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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/20 in all areas

  1. The "you lost, get over it" crowd from 2016 do seem to be in a bad mood today.
    7 points
  2. Obviously, this being a gaming forum I read that as Age Of Conan.
    5 points
  3. My favorite cartoon from a few years ago. Still relevant today!
    4 points
  4. worse. he is saying they do not have the right to avoid being an unwilling publisher of of speech which the publisher knows or believes with a high degree o' uncertainty to be untrue or knowing false. and keep in mind, being a publisher does not insulate an individual from defamation. the standard for public issues and individuals is extreme high, but if you genuine know a lie is being uttered, you expose self to legal liability if you do not stop publishing the lie. if were a newspaper, am doubtful skarp_one would be confused. can't force the newspaper man to use his ink and paper and delivery services to publish a lie they do not believe. obvious, no? radio and tv creates a mental hurdles some folks cannot overcome. there is always gonna be conflicting personal liberty rights when there is a disagreement between citizens. is good that the US government is prohibited from deciding who has the superior speech save for extreme limited circumstances. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  5. The sheer amount of cope is the funniest **** I've seen this year.
    3 points
  6. Because Free Speech as enshrined in the US Constitution is specifically addressed to the actions of the government. Private individuals (and companies) have been free to censor themselves/for themselves or for their product, and we've seen them with things like the Motion Picture Production Code or the Comics Code Authority on large scale before. Neither prevented things violating the respective codes from being made or distributed, even if the distribution networks were limited or private.
    3 points
  7. wow it's really neat to see that this tiny mechanics re-clarification has opened the doors to some interesting new builds!
    3 points
  8. you know, the one that creates a bunch of mirror images around you! lordy, that spell is one that i keep writing down as arkemyr's in eveyr context, even though i know lore-wise it makes no sense and it's obviously citzal's. *sigh*
    3 points
  9. Might sound counterintuitive but I think a Lifegiver would be the best partner class for a Helwalker Boar. Lifegivers gain +5 PL for Rejuvenation spells once shifted and for HoT it also works if you cast Moonwell etc. first and then shift. The ticks will adapt to the higher PL. You would have insanely high healing numbers because of PL bonus * MIG bonus from Helwalker on top of the Boar's regeneration and I guess you wouldn't need to get healed a lot while pummeling enemies with Wildstrike. Ah and sorry: I forgot to answer the question about Hylea's Talons earlier. While shifted all items except armor and weapons will work. You could add the Belt of Magran's Chosen for another small burning lash and wear Rekvu's Scorched Cloak so that the summoned Flame Blight even heals you should it attack you.
    3 points
  10. So your definition of Free Speech is that the government will protect your right to speak your mind, but your complaint was... ...in which no one prevented Trump giving a speech to speak his mind. Or are you saying that Freedom of Speech comes with a requirement to listen to Free Speech?
    3 points
  11. Even without calling the EC votes, Biden has almost 4 million more popular votes than Trump. That is the will of the American people. Investigations will be done and there will be recounts, but until there is actually evidence of fraud, this is a Biden win.
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. I'm not an expert on the stuff but I still feel like I should point out that processing small portions at a time is faster than processing a whole world. That's where smart design comes into play and you have a string of beautifully rendered small areas connected to each other. Specs matter only insofar as good design needs them to do, all else is just marketing.
    3 points
  14. You mean very exciting sham. If Trump loses then only because Democrats commited massive fraud with mail-in voting!
    3 points
  15. Biden officially takes the lead in Georgia (+1000 or thereabouts right now, likely to grow at least a little). Donald Trump...
    3 points
  16. Each state is required to have an odd number of citizens.
    3 points
  17. You need to know the scene context too for the pic to work, not just who the character is. Though it can be inferred from the wiki article anyway.
    2 points
  18. enfeebled is treated almost identically as if you had +10 additional intellect, applied immediately, so it's additive with int. also an intriguing option!
    2 points
  19. Your argument, as I understand it, is that every space public or private should be a platform for free speech. This seems extremely broad to me. This will be a bit silly, but if interpreted literally and en extremis, it would mean the individual would have no right to get someone out of their yard yelling their political beliefs at you regardless of the time of day or night. That abortion protestors could set up photographs and hold speeches in a local diner while the individual was trying to have a quiet night out eating a dinner. That a company could lie in advertising because that was their "free speech" and to not let them lie is to abridge the free speech to the company and the individual serving as spokesperson. That a religious groups could try to convert an individual while they tried to watch a local theater play. That TV's and radios couldn't be turned off less the individual inadvertently silence someone's free speech by changing channels or turning it off. In essence I think the kind of free speech that is never impeded by government, companies, or individuals comes with a lot of problems and little benefit. As mentioned, in our historical examples of corporate self-censorship (Hays Code, Comics Code) there were created other distribution models for things that existed outside those codes for those who chose to seek them out because that's what they wanted. The example that gets trotted out a lot regarding censorship these days are the social media companies, but there is nothing preventing distribution of ideas through other platforms (even if those platforms have to be created) if Twitter or Facebook block something. As I said before the right to free speech does not, as I see it, also come with a right to an audience.
    2 points
  20. I'm pretty sure there's a mod that lets you do that. Personally I'm glad you can't in the unmodded game. Giving players access to that subclass would cheapen Tekehu by making him less unique.
    2 points
  21. Tekehu is also an excellent nuker with all Water/Frost keyworded spells, plenty of which are foe-only (in his case) and he gets bonus PL from his starting weapon.
    2 points
  22. It is, but it's a short one I try to stick to longer spell names that start by the name of the Wizard, like Arkermyr's Capricious Ex, Llengrath's Safeword, and Ninagauth's Throbbing Pillar.
    2 points
  23. Direballs also sounds like one of those movies tbh.
    2 points
  24. ...and my next ship will be called Citzal's Exciting Amory, to continue in the tradition of lore-consistent soft-core movie titles I've been honoring since my first playthrough.
    2 points
  25. No. Priests and Druids can be awesome nukers, too. Chanters as well (check out a Bellower with Eld Nary's Curse). SC Ciphers can be the best friend of a nuker: Driving Echoes is very good to have on an offensive caster.
    2 points
  26. Takedown combo/disintegration crit, because of highest potential acc multiclass, is pretty offensive Arcane archer/ascendant with watershaper focus can cast triple pull of eora, to instantly immobilize group of enemies and ascend (with high chance to trigger ondra's wrath multiple times)
    2 points
  27. You really have to look at the Penetration. Casters' biggest nemesis is underpenetration. I'm having lots of fun with my Troubadour/Psion offensive non-stop caster. I didn't use Soul Shock a lot before but with this class combo it's one of my favorite spells atm.
    2 points
  28. LOL! If I had told you on Monday that Trump was going to get the second highest vote total in history you would’ve thought he was going to win wouldn’t you? That is just too funny.
    2 points
  29. The massive turnout would be a red flag if it only benefited Biden, I suppose. But Trump is going to surpass 70 million votes, way over his 2016 numbers and probably the 2nd highest total in history. Maybe it was just an important election? Maybe it was easier to vote with all the drop boxes and clarifications of mail-in voting? Maybe people are just bored during a pandemic? Nah, it's probably fraud.
    2 points
  30. Big part of the freedom of speech is that media is independent of government and has freedom to decide what they cover and not cover PS. US media didn't cover my speech during Trump speech also so he isn't only one who was censored by evil media corporations
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. Interesting how it is mark of dictature when opposition candidate is winning and private companies don't broadcast government's message
    2 points
  33. Ah, the old fashioned call backs. I was tempted to throw this in the funny thread...
    2 points
  34. I heard Trumps comments from last night. A President leaving office has two ways to go. They can walk away with dignity, with head held high. Or they can go kicking and screaming. Looks like Trump has chosen the latter. But... of course he would!
    2 points
  35. They have to share the seat in the oval office and take turns being the big spoon.
    2 points
  36. That's my point. Core for core, I don't think Rocket Lake outright beats Zen 3. It's not a given that the fastest Rocket Lake with 8 cores beats the 5800x. Even if it does, does it beat the 5800x with SMT SAM? Less likely. Does it beat the 5800x on price with a $50 price drop? No. Does it beat the 5800xt? I doubt it. The problem here is 4 months gap. The reason Intel doesn't get hurt from the socket changes is that drop in CPU upgrades are not a thing. People don't upgrade their CPU every 1 or 2 years. They stretch it out to 4-6 years, and it doesn't hurt anyone, especially in gaming. There's enough reason for an entire platform change in 4 years. People don't actually use the features on the top end motherboards, there are much better options in the $150-300 range, so it's a non-issue. Even on AMD, you do not see 300 chipset Zen 2 builds, because the 400/500 chipsets are much better. The only people who care are people who pay $500-800 on a MoBo. Those people should either be rich so it doesn't matter, or should have changed their behaviour as the market changed, drop down a tier in pricing.
    2 points
  37. From the world of Australia politics. Murdoch may be tolerated the US, but his native country is thoroughly fed up with his constant lies and interfering in politics with deliberate misinformation: "More than 500,000 Australians have signed the petition to parliament since it launched three weeks ago. News Corp Australia controls 70% of local newspaper circulation. Mr Murdoch has not commented on the petition." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-54819803
    2 points
  38. He comes across as someone who needs a walking aid already... much less doing any running
    2 points
  39. Just found out that my older brother survived the terrorist attack in Vienna. Apparently they all hid inside the restaurant for 5 hours until the police had everything under control. What the hell is this world coming to...
    2 points
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