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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/20 in all areas

  1. In Greece? Just more likely he forgot to file attachment "C" as in "cash" with the tax papers. Kidding...
    3 points
  2. Anyone hear shattering glass ?
    2 points
  3. I bought a lottery ticket. I didn't win anything.
    1 point
  4. 1. I usually don't post in the political threads, but I have asked for context on videos before (and for other stories posted via social media in the political threads). This isn't to say the videos aren't what they purport to be, and it isn't intended to be a judgement on the nature of these things but I've found that videos are often circulated with their context removed, because the person publicizing it has an agenda that they don't want the facts to get in the way of. Also singular videos tend to amount to anecdotal evidence which can be interesting aren't necessarily statistically relevant if you're trying to draw conclusions to the larger population. 2. This is one of the reasons you have to be careful with statistics. Lets say there is one person of race X in town, and the 999 other people in town are race Y. Lets say that there is a random chance any one of these 1000 people may have non-negligible chance of attacking someone else. Race X person, if they commit violence has a 100% chance to commit it against race Y, while any race Y person has a .001% chance to commit it against a race X person. Statistically if you extrapolate this to more realistic population numbers with more realistic crime chances you can see that a town with a large majority and small minority should produce significant race X on race Y and rarely race Y on race X. Given that the USA has a lot of self-segregated areas, you tend to have situations with overwhelming majorities compared to the minority race, whichever ones they happen to be, and numbers will be vastly different in those areas where racial self-segregation is smaller (ie the majority and minority populations are roughly the same). Unfortunately the FBI data doesn't to my knowledge really get into where the raw numbers come from so that you can approach a nuanced understanding of what the numbers mean, hence my caution regarding these numbers.
    1 point
  5. This would be the Indianapolis case where Jessica Whitaker was shot and killed? The news report indicate someone in the group yelled a racial slur at the other group during an argument; the argument escalated with shouts of "Black Lives Matter" being countered with "All Lives Matter" until both sides pulled guns? Amd then the groups backed away and according to the group Whitaker was with, someone from the other group shot into the group a distance and killed her? Or a different one? "I thought the idea of anti police brutality and the like was not to use violence" - the police are not involved in the video, so this statement is irrelevant. "But, it's A-Okay bec uase she's white and isn't human anyways." - to you, apparently. I never said the actions in the video were right; I also didn't make the monumental logical leap that a single video somehow or another captures the nature of reality as you have, or that video actually is even what it purports to be. Without a source, this could be staged, it could even not be the aftermath of a theft as the earliest posting of the video I saw indicates. It should be taken somewhat skeptically until some proof of what it shows is found, rather than leaping into assumptions and filling in the blanks. And even then, drawing conclusions to generic populations over a singular incident says more about you than anything else. "You know full well if that was a young white woman tazing an old black woman over 'stealing' there'd be cries of racism. LMAO" - And if one was the horse and the other the moon what would THAT mean? How about is one was a Brutus and the other Julius Ceasar? What about if one was an Alien from ALIEN and the other was a Predator from PREDATOR and the taser was actually Robocop from ROBOCOP? What does this question (or any of the others I suggested) have to do with anything but trying to obfuscate any point that might actually be had in this discussion? "It is fact, FYI, that more white people are violently attacked by black people" - This isn't really demonstrably true, but I doubt there is a point in debating statistics with you. For the FBI statistics (I don't know where Canada keeps there's, sorry) the raw numbers are larger, but as white people are a larger percentage of the population, they should factor greater in the statistical number by the fact that they are still the largest group in general (which the data bears out). And that's without going into all the potential points that could skew this kind of national data in the first place.
    1 point
  6. In a first, astronomers watch a black hole’s corona disappear, then reappear.
    1 point
  7. Well, they clould start using a case from recent times, where a girl got shot just for saying ALM
    1 point
  8. *shrug* we didn't respond to that video. our snowflakes comments were generalized and had zero mention o' gender. nothing we said even implied a defense o' gender bias. in fact, what inspired our response @Skarpen were his reaction to the "dudes" video you linked. observe how we liked your posting o' such. is another text reading fail by skarpy? long history o' such. however, we cannot say for certain he is speaking 'bout the starbucks video 'cause in yet another composition fail, skarp fails to identify the source o' his accusation. is another example o' what he meant was something other than what he wrote? who could guess? HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  9. Let us hope that the future's future future is now safe.
    1 point
  10. Nina Struthers is the hero we deserve in 2020.
    1 point
  11. Good thing is happening, at least for EU citizens https://mobile.reuters.com/article/BigStory12/idUSKCN24H126 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/landmark-court-decision-forces-us-tech-giants-keep-data-eu-citizens-europe
    1 point
  12. You know this is considered racist statement nowadays?
    1 point
  13. Oh my... I have no idea, if this type of thinking is driving the current changes, but it is so wrong... Seriously? So many of these are so wrong... https://nmaahc.si.edu/learn/talking-about-race/topics/whiteness @Maedhros @ShadySands @BruceVC To address some of the previous thread. The point here is, that there is no simple black and white solutions and looking at a world through simple, ideologically driven concepts, will regress the civilization. Apply similar levels of scrutiny to anyone and you will see that a lot of people will suddenly have a lot more flaws. I certainly got on a receiving end of the big mouthed Orange man aka. losing some money, but this is where I look at something else. What are the actual actions and their consequences, and how it fits in a bigger picture beyond someones immediate emotions. I couldn't care less for someone's feels just because someone doesn't like a word. Going further, I like being pragmatic and value reason, logic and hard data/facts. I also dislike the 'insta story' culture, which leads to nothing more than lynch mobs and a destruction of due process. (and there is a lot of lynch mobs in the USA now) Maybe I'll put later some other post regarding other 'problematic' topics, and that they are nothing more than displays of geneticly driven unconcious bias, and survival tactic of ingroup and outgroup bias.
    1 point
  14. ^ I mean, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is has been a rule for as long as I remember, and almost certainly much longer than that. However, that is offset by there's a sucker born every minute.
    1 point
  15. These dudes are excellent. Hopefully the link works. It's from Facebook.
    1 point
  16. Saw that one on the BBC, Greed and stupidity just seems to go hand in hand There should be a first law of the internet, nothing there is to be taken at face value and second law that says if an offer sounds too good to be true, you're getting ripped off big time.
    1 point
  17. Given how he likes steaks well done, eating a bag of dry beans and downing a can of coconut milk isn't unbelievable.
    1 point
  18. I managed to kill Hauani with my psion/trobadour on POTD solo upscaled +all magran fires challenges except Hylea and Wael in a repeatable/not so risky way I think: stealth, trap, lure with sparkcrackers, summon upgraded fire wurms from stealth so you can fast cast valorous echoes + pain link on wurms, repeat until you get Hauani to near death with no risk, go out of stealth, change chant to double many lives so you have lots of summons to keep hauani pressed, keep on summoning wurms and/or ancient weapons, repeat 1. tactical meld to get aware 2. psychovampiric shield to lower hauani will defense an manage to land borrowed instinct. 3. borrowed instinct 4. Secret Horrors to lower hauani constitution, repeat until you manage to land disintegration 5. disintegration, when it finally lands (took me 4 tries) it should destroy hauani without second stage [EDIT] oh, and about + deflection items, I bought +7 bracers from Engari near the pool in the temple of toamowhai in SSS expansion, dunno if vendor stock is random but in case it is not it may be of use
    1 point
  19. “The challenge was to compose a traditional fanfare, direct and powerful, yet with a contemporary sound. . . . The music was not terribly difficult to compose, but working slowly as was my custom, I did not have the fanfare ready to send to Goossens until November. The piece has been Fanfare for the Common Man for so long that it is surprising to see on my sketches that other titles were considered: Fanfare for a Solemn Ceremony, for the Day of Victory, for Our Heroes, for the Rebirth of Lidice, for the Spirit of Democracy, for the Paratroops, for Four Freedoms. After I decided on Fanfare for the Common Man and sent the score to Goossens, I think he was rather puzzled by the title. He wrote, ‘Its title is as original as its music, and I think it is so telling that it deserves a special occasion for its performance. If it is agreeable to you, we will premiere it 14 March [sic] 1943 at income tax time. . . .’ [The income tax deadline was changed to April after the War.] I was all for honoring the common man at income tax time. “Since that occasion, Fanfare has been played by many and varied ensembles, ranging from the U.S. Air Force Band to the popular Emerson, Lake, and Palmer group. . . I confess that I prefer Fanfare in the original version, and I later used it in the final movement of my Third Symphony.”-- aaron copland seeing how today is tax day... HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  20. I couldn't agree more. I think this game is pretty amazing. The sheer number of everything in multiple categories is staggering--classes and subclasses to multiclass, armors, weapons, consumables, wizard spells, cipher spells, druid spells, chanter spells, priest spells, types of bonuses or maluses, character voices, interactions, alignments and reputations, and many more without even mentioning how all of these things react with each other. The depth of the themes are worthy of adult consideration. The fact that you can't kill the god at the end I appreciate so much, and I can't help but think that the type of influence the main character has on the Deadfire is lost on many players: one person's choices make huge differences in a world where he or she didn't save the universe. Really, I think this game is too much for the average gamer. It is a shame that it's not recognized as the brilliant masterpiece that it is, but I suspect that time is on its side.
    1 point
  21. You're not the boss of me. I even went and liked it. What are you going to do about it? Huh?!
    1 point
  22. PSA to the clowns who make this forum software (who I know will never read this, but nevertheless): your lack of a plaintext/bbcode mode is bad and you should feel bad for removing it.
    1 point
  23. Yeah, I'd go Fallout (1, 2, and Tactics) every day of the week and twice on Sundays over The Outer Worlds. It's not that I hated it or anything but I dunno, it felt too console shootery to me if that makes any kind of sense to anyone other than me, myself, and that one guy over there somewhere. It just wasn't my jam or my brand.
    1 point
  24. Hi ! Maybe if you have some time and enjoy helping others by documenting the game, you could join the workforce in the Grounded Fandom Wiki ! https://grounded.fandom.com/wiki/Grounded_Wiki We are very few, unorganized, and everything remains to be done, so it's probably the funniest part where anarchical innovation is welcome. You come and just start working on anything you like, even if its just a 20sc proofreading of an already written page. See ya
    1 point
  25. Further journeys in my hatred of SaaS, having to deploy patches in an environment at some late hour and no one bothers to ensure I have access to the environment. Got to waste the entire day harassing people via email though, so suppose is one bright side.
    0 points
  26. Story in development fro what I see. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/bill-gates-elon-musk-twitter-accounts-hacked-nigerian-bitcoin-scam-over-53000-stolen https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-07-16/twitter-hack-spotlights-disinformation-fears-as-election-looms?srnd=premium-europe https://mobile.reuters.com/article/BigStory12/idUSKCN24H0FE
    0 points
  27. @Mamoulian War This is such a brain-dead fight.
    0 points
  28. ... And someone hacked Elon Musk's Twitter account, made a post of "feeling grateful, send me $1000 and I'll send you $2000 back" and put a bitcoin link up. .Already recieved $55,000 even as people scream that its hacked and not real. Edit: And it looks like a serious Twitter failure. Jeff Bezoz, Michael Bloomberg, Binance, a bunch of other famous rich people and bitcoin related companies... All doing some version of that on their twitter feeds.
    0 points
  29. ^ The post above didn't come out even remotely how I planned to post it, but the forum software is so garbage that I can't even edit it to have it make much sense. Just disregard it.
    0 points
  30. "Someone wrote to ask about my plans for the fall, and it too me a moment to realise they meant 'autumn' , and not 'the collapse.' " "You say that like there might be a difference."
    0 points
  31. you are not taking into consideration corrosive solvent from the ooze, wont have enough guile to kill it in time consistently if you fail to vanish just once
    0 points
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