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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/20 in all areas

  1. PS: It really, actually exists...
    2 points
  2. Hi there. In the absence of @MaxQuest i decided to continue our work, because CP have some flaws and missed fixes. I don't want to do anything radical, just collect feedback and add some nice things. Also i'm in aware about @Elric Galad mod development (his Balance Mod designed to work with CP), so we try to keep in touch and not interfere each other. Current fixes done: Fury Form of Druid attack - TreatAsWeapon=true (Fury attack now works as weapon) Pallegina five suns penetration - 7 > 9. Ideally i want to clear restrictions for other 2 upgrades for Pallegina. Kalakot's blights - Add Wands proficiency Shattered Pillar - Wounds trait fix (10 for Lesser Wounds) Distraction training. -10 Deflection for Attackers on Missed for Pet > +25% Melee weapon resistance for Pet, Disorientation on Miss for Attackers. So natural Misses will be connected to Resistance - it allow to apply debuff more frequently, regardless of foes accuracy + increase pet durability. Connected with +engage slots abilities, pet should effectlively hold the line and debuff up to 3 enemies most of the time. Keywords done: Symbol of Berath - Added Decay KW 4 spells Priest of Gaun - Brought back Plant KW Priest of Wael Confusion - Brought back Illusion KW Reworked all elemental damage weapons to work properly with elemental enemies: I've added new KW's for every weapon (Shock weapon. Fire weapon, Corrode weapon, Frost weapon) and added the same KW's to druid's elemental talents. So far it' works as intended - now you can hit elemental enemy with physical damage. The initial idea of new keywords was suggested by @Boeroer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll be very appreciated for feedback about CP to do a preliminary "Need to fix/improve" list. My next step is to reduce crazy Megabosses HP pool and i seekeng for help with complete list of elemental weapons and abilities, which can affect on those weapons (including DLC) because i'm afraid to miss something.
    1 point
  3. Hello players! I asked our narrative team to send me their favorite "dumb" line used in the game, and now we want to see which one of these lines you like the most. There is no right or wrong answer, and this is all in fun as everyone who submitted a line knew what I was planning to do, so go ahead and take a gander at the different options. At the end of the poll, I will reveal who submitted that line to you all! On a side note, if you haven't played a "dumb playthrough" yet, I highly recommend it. I'm halfway through my own playthrough, and it's been entertaining to say the least! Thank you, and the poll will end on Wednesday, 1/29, at 3 PM PST. Continue reading for more context on each of the lines listed in the poll above. ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 1: ADA: I am ready and eager to assist. Awaiting your orders, Captain. Inquiries are good, too. Player: What's going to happen if I skip the Hope? ADA: If your calculations are even slightly off, you could crash the entire colony ship into Terra 2. Or the sun. Player: Good thing I'm great at math. I know all the best numbers. ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 2: Player: What? A test? No one told me there was gonna be a test, dammit. I hate tests! Hermit: Yes! That's the spirit! A fellow traveler, one close to the truth themselves! Vicar Max: No, he's/she's not. Just… a bit dim. Player: I don't need to stay here and be insulted. I can be insulted anywhere. ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 3: Huxley: Hello? Hellooooooo? I hear boots out there! Wait, can rapts wear boots? Player: Law help me, it's a talking door. ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 4: Minister Clarke: Slowly and loudly, Aloysius. That's the only way these morons understand anything. I SAID, YOU MAY TELL CHARLES TO GO **** HIMSELF. Player: WHO IS CHARLES AND WHY ARE WE YELLING? ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 5: Player: What's it like being in command around here? Junlei Tennyson: Frustrating. Everything down to the circuitboards is past warranty, so I have the pleasure of making life or death decisions on a shoestring budget. Plus, there's no time to train my successor or document fixes in a way that anyone outside the family would understand. Player: Where's the self-destruct mechanism? Junlei Tennyson: I hope that was a joke, Captain. I really do. ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 6: Parvati: Are you out of your mind? You just- you just killed him. Player: I know, it was great. Parvati: You enjoyed that? Are you some kind of psychopath? I can't- I need to leave. I need to get away from you. Player: Look, I didn't mean to kill the guy. Sometimes I just get confused. Parvati: You can't help yourself, huh? Took a couple knocks to the cranium? I get it. Let's just… let's just move on. I couldn't forgive myself if I let you loose upon the Vale, unsupervised.
    1 point
  4. So the status effect window (top left, with all the food/buffs/debuffs etc) wasnt a problem until I hit the undercity....then boom! Multiple status effect like slow/poison etc were stacked on and now it covers the ability bars full left side rendering my abilities newly impossible to see/choose correctly in combat!!! Even with font turned way down it reaches there, please, someone help us console pirates X
    1 point
  5. am knowing you are focusing on the scattelogical angle, but am expressing hope you get positive results from your procedures. also, am knowing endoscopy and colonoscopy is considered relative routine, but am also knowing they sometimes require general anesthesia, which by definition should not be considered routine. ... also can't help but observe how you went and got yourself in presumably the best physical condition you have been in for a long time and now you got all these unpleasant gi issues. doesn't seem fair, does it? regardless, gl. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  6. Well, now people do. I guess the WoTLK babies are now "veterans" so it's their turn to grouse about how great things were (and probably expound about the glories of classic and a vanilla they never were in :P )
    1 point
  7. almost as amusing as your attempt at using kids as a human shield. you of all posters decrying fake? HA! regardless, don't say stoopid stuff and you will avoid Gromnir harassment. is hard to see how christ pov is inappropriate when issues o' christian values arise, but perhaps you can convince somebody, anybody, that you ain't just talking nonsense. lord only knows why you would bring up "people from other countries." you somehow see your victimization as the result o' national origin? and we specific observed you ain't a poster child for evangelical christians already and that it would be unfair for your curious views to be read as representative. more relevant to thread, 'cause a skrap scrape is predictable pointless: bernie on 60 minutes whole lotta pivots and non answers which is gonna get tougher as the field narrows. get asked 'bout shifting a % o' private corporate ownership to employees and answer is trump is a liar? get asked bout cost o' all his social programs and bernie admits he don't know, but that a modest wall street tax will cover? how does that work? lack o' willingness/ability to answer obvious questions has been our biggest complaint regarding bernie... other than bernie bro behaviour and a few recent outright lies from the sanders campaign senior leadership regarding bloomberg and others. oh, and to avoid double-post: modi HUMAN RIGHTS IN INDIA UNDER ATTACK not a fan o' modi. however, am gonna note a weird fact related to the oliver vid... and not the elephant dung. the textbook reference "on page twenty-two" which got the oliver crowd torqued is, well, weird. ... is actual from seminole oral tradition. one o' the earliest verified written records involved neamathla sharing the story with the governor o' florida in the 1820s. so the indian government, w/o proper attribution, uses an american indian folktale to teach racism to schoolchildren? HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  8. Join Game Director, Adam Brennecke, Senior Programmer, Roby Atadero, and Environment Artist, Sean Dunny, and our special guest moderator Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb as they discuss our upcoming survival game: Grounded! The team will walk you through footage of the game, giving you an inside glimpse into life in the backyard! Plus, there will be time for a Q&A session that will allow attendees an opportunity to ask questions about the game. Date/Time: Saturday, February 29th, at 1:30 PM ET / 10:30 AM PT Where to watch at PAX East: Dragonfly Theater Where to watch online: See you all there!
    1 point
  9. some alternate approaches (i'm not saying these are better than what you have, just things for others to consider as possible tweaks). armor - casita samelia's legacy. gives you +5 deflection, plus +.25 deflection per point of intimidate. ring - ring of (greater) deflection; either +2 or +4 deflection back - cloak of greater deflection for +7 deflection. for weapons, it might be fun to dual-wield hatchet - xoti's sickle and acolyte's. the +3 melee deflection bonus stacks, and the -10 accuracy from modal is effectively another +10 deflection for yourself. this hurts your dps a lot though, so maybe one hatchet (xoti's) with modal on plus kapana taga or a heavy hitter like an axe with bleeding cuts. for abilities, it might also be fun to consider glorious beacon. blinded affliction provides an additional -10 acc penalty (doesn't stack with hatchet debuff) that acts as another way to boost your defenses. for pet, might be worth considering ooblit. the +3s duration plus escape after many power levels means being able to spam for +50 unconditional deflection (unlike arcane veil which is +50 except against veil-piercing) can almost make you into god-mode. only worth doing this if you're in a situation where mirror image isn't good enough (or has been suppressed). lastly, riposte can also trigger full attacks from ranged weapons. if you have a hand-mortar in your offhand, you can trigger aoe attacks as part of your riposte (works real great in dense fights, though be warned that you need a decent GPU to keep up with all the explosions).
    1 point
  10. she gets a very small amount in SSS, and possibly FS if i remember correctly (it's been a while).
    1 point
  11. It's especially dumb because even a simple weather balloon would have been more effective.
    1 point
  12. Your opinion was noted, little Watcher.
    1 point
  13. I know that feeling too well, you have my sympathies
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Well, you asked what would work as a tank, you didn't specify anything about interaction. If interaction is a priority, then you should definetely take Edér over Rekke, that is correct.
    1 point
  16. Honnestly I don't know Spells have different recovery, so why not potions ? Invisibility seems the biggest exception and I can understand why it is like this (even if it could be unintended). It doens't strike me as something especially important to change. There might be balance changes to make about Consumables, but more about specific potions. Well, not sure either. I would be tempted to add +5 Acc to all consumables to compensate for absence of Perception, but the fact that Poison and Arcana gets only half of the bonus could be because they are stronger and/or more versatile. It's not like if everybody used explosives because they are OP...
    1 point
  17. You can see him floating to the right, in the Fonferrus's miasma all by his lonesome, thinking of making a break for freedom.
    1 point
  18. I can confirm the fire keyword is fine on IoBR, though it comes too late to matter.
    1 point
  19. The Druid Shifter Evolution mod changes shapeshifting (spirit-shifting? I don't know the difference.) a lot, so his changes would be helpful as a guide too. However he changes you into a Dragon, just find the Dragon reference and change it to what you want. But I don't know, that's just what I would do!
    1 point
  20. Confirmation of the google leak, that BG3 is to be released in 2020. It appears it will start up with Early Access, which is in line with Larians previous titles. https://www.pcgamesn.com/baldurs-gate-3/early-access-leak
    1 point
  21. Finally implemented Carnage AOE highlight. It's a bit dumb – need to add this tweak in every melee weapon attack, but it's only 92 (and i did 10 already), so nothing impossible.
    1 point
  22. I don't know to which company Versus Evil gave the code for porting - but it seems it was done with not that much experience and under severe time limitations. Unity itself can be deployed to consoles, but you never know which hacky (or elegant but non-port-friendly) in-house solutions and plugins a game used. For examples with PoE1 I never could see any cloaks because the plugin for cloaks that PoE used wasn't available for Linux. I guess there are plenty of those problems with porting Deadfire from PC to consoles as well. And usually teting stuff takes the biggest amount of time and manpower but doesn't actually produce things - so it often doesn't get the time and attention that's needed.
    1 point
  23. don't through dice for skill checks in video game how can there be so many developer still doesn't understand something so fundamental
    1 point
  24. Now that the poll is over, I'd like to say that my favorite lines were based on the reactions of the companions or NPCs, typically Max, because Dave Mitchell is amazing. You: "Can Parvati get that treated by a sawbones?" Max: "I see today we'll be conversing without metaphors." And my absolute favorite: Max: <speaking to Reginald Chaney> "Well, guess what. My goodwill's exhausted, along with my temper." You: "Max, if you're exhausted, maybe we should rest and look for the scholar later." Max: <does a double-take at you> "What? You never cease to amaze me, you know that?" Part of this quest is getting him not to kill Chaney, and I love that in this case, you say something so incredibly stupid that it actually snaps Max out of his fury. I laughed and laughed. : )
    1 point
  25. According to Boeroer, dagger modal and mirror image stack because dagger is against melee only while mirror image works against everything. I did not test this. I changed the cloak Equipment in the build.
    0 points
  26. From that article at the link above: Holy Moley! And this? Is this Dungeons & Dragons? Whelp!
    0 points
  27. You didn't try superhard though. Check the Versus Evil Twitter or Discord to get news. It's too bad they don't have any blog or news on their website. Edit: checked Twitter myself and there isn't much information on patches besides PoE for Switch. But I read that the devs give rel. detailed answer on their discord server. It's not the best PR policy if you ask me but that's where the info is I guess.
    0 points
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