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  1. As some of the board regulars will be feeling soon no doubt...
    5 points
  2. So after much deliberation over the course of the weekend, my friends and I (more commonly known as the Cheesebags) love the game to bits so far and have come up with some cool ideas for things we'd love to maybe see in future updates. I will sort the lists into categories for convenience. Possible new Creatures: We decided to ballpark some new ideas for possible future creatures to add to the garden. Due to the wasps in the banner image on the steam page we assume you already intend to add them into the game. So we have left them out of this list, but below we have some of our other suggestions. Bees Mosquitoes Butterflies Moths Dragonflies Caterpillars Centipedes Fleas Earthworms Silverfish Snails Frogs/Tadpoles Utilities: Ladders We reckoned that ladders would be a useful way to ascend a built wall that might take up less floor space than stairs. Zip-Lines These could be a great method of travel between two fixed points, they could work either in a traditional sense and you'd slide from one higher point down to the lower. Or maybe they could work with some kind of pulley system from two points of equal height. Rope Swing For this we figure like in lots of games you could either have a fixed anchor point built and you could jump to grab it and swing back and forth to clear some kind of gap. Or maybe it works on a portable sense somewhat akin to Indies Whip but functionally works the same, maybe with a sticky tip of some kind to attach to surfaces. Elevators/Dumbwaiters These could be excellent for those that built raised bases. Perhaps using some sort of pulley system one might be able to raise/lower a platform with chests on or a grass pallet. This would for sure help for more convenient item hauling in a vertical sense. Rowboats We assume that the pond is going to have more to it, but we figure that a boat of some kind would be fantastic in traversing across the water. They would possibly be made from acorns leaves or lily pads. Rain Catcher This Item is dependent on a weather topic that will follow below. But if rain was ever implemented a receptacle of some kind to catch the rain would be brilliant. Stationary Slingshot Turret This idea came about thinking about a kids slingshot, and maybe moving forward with that in mind maybe there could be some kind of stationary slingshot style item to launch the players over a great distance for easy travel with the gliders. This could be a really high demand recipe as it is a rather strong item to have. Quality of Life: Inventory sorting function This was one of the first things we came to yearn for in game, we fell that the ability to auto sort a storage container, your own backpack & and easier way to merge you personal inventory with that of the contained would be a much welcome addition. Inventory stack increase Due to the limited amount of storage space in the backpack and the containers, we really feel that the stack size of items could be increased to some degree. It feels like 10 is far too low as the inventory in your backpack alone fills up too quick and maybe increasing up to at least 20 would be great. Craft 'X' quantity of item function This comes about due to the fact we feel crafting larger quantities of items takes too long when doing them one at a time. For example, being able to adjust the number of how many woven fibres you want to make based on the amount of planet fibres in your backpack and craft all at once would be a huge time saver. Pallet capacity increase Similar to the inventory stack quantity feeling too low, we feel the same issue extends to the pallets. Considering how many grass planks in particular you need to build larger structures it would be very handy if the amount of planks you can get onto each pallet could be increased to maybe 30. This would prevent having to stop building and gathering planks almost every living second of the game as you burn through them so fast and building. Storage Chest Naming This one isn't nearly as major as the custom markers on the chests a already pretty cool. But maybe being able to add a name to a storage container just to further mark it with a specific kind of item would be neat, Equipped items not taking up an inventory slot So far we feel that we dislike that the tools and certainly the armour take up a backpack slots while equipped. I'm not sure and the best way to go around dealing with this in the game in the cleanest way for the UI. But its definitely a thought we'd like to put out there to discuss with everyone. Ability to move built structures For far it's been a bit of a pain placing a structure or utility item down in the wrong place and having to recycle it (receiving less materials) to move to another spot. Only to then to not have enough materials now and having to stop and go harvest more. Maybe having just the ability to move a completed base piece would be handy but obviously could be avoided currently by being very careful with where you but down blueprints. It would still however be a very handy feature to have. Custom Blueprint Group This one is inspired by other building games, namely Planet Zoo. In this game you have the ability to create a 'group' blueprint based on a structure you've made so that you could save it to a library and the whole blueprint of the structure could be placed in one motion to make it easier to make duplicate structures. This would be a fantastic feature to add as I would like to repeat a few structures we have made within the garden. Filter Specific Trail Markers This one is another minor one, but even though there is already a way to hide the trail markers from the UI. We feel that being able to isolate certain ones, namely the quest ones while keeping all the other ones could be great. Because in our game at least, we know where to go for each of the major landmarks now but still use a lot of our own custom trail markers. But having our own in addition to the quest ones can be quite overwhelming and would like the ability to filter certain ones away. Additional 'Major' Features: Different weather variations This one I'm sure has been brought up by others, but a weather feature with some of the usual classics, rain, drought, snow, overcast, humid could be neat and effect the game play in various ways based on each individual weather. I wont go through all of them as this paragraph would be gigantic but maybe a few examples might be that some of the games creatures might act differently or perhaps the rain might be very dangerous to travel through but would obviously be a plentiful source of water. Season Variations This one is similar to the weather note prior where maybe just some of the games features, game play mechanics and of course visuals might change up to complement the passage through the different seasons throughout the year in the garden. Understandable this one is a giant effort to bring to life but would be awesome on the less. Base Building: Below are just some off the cuff ideas we had for other base building items that could be added to spice things up. Bunk Beds Slime Mold Ceiling Light Flower Petal Roof Pieces Support Pillars/Columns Bug Cage Trap Equipment: This is the same as the above category but for general equipment. Thistle Armour (returns damage back to attacker) Wing suits (possibly made from insect wings wasps/dragonflies etc) At this moment in time these are all the suggestions for game play changes and possible future content that we the Cheesbags have come up with. We hope that future readers of this like some of our ideas and would be open to discussing their opinion on what we have brought up below, or even add their own ideas! And lastly to the team over at Obsidian, we hope this might be useful information to all of those working on the game. Keep up the great work, even in early access we are having a blast and cant wait to see the next content update from you guys. Stay Fresh! - Corey. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just under here I'm going to keep the ideas from everyone in the thread so that in the event of crazy amounts of ideas flooding in we can keep most of the coverage from the topic up near the top for easy reading. I will credit everyone accordingly for their ideas Tamable creatures This is one that I reckon comes up a lot for many players. But I do really like the idea of being able to tame certain insects to maybe just have around player bases in order to defend them from threats. Then also down that same vein even have some mounts to ride around on much like in honey I shrunk the kids. Being able to ride an Ant or a Ladybug would be terribly fun and a great addition to the game.
    2 points
  3. The wolf spider under the oak tree is giving me significant trouble. I have arachnophobia. The orb weavers don't scare me unless they charge directly at me, but just the sight of the wolf spiders can send me into uncontrollable shivers. My heart stops when they rear up their front legs and let's not talk about what happens when their eyes turn red. The problems begin when I go to the oak lab. The blind corner behind the leaf near the entrance is terrifying so I glide in from the nearby root to shorten my time on the ground. The biggest problem though, is getting out of the lab. The exit is in a cramped funnel that requires me to run and pray that I can scramble onto something before he catches me. That's heart-wrenching enough as it is but it doesn't stop there. He just sits right next to the door waiting for me to leave! He's just barely far enough from the door that I can get away, provided that I don't get caught on anything or miss a jump. I never travel during the night. Is he supposed to sit at the entrance waiting for me to leave? Is there another way out? I can live with the other wolf spiders, running into them and subsequently dying to them is definitely terrifying, but getting camped at a funnel by a spider i can't see every time I want to see BURG.L is getting harder and harder for me. I want to avoid using the arachnophobia filter as long as I can because it interrupts my immersion, but that level of terror just to get some quests and recipes is just too much. I will use it as a last resort. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
    2 points
  4. I don't really know where to start here.. so this will be mostly random. Sorry for those expecting a more professional post. First some facts, although I don't have them in order to do proper troubleshooting. I am playing on PC, but using the game pass system, so not a steam purchase/run game. I have had.. a terrible amount of crashes and problems. I didn't even know Raw Science could be picked up in the world until recently, meanwhile day 40+ in game has passed. My game play has come to an end as I cannot progress. I don't mean due to lack of content, but because of serious issues with game mechanics/flaws/bugs. - I need ladybug parts. But there are 0 ladybugs in my world. I've run all over, looked up videos on where people find them, and haven't seen one in probably 30 game days. - Larvae are swarming. I managed to go kill some 30+ and raid the hole near the Spade Gulch thinking this would help quell them - but it hasn't. (btw, I have killed 0 ants.) - Speaking of ants. No worker ants exist, anywhere, that I can find. A TON of soldier ants, literally everywhere, but no workers. The ant hill is full of soldiers, I have a screen capture with 13+ stuck in one spot. - there have been 0 ant eggs. I have checked daily for over 10 in game days. (this may be related to the crazy amount of Soldiers in my world, as only Soldiers exist) - Spiders. There need to be fewer spiders. By this I have been in areas where 4 Orb Weavers and a Wolf Spider are all around me, and there is no way to battle this. Since I also have no ladybugs, I have no tank defense, can't get better gear/weapons, etc. I really wish killing a spider was some sort of benefit. Like - after killing an orb spider it takes 2 in game days for that one to respawn. Make it take a little bit longer for the wolf spiders. -grass growth. I really wish 'breaking the root' (the stump leftover after harvesting) would prevent grass regrowth. Clearing a large area around key points is basic strategy to see and either avoid, or deal with, dangers. -foundation health. it needs to be improved, larvae seem to tear through my clay foundations in less than 5 hits. constantly having to repair is also annoying due to: - repair tool needs to be "E" (or activate) to use, and HOLD to repair, not swing it repeatedly like a weapon. - lights, sconces, etc need a "hold E" to snuff - chopping grass (to get fiber parts) should put the fiber in your inventory unless your full. Same with breaking pebbles and clay. The excessive amount of 'resource explosions' tends to get annoying. - we need an expanded inventory system -or- allow out hotbars to be another row of inventory, allowing that much more space. - items need to stack in larger amounts. double would be a nice start for testing. - spider fang weapon should have improved durability since it's damage is so low. (by the time you kill just a few things you need to repair, and it takes 3q to do) - every insect seem to be spawning and getting stuck. in rocks, in roots, in grass, in nothing at all. - bomb. beetles and spiders are too quick to retreat. Using ranged tactics is less and less effective- this would be less an issue if arrows did more damage (needing less "pre damage" before battling) - Health Is returning to enemies much too quickly. I know the basis is to prevent 'exploitative mechanics' - but the best strategy would literally be to get up high and shoot things. Having things instant-heal the moment they walk too far away or time passes. (this strategy is literally shown on the loading screen where the teens are on a leaf using a bow against a spider) They need to have a much slower (say % over each second not in combat, healing completely in 30 seconds?) recovery system instead of 'no longer in aggro- reset stats' - poison weapons in general seem completely worthless. I get the general idea, but the poison damage seems so minimal that we are just better off using another weapon all together. IT's still not known (to me) if every hit is poison, or if only random hits are, or if once the psn starts - the damage stacks or not from more psn hits. (changing hp bar color to green, or indicating Damage over Time would help) -lighting seems to cause issues in bases. I believe the solution requires better light sources. Increased light radius of the various light furniture would allow us to place fewer of them, and having fewer seems to help the problems. - building needs to allow parts to snap to one another, in particular the triangle wall on top of regular wall. While it normally seems like this would work, if you rotate your wall on a angle - the triangle wall will not snap to the top to place in line. Rotating the triangle wall only snaps to 4 positions as well, and none line up with the angled wall. There are numerous places where building is glitchy and anger-inducing. -pallets should hold more. There really isn't a reason with how much grass we use, that a single pallet (which can't be moved when placed) can't be stacked as high as 1 wall. - after chopping down grass, dew will still form in the air (on nothing) in places. - sap harvester should hold more than 1 sap if left alone to generate. half a stack seems reasonable. (if using the values now, that means 5, if you increase stack sizes from previous suggestion/hope- it would be more) - arrows, after fired, need to be easier to pick up. Maybe a "hold E" to pick up a group around you, or just walk over them.
    2 points
  5. "France already have almost 10% population of muslim religion... " Bosnia has 50% muslim THE HORROR
    2 points
  6. None of them are bad. Except for Smuggler from Act 2 onward. Act 1 Smuggler is great. Then they ran out of ideas and just throw you a personal nemesis your character has no reason to care about. On top of that, the starting companion for Smuggler is also rather bland. I like the Imperial Agent storyline.
    2 points
  7. am not sure how anybody other than ignorant bed wetters got past "muslim ban." yeah, the US has failed to live up to its foundational principles more than once during the past +200 years, failed all too frequent in fact, but this country is s'posed to be a heaven for those fleeing religious persecution. no doubt hurl has taught students the history o' how those oppressed for their beliefs in europe (e.g. puritans, mennonites, jesuits, etc.) made the dangerous trip to an uncertain future in the Americas in hope they could escape the bigotry they faced in the old country. all too often the muslims who today seek a new start in the US is fleeing religious intolerance of a particular violent and bloody nature, and yet trump wanted to slam the door shut on such folks en masse... stoked fear and prejudice. is shameful we elected a guy who were promising a muslim ban. fact such weren't the red line for voters is a stain on our national character which is gonna take a long time to expunge, particular as am suspecting such bigotry has become worse these past three years.
    2 points
  8. I liked several things in WM 1+2 more than the original PoE1 (like the personal quest of my monk companion where you are totally stoned) and BoW and FS were better than most of PoE2 (not a big fan of SSS, but I prefer story over combat) MotB was better than NWN2 and while Fallout NV was very good, the DLC with the crazy brains in glasses was fantastic ( Hey, I am a mad scientist ) It really looks like Obsidian is good with DLC. I still wait until The Outer Worlds is released elsewhere ( not Epic) and I will buy it as complete Edition ( The game + all DCL after some patches). I finished Pathfinder Kingmaker, Fallout NV and The Witcher 3 only once because they are so huge. By the way, Blood and Wine was a great DLC too, I still remember the quest were you can talk with your horse.
    2 points
  9. Some extra ideas Compass It is really easy to get turned around when looking for resources or avoiding larger bugs and having a compass would help you keep a general sense of direction. I find that looking for landmarks can be very time consuming and taking your eyes away from your surroundings to look at your map in order re-orientate yourself can be dangerous. Have a tiered threat warning Each time something simple such as a lawn mite aggros onto the player the threat warning appears and the war drums begin to play. This makes sense and is reasonable, but I always think something bigger such as a spider or beetle have snuck up on me. I immediately scramble for high ground until I can confirm that there are no spiders trying to eat my face and I can relax. I think the threat warning text should be colored based upon the threat of the bug. For example the text would be green for the lesser enemies like lawn mites, yellow for the bugs that could pose a threat such as ladybugs and ants, and red for the bugs that are truly a problem if not taken seriously such as spiders and beetles.
    2 points
  10. I rate the Wing suits idea a lot
    2 points
  11. I saw this article today: Avowed Likely Playable In First & Third-Person Like The Elder Scrolls Games. Hopefully it will be!
    2 points
  12. Can anyone tell me how to force my game to use Directx11 isntead of 12? I've tried looking it up butr i can't find anything that would help me, and if i have to go through Config files in the install location then i might be SOL. I use Game Pass PC to play and have been having the crash problems, googling doesn't seem to be helping me figure out how to fix this problem as nothing i seem to do works. I'm not sure where to look for the Config either.
    2 points
  13. This being obsidian I'm sure there will be some sort of speech skill equivalent used for quest resolutions, so I'd like to make a simple appeal: Please don't reduce it to picking weirdly marked dialogue lines and a skill check. In case you need more elaboration the point is made far better below: The implementation of forms of persuasion has gone from being great hallmark of Fallout series to a joke of a skill-check barred instant-win single dialogue lines in your recent games. You are a better developer than that. Thank you, that is all.
    1 point
  14. Having played about 10 hours of the game on Xbox so far, really enjoying it and love the world and story so far. With that said, here are some observations and suggestions I have (some of which have already been shared by others) in a hope they may be considered for future enhancements. Ability to name save files, or at least differentiate Auto-Save files between Single and Multiplayer Multiplayer Accessibility Ability to invite Friends into game from the Xbox menus (current option where you have to host and then they have to join from the menu is a bit clunky) Ability to set game to "Private" (we had a random person join our game multiple times and had to keep kicking them) Hotpouch Control - change to "Tap LB" to quick cycle through the Hotpouch items, and "Hold LB" to open Hotpouch radial menu. Currently very cumbersome to quickly or easily swap things in certain situations, especially if your items break or run out of consumables. PC players can easily assign these to 1-8 keys for example, so Xbox would benefit from another option and would be similar to Minecraft. Xbox can remap some of the Hotpouch spots to the D-Pad, but then you'd lose other commands (not that Non-verbal comms or emotes are that useful for Single player, I've also reassigned D-Pad Right to Open the Map) Find a new function for the Y button, as toggling the markers could be moved to the Map screen. This would allow for another remapped command as the Marker Toggle exists on the Executable Radial or to activate your "off-hand" items like torches, maybe an eventual Shield, Another option would be a "Ping" command for a temporary marker to highlight an item or location, and would be especially useful for Multiplayer (preferred option) I've currently mapped it to Swap to Previous Item, which is useful only if the equipment you last used compliment each other (I likely will be remapping it again to be Hotpouch Slot 1 and putting a weapon there) Inventory Quality of Life Armor once equipped should not take up an inventory slot Option to move stacks of items into storage Sort functions Being able to "tag" areas of interest (i.e. a juice box) on the Map to set a waypoint or marker for slightly easier navigation, but then disappears once you get to it. Adding a basic compass marker to SCA.B HUD/UI Currently very easy to get lost as the biomes are visually mostly the same in the majority of the map, and large defining structures (i.e. Oak Tree) aren't always visible. Option to slide by pressing crouch while sprinting, or to roll by double clicking crouch while moving (would be helpful for dodging bug attacks) Option to clamber up small heights by pressing or holding the jump button (this has become such a staple in games now that it just feels missing here) Ability to interact with "friendly" insects Petting Ants are a must, and feeding them food Option to "tame" temporarily Ladybugs and Ants to help you harvest or get somewhere Item/Equipment Requests Slingshot with different ammo types - rock, multi-shot, AOE effect shots (smoke bomb, sap trap, diversion lure) Bug Net - to capture Gnats and Aphids Shield - (alternative form of blocking) Healing Ointment - for immediate health recovery instead of recovery-over-time like the Bandage Baitball (Lure? - haven't tested those yet so unsure if this already exists) - throwable consumable that attracts predators so that you can escape/sneak past Crossbow - for more damage but slower rate of fire, and as optional "Zipline" alternative ammo type Zipline - for quick traversal of the environment from height Bug Types for the future - praying mantis, caterpillars, fireflies, bees/hornets, Or other animals that act as "world-events" - frogs, birds, snakes Building controls are a little wonky with the controller and how structures snap to build points, in that walls don't always align with each other or doors, or can float above the ground leaving gaps. Also, small observation - there are currently 4 characters, but when you first spawn into the world the canister with the body cutouts has 5 spots...is there going to be a 5th character, or option to "create your own" in a limited sense? I think that is it for now. As stated above, loving the game so far, and looking forward to see how it develops. Thank you Obsidian.
    1 point
  15. My girlfriend and I are experiencing a weird bug on PC. First off after attacking and killing a wolf spider she was poisoned, she healed with a first aid bandage back to full health and continued to have the green poison aura around her screen. She tried relogging to see if it would disappear and now everytime she tries to join our game, her character falls through the world. She's tried fully closing out the game and reinstalling and it still happens. Thanks in advance.
    1 point
  16. First of all, I just wanna say I've enjoyed this game so far, and I hope it keeps getting updates. Suggestions/ideas First of all how about new traps, that are made for catching small insects, like the weavers or green bugs, though in order the catch them, you'd have to use certain bait. Animal pen, so basically you catch small bugs like the little green bugs, once you catch them you can create an animal pen and put them down inside, where the won't despawn, and if you've captured two, if you feed them, the next day there would be a possibility of having third, which you can kill and eat. Basically being able to farm animals like cattle. A new type of ant armor like soldier ant armor which would have better protection than normal ant armor, as well as a new buff which increased the ant club's damage. The possibility of capturing Ant Worker and Soldier Ant larva from Ant colonies, and being able to raise the larva and when the grow up, Ant worker would collect items for your while soldier ants would protect your, your base, or other ants you've raised Other Ant colony that will battle other Ants that aren't apart of their colony. New Ant species like black ants, which could have new armor and weapons, and would attack the standard red ants.
    1 point
  17. I don't know if anyone feels this way, but the health reset feels really unfair sometimes. I was hiding in a can fighting three spiders, popping in and out shooting them with my bow. I eventually realized they were resetting every time I went back into the can. I even got one stuck in the can after it followed me in. I unloaded about 50 arrows, then started stabbing it. It's health reset after I moved around the can to try and stab it's legs which were protruding through. I understand that the enemy bug are supposed to be difficult, but they become near impossible when they require so much damage to kill AND reset their health if you try to recuperate. I was really looking forward to this game and enjoy a lot of the other aspects, but right now the combat is just way too punishing and my attacks feel ridiculously weak.
    1 point
  18. There is a HUGE flaw in whatever system keeps count of the total number of insects on the map. its now gotten to the point where anytime I go near a larvae pod, there’s at least 30-50 in the area and it works my GPU to its limits, which shouldn’t be happening seeing as I spent $2000 on this PC. It also causes both my friend on XBOX and me on PC to have a crazy amount of lag anytime we go near a cluster of larvae. Please introduce a more realistic food chain, have some of the bugs attack each other so my game doesn’t continue to get overloaded from the number of bugs on the map. It would even make more sense for the spiders to eat some of the bugs, like they do in real life! I really enjoy this game, but not at the cost of my PC.
    1 point
  19. SC Monk with Nomad's Briganine (immunity to disengamgement attack --> every disengagement attack is a miss) and Imagined Pain is great. Quite easy to play multiclasses for the beginner are Brute, Brawler and Crusader imo - since they are very forgiving in general, sturdy yet offensively strong, easy/straightforward to level, need rel. low micromanagement and are reliable with almost everything they do.
    1 point
  20. Well, that's true for default monks and 2 subclasses. But then there are 2 which don't need to be damaged to operate: Shattered Pillar (a bit gimped due to low Wound limit - unless using the Community Patch) and the Forbidden Fist, who generally wants high Res to reduce forbidden Curse duration, hence makes good monk tank material. Granted the FF needs to be a little more stingy with his Wound management initially, but his FF special is free and quite potent, can also rely on Stunning Surge cost refunds. Then Parting Sorrow helps a lot (think it also triggers whenever you kill an enemy you've been engaging... and as a monk you're killing a lot) and Imagined Pain can be even better, I hear. So there are very potent monk options that don't need/want to get hit
    1 point
  21. Loving the game concept so far. Currently playing a game with my husband. Just a few things: He created the game so when I join I usually don't have a saved character, which means I lose all my stuff when I join. I wish I could play the game without him online (the same game we started together) The game randomly has save points, there needs to be a way to save the game periodically Having a better bow would be nice (possibly haven't gotten to the point where we discover this). Spiders can glitch inside things, not necessarily a bad thing just a side note. I experienced a glitch where there was a group of recordings in a pile with a juice droplet (not sure what that was about); kept asking me to interact with it (grab it) but I could not.
    1 point
  22. For a monk in turn based mode you can dump con, dex and res to 3 (or as low as you're comfortable with). After that Int>Per>Mig, but don't let your might under 15 because it affects healing, fortitude and it's the only stat that can increase directly your damage (also you won't be able to maintain max wounds once you get WotW).
    1 point
  23. I believe you guys are at a turning point in survival games. Grounded is amazing! I've followed it for months on multiple youtubers trial videos. You already have so many things right in this game! The thing that makes me upset in every survival game though is the lack of the developer even trying to make the inventory management intuitive for console users. I think the first developer to come up with the perfected formula for survival game inventory management for console will change everything! I'm a console player, I have a one s. I know how crappy it is to buy a survival game and have it disappoint just because the inventory system was made primarily for PC. Ark, dayz, 7 days to die, u name it. Make the game better for console. Console users are dying for a user friendly inventory system. Also another suggestion, make burg.l cooler, make him float, I mean the guy who invented him can shrink people. Also lose the robots annoying voice, make his dialog better, spend some time on that. Cuz it's annoying, especially when he stutters. He's a robot, make him like short out for a second with a zap and some surge, like he has tretts syndrome. U guys can do waaay better with the robot, also make it easier to understand what the RS points mean, be more straightforward without having to go through tutorials. Just maybe drop a hint bubble if someone is struggling. Idk, take it or leave it. Love the game either way! It's so fricken cool!! Good job, great idea!!!
    1 point
  24. Anyone who claims the Chinese government 'serves the people' is beyond laughable.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. for future use, in turn-based mode dex (and armor) are much less important especially for non-casters. intellect is surprisingly useful for a monk as well (area of effect of torment's reach, duration of blade turning, duration of swift strikes) so intellect could use some if you plan on re-doing the stats. however, it's much harder to determine how good intellect is in turn-based mode due to hard rounding cutoffs - i remember reading something that 14 is a good all-purpose target to hit, but it can be really all over the place for turn-based mode. perception is also less useful in turn-based mode because the graze range is significantly larger - basically you almost never miss. you still benefit from hitting/critting more often though, though on lower difficulties on turn-based mode, the "balance between might and perception" shifts in favor of might. i don't think any of these are deal-breakers or reasons to re-roll, just providing that feedback.
    1 point
  27. I just got here to link the exact same article. I thought Vince McMahon did a pretty good job of creating a decent product. Not gonna lie, I'd love to see an XFL/CFL merger.
    1 point
  28. I don't think we need shields. I do fine blocking and I suppose the devs wants players to defend themselves in different ways than they're used to from other games. Simply mastering the blocking mechanic is already rewarding rather than cowering behind a 100% block shield. I support the current blocking system, it's a nice change of what we're used to.
    1 point
  29. Probably a fair observation, though Tom Hardy is not in many episodes and for those he is in it is usually a brief appearance. (Hardy is probably more famous, but I tend to think Murphy is more recognisable since he has a very distinctive look whoever he's playing. I didn't even realise Hardy was in Dunkirk until the end credits, but noticed Murphy immediately. There's also a pretty massive overlap between well known movies with Tom Hardy in and well known movies with Cillian Murphy in mostly thanks to Nolan, though I guess recently Hardy has had the bigger roles in them)
    1 point
  30. Jeanette, yes. I couldn't find anything more similar to her outfit, though.
    1 point
  31. I think it would be really dope if y'all implemented a butterfly either boss fight or an area where there's flowers and you have to climb them and jump on a butterfly's back. The scenery would be beautiful and it would help if they're tameable.
    1 point
  32. res is not that important for RP / story, most of that is handled by your passive skills (bluff, history, etc.), and when it comes to stat checks, resolve is probably about as important as any other stat. the main RP part where resolve matters is just if you're interested in picking up a specific soulbound mace, which requires an intellect check to figure out how to pick up the mace, and then a resolve check to fight back its efforts to resist you picking it up. you don't have to dump res, but it's not very useful for non-melee-ers. and on veteran or potd, due to boosted enemy stats, it's pretty much an all-in deal to get much out of it (but it can be extremely good with heavy investment). if you're new to poe, the system is very forgiving. it's really hard to do a "bad" stat setup. there's more room to screw up in deadfire simply because multiclassing explodes the possible choices to make, and you can't respec stats or your level 1 abilities, so there's greater possibility that you get a suboptimal combination. i'm one of those people who know how to min-max but i still consciously choose not to (at least, not all the way) simply because it's not as "fun", and not dumping res has never prevented me from clearing the highest difficulty with challenges and with megabosses. as a rough outline - intellect and dex are king stats. might and perception are roughly equivalent and are better off being balanced (for offensive characters at least). con and resolve always suffer in games like these because high defense is not really rewarded in most situations. but again, it's hard to do a stat combination that won't work out. i think if you dump intellect and dex and invest them in resolve/con for a ranged caster you might have a harder time, but otherwise i would just go with what you're comfortable with. there are lots of micro optimizations if you wanna dive deeper into it that become class/role-specific, but for someone facing indecision i wouldn't worry about it. think of it more as something to worry about if you do a second or third run, after you have more experience under your belt. also, +1 to @Scrapulous's post. though one thing to add: i'm only really familiar with monks from dnd, 3e/pathfinder and if iirc in those games a monk is mostly an evasive glass-cannon (getting lots of AC when lightly encumbered, for example). the monk in poe2 is more about taking a lot of pain to power your abilities. depending on your preferred playstyle/narrative that might be quite a change, because in most situations being highly evasive is actually bad for you.
    1 point
  33. Looking at the pond area and imagining what kind of creatures could reside there I thought it would be rad if water striders were added! Looks like the scientific name is Gerridae... would be so cool to hunt them and craft boots to stride on the water like them! maybe some lily pads added to that area for early traversal would do it some good too! Just some thoughts...
    1 point
  34. Yes, welcome ("one of us! one of us!"). Indecision is the early stage of PoE love, in my experience. I rerolled in both games a LOT before I stuck with something, and even now that I've done different playthroughs, I don't play a single character straight through, I swap between ongoing playthroughs. The game mechanics are constantly presenting interesting new problems and tricks to explore and sometimes my mind gets its teeth into something and won't let go until the bite is complete. Single class Monk is really powerful. I won't say "you can't go wrong," because it's possible, but monk has a lot of ways to go right. Given that respecs are easy and cheap, there's no such thing as a permanently broken build. Take this advice with a grain of salt, but what helped me settle down on a primary character in both PoE1 and PoE2 was deciding to commit to a class that wasn't especially new to me: wizard. I think Priest or Druid would have worked just as well. They're pretty standard caster classes and won't provide too much rocky ground, imo. But I also love wizards in most games, so it felt like "home base" and a good place to start learning a new system. It sounds like Monk might be that for you, although I do think PoE monks, and especially Deadfire monks, are somewhat different than I expected based on my normal thoughts about what a fantasy monk is. But I think picking something you like conceptually and seeing if you like it mechanically is potentially a good way to make a first character "stick." I'm not especially qualified to give stat advice - sometimes I feel like I made the wrong stat choices and just roll with them anyway. I also am not a fan of dumping stats, and this game actively tries to discourage it, so I hesitate to comment when people ask about dumping. Welcome and enjoy! And if you do a bunch of rerolls before you find something you love, I certainly won't judge Scrap
    1 point
  35. I can get on board with this. Perhaps a tame mechanic where if you feed bug A's favorite food to it you get to tame it? Ark has a tame function however I think that awake taming would be better than sleep taming.
    1 point
  36. Now there was a semi-viral tweet from Olivia Munn where she found her Psylocke sword at home and was practicing with it and went wrong... Someone decided to turn it into a lightsaber.
    1 point
  37. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson among a group that has purchased the XFL. https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2902885-the-rock-redbird-capital-buy-vince-mcmahons-xfl-for-15m-after-bankruptcy.amp.html So what do you think? On a serious note, I hope they make it work. XFL2.0 was shockingly not terrible before The Covid killed it. I kind of feel even better about it now that an increasingly out of touch 74 year old Vince McMahon is no longer running the ship.
    1 point
  38. Not gonna lie, I have a serious case of cat shirt envy.
    1 point
  39. Oh, sorry for my miscommunication. I was providing unnecessary detail. I moved my party into the fog cloud so that it would draw the rest of the enemies into the cloud as well, because the contstruct started the fight a little far from the rest of its friends. The Chill Fog is foe-only. I needed the ticks on the other enemies to increment the count of lash buffs.
    1 point
  40. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-7gEJbUZaEMX4BIDCDil_AUei8IBYe2B/view?usp=sharing
    1 point
  41. Patience, young grasshopper
    1 point
  42. Keep playing delete this post. - no spilers sorry!
    1 point
  43. You should know by now that you can't trust descriptions in Pillars games... at all.
    1 point
  44. I'm enjoying the game I play solo and play online with friends but I would like to play with my brothers ,but other than that the game is good and very playable. I've only found one bug to were grass blades fall thought some parts of the ground but a good game.
    1 point
  45. Not having the same issue, but the mints not respawning is problematic. I've had2 friends that play in my world crash multipl times losing mint mallets. Since the mints dont seem to respawn, we cant get the mallets anymore and we're so far in the game, restarting isnt an option.
    1 point
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