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6 points
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3 points
There have been two patches for bug fixes yet The last one is from last week, but those big somewhat gamebreaking bugs are still around. All in all the game is excellent and I love it, for me it's a masterpiece ! But those bugs are hard and I reported every single one of them. I guess it just takes some time before it is nearly bug free Sometimes it feels like they ported Deadfire 1.0 added the DLCs and start from scratch with bug fixing. Time will tell.3 points
3 points
Captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt coincidentally does what Theodore Roosevelt did during Cuban War Synopsis written by someone else: During the war in Cuba in 1898, Theodore Roosevelt wrote a letter to the press to change public opinion to demand the Secretary of War reverse his position and allow sick soldiers with malaria and yellow fever to be returned to the United States to be quarantined. It worked. Troops with the disease were quarantined on Long Island and probably saved hundreds of lives. Roosevelt later was put up for the Medal of Honor which was then rejected by the same Secretary of War.2 points
Scrubs is a good comparison. It is not a serious look at police work. But if you don't like Andy Sandberg, it would be hard to get into.2 points
2 points
The idea of flanking is the defender will avoid hits less effectively vs multiple attackers, thus he gets a penalty. Saying that not all attackers should get the same bonus is not right to me because the defender won't face all the time to the same attacker while the other(s) stabs him to death in the back. In a real battle nobody will let someone at his back and instead will move trying to keep enemies in front of him. In a game such behavior would be hard to implement and thus, no matter the position, all attackers share the same bonus.2 points
MassDevice - MedTronic publically shares Ventilator IP and designs to help combat shortages2 points
am willing to agree. can we add proactive to the list? not a demand, but a request. however, am gonna need put our foot down on "sammich." laugh if you will, but we died a bit the day sammich were added to the oed. HA! Good Fun!2 points
2 points
That's usually the right decision to make. Any time I lose like more than 15m of progress in a situation like that, I turn off the game, and often wait a day to return to it.2 points
2 points
I could see someone in Loren's world getting a sword ran through their (exposed) chest and exclaiming "oh thank god, they didn't get my shoulder!"1 point
1 point
My second finished "game" this year is Pillars of Eternity: The White March – Part II expansion from GOG. I had to quest until hitting level 16 in vanilla parts of the game to be able to finish it. I have turned on the scaling for the second expansion, so some of the fights were really crazy hard. Anyway, I was able to give back the memory to Abydon, but I was not able to temper him during the conversation with the Eyeless. We'll see what impact it will have on the final ending of the game. I think I liked this part little bit more than the first one. Well with the exception of monk fights in some of the encounters. After that, I had still time to finish off the Alpine Dragon. The only dragon, with whom I was not able to talk out of the fight in my playthrough. Well, at least I have an achievement for that1 point
Bad news for share holders.... capitalism is dying (good riddance) (using the .in link instead of .com as the latter whines about my ad blocker) https://www.businessinsider.in/macquarie-capitalism-is-dead-and-finance-has-become-a-poison-and-there-are-3-ways-this-era-will-end/articleshow/63068484.cms Warning, lots of text: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-06/is-capitalism-dying-or-just-in-isolation-coronavirus/12123874 Nationalisation of a lot of stuff might be just around the corner, world wide that is.1 point
y'know, this is kinda misleading as it gives obama a whole lotta credit which he don't deserve. obama shut down bush 43's pandemic response efforts early in his administration and then obama had to resurrect such stuff. the actual playbook trump and obama were using, with few changes, were created by bush 43. National Strategy for Pandemic Preparedness and in spite o' fact many o' his constituents were 'gainst spending money to save folks suffering from aids, bush is the guy who championed President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief dr fauci has suggested that PEPFAR alone saved many millions o' lives worldwide and were the most significant health related action by any President... evar. nowadays even republicans who think bush weren't as bad as portrayed tend to think o' him as an embarrassment. however, when it comes to worldwide disease response, he is, and we shudder to say this, the gold standard for US Presidents. 'course the thing is, pre 9/11, bush did similar as obama and trump and actual reduced wh pandemic response resources, resources which his father were the one who started in earnest. clinton didn't do much to bolster pandemic response efforts, but he is the only President since bush 41 to not initial gut pandemic efforts of the previous administration. hurrah for bill clinton. ... am not posting/reposting to spam or to make this another covid-19 thread but rather to drive home notion that most recent US Presidents has dropped the ball when it comes to global disease efforts. is genuine amazing how they has each needed to overcome their own myopia before moving forward, though 'course trump degree o' ambivalence and obtuseness is admitted on a scale different than his predecessors. recognizing the pervasive pandemics blindspot our Presidents has shared, regardless o' party and in spite o' history, is the kinda thing which adds legitimacy to @Guard Dog otherwise lunatic fringe posts 'bout the evils and stupidity o' the government. HA! Good Fun!1 point
Stop spreading fake news. There was no such thing: https://oko.press/pan-przyszedl-z-psem-z-odrabana-glowa-eutanazja-zwierzat-z-powodu-koronawirusa-to-fejk/ (sorry evryone else that the link is in polish, but I doubt this was covered in worlds media)1 point
OK. Now I am inside the cavern in the Cayron's Scar after few ridiculous pulls, one snow eating defeat and one Tentacle Cuddle Party... That was so ridiculous O.o1 point
What little I saw of it seemed silly to me. Not that silly is bad, I liked Scrubs. But it didn't grab me.1 point
Brooklyn 99 is hilarious. One of the better comedies currently running.1 point
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1 point
Since you can now single class and multiclass there's a lot more options and versatility with your companions setup and therefore also the combinations you can make. However not all companions can be combined in a single playthrough as some of them are linked to a faction and will leave depending on the choices you make (Maia, Pallegina and Tekehu) I think it's a good idea to know which faction you would like to join and then build a party around that so that's fits your current RP. Or decide not to go with a faction, but I don't think that's an option first time players often choose. Maia, Pallegina and Tekehu cannot be in the same party for an extended amount of time if you choose to go with a faction. They also hate eachother. Eder has the means to become a good frontline tank. He has the option to become a rogue and a fighter. I always combine the two classes. I feel that's his best configuration. Aloth you can basically have as anything you want. I prefered him as pure Wizard at first, but now I build him as a frontliner Fighter/Wizard. Too strong imo. I like having a Druid in the party, So Tekehu or Fassina fits that, unless you play one yourself. I also always have at least 1 Cipher. In terms of builds there's plenty of choices, but they should complement the party setup and such. What are you looking for specifically? Just an overview of builds so you can choose? There's so much variety that you're going to fill 30 pages with builds...1 point
The folks in that Loren game are very serious about protecting their shoulders.1 point
1 point
similar, until as late as march 17, mass shipments o' critical supplies were leaving the US on a daily basis. now keep in mind am understanding why some such foreign aid would be advisable as covid-19 is a global pandemic, however, there were a sharp change o' course in fed behavior in mid-march, which at least suggests awareness or situation changed. if trump were genuine aware from early january when he were first getting briefings, then why the sudden and abrupt changes in orders and shipments beginning in march? edit: Exclusive: The Military Knew Years Ago That a Coronavirus Was Coming "Denis Kaufman, who served as head of the Infectious Diseases and Countermeasures Division at the Defense Intelligence Agency from 2014 to 2017, stressed that US intelligence had been well-aware of the dangers of coronaviruses for years. (Kaufman retired from his decades-long career in the military in December of 2017.) "“The Intelligence Community has warned about the threat from highly pathogenic influenza viruses for two decades at least. They have warned about coronaviruses for at least five years,” Kaufman explained in an interview. "“There have been recent pronouncements that the coronavirus pandemic represents an intelligence failure…. it’s letting people who ignored intelligence warnings off the hook.”" am gonna concede we have not read the entire report, but will get to it. couldn't help but notice how the background portion were almost a recital o' the bush speech we shared a bit earlier in the thread. HA! Good Fun!1 point
It's a critical swing state. It's Trump. Enough said. Administration didn't start ordering critical supplies until mid-March.1 point
Or simply because they copier DnD 3rd Edition principle (which I honnestly find good mechanically).1 point
I don't have anything to add, but I do want to say this is why I love our forum. This conversation about Crozier is fantastic.1 point
Ah, okay. But if you only use one sabre you also can only proc one instance of White Flames healing. With two sabres you will have 12 less ACC, but you will be able to trigger White FLames twice(!). So you have two chances to proc White FLames at least once, if not twice. With one sabre you only have one chance but with higher +12 ACC. And of couse you'll do less damage with FoD with one sabre only.1 point
Who told you that dual wiedling brings a loss of accuracy? That's wrong. The only thing that would lower your accuracy would be a medium or large shield. PER 13 is completely fine - especially if you are not playing PotD difficulty. Also because you can put the Ring of Focused Flame on your Kind Wayfarer and then your White Flames have +20 Accuracy. Maybe you will miss a bit more often in the very earlygame - but after some levels PER 13 will be no issue. You could take 2 points from CON and one from RES and put them into PER if you feel that you need some more. You might want to have somebody in the party with 16+ PER at the beginning - because there are some secrets and traps that you can't detect if everybody only has mediocre PER. Very low DEX can be bad for a Paladin who uses Lay on Hands quite a bit. Because your recovery will be so long that sometimes party members die before you can finish recovery and cast Lay on Hands.1 point
That is not correct. It was developed during a period where plate armor was prominent (1550+). I guess you are confusing it with a foil. Anyway - I don't want to turn this into a discussion about misconceptions about medieval weaponry since that's completey deflecting from the actual discussion and utterly missing my point: that realism shouldn't be a primary concern for a D&D inspired fantasy RPG. Unless you have insight in the code of Deadfire and are a programmer you can't judge how easy or difficult it would be to implement something. About rapiers (for anybody who's interested) :1 point
In this game characters are able to turn around instantly. To be realistic, characters should not be able to turn around so quickly, because players will be able to avoid flanking by heavy microing. I am also a fan of realism, by the way. But this game's approach to realism is by abstracting many things.1 point
I understand the "flanked" condition as "overloaded". Having to defend from attacks from multiple sides.1 point
Loren: The Amazon Princess. Okami So I used Inferno (they did not burn) and spent next 15 minutes trying to find the required brush technique (which I already had).1 point
I spent entirely too much on a pocket knife but it's to support a local maker from where I used to live that might not make it through the pandemic - plus it's a really unique design.1 point
Hi fced, is your PC set to 2018? I noticed that most of your replies are to topics from this year... And yes, Maia will leave.1 point
Went to the grocery to get some meds for my mom, had to deal with some bums coughing on people and acting like asses. Joys of a big city, heh. BUT I scored some flour, so that's a good thing.1 point
Transformers, more than meets the eye. Alternatively, play Emerson Lake and Palmer while viewing the above gif.1 point
1 point
Having to stay home has some advantages. Not that our company's cantina would be bad, but homemade's better. Savoy cabbage with potatoes and a sunny side up. Now onwards to flatulance.1 point
While I would think that a not-so-far-in-the-future third part should stick to the mechanics of Deadfire I also don't care that much about RTwP or TB. Players who want to turn this into a confession of faith behave kind of silly. There are games that are great and use TB and there are games that are great who use RTwP. Don't understand why one has to chose to only like one. I love PoE/Deadfire and Battle Brothers because they are fun to play for me, not because I celebrated some kind of communion with RTwP or TB evangelists. But still: if a PoE3 is made in the next few years I would like it to continue the mechanics of Deadfire as I said. It's quite some work to learn a whole new system and I would like to avoid it if possible. Deadfire's rule system is in a good state (not talking about bugs and oversights especially on consoles). Some minor tweaks like simplifying the stacking rules should suffice. And there already is TB and RTwP - so it's not too far fetched to expect to see both in a PoE3 again (one as main mode, the other as additional I would presume). By the way: a recent poll came to the conclusion that a slight majority welcomes the switch from RTwP to TB for BG3. You wouldn't guess if you read the Larian forums (lots of "true" BG fans flooding the place while acting like broken records). There you would get the impression that BG3 is doomed to fail - while Larian (or Vincke) reported that they got overwhelmingly good responses on PAX and social media (other than their forums). Bubbles...1 point
1 point
Ha-hah. True. This is the most heavy benchmark ever. I remember the times, when no gaming configuration was able to run Crysis 1 at 60 FPS, but graphics on Max settings was a real breakthrough. It was a hell of a years ago. And now we have a new leader - but who could ever imagined it will be isometric game with 2D backgrounds! We a living in crazy times, man, crazy times...1 point