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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/20 in all areas

  1. Not recommended for a first playthrough regardless of player skill? Don't tell me what to do, Mimimi You play as kid Cooper in the tutorial prologue. The tutorial continues in the first "real" level. In the above picture the game told me to throw my knife and kill the thug from a distance, but I'm going pacifist style. The game even asks me to pick up the knife I never threw in the picture below.
    3 points
  2. 33mn ago and still no post from Boeroer about WotEP's Offensive Parry ?
    3 points
  3. No, no, no. That was in season '19 with Storming Area 51.
    3 points
  4. Grounded is now available to download through the Xbox Insider Hub or through Steam! Download the demo today to experience a single day of life in the backyard! When: June 16th through June 22nd Where to download: Xbox Insiders - Search for Grounded through the Insider hub on either your PC or Xbox One. Steam players can find the demo on our Steam store page. Additional Info: Post bugs here Post Suggestions here Survey: After you have a chance to play the demo, please take some time to fill out a survey and share your experiences with us. Xbox Insiders will be sent a link to a survey while players playing on Steam can access the survey here. Thank you everyone and have fun out in the backyard!
    2 points
  5. If you own Witcher 3 on other platforms, you can get it on GOG Galaxy 2.0 for free, if you have it connected to your respective accounts. https://www.gog.com/news/own_the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_on_pc_or_console_claim_a_free_copy_with_gog_galaxy_20
    2 points
  6. Baron Strucker from Occupied Ireland seems like a legit, unbiased source of news, I'm not sure what you're getting at there.
    2 points
  7. I just don't understand how anyone can look at the way we pay for healthcare in the US and think it is working. It is completely broken. It shouldn't be a partisan issue. Everyone needs health care. We provide a K-12 education to every child in this country. We manage to feed the entire country. There is clean water. There is electricity. When a community fails to get one of these basic services, it is a big outrage. People aren't expected to go into debt to secure them. Why can't we figure out how to offer health care to everyone at a reasonable cost? Everyone in the country should want that!
    2 points
  8. While violence, in general, should be condemned, I'd be wary of buying into the narrative surrounding the presentation of that video. The only context for the video is provided by the poster, who by their twitter profile has an agenda they are pushing (if it wasn't obvious from their word choice).
    2 points
  9. Rehashing old ideas is what ****ty seasons do.
    2 points
  10. Sung Wukong: Spider-Man. Tang Sanzang: Captain America. Zhu Bajie: Thor. Sha Wujing: Iron Man.
    2 points
  11. Played a bit of the Everspace 2 Alpha, noticed a distress beacon, went here. Two G&B freighters under attack by outlaws that quite clearly outgun my completely unupgraded ship fresh out of the tutorial. They're heavily armored and have a goodly bunch of hitpoints, so unless I'm missing something (the first game had support drones that could buff enemies) I most likely won't be saving the freighters. Or looting their remains for that matter. Heh.
    1 point
  12. What exactly did I write that made you think that I was suggesting the violence seen in the video was justified? Was it the part where I said violence should, in general, be condemned? Was it the part that I said to be wary of people pushing agendas? Or the part asking for the context that would at least let us understand why there was violence?
    1 point
  13. At long last the world knows the truth about you Marines.
    1 point
  14. No Mr. Leone. Just vodoo. It's a prequel so not all characters make an appearance. So far so good, though I didn't get much farther then the demo. They are just as subtle with their Once Upon a Time in the West "inspiration", as Desp1 was with Trilogy of Dollars.
    1 point
  15. Well it's ridiculous in itself that Americans pay for insurance AND still have to pay for healthcare. Like, what the hell is that? I've never heard of deductible in any insurance I ever had. If an agent would tell me that my insurance will only kick in after I've spent some crazy amount like 40k I would probably need medical assistance from the amount of laughter. The bigger problem however I think is that Americans pay tens of thousands of dollars on medicine and procedures that costs pennies everywhere else. I wonder how did that happen?
    1 point
  16. I find it odd that people don't ask for more evidence or context when presented video footage* - even with things that don't challenge their views. Hitch**** had a theory regarding images; take a picture of an old man smiling and intercut it with him looking at a cooing baby. The context is that of a doting grandfather and baby. Take the same man smiling footage and intercut it with a sexy woman undressing, and the man become a lecher. In this case, the poster of the video has an obvious agenda, which itself makes the video suspicious. The account is starting from the position that 'blacks' are invading and de-white-ifying Europe, and he advocates all Europeans set their location status to "Occupied <nation>" to indicate this He refers to a group of people as a "pack" to associated them with violent and animalistic imagery, so he's already appealing to emotion rather than logic and trying to otherfy the group Since we must assume an agenda based on the evidence, it'd be nice if the details of the video could be verified independently. Mind you, I think its wise for context in a lot of situations; I've seen enough pictures paraded as "Thing a" when they were really "Thing b" on the internet and in real life to know that you can't trust random people to deal in honesty and truth. This happened online with the recent riots, where posts were made of fires from a year or more ago claiming they were from those nights (as if the fires and destruction that existed weren't bad enough on their own). So looking at the footage: The video footage appears old - it is very low res for a modern phone. There's nothing to indicate it is in Australia that we can tell from the low res images, so we can't even begin to verify the narrative we are presented with. We only see part of the video and don't know what happened before or after the film shown. These are important because the claim is that this happened and nothing was done about it - but this can't be independently verified by details about where the original source is (assuming even that nothing was done about it). Perhaps the group was bad people, perhaps there was an incident prior to this we don't see, perhaps all of them are drunk or mentally ill - the point is we don't know the context, but the poster of the video is trying to create a narrative that fits their agenda. Unless you want to accept that agenda - and any agenda presented to you by anyone who presents information to you - some critical thinking skills should be exercised, in my opinion. *I actually include news media on this as well as often times "The News" is synonymous with "What We Have Footage Of", and even that can be selectively edited.
    1 point
  17. Not accusing you in particularly of this but I always found it funny how people ask for nuance and context when it comes to evidence that challenge their views. When it supports it there's no need for evidence and nuance would just get in the way of an extreme emotional response.
    1 point
  18. Most people will defend their own country. This is nothing new. Also they were never really that PC, that is a thing of the west in my experience. As for Wuxia, I kind of got feed up with it after a couple of years (5 years I think). They all end up being the same and even if they are not, the business model under which they operate makes reading them tedious. When you make money by word count you tend to get a lot of repetition and filler crap.
    1 point
  19. Yeah sorry I worded that wrong, because I replied to op who said So what I meant to say was full attacks with dw, but somehow my lazines won and I only typed full attacks.
    1 point
  20. Don't forget that Arcane Veil stacks with Vigorous/Refreshing Defense. Afaik multiple "second chances" will get all used up on first knockout.
    1 point
  21. Anyone familiar with the incredibly high price of healthcare in the US.
    1 point
  22. I ran a wael+devoted+monastic unarmed training build and it was fun and pretty simple. It's kind of like a glass cannon build, but you trade off some of the high-end damage for easier survivability. Arcane Veil+cloth/leather+fighter regen is pretty good even on potd. Tactical barrage works great to boost arcane veil. Yes, champion's boon and mob stance work great in general and for this specific setup as well. Also you get +2 PEN which is nice as well. I think most martial classes will combine pretty well with wael. Only ones I'd shrug at are mage Slayer and Shifter. If you're doing a whispers setup, you could also do non-streetfighter-rogue with wael for extra riposte; the riposte chances stack multiplicatively.
    1 point
  23. Racism is a white only disease, y'all. :rollseyes:
    1 point
  24. So Hitman3 announced. Well, nice, but I think I had my fill already. Then:
    1 point
  25. Collapsed star proves another of Einstein's theories.
    1 point
  26. The Xenon have been pestering one of my stations, not really a threat to destroy it, but it's been annoying to have to periodically deal with them. I decided enough's enough and went into their space so that I could show them what's up by blowing up their wharf. Cleverly, I destroyed the production bay module first, which meant the wharf could no longer produce ships to attack me with, then I started blowing up all the defense modules to further cripple the station's defenses. While I was doing that, as expected, the Xenon sent some heavy hitters my way to stop me, 3 destroyers to be exact. 2 of them were of the regular K variety, I've destroyed a good number of those, but there was also an I destroyer: Look at the size of that thing! For scale, that burnt up husk is a K destroyer and it's MUCH closer to me. A K is roughly the same size as my Rattlesnake, the I is a super star destroyer compared to the K's star destroyer. And there it goes. With the destroyers out of the way, I turned my attention back to the wharf: With the wharf destroyed, the Xenon can no longer produce small and medium ships in this part of the galaxy. They could import them from Xenon space far away, but that will take time and weaken their forces over there. I'm sure they'll build a new wharf eventually, but until they do, this region is a lot safer. Now, if I can blow up their shipyard as well, they'll be completely screwed. Don't **** with Kresusiso Enterprises. I ain't playin', son.
    1 point
  27. I doubt it would be any of nations linked to Deadfire, like you said too repetitive. Personally I'd want to see the next game in The Living Lands.
    1 point
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