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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/20 in all areas

  1. it’s a book report for “atlas shrugged“
    4 points
  2. No, I mean, really. Statistical inference is great and all, but is there any actual evidence that Trump's rallies have (indirectly) killed 700 people? There isn't, and the paper's authors are the first to admit it. This is all purely mathematical modeling. Of course, it may be possible to argue that the Trump Administration has to accept part of the blame for the failure to conduct effective contact tracing programs. But that's a more complex story, not to mention nowhere near as attention-grabbing as "TRUMP KILLED ELEVENTY BILLION!!1". Nuance is for chumps, and you can't very well farm likes on twatter with that boring crap.
    4 points
  3. No, not going to gloat. Regardless of the outcome, I think the US lost. In more ways than one. If anything, a miracle is needed after whoever is the sitting president 2020-2024 to salvage the pieces of a political culture that has been steadily demolished and what seems to be constitutional safeguards being gradually dismantled. It *feels* like the system has become a playground for special interest groups, from Exxon to the NRA and the sacrificial cattle is the "ordinary" American. In the meantime, Putin and Xi are laughing their asses off and various autocrats, populists and despots in the rest of the world are following events with amused interest, wondering how they can benefit the most from the chaos.
    3 points
  4. Would be cool if one could remove them with White Worms.
    3 points
  5. My whole life feels like Mamoulian War's Shadowrun HK playthrough: on hold.
    2 points
  6. First, Hawke, I want you to recommend a game for me. In my years following and often stalking without posting, I've found your input useful. Ironically, considering your quote, I've found mel's advice useful also. I still have that quirky little Lovecraft game that he recommended. Hell, I've finished it twice! Meanwhile, I started Amulet of Naheulbeuk (or something like that). I was playing it on hard. I guess 3rd highest setting out of 4? I was managing to muddle through the fights, but I don't have the time to patients for that, so I put it on 2 out of 4. Now I roll everying. I don't care. I get such little time to let loose. I don't want challenge so much as distraction.
    2 points
  7. Try this. A free 7 day trial for online English courses... https://www.lingoda.com/en/
    2 points
  8. Apparently, lasting Empower applis its +20% duration boost to every Inspirations/Afflictions even if not Empowered. It is the case in the base version of the game, but the ability is so rarely used that no one ever realized, except for this guy : https://steamcommunity.com/app/560130/discussions/2/1843566500513031693/ Then, Community Patch tried to change the ability to make it applied to every Empowered Duration, not just Inspirations/Afflications. @Phenomenum realized there was something wrong but thought it was CP's change fault. Then I tried overwrote CP change to go back to base version of the game. But when I tried tweaking the values in order to make the ability relevant I was suprised about what I was. Since there was mods involved, I'm not 100% sure it is true. But I'm quite confident this is an actual base game glitch, especially because of the Steam Post. If confirmed, I'm probably going to address it in some way. I think the glitch comes from Hard Code, so can't be fixed easily. I'm probably going to change the ability entirely. It shall be in line with @Boeroer CP icon (Empowered symbol + Sandglass), so I'm leaning toward giving Empowered Action something like +200% Action speed (helps Empower design toward economy, will benefit any class by "grating" a couple of seconds in critical situations) EDIT : Or Skipping Recovery for Empowered Action to avoid Insta-missile salvo becoming a thing.
    1 point
  9. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/technology-54780460 Algorithm spots 'Covid cough' inaudible to humans
    1 point
  10. you can get the icepicks from him (what you need to progress) without recruiting him. you can even kill him as part of the dialogue, if you want.
    1 point
  11. Spellforce 3 is a good real time strategy RPG. If you played the first game (and its stand alone expansions) and even remember the story, it ties in with those interestingly after a while. It has some annoying large maps. Dragon Age: Inquisition I advise to remove. I'd say it has truly bad writing. But even Bioware can't do worse than Dragon Age 2. They tried though. Dragon Age: Origins was a good game. No person who has people to stop them from doing so should play the other Dragon Age games.
    1 point
  12. I like Tonga's. Nice version done by their marines
    1 point
  13. you should probably acquaint yourself to how power level scaling works. but at only tier 4 spells and no other +PL bonuses or further intellect bonuses i would expect aloth to be unable to get a 2 round combusting wounds.
    1 point
  14. It's a lash, +% for weapon dmg.
    1 point
  15. Hi K_A_T, here is my GamePass saves if you can convert them I can try those in GOG version. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7no07u5cuj9pzsq/2533274872961518.zip?dl=0 Thank you
    1 point
  16. do you have PL scaling? my quick math suggests you'd need a total of +7 PL to get pushed over the threshold with 20 intellect. if you can buff intellect anyway (infuse with vital essence?) you can get away with less +PL (a a reminder, for each ability tier that you've unlocked that is higher than the one the spell is on gives you +1 PL. so having access to tier 7 spells is +5 PL right there.)
    1 point
  17. Sure. A lot more than that actually. It’s also something you have to choose to do. We don’t have a draft. They can’t come up to you and say you’re going in the military and you don’t have any say so in it. Not the same thing. I knew what I was getting into and I volunteered to do it. But I also knew it wasn’t forever. And I could leave at the completion of my time if I chose to do so.
    1 point
  18. hey while doing some AI scripting I noticed some issues in vanilla: the AI doesn't recognize kalakoth's minor blights or arkemyr's enchanted armory as "summoned weapons" which leads to some scripting troubles. is this something that can easily be fixed by a missing keyword or something?
    1 point
  19. old city is unique like that. all other places just have slog zones or traps.
    1 point
  20. That's brilliant news! Eagerly awaiting your instructions whenever comfortable Just got the definitive version on steam
    1 point
  21. I kinda had no time to play anything last two weeks, because I've started organizing newcomer league for SimRacers in Czechia and Slovakia in Assetto Corsa on PC So currently my Shadowrun HK is little bit on hold. And with it, everything else Anyway back to DS2 gloating Scorpioness Najka, second attempt. I messed up my first attempt at her 10%. The second one was much smoother, I even went for the lulz to pickup last item, which I have missed in my almost 100% playthrough in NG+
    1 point
  22. It also depends, on how big chunk of all stock on market you get for said price.
    1 point
  23. Still, it's kind of crazy that CDPR, a company that made 3 games, is worth about as much as Activision and Ubisoft.
    1 point
  24. From the random category... there's a special atmosphere when Pacific nations play rugby against each other
    1 point
  25. Haven't noticed any FPS drops there. There were only 1 graphical bug (shadow effects on characters in one of the dungeons) and 1 side-quest-related bug (the NPC became impossible to interact with).
    1 point
  26. You know it’s a good thing you were a lawyer. You would’ve made a poor behaviorist or psychiatrist.
    1 point
  27. Sitting on my porch with the Dolphins/Rams game on the radio
    1 point
  28. DogTV had a Haloween Costume contest. This was the winner. The girl is pretty hot!
    1 point
  29. Musclepower you mean? /flex I'll also say, as much as a help anti-spin, EBS, ACC, ESC, TCS and all the other abbrieviations, I feel makes drivers more unsafe than when they don't have it. When the road is covered with sleet, rain or snow, you never find old cars without these systems driving 120kmh+, hell there are some people that forgo changing to winter tyres for that same reason, plus "I've got 4 wheel drive".. --- A coworker of my mother decided to take a little walk and visited my mother, drinks were imbibed, I was asked if I could driver her home. No problem. Later in the evening when I was about to drive her, she said she'd lost her cigarettes and asked if we could take a detour and buy some, I said sure. When we arrive at the gas station her phone starts ringing, her boyfriend; "What the **** are you doing in *town x*?!" Every damn alarm bell in my head is ringing at that. He's ****ing tracking her cellphone?!
    1 point
  30. as a grumpy and old person, we cannot help but believe that the fancy-schmancy intraweb thing all the kids talk 'bout these days may have something to do with the diminished capacity to get beyond the remember and understand portions o' bloom's taxonomy. every question may be answered with a quick google search, and not just facts neither. be directed by a lit teacher to discuss themes, symbolism and modern day relevance o' (insert a shakespeare play here) and one need only learn how to refine the appropriate search engine query. the internet is a fabulous and indispensable tool, but we cannot help but feel as if ez access to answers makes it more difficult to teach kids how to learn. and now let's talk about power steering. back in Gromnir's day... HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  31. Grading my first Unit exams during this digital teaching experiment reminds me that there are two kinds of people in this world; those that can extrapolate on limited data.
    1 point
  32. just to add, even for non-casters helm of the white void can be very good and is worth a check for anyone's setup. rogue abilities should generously benefit from it, for example. mule kick (but not knockdown) and charge on fighter also benefit. while i haven't tested this one in particular, even barbarian should benefit once they have spirit frenzy. however OBS programmed the item, it's just generously in the player's favor and so long as the ability in question has a mind/body affliction at any point, the entire thing gets a +10 accuracy bonus.
    1 point
  33. a week ago we used a drop box to vote. today we final got notice the ballot had been received. still feels like a win. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. If you build abit higher the trees hitbox stops entirely and you can walk trough it. But yes, the trees hitbox is very janky.
    1 point
  36. Like AndreaColombo said. In general: relying on attack from stealth/invisibility is a weak move in a party based playthrough to begin with (with the exception of Vanishing Strikes/SC Rogue and Whispers of the Wind/SC Monk). It can be fun an is effective in certain encounters, but it is a completly different playstyle then. It's great for soloing though. But Rogues are not all about that. Not at all. Their "Sneak Attack" passive simply means they deal a hell lot of more damage to any enemy that has an affliction. Given that melee rogues have a passive named "Persistent Distraction" that causes two affliction just by engaging somebody (Distract which includes Flanked) his Sneak Attack turns into a 100% uptime passive damage bonus. But even without Persistent Distraction: it's so easy to put afflictions on enemies with all kinds of abilities that Sneak Attack nearly always applies. No stealth involved. If you want high melee dps a Rogue is your best bet - generally speaking.
    1 point
  37. WotW is hard to beat. Are you saying that WotW with a Greatsword feels more powerful than a Devoted/Helwalker with Greatsword? Or are you using two weapons on the SC to optimize the Full Attacks? There are 2 ways to go with this Brawler that I'm seeing. One is more defensive and stays in the middle of enemies with Mob Stance on and Refreshing Defense, etc. The other plays at range with Dance of Death and Conquerer's Stance (won't stack with Dance, but is +10 Acc for the first 12 seconds until Dance can stack up). The Mob Stance bruiser version with Firebrand, Accuracy is 119 (109 with Savage Attack on) in Mob Stance self-buffed only. You could pick up +10 from a priest or 5 from paladin/deadeye. *Note that Mob Stance Free Attacks get bonus Accuracy: +8 ability level and +2 per power level (+10 for this character). As for speed, after a Crit (for necklace buff) with 2 enemies engaged, attack speed is .4 and recovery is 1.9 (1.8 with Abraham). That's with every slot dedicated to speed (Aegor's, Necklace of the Harvest Moon, Helm of the Falcon, etc.). I'll play around with the Dance of Death + Instruments version, but I think it's wanting something different. There's less incentive to wear the Contender's armor, since we won't be engaging from range and the extra armor isn't helping as much. Someone who is better at attack/recovery math can weigh in if downgrading to Miscreants is better here, or if the single large bonus from Mobility is still better, or if we just scrap light/medium armor + Armored grace and switch to a 0 recovery armor. You would want to dump RES here instead of INT, to extend the duration of Instruments. Also, in a little bit of testing, I don't think wound generation is high enough with just Voidwheel self damage and Dance of Death. The 4 wounds for Instruments, which needs to be refreshed, along with Thundering Blows, leaves very little for Monk Torment's Reach (which gives another +25% additive DMG). I'm imagining trading out the Devoted for a Berserker would work better. In that case we really are dancing with death. You probably would have enough wounds to keep up Blade Turning, in a pinch, but the self-DMG might be too damn high.
    1 point
  38. I would argue that Streetfighter/Priest of Berath hits like a truck on kerosine. However - unless we know what "no sneak attack builds" means we put this on hold... Other very potent 2H-builds include Citzal's Spirit Lance. Shadowdancer, Holy Slayer and Mindstalker are all candidates for very high to highest melee weapon dps - but once again: "no sneak attack builds". What does that mean? No sneaking around and attacking from stealth/doing backstabs? Or no use of Rogues in general because they come with the Sneak Attack passive? No rogue builds that can have very high melee dps are SC Soulblade (Time Siphon + Reaping Knives allows for non-stop spamming Soul Annihilation with minimal recovery), Ranger/Soulblade can be very good (if you emphasize on Takedown Combo - but very micro-heavy). If we are looking at high levels then I would say the non-rogue class with the highest melee dps potential will be single class Monk due to Resonant Touch. Use Keeper of the Flame + Sun & Moon and Swift Flurry. Generally what generates high dps is: a) high additive bonuses combined with b) high lashes (which are multiplicative) combined with c) high attack speed This usually means we are talking about Streetfighter (since he combines the highest additive dmg bonuses AND one of the best speedup modifiers in one class) with anything that can have a lash or works like one (multiplicative dmg bonus) which means Monk (Lightning Strikes/Swift Flurry + Turning Wheel), Paladin (FoD and Eternal Devotion), Druid (Wildstrike and Boar form), Chanter (Mith Fyr), even Wizard (Spirit Lance + Zandethu's Draconic Fury), Soul Blade (Soul Annihilation profits from additive dmg bonuses in a multiplicative way like a lash) and Priest with Spiritual Weapons.
    1 point
  39. I agree with many of the points above... some random thoughts Monk (Hel) / Rogue (Tricks) - I like trading the imperceptible reduction in DPS for added survivability (Offense Single 10 / Offense AOE 5 / Defense 7 / Utility 5) Monk (Hel) - T8/T9 abilities makes this a difficult DPS class to overlook (Offense Single 10 / Offense AOE 7 / Defense 6 / Utility 4) Barb (Zerk) - T8/T9 and carnage make for a potent melee combatant (Offense Single 8 / Offense AOE 9 / Defense 5 / Utility 4) Druid (Shift) / Rogue (Street or Tricks) - Storms + shifted melee is potent... plus Druid offers great utility (Offense Single 8 / Offense AOE 7 / Defense 7 / Utility 9) Pali (Bleak) / Rogue (Tricks) - Good DPS, decent support, and high defenses (Offense Single 7 / Offense AOE 4 / Defense 9 / Utility 6) Fighter (Devoted - 2HS or Estoc) / Cipher (SB) - Good AP & ACC, flexible build, good defenses (Offense Single 8 / Offense AOE 7 / Defense 8 / Utility 7) Fighter (Devoted -Pike) / Wiz (Blood) - Great defense, great AOE (Citzals), good accuracy, etc. (Offense Single 6 / Offense AOE 10 / Defense 10 / Utility
    1 point
  40. Exactly. You cannot simply add the damage bonuses like that. Damage bonuses like Sneak Attack are additive dmg bonuses which have weapon bas damage as... well, base. Lashes take the overall damage (you see in the combat log) and multiply it. This is usually better than an additive bonus. Best results you get when you can add lots of additive dmg bonuses (MIG, quality enchantments, Sneak Attack, Deathblows, Backstab and so on) and combine them with a high lash (e.g. Flames of Devotion with Dragon's Dowry etc.). Usually this combo is better than only go into lashes (Paladin + Monk) or only go into additive dmg bonuses (Rogue + Cipher). Depends on weapon choice though and if you have a Chanter with Mith Fyr and whatnot. Also keep in mind that abilities get +5% base damage per additional Power Level. This means that a for example a single class Rogue with Prestige will have an Arterial Strike with *1.45 base damage (10 PL - 1 PL = 9 * 5 = 45%). This is multiplictive since it's base damage - so at least as good as a 45% lash. If you combine that with the plentyful dmg bonuses a rogue can have this leads to great damage. A multiclass Rogue/Paladin can only get to PL 7 (items and comsumables aside) so his PL bonus on Arterial Strike is only 5*5 = 25%. This is a difference of 20% multiplicative dmg - so what a paladin/rogue with FoD would give you. Multiclass synergies are nice - especially since they start to unfold early. On the other hand single classes are always 1 to 2 PLs ahead. This not only means they get access to certain gamebreakers earlier (or at all) but also have higher base damage, PEN and ACC with their abilites. Don't forget the above when comparing damage potential of single class vs. multiclass. Of the above I would think that Shadowdancer (Streetfighter/Helwalker) would win the race for best (sustained) dps. I think he would need to give way to a single class monk or rogue in the end though. Their PL8/9 abilites are just too strong. I would also consider a Mindstalker (Assassin or whatever/Soulblade). With Sun & Moon for example you'll get plenty of dmg - and stuff like Borrowed Instinct is great for both defense and offense.
    1 point
  41. A few thoughts: FoD, Turning Wheel, and Lightning Strikes are all lashes-so they're multiplicative with other bonuses, not additive. On the rogue side, you're moving from a class focused on damage to one focused on defense; the offensive contribution from that side is naturally going to decline. On the other side, you're moving from a class specializing in big up-front hits to one focused on action speed and sustaining resources over long fights, and then you're comparing an active ability to autoattacks. Again, you should see a drop in paper max damage. The monk gets you a few things: you can shift attributes from Might to other stats (a Helwalker can hit the cap from 20 passive Might; if you're building a Watcher with Berath's Blessings and Gift from the Machine, you only need 17 from gear and character creation options), so you can invest more in other stats without sacrificing damage. Helwalkers have unrivaled access to stat boosts; on the topic of tanking remember that +15 Might, +5 Dex, +10 Int from Monk abilities mean +30 Fort, +10 Reflex, and +20 Will in addition to the offensive boosts. Monks also have access to one of the best defensive items in the game in Tuotilo's Palm. With a full stack of wounds, it provides more deflection than a large shield without an accuracy penalty and counting as an offhand weapon that scales with Transcendent Suffering. It has crappy base damage, so it's not as good for DPS as a real weapon, but it has solid accuracy and penetration and weapons don't provide +28 Deflection and Reflex (when fully enchanted and using weapon and shield style).
    1 point
  42. You have compared an active skill for Holy Slayer (FoD) vs passives for SD. At least add Crippling Strike for another +25% damage (and 2 more PEN!). Or Devastating Blow for up to 300%. And sure, you should add Lightning Strikes 15% IMO. Even if you're not gonna end using them, Swift Flurry is also a DPS gain. Monk also offers aoe attacks, such as Raised torrent, Flagellant's path, which are more difficult to calculate for damage output. Most of them primary though. And Skyward Kick for +50% primary damage. Stunning Surge for CC. On the other hand, a Streetfighter adds +50% sneak damage on top of the regular 30-60% (Trickster 20-50%) and 50% Deathblows for up to +160% total sneak bonus.
    1 point
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