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  1. It seems my wife is unintentionally trying to prepare me for the sleepless nights we are going to face by snoring louder than I thought humanly possible. That baby better pop out soon. Due on the 6th so any minute now. Constant vigilance!
    4 points
  2. as much as we disliked harris, we got some sympathy for her. am thinking she were going for a tough-as-nails kinda thing and it backfired. trump being toxic, aggressive and unapologetic garnered him republican voters who had nevertheless voted for obama. is also noteworthy how kamala harris gained much positive attention from here televised judiciary committee questionings o' folks such as ag barr where she were aggressive and uncompromising. with so many democrat candidates, perhaps harris felt she needed to be different and what got her on the national stage in the first place were unflinching combativeness. possible get a few o' those obama voters to flip and maybe appeal to a similar untapped segment w/i the democrat party? not an unreasonable approach. am suspecting some will blame on gender. "if kamala was a man, she would be applauded for her strength rather than condemned for her cattiness." *shrug* am gonna disagree, but perhaps we are too blind to gender disparity. am fully admitting we may be overlooking unfair bias. personal, Gromnir is fatigued by the toxicity hurl mentions and it not matter which side o' the aisle it originates. sure, in committee when harris is delving for truth from an uncooperative witness, we expect and desire prosecutorial decisiveness. were that only a decade past? HA! Good Fun! ps as soon as kamala harris promised to executive order the second amendment into oblivion, we knew she had lost gd's vote, and many rural independents who were essential in trump's slim victory over clinton.
    3 points
  3. never understand why would character creation doesn't allow everyone choose beard character creation often include makeup so why not beard?
    2 points
  4. My keyboard layout is currently Dvorak instead of the typical Qwerty but the game doesn't recognize this. The game won't let me rebind some of the keys to accommodate my keyboard. Is there a reason for this? As a PC gamer, I should be able to rebind any key to any command. At least I would hope so. Is there a way to edit the keys through config files instead of through the actual game?
    1 point
  5. When making a character, especially when hitting randomize, there is a complete disconnect between sex and gender identifiers. You can make a woman with a full beard and jawline, you can make a man with a soft face and bone structure, you can make someone androgynous or non binary. Yet, there is not a single NPC that breaks the gender boundary in the whole game. Everyone looks and presents like typical men and women. It would make sense that in the future the lines of gender are blurred, so its strange that only you do so. Anyway, have a nice day, thanks for listenin'.
    1 point
  6. I'm confused why there are some inputs that are hard-bound and cannot be rebound ? We can rebind practically everything else - why not the inventory key and map key and such ?? Loot and items are big part of games like this, and hence the average player is probably going in and out of their inventory screen many many times during a play session. Same goes fo the map too. In fact, after the mouse buttons and directional inputs, i'd say the map and inventory inputs are some of the most heavily used keys inputs you're gonna use - so to not allow the player to rebind these keys to other keys they prefer seems a bit odd to say the least. I remember NMS did this too - and it really kinda ruined the experience for me. Please allow rebinding of all key inputs.
    1 point
  7. Having an independent body rule that what Trump's doing was illegal multiple times definitively supports him marginalising that law. Indeed, repeatedly overstepping the law would be just about the definition of marginalising it when you're theoretically an upholder of that law and theoretically should know better. Doing everything he can to marginalise the 1st amendment isn't true in the literal sense, of course. (Twitter blocks though? What next? Dear Supreme Court, Donald J Trump kicked me from his Minecraft server...)
    1 point
  8. I still think the gap is a lot bigger for top end-PC's. The amount of graphic/textures vs. resolution vs. FPS and other such things is still large. What I notice most is more limited FoV's, more blurred backgrounds, use of a lot lower textures in near to middle distances in order to increase performance, and inability to even reach a steady 60fps without stutter, frame pacing, and whatever else issues. No I am not talking about using console-4k options, even just in 1080. This does not mean consoles can't/don't look good. Many don't care about hi-res textures and some even like blurring effects (which often hide lower textures as side effect). The next gen of consoles (not too far away I suppose) will close the gap more and hopefully will be able to reach a smooth 60fps in modern/new games. The main (gaming) difference tho is generally about graphics and high-end performance especially at high resolutions. You can buy gaming laptops that are very good these days, but they are still lesser than the same-named parts of actual desktop parts, and much less upgradable and thus likely more of an expense long-run, having to be replaced wholesale more often (if you want to keep up with newest/latest games over years). If one isn't picky about fps, textures, Ultra graphics or performance considerations at 4k, and doesn't play games where wanting a lot of mods is a factor, there is nothing wrong with consoles and again, next gen will up the ante once more as well. The whole "PC vs. Console" thing re: gaming is silly in this day and age. Just use what fits your style/life/comfort and budget. Edit: or do what I/some of do, and have both. I like having "high-end" PC rigs for applications and a lot of gaming, but at this point having a console for certain games or when I want to couch-lounge is cool too.
    1 point
  9. can't think of any comedy drama action films? lethal weapon 2 kinda stuff? fifth element? as for black widow, am calling fake news. after all, last we heard the trump administration were insisting natasha romanova is actual a ukrainian agent. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  10. It might make more sense if you read the link about the Golden Globes reclassifying UNCUT GEMS after the producers submitted it for consideration for "Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy". The Hollywood Foreign Press Association created new rules to allow them to move dramas out of the category after THE MARTIAN won "Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy". ...this is what I get for trying to be topical.
    1 point
  11. The gap used to be a lot bigger between consoles and top-end PC's. But it's always been a bit of a functionality issue. I need a PC for a lot of non-gaming needs, but I really only need a console for one purpose. Plus there still tends to be more titles available and at better prices on the PC than the consoles. Some games play better with mouse and keyboard as well, and those are awkward tools to use on your couch.
    1 point
  12. D. C. Fontana writer and story editor for a number of television shows over the years, but maybe best remembered for her work for Star Trek over the Original, Animated and Next Generation shows. I just finished watching THE FANTASTIC JOURNEY series she was story editor for.
    1 point
  13. From the remaining components it's still possible to check if it's the hard drive. If you have one of these windows-compatible USBs try running win10 directly from that. Preferably without HDD connected so it can't try to write swap files.
    1 point
  14. is this tested? I always assumed it was just going to cast the Arcane Veil effect, not be a separately implemented passive item buff. sweeet jebus. could a wizard/priest of wael do arcane veil as well then (they don't clash?) for a stonking +100 deflection? in such a case a conjurer should flee by casting arkemyr's brilliant departure-... oh wait, oh no
    1 point
  15. Kamala Harris is dropping out. Good riddance
    1 point
  16. don't ask me how a corpse has a functional reflex defense
    1 point
  17. an alternative to trying to keep your pet alive is to lean into it a bit by using Vengeful Grief (Nimble and Tenacious upon pet knockout). It created some funny incentives in some fights, sorry Ishiza. (Also, if you're keen to micromanage, Ishiza is likely the most tankiest pet, because they are immune to engagement and so therefore can just constantly run out of melee range as the enemy winds up an attack.)
    1 point
  18. a long long time ago i reproted a bug about white worms not always exploding a corpse, and i finally figured it out while playing with my bellower what exactly was happening: you have to roll to hit the corpse. i don't know when this was added in, but i'm pretty sure it's just a bug we are stuck with. fortunately since 5.0 you can actually see your chance to hit hte corpse (whereas when i first reported it in like 3.0 there was no indication you had to roll to hit). so white worms has a huge aoe, huge base damage, and a hugely long sickened duration (if upgraded)--not to mention on a bellower you get a crapton of PL scaling. but you have to discount it by whatever odds you see over the corpse (so 72% chance to hit is effectively a -27% multiplicative penalty over the long run). it is also secretly a poison/disease attack, so enemies can be immune to it. because of that, revenge can be a much better choice at times during combat.
    1 point
  19. It'd be better to not assume how everyone plays video games or engages with them. Some are fine with sheer escapism, others enjoy games because they're a valid narrative artform and have interesting things to tell. It's the reason why people love games or films that "make them think". It's certainly why I engage with Obsidian's work on a much deeper level than I do many that of many other companies out there. What's more, let's stop the hypocrisy for a moment here. The matter of "politics" in games, and of "people play games to escape the real world", are topics that are only ever brought up in regards to discussions about gender and minority inclusion. I've *never* seen anyone criticize a game like This War of Mine or Innocence: A Plague Tale in these terms, even though they sink their feet deep into the mire of regular civilian life in horrible historical times. I've never heard a Call of Duty player complain about the constant depiction of war crimes, acts of terrorism and modern warfare as "not being escapist" when they go to such painstaking ends to capture those events as realistically and with as much meticulous detail as possible (I've certainly heard *other* complaints about them, like trying to pass off US war crimes as Russian acts, but I digress). And I sure as Hell don't see people complaining about The Outer Worlds bombarding one with anti-capitalist corporate satire at every turn, or that the game doesn't shy away from a late-stage capitalist society in decline and literal starvation and the likes, where you have discussions on various political systems, unionization and more. If you think this isn't political, look closer. No, we bring up the matter that games "offer an escape from the real world" only when someone brings up the matter of LGBT inclusion. It's a front, it's an excuse used to mask the rather blatant and heavily documented bigotry and intolerance towards LGBT groups rampant across the gamer community. And again I have to stress: I'm wary of representation for representation's sake. I certainly don't think the response is to include for the sake of including. But just because we shouldn't do that doesn't mean it's not a topic worth considering, or a topic we should discourage from being represented in games. The same we don't discourage hundreds of other political and social themes often depicted in the medium.
    1 point
  20. It's a joke, the bearded ladies are a western period joke. Notice how extreme all the 'random' generated results are. They aren't random, someone made them for ****s and giggles. If you are angry simply with the fact that you can give yourself a bead and a female face. Well, I mean, get over yourself ? There aren't always SWJs hiding around every corner.
    1 point
  21. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-11-30-ex-westwood-studios-devs-quietly-announced-a-spiritual-successor-to-command-and-conquer-renegade-this-month
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Yeah, not sure. Symptoms are all over the place, so I can't rightly guess as to what it might be or whether the manufacturer will be able to fix it.
    1 point
  24. Representation does not imply being "based on" said matter. A sci-fi game can still absolutely include non-binary people, especially one with these many characters (yes, there are lots of NPCs in the game), without being strictly about gender politics or any less a sci-fi. It's sort of what science fiction as a genre does: touch on social, political and existential issues through the lens of technology, science, speculative futures and the likes. This itself is a pretty big talking point in the current socio-political landscape, so it'd make sense to touch on it. Secondly, no one is "forcing" anything onto video games. No one spoke of non-binary inclusion as a demand here, and rather as a speculation on their inclusion or how they'd fit into the setting - heck, I've made the argument that their complete *absence* could make sense given how relationships and gender are shown in the setting to exist only because it's a means to ensure a new generation of workers for the Board, and not because the Board cares about human relationship or identity per se. If anything the only one here who seems to be wanting to force something *out of* video games is yourself, with this post of yours. The only one being "selfish" here, demanding the exclusion of a very real demographic in society, is yourself. Lastly, you're going about your demands the wrong way. "What about wheel-chair bound people? Or people with prosthetic limbs? Or blind people walking down the street using a walking stick, or an assistance dog?" Yeah, why *don't* we see more disabled people in games? Talking about the potential inclusion of one minority doesn't preclude the potential inclusion of another - I certainly wouldn't mind seeing the presence of people who are impaired in any way, especially in a setting that makes pretty constant references to worker accidents and misshaps, and where such accidents and failures in workplace safety are placed on the worker opposite to the company. A side-quest dealing with such a scenario would have been very fitting to the game's setting and very interesting as well. Your argument is similar to the sort people who work 60 hours a week on minimum wage use to discredit the very real complaints people who earn more or work less than they do have regarding work times and salary - the question shouldn't be "why should they ask for better working conditions?", or in this case "why should they get representation?", and rather "why aren't we asking for the same?".
    1 point
  25. That makes perfect sense to me. How many women with beards do you see in real life? And how do you know some of the "female" characters you see in-game are not trans? If they were men,identifying as women, then you would never know. There's nothing strange about the NPCs in the game. YOU are the one that is strange. I'm sick and tired of ridiculous people like you trying to force your "unusual" world view on the rest of us. Yes, I said "unusual". And if you're offended by that, then you are,indeed, a ridiculous person. Because there's nothing "usual" about expecting to see women with beards while going throughout your day. You are definitely just going out of your way to find something to complain about. If there were characters in the game that were trans,how would you know unless they came out and told you. Why can't you just imagine that some of the female characters in the game are actually men "identifying" as women, and vice versa? Why can't you just play a video game without having to force sexuality all over it. Just because P.C. obsessed countries like the US have decided to stop listing things like "Gender Dysphoria" as a mental illness does not mean that the rest of us agree that your world view is anywhere near the norm. It is not the norm. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being trans,etc. But there is something wrong with forcing your sexuality into places it does not belong. Such as a video game. You don't see heterosexuals complaining that none of the characters in-game explicitly state in their dialogue that they are heterosexual. If you want there to be trans-sexual,asexual,bi-sexual, or whatever form of "sexual" floats your boat, you can just roleplay it in your own head. Because you can't tell someone's orientation just by looking at them. Stop being so ridiculous.
    1 point
  26. Excellent, beat that mission finally. As is always the case, was easy in hindsight but it did cost me a pilot due to a frigging turrent one shotting my Thunderbolt. So on to the last mission of the game, which means I need to probably start farming assault mechs to adhere to the More Dakka philosophy.
    1 point
  27. Actually Gabbard has announced she will not seek reelection to Congress in 2020. As for where she can go, there is nowhere else TO go. She is not a Republican. She is not a libertarian. One issue does not a marriage make. The Green Party is a straight waste of time. Might as well stay put. The Democrats are on the crux of a generational change. The Clinton's influence is waning. If Biden gets nominated and goes out there an loses the lefties will take over for 2024. She is a lefty on all but 2-3 positions. With that crowd her criticisms of the DNC might even look virtuous to the new party bosses 4 years down the road. Of course that crowd is all about ideological purity so she might well find no forgiveness for those 2-3 issues where she does not conform to their orthodoxy. If Biden goes out there and wins, she's done. The Clinton influence is extended a little while longer, no party shake up. She will be screwed. If the nominee is one of the crazy lefties and they win she will have to bide her time, seek a Senate seat , etc. If the crazy lefty loses she is the one candidate for 2024 that can appeal to the left and peel off a few Republicans. Like you, the more I hear from her the less I like her. But she is the only candidate even talking about non-intervention so she would get my vote on that issue alone. That is saying something for me. I don't want to see Trump get re-elected but seeing him replaced by any of the Democrats is not a desirable alternative for me. Trump is not "ethically challenged". He has no ethics. But the Democrats are the anti-liberty party. Should I trade a dishonest authoritarian for a honest one? Not an upgrade in my estimation when I'm still stuck with an authoritarian. So I'll vote for some LP nobody. You might call that a wasted vote. I call it a principled one. To quote John Quincy Adams "Always vote on principle though you may vote alone".
    1 point
  28. Slaying Face's hunt for the Titan Heart if I remember correctly., you get that fight when you collect some item (each Face have 3 of that optional fights tied to certain items scattered across deadfire). And You can pick all paths but be a champion just for one Face. I think you first need to win 2 fights from Face path to get that optional quests.
    1 point
  29. being a 2-win team provides a unique freedom insofar as playcalling is concerned. weirdest nfl play we ever saw were late 1970s bears v lions. 4th and 11. detroit center doesn't hand the ball to the qb. instead, after a kinda fake snap, the center puts ball back on the turf and a lions guard picks up the ball and runs it for a 12 yd gain and a first down. guard could run the ball w/o penalty 'cause after center put on the turf, it counted as a fumble. everybody on the field goes right save for the guard with the ball and a single deep bears safety. we were at the game, so no tv announcers or replay to explain what happened. had no idea what occurred on the field 'til we read 'bout it in the paper the next day. lions were a 2-win team that season. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  30. I did point out that SteamSpy's inaccurate and counts copies owned and not sold, but it's the only source available now that Microsoft bought Obsidian and Fig isn't paying dividends anymore (they paid a final lump sum).
    1 point
  31. Final Fantasy, BG Series and Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines are just some of the titles that have made more money for their proprietor over their lifetime than their first week of release. Granted - you might say that Troika is no more, but their attention and resources were split in many directions at the time. Underrail is one modern example of an extremely small cRPG - the base game was drawn in MS Paint by one man, that has garnered fan support for 3 years into a financially successful Expansion, only to have the devs announce another unexpected - even for the devs - expansion, precisely because they were so successful. The whole idea of an RPG HAVING to be successful on it's first week is, in my opinion, destructive, because these games thrive off community just as much as they do from sales. But community = sales over time, and you do not suddenly build community, you foster that - gently, slowly, methodically. As much as Josh and Obsidian want to be Cash McGoldnuggetngton, they're not. If they want to be, they have to make a different product. Ones that won't interest you or the rest of the people posting in this thread. To cut all the ramblings out - they're trying to serve the contents of a Michelin medium fillet mignon with the speed of a minute steak down at the bistro. Ain't no body who can do that. Not even Elon ''Broken Glass'' Musk. Now, I am not particularly attached to this opinion, but I just want to make an observation from reading this thread that maybe people are defending Obsidian a bit too much. Reminds me in part of the latest CDPR thing where people are saying that CD will never have microtransactions in their mp games, while CDPR have already put lootboxes in their 2018 mp game.
    1 point
  32. That's a fair assumption, as that's what generally importing a character does. There were couple complaints that one can't simply import their old character. As there are mechanical and graphical changes between PoE1 and PoE2 Obs explained that: 1) They are not able to properly import created characters - assets changed, so automatically creating characters player wanted to play in PoE1 would be tricky - players would have to customise their character anyway 2) mechanics change, so someone might not want to continue playing as the same character. Either way, enjoy PoE2. Also, lovely portrait.
    1 point
  33. This is a real play that really happened in a NFL game: 1) What possesses somebody to call a direct snap to a punter who then, with no blockers, fakes like he's going to run it in but instead shovel passes to the placekicker? 2) How in the world did this actually work?
    1 point
  34. The game is very good, but I expected something better. Still Fallout NV is my favorite Obsidian production. The plot and dialogues should be more refined. I still play, but I try not to abuse the save as in Fallout 1 & 2
    1 point
  35. I believe the fault lies with Obsidian. Role-Playing games for the PC have consistently shown that they accrue success over time rather than being big trendy hits over the week. That has only somewhat been disproven by DOS2, which, by itself, is not actually that good of a role-playing game, but rather relies more heavily on it's presentation, which for a cRPG is awesome. I would never want anything more in terms of graphics or sound design in a role-playing than what DOS2 did... but gameplay is a different story. In addition, DOS2 did not have any competition when it released and people were damn hungry for a cRPG at the time. Putting that aside, I also compare how smaller modern cRPGs have evolved over time and look at Deadfire... and I think Obsidian have lost vision for that game. The atmosphere and tone of the first Pillars was more consistent. Gameplay was not so grindy and slow. Ultimate Achievement felt like an adventure rather than chore-work. I think Obsidian have gone through a lot of changes since F:NV, and Deadfire got treated as a CoD release rather than a continuation of a cRPG - ''If we put these features in the game it should work.'' The first time I saw that Outer World commercial after 76 released, I knew that the mentality that has created Fallout 1 has shifted.
    1 point
  36. I may be wrong, but I think the OP's point is that despite having the game accomodate non-binary or more androgynous options in terms of appearance, there's no character that really blurs the binary configuration of gender roles/identity and so on. I wouldn't mind a bit more representation in that regard though I'm also usually wary of representation for representation's sake, for what it can say or fail to say in a certain context and so on (e.g. I think a setting where trans people are just like anyone else and treated in the same fashion, you run the risk of belittling or ignoring the very real discrimination and segregation they suffer in the real world, and with it ignore several anxieties that are produced as a fear of responses and repercussions caused by the same and so on). It also ignores that the absence of a minority in a culture or sphere or other can speak volumes of that sphere: maybe in the Outer Worlds setting, the reason why gender identity is binary is also because it's convenient to the corporations: it's already stated that newborns are born into the "family" of a corporation and are made corporation property - if so it makes sense that in this setting an affair that couldn't produce an offspring would be counter-productive and a waste of time that'd be better spent working instead - if so, a non-binary understanding of sex or gender could be suppressed by merely being non-productive and so on (i.e. romance, gender and relationship as far as the Board is concerned is only relevant insofar as it produces a new generation of workers). Just throwing out ideas, of course, bit still.
    1 point
  37. I mean randomize means randomize. Yes, if you randomize your character, it will be randomized. I don't know how else to explain it.
    1 point
  38. Well what I got from the OP is that even though you can choose a male but still get some very feminine appearance and vise versus for females. You don't see things such as female NPC's having beards or male NPCs having the Farrah Faucet hairdo even though it is an option when you make your character.
    1 point
  39. I won't play supernova as I feel it just detracts from the game. I would love to be able to select different restrictions on hard mode to tailor the game to how I want to play.
    1 point
  40. I have a give a shout out to this build. I tried all the different builds on POTD difficulty, and this one is absolutely amazing. I finished the game with more than twice the damage dealt than the next closest character which was Hiravias in my game.
    1 point
  41. Just to make a point, the topic title was revised when the thread was moved to the tech support section, and seems to have been combined with another thread on hotkeys. But the title doesn't really convey the inference of the (my) initial topic - which is to please allow rebinding of ALL key inputs, including those currently hard-locked for inventory, map, ledger, companion menu etc etc. Basically please allow any currently hard-locked key inputs to be re-mappable, that's it really. Thank you.
    1 point
  42. Being able to read is an extremely large part of this game lol... If you can't finish this "wall" quickly then maybe your lack of reading skills and/or dislike of reading is trying to tell you something very important about yourself
    1 point
  43. (sorry for triple posting). Yeah, players don't play separate tutorials. They also don't read manuals. (As someone who loved the thick Ultima manuals with their art and bestiary, the decline of rich RPG manuals makes me sad and is one reason why I backed so I could get a cloth map.) There's a reason why so much info gets stuffed into loading screens. Codexes are alright, but none of this is really relevant because at this point we're just talking about people who have already bought the game and are playing it. I'll admit I'm the worst judge for how well mechanics are explained, since I would be happy if the game just shows you all the equations it uses, so I don't know what necessarily puts people off or not. Though frankly if millions of people could figure out THAC0 in the infinity engine games, I don't see why they couldn't also get anything about Deadfire (except maybe inversions).
    0 points
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