a mite fuzz armor...fuzzy armor) DLC/Purchasable Content Different Characters/Kids to play as Different skins or outfits to wear as those characters Different Scab or backpack styles Let me know what you guys think or if you have any ideas or differing opinions about what ive mentioned and why i appreciate hearing from you all thank you.
    1 point
  12. Since the new update I have been kicked out of the game 2 time due to an issue with my video card? Saying there is not enough memory, and also the game will just freeze and kick me out. Also now I can’t even get back into the game as it will not even load. Is anyone else having these issues?
    1 point
  13. A sequel to the Keanu Reeves Constantine is coming out it seems. I think I'm one of the few people who liked the movie.
    1 point
  14. Xbox 1X Patch 0.4.1 removed all my recent saves and reverted to saves I long deleted. I now only have 2 saves from September available. Lost over a month of progress. I routinely kept my saves down to most recent 3. I have been a daily player. Tried deleting local save data on console and letting cloud update with no joy. Still shows September saves only.
    1 point
  15. Kinda. I've always been of the impression that monitor choice precludes everything else.
    1 point
  16. quick legal update: --the mi case which were filed in the dc court of federal claims was "transferred" to the mi fed district court... where the case had already been filed. lawyers blamed the filing mistake on a software error. sure. the state case related to what were described as widespread voter irregularities in detroit counties were dismissed today. the judge specific noted any ruling w/o going through the legislative mandated certification process would amount to improper judicial activism. am not certain exact when the fed case is scheduled to be heard in mi, but making the claims o' election shenanigans a fed case were always kinda a hail mary. not equal protection or due process claims save by stretching meaning o' the law to a tortured extreme. were always far more likely to get a sympathetic judge in a state case. --the maricopa, az case we mentioned yesterday were withdrawn by the trump campaign today. moot. as we noted yesterday, it became apparent the sharpiegate and red-green button concerns would only affect, at most, 191 ballots. biden is likely to win az by ~10k. pointless to argue over 191. moot. am suspecting the judge gave the trump campaign a chance to withdraw or need suffer a what woulda' been a particularly caustic dismissal. am not sure if we adequate conveyed how bad the testimony went for trump in az yesterday. were cringeworthy and by the end o' the day we were actual expecting rule 11 sanctions for the trump campaign lawyers. -- in pennsylvania... am honest not certain where relevant cases stand as is kinda confusing what claims has been dropped or resubmitted. will know more by the end o' the day. Trump lawyers withdraw from key Pennsylvania case challenging vote count "On Tuesday, the firm took down its Twitter account amid a barrage of negative attention from users on the platform critical of the firm’s work with the president. In a statement, a spokesperson noted Porter Wright’s “long history of election law work” on behalf of Democratic, Republican and independent candidates." the other marquee firm representing the trump campaign in pennsylvania is jones day. there have been protests outside jones day offices 'cross the country, but am gonna admit we would be shocked if the j/d lawyers withdrew. ... will update later if there is new news or if we can figure out more 'bout where things stand in pennsylvania. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  17. yeah me too...i sent in a request so hopefully they can figure it out. i am going to try to remove / reinstall the game later and see if that resets everything..if it does i'll let you know. good luck!
    1 point
  18. Not to be rude but if you read and comprehend my post, you would see I have done a re-sync already. Posting here to make DEVs aware of the issue with their last patch. I know the data is not lost and will eventually/ hopefully show back up. BTW please explain how you would send in a save file from an XBox
    1 point
  19. This could be related to a cloud sync issue. This occasionally happens on pc as well. Closing out the game and relogging into it by allowing the cloud sync to "re-sync" may help. However if that doesn't work Sen din a report along with your game save file. They may be able to recover your most recent saves.
    1 point
  20. Sailor Moon ist just awesome for its entire run. But I've said it before, I fear Bartimaeus will not like the tone shift in the later seasons. Anyway, this thread convinced me to rewatch the anime. However, watching Sailor Moon is something that lies comfortably in my past, very much long enough ago to only have fond memories of a better time. Thinking back gives me the same good feeling that watching Stranger Things does. Which is part of the reason why I love that show so much even if every season seems to be the same and becomes more and more ludicrous. Rewatching it might break that memory or reaffirm it. Rewatching Disney's The Black Hole for instance broke it. That film is... not good. That didn't bother me as a child, but it did as an adult. Playing the games on my SNES Classic Mini on the other hand simply made me realize that console gaming was awesome in the early 90ies. Guess I'll take the plunge. If my experience is positive then I might just try watching Knight Rider. It's been on Prime for a while now and I don't really have the heart to watch.
    1 point
  21. I loved Xenonauts as well, enjoyed it as much as I remember enjoying the old MicroProse titles Xenonauts 2 is on my wishlist from day 1 it was announced on GOG
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Some overclocking benchmarks of the 5600X and 10600K: tl;dw version: The 5600X overclocks better than previous generation Zen chips, though still not as well as the 10600K. Despite getting more gains from overclocking, it's not enough for the 10600K to catch the 5600X (except in RDR2 where Intel leads OC or no OC).
    1 point
  24. I got nothing from Lucky's safe, nothing at all, and I am now also getting stuck and not getting any further with the quest. have restarted the game up to 3x and so no stuff from Lucky's safe until 3x
    1 point
  25. Still practicing those old X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter skills. Looking through my game library, I decided to start from the opposite end. Good thing too. Having a blast playing Xenonauts. Finally getting to scratch that old X-Com itch (with game I actually seem to like as opposed to those horrible things from Firaxis Games)
    1 point
  26. Production issue at 2300. Pretty sure I hacked a solution that seems to have worked. Coworker hit a button which set off every system monitoring alarm, so at least we made our Indian colleagues have some excitement
    1 point
  27. That's something about the game that really gets me, the NCR is pretty bad in a lot of respects but everything the Legion does is unforgiveable unless you're an edgelord dipstick. When your first encounter with them is the aftermath of having slaughtered a town it's hard to find a way to support them, safe caravans be damned. Wild Card makes sense, NCR makes sense, even House makes sense, but Legion is mustache twirling territory.
    1 point
  28. https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/1326718682412720129 An interesting bit of discussion on die rolls, BG3, and PoE. I am 100% in agreement with Sawyer. His point is exactly why I have, in recent years, soured on D&D mechanics and don't care for D&D that much anymore. I am so glad he opted against using the D&D SRD for PoE, especially because the resulting original PoE mechanics are far superior to D&D mechanics imo.
    1 point
  29. Things don't seem to look very bright for Erdolf in Turkey right now. The Lira's not doing so well either and his son-in-law wants to resign. Or has resigned, or something like that. Must be kinda bad when even your extended family jumps the ship.
    1 point
  30. I'm sorry that you've all been dealing with this issue. Save stability/cloud saves is one of the team's top priorities at the moment. Some players have reported that if you delete your old saves until you have less than ten, it could also resolve this issue. Please reach out to our official support channel so we can record and investigate these bugs.
    1 point
  31. Small addition: { "$type": "Game.GameData.BeamTeleportAttackGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Flagellents_Path_Attack", "ID": "30b24922-0a33-4252-bfcb-bb307f10c722", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.AttackBaseComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DamageData": { "DamageType": "Crush", "AlternateDamageType": "None", "Minimum": 8, "Maximum": 8, "TacticalMinimumOverride": 0, "TacticalMaximumOverride": 0, "DamageProcs": [] } } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.BeamTeleportAttackGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Launching_Kick_Attack", "ID": "198dcb3b-f4f2-4e86-8f7d-9416cfb86f96", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.AttackBaseComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DamageData": { "DamageType": "Crush", "AlternateDamageType": "None", "Minimum": 6, "Maximum": 6, "TacticalMinimumOverride": 0, "TacticalMaximumOverride": 0, "DamageProcs": [] } } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.BeamTeleportAttackGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Shared_Pain_Attack", "ID": "f88c4979-40dc-4d2f-97f4-a75e19dea22d", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.AttackBaseComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DamageData": { "DamageType": "Crush", "AlternateDamageType": "None", "Minimum": 6, "Maximum": 6, "TacticalMinimumOverride": 0, "TacticalMaximumOverride": 0, "DamageProcs": [] } } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.TeleportAttackGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "LAX01_Hunters_pounce_Teleport", "ID": "7d027cf3-ec5d-4a19-8e22-d98d4a6eea10", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.AttackBaseComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DamageData": { "DamageType": "Pierce", "AlternateDamageType": "None", "Minimum": 35, "Maximum": 35, "TacticalMinimumOverride": 0, "TacticalMaximumOverride": 0, "DamageProcs": [] } } }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.TeleportAttackGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "LAX01_Stelgaers_Lunge_Teleport", "ID": "43155b5c-9199-429c-9a41-f7c47cba8e99", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.AttackBaseComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DamageData": { "DamageType": "Slash", "AlternateDamageType": "None", "Minimum": 18, "Maximum": 18, "TacticalMinimumOverride": 0, "TacticalMaximumOverride": 0, "DamageProcs": [] } } ] },
    1 point
  32. Remember most of the map isn't finished and with new areas they can put specific new bugs in those areas. Also as they update areas they can move around creatures and switch positions etc it's not set in stone I know the developers talked about schedules the bugs are on and adding weather and changinging things up at times of day. All those factors could dynamically influence what bugs are where and when they are there.
    1 point
  33. i mean you get more food out of meat but animal farming seems a bit much id like maybe to be able to attact smaller bugs like aphids and weevils to be able to get more bang for the buck that and stacking them would be more helpful instead of me having to use up most of my inventory on collecting a few aphids at a time
    1 point
  34. From what i know they are working on the backpack change to not take up inventory slots.
    1 point
  35. I love the ideas and would love to see then in the game with the addition to the bugs list of, scorpions, centipedes, catapillars that can be tamed and then turn into butter flies or moths that can then be used a flying mounts ( but beware of birds) millipedes. Also backpack has to be changed so that worn armor and weapons are not also occupying backpack space! Having worn armor and weapons take up backpack space was a awful idea to begin with and needs to be corrected. This will be my main source of contention with this game and will be pointed as with ridicule in all my reviews of grounded.
    1 point
  36. Debonaire/Wizard if you use your Cipher for mass charming. Debonaire gets 100% crit conversion on any charmed enemy. And Wizard has many friendly-fire spells. This can completely remove the PEN issues of most damaging wizard spells on PotD. Use items and abilities which increase crit damage.
    1 point
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