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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/20 in all areas

  1. Don't worry guys, I'll back it at a high enough tier for all of us. And on a totally unrelated note, do you know of anyone in the market for slightly okayish kidney?
    5 points
  2. Naturally, literally just a couple of days after Bernie takes a projected lead in Iowa for the first time a couple of weeks before the primary (with Elizabeth Warren in second), a story leaks about how he claimed a woman would not be capable of becoming president directly to Elizabeth Warren. Ignoring that he asked Elizabeth Warren to enter the 2016 race (before he did so himself when she declined), ignoring that he campaigned for Hillary in 2016 after he was defeated, ignoring that he has been saying publicly for 30 years now that a woman absolutely could and should become president. What a dirty bit - politics are so fun.
    3 points
  3. Are you asking if we can make out? It should be safe.
    2 points
  4. Sadly, shout abilities didn't benefit a lot in this mode. While Turn Based Mode will truncate a lot of powers/spells with less than 1 sec cast time to a Free Action, all of the shout abilities are kept to a Standard Action. Might be something to do with it registering as an attack rather than a buff that has an attack on activation? The Driving Roar upgrade will still be powerful as a Standard Action and your actions are still refunded on kill with Blood Thirst, but it will simply be slower to cheese in real time until the refund triggers. Enemies will still be locked down from being knocked prone, letting you kite until the refund happens. Also, as a minor note related to mechanics, the changes to hit and graze in Turn Based will see your Carnage rolls landing more often whenever your attacks do hit, since Carnage rolls cannot graze and will instead hit a majority of the time you would normally miss in RTwP. This should have a direct benefit on shout abilities because they are similar to Carnage in that they also cannot graze and will simply hit. I guess the way it's programmed is that a graze is still considered a type of hit, and the graze effect on a power/spell can be flagged with yes or no. Spirit Tornado can graze, so this will impact the damage per point of Rage, further cementing Driving Roar as the most cost efficient damage power available to SC Barbarian in both modes.
    2 points
  5. I played solo SC Barbarian in Turn Based Mode and it was very successful. I can tell you that a slow Barbarian does not suffer at all thanks to the initiative rules and how ranged kiting and switch hitting tends to work. For the most part, a SC Barbarian does not need any of their attack speed boosting passives. You need only take damage, movement, and survival upgrades each level. Frenzy and its upgrades are still indispensable for additional damage, but the important thing to note is that if you choose to upgrade into Spirit Tornado, the darn thing has no cast time in this mode. You can truly nuke an area at the cost of all your rage as a Free Action before your turn ends. As a SC Barbarian, the damage per point of Rage on Spirit Tornado is second only to the final tier of shout powers since it will scale off of your PL. With DoC plate, and a dip in the luminous bath, you'll be able to blast Spirit Tornado more than enough times to end entire encounters. DPS for your SC Barbarian in Turn Based Mode will mostly come down to your build, and both Thelee and Boeroer's suggestions hold up in turn based. Just be sure to be flexible and kite enemies as needed with ranged weapons. Later on, you'll want to rethink your no-tank idea and spec into full armor/survival to abuse Barbaric Retaliation, as that will be the best way to maximize your enemy phase damage in turn based mode.
    2 points
  6. I can fix illegal immigration right now: work permits for anyone who wants them. And as long as you are employed (within a reasonable amount of time) they don't expire. Why is there a demand for illegal immigrant labor? Because they have no leverage. You can screw them on money and they can't do anything about it. Make them all legal and you have to pay them minimum wage (at least). If the war on drugs has taught us anything (spoiler alert: it hasn't) it's that you can't get rid of a thing in demand by attacking the supply of the thing. But you CAN get rid of the supply be attacking the demand. Plus not having people treated like slaves is a very good thing.
    2 points
  7. I was thinking more about Mrs. Hurlshot, but Im not saying a hard no either. I cant recall ever hearing it happen to adults, only infants.
    1 point
  8. It's been a while, but from what I remember almost everyone has the cause for it, but you need the right circumstances for it to break out.
    1 point
  9. as somebody who turned 50 this year... HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  10. that's the reason why i bumped it out of my top five. it seems like a really obvious design oversight, given how much scaffolding and flexibility there is everywhere else.
    1 point
  11. I did some test to verify old data because I'm writing guide for Pillars of Eternity (but it's in my native language). I will share results of optional means for increasing spells damage (via DR bypass talents): PENETRATING SHOT Chanter: Seven Nights She Waited While the White Winds Wept (3), So Singt thy Biting Winds o' Eld Nary (4) Cipher: Mind Blades (2), Mind Lance (4) Druid: Stag's Horn (3), Overwhelming Wave (4), Firebug (5), Avenging Storm (8), Tornado (8) Priest: none Wizard: Minoletta’s Minor Missiles (1), Thrust of Tattered Veils (1), Necrotic Lance (2), Rolling Flame (2), Crackling Bolt (3), Minoletta's Bounding Missiles (3), Minoletta's Concussive Missiles (4), Chain Lightning (6), Tayn's Chaotic Orb (7), Kalakoth's Freezing Rake (8), Minoletta's Piercing Sigil (8) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pallegina: Wrath of the Five Suns Talents: Prestidigitator's Missiles VULNERABLE ATTACK Cipher: Amplified Thrust (2) Druid: Sunlance (5) Priest: Barbs of Condemnation (1), Divine Mark (2), Pillar of Faith (3) Wizard: Jolting Touch (1), Kalakoth's Sunless Grasp (1), Flame Shield (4), Concelhaut's Crushing Doom (7) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abilities: Grimoire Slam
    1 point
  12. Cool idea about that monk-wizard! Put on Stag Helm and use Binding Web + Ryngrim's Repulsive VIsage and he could go into the fray. That's why both PoE games are awesome. There are so many posibilities. I have updated first post. Btw. Your Cauterizer's trick about killing summoned skeletons for triggering Blood Thirst works with paladin's Inspiring Triumph
    1 point
  13. Push effects will still send an enemy into the AoE of your Carnage. You'll also be getting plenty of Carnage off your disengage attacks. The way TB handles enemy pathing, how engagement is checked as soon as Turn Based combat is initialized and not at the start of the first turn in combat (leading to some scripted movement cheese), and how you can continue to engage an enemy you've just Terrified... it's really powerful. Honestly, Carnage just comes up constantly in TB mode.
    1 point
  14. You could try one of these. If you're made of money. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0007WKZ1K/ref=psdc_510192_t4_B073GD2C3 They do have a "Jr" one that's only about $400 instead. But it's the brand FEMA/Red Cross touted during our 9/11, if that means anything. ...I've been tempted to try one myself lately, because allergies and sensitivities get worse and worse even in "clean" homes. Especially to formaldehyde/other VOC's. I'll try a cheaper one first probably, tho.
    1 point
  15. Wrath otFS def. works with Penetrating Shot. Used that several times with Pallegina as alpha-striker together with FoD and Prestidigitator's Missiles (also work afair). I used Grimoire Slam on a monkish Wizard once (Novice's Suffering and all the "melee" spells like Draining Touch, Jolting Touch and also Grimoire Slam). It's 1/encounter and has fairly high base dmg (25 - like Firebrand or Concelhaut's Staff) so it scales ok-ish with high MIG (Citzal's Martial Power - that doesn't turn it off since it's not a spell I presume) and enhanced crit damage (like Merciless Hand + Dungeon Delver etc.). And because it's an ability it gets +1 ACC per level which lets if crit fairly often later in the game (esp. if combined with Martial Power and Merciless Gaze). I stacked MIG into the sky anyway because of Novice's Suffering weird mechanics that work garbage with dmg bonuses (Wizard doesn't have any anyway) but scales its flat dmg bonus with MIG. Which leads to respectable melee dps for a Wizard (who doesn't use summoned weapons). All in all it's comparable with Runner's Wounding Shot: a 1/encounter attack that can do decent damage - but you might only take it because you a) don't know what else to take or b) it fits your theme. It's not bad if you build around it but surely not a gamechanger either. Was fun though. Especially after you get spell mastery and can use touch spells like Jolting Touch, Sunless Grasp, Draining Touch per encounter. That was my PoE version of Wizard/Monk multiclass before it was even a thing in Deadfire.
    1 point
  16. I can wholeheartedly sympathize! I love Sairento and Beat Saber I need to get my thumb out of my arse and get to the computerstore and buy a new tracking station and RMA the broken one I have. It's kind of hard to pull the thumb out of my arse when I need to drive 110km to get there, and also pay a fine for the priviledge of driving on the ****ty roads...
    1 point
  17. Started playing The Long Dark's story mode Wintermute yesterday and I'm digging it. I bought the game back in 2017, when it was still in early access, dabbled a bit in Survival Mode and liked it well enough but decided to shelf it until the official release and some of the story episodes were out. The improvements made to the game since then and the quality of the story content is impressive -- the game oozes atmosphere, from art style to sound design, music and voice acting, and its more calm and thoughtful pacing is such a nice diversion. There's something oddly relaxing about sitting in a cave (having just looted a hidden stash of supplies after following directions on a note I found in an abandoned house), in front of a campfire, waiting for my Rose Hip Tea to boil while watching the night fall outside.
    1 point
  18. Oculus finally came in and my wife won't stop playing. She's hooked.
    1 point
  19. Seems a pretty tame hit as well. He said something vague enough that is more indicating the US populace is backwards than anything else.
    1 point
  20. Seahawks got pretty well handled by both the Rams and the Cardinals late season. Definitely could see it for the 49ers game, but if the Seahawks had won that game, the Packers would've been the #1 seed and the Saints the #2 while the Seahawks were merely the #3, so, uh. Though if the Seahawks had won the final 2 weeks instead, I think the Saints would've been the #1 seed and the Seahawks the #2 (..."I think" because it's a circle of I-beat-you-but-not-thems - Packers over Saints, Seahawks over Packers, Saints over Seahawks). Hoping for Titans-Packers, expecting Chiefs-49ers. Based on everything I've seen, Packers should get pretty well walloped in the NFCCG. We match up horribly with the 49ers, Packers have a history of getting wrecked by NFCW teams in the playoffs (and were especially bad west coast this season), Packers are limping into the game while the 49ers are stronger than ever with recent star returns from injury. I'm hoping it's a close game, but I feel like even that's asking too much. Expecting something like a 34-17 score. To have a chance, the Packers will need to execute very well and get lucky to start the game - don't think we have much of a chance of staying in it if we're down even a score early, and it'll become positively futile if it extends to two scores.
    1 point
  21. Man, if Biden gets the nom you guys might as well skip the election because that old codger is as passionless and uninspiring as Hillary Clinton was last time. We've seen how that one turns out.
    1 point
  22. There's a scene early on where Lara gets captured and it's strongly implied that her captor is about to force himself on her. Then you get a QTE struggle/escape sequence. Lara gets captured, bruised, battered, and beaten quite a bit in the game. Also, it's by far the most combat heavy and tomb raiding light game of the trilogy. There are a handful of challenge tombs that are so easy it's insulting and, if I recall correctly, 1 tomb/temple in the main story to go through.
    1 point
  23. Chanters! I knew I had forgotten something! I will test invocations tomorrow. I will check Wrath of the Five Suns too but I wouldn't be surprised if it won't benefit from Penetrating Shot. Eg. Minoletta's Precisely Piercing Burst has inherent 10 DR Bypass and don't gain addiiotnal 5 from DR bypassing talents. I will check Grimoire Slam too - anyone use that? I remember first gameplay demo of PoE at Gamescom (iirc). It was set in Cliaban Rilag and Josh showed Grimoire Slam for the first time and I thinked - wow, that's pretty cool move! Now? Meh. My knowledge is rusty too. I didn't play Pillars last year. I have only 800h in both games combined. I'm digging up old posts from the forum and compile something like ultimate guide with all that hidden secrets and things which the game doesn't explain. I'm half way through (and I would like to make separated guide for each class). Meanwhile I will catch up on Deadfire and compile second guide.
    1 point
  24. Maybe because playing RPGs used to be a nerdy thing - and people who did it formed rel. secluded groups. And maybe once you find something you can finally identify with it's hard to let go? Also: age and the "everything was better in the old days" syndrome.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. It's sad irony that Josh Sawyer repeats during nearly every panel (at GDC, Digital Dragons etc.) that as a game director or designer he has to make a game which players want. A game that players will like and play - not the game what he would exactly like to make or play - unless he buy 2 milions copies of that game. He said that so many times! He laughed of it. Whenever someone ask him eg. why he made Sawyer's balancing mod for New Vegas and not incorporated it into base game as deffault. He said it changes what he thinks could work better but not for broader audience. So he shaped Deadfire mostly upon feedback from PoE 1 players. With some exceptions ofcourse - like Obsidian managment forcing full VO very late during development process. The only one thing he made of his own vision was took the action to exotic part of the world. Deadfire setting is less familiar (but many players I know didn't even see a difference about PoE 1 beeing more renaissance world than medieval ). What I observed while reading polish forums - people in my country didn't like Deadfire from one of two reasons. 1. "Pirate" setting (I would say it's more about explore and colonisation than pirate stuff). Seriously, even die hard fans of first PoE (like professional journalist/reviewers) were displeased by tone and atmosphere of exotic world. 2. "Divinity: Original Sin II is better than Pillars!" - It's the second argument. I finished first game and I was borred to death. I started D:OS 2 two times and both times I abandoned at the end of Act II. Maybe some day I will force myself to start over for the third time and finish it, but I doubt it. These games has very simple ruleset and repetitive combat. But Divinity OS 2 sold 5 millions copies? Maybe it's me who just don't enjoy it, maybe it's good game. Imo it's great pseudo-hardcore cRPG for casuals with full 3D graphics, console release and coop - so it's popular & awesome & fun for people who probably never played something more complex than AAA RPG. You know - like "Witcher 3 is the best RPG ever made", repeated by people who never play RPG (or only most popular AAA RPG). So many people are saying about new standards set by Witcher 3. When I think about standards in RPG, I think of Fallout in 1997. But maybe it's just me. What I mean exactly - PoE II Deadfire is niche game. I would say that Pathfinder: Kingmaker is more popular thanks to the p&p RPG build upon displeased fans of D&D 3.5 when 4th Edition hit the stores. It's very popular RPG, so it's computer adaptation - basically the first one - is huge for many fans and players arround the world. Both D:OS 2 and Kingmaker are less niche games than Pillars. I observed even third reason - but it was on polish forums back in 2015 when first Pillars came out. Many players didn't like first game as much as Baldur's Gate II. Most of them didn't play BG II since 2000. Rest of them are members of the church of the one true game and its name is BG II and nothing can be better even if it's better in some way. They just don't want anything new. It is the same situation with Heroes of Might & Magic. People who started with the third game in the series and never played first or the second or any of the newer instalment will despise anything what isn't HoMM III. Even if some gameplay changes in IV, V, VI and VII are for the better. Even if HoMM III used blurred sprites from M&M VII (or was it MM VIII?) and has nothing similar with artstyle of first two HoMM games. /sorry for bad english EDIT: So PoE was designed for fans of the Infinity Engine Games and most of them don't want anything new. Afaik there is big group of people on RPG Codex (I don't visit that place) and few different forums I actually read who just don't like RTwP because it's SH!T! They use phrases like: "Good RPG, RTwP - pick one". They took hate for RTwP to another level.
    1 point
  27. This is the constant, fundamental concern that I think a lot of people with "less big-picture" theories are missing. It's one thing if the question was "why did Deadfire sell 5% less than PoE1 instead of exceeding its sales?" At that point, pretty much everyone's theories might be right, even ones that I would consider to be more fringe (e.g. Avellone no longer being on writing staff); I could easily see each critique cumulatively leading up to >50k sales lost (out of a million), along with some other big picture stuff that would have prevented Deadfire from exceeding PoE1's sales as a sequel to an ostensibly-well-received IP. But that's not the question. The question is "why did Deadfire sell a mere fraction of PoE1, and even a fraction of Tyranny?" coupled with the known constraints of positive critical reviews and positive user reviews. There are also related data points! That I'm going to repeat again - Like P:K having worse reviews and bigger stability problems, but selling far better than Deadfire. Tyranny being based on no established IP whatsoever which still outsold Deadfire, though apparently still disappointed. Everyone is going to have their pet gripes about the game. I have my own pet gripes. But it's one thing to have a pet gripe, but if you're going to claim that that pet gripe is the cause of Deadfire's revenue woes, it has to be capable of explaining a massive sales expectation miss and be congruent with the known data points we have out there. For that reason I'm not going to come in here and say "power level scaling is real confusing and murky. that's the reason why Deadfire sold poorly!" even though that is my main gameplay critique of Deadfire. edit - pretty much only one person actually tried to make a case that all the smaller gripes people were talking about added up collectively to explain the massive sales drop, but it's a pretty fairly unconvincing theory (and for kanisatha's accusations about being unwelcome, the person proposing this was way more hostile than anyone else in this thread). For one thing - many of the gripes generally requires people to have played the game, and that would somehow be reflected in user reviews. For another thing - occam's razor. "Big picture" stuff explains why the audience might have shrunk significantly but left a core of enthusiastic, happy players--which explains a massive sales drop but is still consistent with high critical/user reviews--and big picture stuff requires you to assume far less than a collection of smaller picture stuff that requires a lot of scaffolding and rationalizing away of the known data points (such as - users are not actually happy but something about them prevents them posting unhappy reviews... even though for example P:K had plenty of mediocre unhappy reviews but still tons of sales). Occam's razor would suggest you go for the hypothesis that requires you to take the fewest leaps of faith and rationalizations. (Also three: it's unclear that these different smaller theories are independent of each other, which requires even more heroic assumption-making about the impact of any specific gripe since they would have to carry more weight.)
    1 point
  28. Wait, you were being serious?
    1 point
  29. Of course the game has its problems. It's just not easy to determine if what you identify as a problem is a problem for (so many) other players which then results in a massive sales drop of more than 500k copies. 10k reviews of 1,000k sold copies is a good sample size. If the problems you identified annoyed as many players as you said then you would see that. I think it is very unlikely that a game that has problems which annoy and put off like 500k players would have a user score about 8.3 on Metacritic. Just because you made some observations, analyzed your problems with the game meticulously and phrased it nicely doesn't mean that a big bunch of other players felt the same. Of course you will find players who feel the same. But enough to explain such a sales disaster? I still don't think so. And where is the evidence that you mentioned? You found it amusing that posters said that it might be the setting which put potential players off. There's nothing amusing about it. It makes sense. One can't prove it without a big survey but it is not a far-fetched assumption. It is more likely that a) many players see a setting/theme and decide that they will not buy the game than b) an equal amount of players watch streams, read critics on Kotaku etc. and then decide to not buy. I mean both can happen and most likely did happen and it would add up. It's not either/or. I just think that a) plays a bigger role since it takes nearly no time and no other investment than a glance to make that decision - while for b) you'd have to invest quite some time and motivation to do so. That's why I think there was no cause for amusement. If you would have said something along the lines of "What I also think played a role was..." I would most likely have agreed. But your "Setting? Lulz! It is my theory alone which really explains it all" approach prevented that.
    1 point
  30. You misspelled the title. I fixed it for you.
    1 point
  31. Moved further with White March expansion today (little bit over 4 hours of playtime today ) I have finished all of the quests from Russetwood, and reaped some rewards Then I have decided to go to the location east of the Stallwart and after encountering Lagufaeth Broodmother and her pack, which completely decimated my 9th level party, I have decided to move back to Stallwart for a night at the Inn. The fight was crazy, the pack knocked out during a fight all of my characters with the exception of Edér and Durance. In the middle of fight I was able to “spell bubble” him and when Edér moved closer and closer to death, the spell ended and I cast with him last few spells in his spellbook to finish the Broodmother the reward was a small egg which hatched after a while in my backpack That episode will be uploaded tomorrow on my youtube
    1 point
  32. Marketing for Tyranny was abysmal. As someone who followed Obsidian, PoEs, and Tyranny specifically, I had little to no idea what Tyranny is (aside from borrowing PoE engine) and what I did know, turned out to be untrue. Little to no surprise there, that the game didn't find it's audience.
    1 point
  33. No. Afaik it has +100% turning time (takes 2 turns for a jibe instead of 1), its chance getting hit is 60% instead of 55% (sloop) and with the money you need to buy a dhow (35,000) I can easily buy the Red Dream hull upgrade (16,000) and still having faster jibe, more hull health (90 vs. 65) and spared 18k. With master cannoneers it's not that important to deal a ton of damage per cannon salve but to cause special events like flooding, man over board and such. If you can cause this often you win since the enemy will always have to react to that and can't fire back. And the 1 turn jibe helps a lot with that. You can send enemies into a never-ending loop of special events which will win you the fight. That's why I always would use Berath's Blessing points for the cheap multi-master sailors you can buy in Port Maje. I never had any troubles without a boatswain that are worth remembering. Hence the sloop is by far the best ship in my book (if you look at the cost-benefit ratio). I use the Berath sails which came with my game. Usually don't need to upgrade the sloop's sails for ship combat. It's only a thing with the Voyager (+flamethrower) for me.
    1 point
  34. Back to armchair tneories about Deadfire sales, I really think that the Isometric text heavy RPG shoots itself in the foot because it looks good and plays the same for decades. Planescape Torment still looks alright and plays well, modded to support widescreen resolutions. Because of the fact that the play experience is static, if there is no potential for a major twist that could be spoiled, you can wait for the games to go on sale cheap and not miss much. In fact, you get a more polished and often expanded experience for less money. Between Steam sales and the like, games culture pushes people away from a sense of release day urgency and toward a more leisurely games acquisition path. Games that are text heavy need to generate serious buzz or spoiler heavy conversations that people want to participate in without spoiling the twists for themselves. If a game like this generates positive reviews but not a ton of spoiler talk, it needs to be a new property or generate interest through other means in order to move a lot of copies at a high price. There's also the fact that Pillars was a kind of divisive game, a bunch of people bounced right off of the game after 10 or fewer hours play. The fact is that because of the epic length and start of a series plans for Pillars it didn't have the best onboarding. People often puttered around Gilded Vale and got bored before even making it to Defiance Bay. In addition to the normal fatigue, NPCs that served as massive text dumps without any real connection to the lore or backstory introduced a new twist where nothing tells you directly "These flashbacks won't tie into any plot, any world building you need to know, any quest or anything important" and a lot of people seemed to read more of them than they probably should have. By exhausting themselves reading these self contained stories that don't matter, they had less energy to expend reading things that did matter. I put my nephew in front of Planescape Torment's into and he skipped all the text and said it was boring. He was 17 at the time, just a few years ago. I told him that ofc it was he just skipped past the first chapter of a book and said it was boring. Pillars 1 added a new wrinkle, interspersed with the interesting stuff there were weird asides. Sure, the text color and name color is a dead giveaway that they're different but because the players are often skimming instead of really reading everything like they should a lot of people didn't see that they should basically pretend those characters don't exist. If they hadn't come into the game until Defiance Bay it might have kept more people interested longer. I can't really definitively say which of these points even mattered the most to the people I do know who bounced right off of Pillars 1, Deadfire doesn't have any of those problems, but at the same time people who see 9/10 on Pillars and bounced right off aren't going to pay full price or 66% or whatever for Deadfire. People can't really tell you in a word why they didn't get into a game. In order to avoid conversations about it they're more likely to give a blithe "it was alright" and not say "I played for four hours hadn't gotten very far and never fired it up again, getting further and further away from it I felt like I'd need to restart and waste another few hours getting back to where I bounced off so I never bothered to fire it up again." Pillars initial success may have actually worked against it, taking people who were of middling interest and convincing them that Pillars was too old school or too *whatever* for them. For them, they see all the rave reviews and think "It's not them, it's me" and don't see across the board improvements in Deadfire as a reason to pick it up. It's like e.g. Sushi, they think it wasn't for them and the people who love it are just loud about it. They don't interject why they didn't care for it, they just don't spend money on it.
    1 point
  35. I preferred Deadfire... as first person games make me feel crippling nausea so I barely played TOW!!!
    1 point
  36. Could this be for perceived marketing reasons? It always appeared to me that the better the RPG, the more the mass-market players not only don't get it, but actually resent its features as impediments and sheer tedium to their ego-trip. They gloss over and click past the [carefully written] dialogs in the simple search for "Who do I have to shoot next, and what does it get me?". I think Bethesda learned a lot from New Vegas... but nothing I'd have wanted them too... It's as though they learned (or reaffirmed) that through further simplification (other than graphics) they leave less players irritated or confused (as to plot and their expected role in it); IE. the opposite of New Vegas. Or that they learned that the bulk of their sales go to players who essentially prefer DOOM to Dwarf Fortress, and look upon an RPG's best features with disdain. For some sad reason(s), Troika/Obsidian's (and certain other's) work always seems conceptually better than their more successful competitors, but always comes out second best or worse. It's like Watching Bugs vs. Daffy (minus the duck's signature caustic attitude, of course ).
    1 point
  37. Anecdote: During my time in Tashkent/Uzbekistan the local Intercontinental hotel lost its brand name due to bad/shady management decisions. So they had to rename the hotel and opted for... *drumroll*... The Incontinental True story.
    1 point
  38. Interesting with Spirit Tornado. How is Driving Roar implemented? In RTwP is takes even less time than Frenzy/Spirit Tornado. And right: it is so powerful because its base damage (which you see in the description) scales with Power Level. And since Driving Roar is in upgrade of a PL-1 ability it will scale right away from PL 1 to 9 once you pick it (meaning base dmg * 1.4, additional PEN and ACC and so on). Just mentioning it for players who don't know PL scaling yet.
    0 points
  39. Australia set to get hit twice by smoke... the very same smoke that is. They really need to work on what they recycle down here https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2020-01-13/bushfire-smoke-plume-expected-to-lap-the-globe-nasa-says/11863298
    0 points
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