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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/20 in all areas

  1. Finally, a protest for a worthy cause!
    7 points
  2. Other reasons why Garak was one of the best Star Trek characters...
    4 points
  3. "Missed opportunity there. Teenagers are going to be naive and think they know everything. That is the way the youth works, and it can be great. The idealism of youth can be wonderful. It needs to be tempered with realism, but that is where being an adult parent comes in. Instead of getting angry, it should have been used as a teachable moment. " That's not idealism that's idiocy. Here's her father who fled their country of origin, moved to the US knowing that comes with hardships of its own (including dealing with racist white and black people) yet feeling he made the right choice for his family. For her. He tells her this over the years then one day she promptly turns around and calls HIM a lying scumbag. That's not idealism. That's evil, twisted, and sick. And, don't blame her youth. That's an insult to young people. I dunno about you but I was a kid once. She's a scumbag who claimed her dad lied to her b/c of nonsense the Amerikan college was telling her. He lived it. LMAO "I wonder how a jew that escaped Auschwitz or Treblinka would react to a daughter or granddaughter that come home from college denying the holocaust happened." Game over. Game over.
    1 point
  4. I wonder how a jew that escaped Auschwitz or Treblinka would react to a daughter or granddaughter that come home from college denying the holocaust happened. There is a school of thought in the US that very much wants to erase communism's sins and exalt it into something it never was to suit a political end.
    1 point
  5. Missed opportunity there. Teenagers are going to be naive and think they know everything. That is the way the youth works, and it can be great. The idealism of youth can be wonderful. It needs to be tempered with realism, but that is where being an adult parent comes in. Instead of getting angry, it should have been used as a teachable moment.
    1 point
  6. "When I was living in South Florida I worked with a guy who came from Cuba the "hard" way back in the 80's. He once told me the angriest he's ever been was when his teenage daughter, who had lived in the US her entire life, came home from college telling him his stories about Cuba weren't true and he didn't know what "real communism" was. " send her back
    1 point
  7. have mentioned on these boards how there is few things dumber than a university student in their first couple years. just enough education to convince selves they have answers to all the big problems w/o any kinda life experience or wisdom to temper their profound ignorance. that said, collective (not individual) we like university underclassman and don't mind their mind blowing stoopid. those morons is just learning to ask questions and they demand answers. fact they ain't earned answers and is often asking wrong questions don't stop 'em, and am thinking that is a good thing. is young, stoopid and unreasonable who change the world 'cause older folks and educated folks is actual reasonable... reasonableness is the death o' all social progress. collective we applaud the brobdingnagian stoopid college underclassmen who improbably and against all odds has carried the nation into the future more than once. individually... individually, dealing with a university underclassmen who has taken a couple classes and now thinks they know is a kinda personal nightmare. aside: am not getting the folks dismissive o' the stone commutation. stone's crimes were covering Presidential dirt. stone were convicted o' covering for the President. but for curious doj memo which states a sitting President cannot be charged with federal criminal in time of office, the stone conviction would be an obvious first step in prosecuting trump for lying to muller... and lying to fed investigators is what were breaking point for many during the clinton investigations. have never had a President commute sentence or Pardon an individual for covering up same President's dirt. is corrupt. is, at common law, abuse of power. however, Pardon power o' the President, regardless o' what pelosi says, is unbounded and may not be limited by a Congressional act-- is no law Congress may pass to prevent same happening in future... and this is exact among the examples given by framers as to why impeachment is vital. hopefully voters will do what Congress cannot. "legal" and "corrupt" is not mutual exclusive terms. such an observation is not directed at gd, but have heard pundits mention how President has legal authority to pardon stone, as if such recognition makes the act less odious. legal should never be read as "right." HA! Good Fun! ps for many years our board signature were as follows: "the reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- george bernard shaw. shaw woulda' been just as annoyed as is Gromnir with ignorant and unreasonable, but am nevertheless recognizing how our hopes for future may hinge on those clowns.
    1 point
  8. I think I've figured what is happening. What remains true : A) Each tick heals for 15% of received damages (20% for unbending trunk). B) Each time damages are received, an Unbending charge is added, for base 5s increased by INT and PL. What I've found : 1) All Unbending charges tick simultanneously. 2) Each time damages are received, a tick happens. (If no additional attack is received, the next tick will happen 3s after) Because of 1) + 2), each time damages are received ALL ACTIVE UNBENDING CHARGES HEAL FOR 15% OF THEIR CORRESPONDING DAMAGES. That's why when one take of lots of attacks with Unbending active : each attack that doesn't do more damages than 15% of the sum of previous attacks with an active charge (including itself) will heal the Fighter. As an example, if Unbending charges last 9s, they will heal 15% from original attack + 3x15% for each 3s tick = 60%. But if the Fighter is attacked every 1s, the Unbending charges will heal 15% from original attack + 9x15% = 150%. (multiple attacks such as Blunderbuss only count as 1 attack because they are simultaneous and don't proc multiple ticks) Yeah ! I suspect similar mechanics happen for other DoT / HoT with multiple charges. For example Bleeding Cuts, Spiritshift boar attacks, or maybe even deep wounds. I guess it is the reason why the Bleeding Cuts + Blade Cascade combo managed to kill Dorudugan that fast in a video published on this forum.
    1 point
  9. When I was living in South Florida I worked with a guy who came from Cuba the "hard" way back in the 80's. He once told me the angriest he's ever been was when his teenage daughter, who had lived in the US her entire life, came home from college telling him his stories about Cuba weren't true and he didn't know what "real communism" was.
    1 point
  10. I really have contentious relation with uppity second generation Latinx or whatever they call themselves to virtue signal. They're better off being dismissed as Gringos, please don't bunch immigrants with them.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. You sure about this? In Deadfire Carnage used to never carry on hit effects (except Static Charge from LDV).
    1 point
  13. Obsidian has disapproved my run of the ultimate, heres the reasoning they gave Sorry for the wait. After some more prodding Josh was able to make some time to finish going over some of the playthrough to give his opinion on the verification process. Unfortunately this particular playthrough is being considered invalid due to the force closure of the game and loading of a save where it would normally not have been available. From the footage you took, it looks like you were able to find a way around this issue, but we would need a playthrough where you do this without using the force closure method. The thought process behind this decision was that people felt that it wasn't within the spirit of the challenge as the players who accomplish it have done research into potential bugs and know the game inside and out as a result.One of the most common methods players have used to get around issues is to run consecutive playthroughs where one of them allows them to make mistakes or run into bugs to figure out a way around them and the other is their Ultimate Challenge run.I'm sorry for the disappointing decision that was made and hope that it doesn't discourage you from trying again and getting your name on The Ultimate challenge board. I'll look forward to that playthrough if you decided to take on the challenge again!Thanks again for reaching out to us and for your time and effort put into The Ultimate. heres the video where the bug occurred, guess its my fault this random bug occurs only in the ironman save and not the playtests too bad this challenge was so unfun and i'll never ever try anything like this again, more disappointed in the amount of time i wasted on the challenge itself than the result
    1 point
  14. Sounds like any other rpg really
    1 point
  15. Stairway to Heaven. Because ALL guitarists will try it eventually.
    1 point
  16. the good old days when having fun was allowed
    1 point
  17. I've tried a few things and I think the spiritshift forms may just be plain unable to have weapon proficiencies. The status effect which changes you (Spiritshift_Stag_SE_ChangeForm) includes a section where you add abilities to the spiritshift form, but adding the proficiency in there does nothing. You can just add a passive Haymaker ability to the spiritshift but I don't think it could be turned on or off
    1 point
  18. I refuse to believe Elizabeth II won't still be out there somewhere.
    1 point
  19. My money is on Betty White in this, presumably, Highlander duel. There can be only one.
    1 point
  20. It's a western version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on a spaceship.
    1 point
  21. We also love Slowpoke Rodriguez.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. James Fridman's whole twitter is hilarious in "Careful what you wish for" way.
    1 point
  24. And yet they bet by adding the turn-based based mode which screwed the original one permanently in the process. If they invest like that after the support lifetime, they should at least guarantee the original mode was free of new serious bugs. And PoE1 & PoE2 were lesser risk as the main financial come from crow-funding (probably more the first one as I remember they were saying they had already a big save for the second one ).
    1 point
  25. I agree with OP. Obsidian ditched Pillars of Eternity 2 : Deadfire too soon. By the time they walked away from this game, it was about only 1 and a half year after initial release. I do not expect game developers to forever patch their games, but you cannot justify this reason by leaving the game behind so soon too. It is called responsibility. Someone might stand for them with the reason that they do not have any resource to patch Pillars of Eternity 2 : Deadfire anymore. To some extent, I agree and disagree. I do not believe that currently Obsidian workers and developers do not have any spare time at all (I mean 0 minute / week spare time) for patching the game. There is time but they just do not want to spend it on fixing bugs. If Obsidian has resource issue, I think they should look at Stardew Valley. There is only 1 person creating that game and I see that he keeps working on the game until now. The new patches have been released for free which including bug fixes. Again, I want to emphasize my point, the game was released on May 8, 2018. Today is June 25, 2020. Latest patch 5.0.xx was released on ?
    1 point
  26. the fact that the tube for breathing and the tube for eating are connected is not a flaw. imagine having a bad cold and no air passes through your nose and you can't breathe from your mouth because the mouth is not connected to the tube that sends air to the lungs.
    0 points
  27. The human body is 60% water. You're more water than anything else. Even your bones contain it. Which means: you contain oceans. You contain low tide, high tide, great depths and peculiar shallows. You also contain one hidden octopus and two vengeful sharks so that's nice.
    0 points
  28. [the world has ended. Keith Richards walks the barren wasteland, surveying all that is left. In the distance he notices a lone figure carrying what can only be described as Excalibur] Keith: "Oi! Who goes there??" Betty White: "You knew it would come to this, Keith. Now, draw..."
    0 points
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