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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/19 in all areas

  1. Edit Nov. 15: Greetings fellow spacers, We want to inform you that Patch will not be ready until Monday, November 18th. We apologize for this inconvenience as we tried to get this out to you this week, but due to some unfortunate circumstances the patch will not be ready until early next week. Again we are sorry to have to push this update back. We appreciate your patience and understanding regarding this delay. ________________________ Greetings fellow spacers, At this time, we would like to let you all know that we are looking at releasing a patch next week to implement some changes and bug fixes. This patch is currently in the testing phase and as long as no other issues occur during this time, we hope to release it to you all sometime next week. Please be aware that this can change, but we are working hard to make this timeline and things are looking good thus far. Resolved Issues: • The crashing issue in Tartarus • Increase Font Size - Conversations/Subtitles • Muffled sound effects occur at random times for players on the PS4 • Companions dying and failing companion quests on modes other than Supernova • Unable to finish "Radio Free Monarch" • Trophy "Not the Best Choice" fails to unlock properly If you do not see your particular issue or suggestion listed above, please understand that we are continually reviewing and working on items that you are sharing with us. We will continue to work on updates and patches to see how we can make your gaming experience the best it possibly can be. To continue to report issues and share suggestions, please visit our The Outer Worlds: Technical Support forums and search to see if a fellow player has already made a thread about it. If you find a thread with your issue or suggestion, feel free to comment in that thread with any details you would like to share. If you cannot find a thread with your issue or suggestion, please start a new thread detailing the issue/suggestion and then please contact our publishing partner, Private Division, at their website here. Doing so will help ensure that your specific issue or suggestion is in their queue, which allows us to prioritize requests to provide the fastest possible turnaround time. Thank you all for your patience and understanding, and we are so grateful to have you all here with us.
    4 points
  2. A voiced protagonist really squashes the number of choices that can be taken in a conversation. FO4 has a ton of lines voiced by Nate/Nora, but still it had to really limit the potential branching options and outcomes to make it manageable. That is expensive. Keep in mind that all has to be done multiple times due to localization. I LOVE the Nora performance! Working on mods has given me an opportunity to listen to her lines and even without visuals they resonate, but I think in the end it should not be in open ended RPGs. Voiced protagonist is really powerful in TW3 and the Mass Effect series (yes, even Andromeda), but limits RPGs where the character is supposed to be whatever the player wants it to be.
    4 points
  3. That would of extended the budget which is one thing that Obsidian struggled with causing them to make decisions not to add common features found in most games today. The thing about having a voiced over protagonist is it is hard to match everyone's expectation. One thing that always bugged me about FO4 is my character would saying things based on a tone I selected that didn't match what the screen said or how I think the character would of said it. Which is another hard thing to with voice over a suave charismatic diplomat would sound and phrase things much different then a grungy hardened mercenary with a shoot first ask later mindset. It is easier to capture the difference they would have in text, if you try to make a dozen different voice overs based on different build types you would add a lot of overhead to building the game.
    4 points
  4. There used to be a time when I was a bit more confused about this perceived drop in writing quality some circles complained about, but it's increasingly obvious that most of the people that do are often either the Avellone stans that want to stick it up to the "Man" they perceive in Obsidian following his remarks around the time of Deadfire's release, or the anti-SJW crowd that froth in the mouth at the inclusion of LGBT characters and POC and so on. Mostly they hang out in the Codex and /v/, which says enough on its own. Truly, the writing and worldbuilding in The Outer Worlds and Deadfire is no weaker than that of previous Obsidian games and if anything a damn sight better than the likes of Wendersnaven Nights 2, with every conversation being filled with character and detail and offering plenty of interesting options and branches that likewise give your own "silent character" more personality than a mere choice of morality/belief, and always having strong and interesting themes and ideas guiding the story and lore.
    3 points
  5. I much prefer imagining the voice for my protagonist in a first person RPG. I've said it before that the protagonist in Fallout 4 was a catastrophe. The fact that your character has a backstory loosley determined by the developers and a voice that might not match the appearance that you create at all, it creates a disconnect with the character I was asked to create. That was the least of the game's issues of course, but it stands to reason that I've only ever managed to play the game through once. The Outer Worlds has a lot of dialog and as such, a voiced protagonist for the male and female player character would require two voice actors to record more lines than any other character in the game. That is a serious chunk of their limited budget which was thankfully spent elsewhere. I'm not saying that a voiced protagonist can't work when the game has an established character, such as The Witcher and Mass Effect franchises, but for a game like this I really don't think it would be a good fit.
    3 points
  6. Something Awful, badgame.net https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/188915786456/will-there-be-a-pillars-3-that-is-not-something That is not something that I get to decide, but I do think that the relatively low sales of Deadfire mean that if we consider making another Pillars game in this style, we’re going to have to re-examine the entire format of the game. It is difficult to know exactly why a sequel sells worse than its predecessor if both games review relatively well. Is it because the first game satisfied the existing need and the audience just wasn’t interested in the second? Is it because awareness was lower for the sequel? Is it because despite the strong reviews and the strong sales for the first game, people didn’t “really” like it? Maybe it’s a combination of all of these things. The problem is that without really understanding the reason(s), it’s hard to know how to move forward. It would be easier in some ways if Deadfire were also a colossal critical failure and we could point to the massive screw-ups that we needed to address. Players did criticize the low difficulty at launch and the main plot, which I think are fair and reasonable, but those problems alone don’t really explain the difference in sales. And while player reviews were weaker for Deadfire than for Pillars 1, professional criticism tended to say that Deadfire was an improvement over the first game in most areas. (Yes, Deadfire has an 88 Metacritic and Pillars 1 has an 89 Metacritic, but IMO Pillars 1′s review scores benefited from a nostalgia bump.) Players who hate RTwP combat will say that it’s because Deadfire continued using RTwP combat, in contrast to the phenomenally better-selling (and better-reviewed) turn-based Divinity: OS2. Even if that’s true, Pathfinder: Kingmaker, which generally had lower review scores than Deadfire, sold better than Deadfire and had RTwP combat. I’m sure some of the people reading this think they know precisely why Deadfire sold worse than Pillars 1. I don’t have that confidence, which is one of several reasons why I am leery about trying to direct a sequel. I couldn’t give our (Obsidian’s) audience the game that they wanted and without understanding where I went wrong, I would be guessing at what the problems are and how to remedy them.
    3 points
  7. Greetings everyone, We would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to report issues and suggestions for the The Outer Worlds. We are working on compiling everything to share with the team for review. At this time I would like to share with you a list of the more common issues and suggestions we are seeing reported. List of common issues and suggestions: Various game crashes Font size increase Center reticle FOV adjustment Multiple quest indicators on map Custom waypoints Ability to disable kill cams Disable companion attack cinematics PC remapping support Item comparison ability while looting Adding inventory filters/sorting abilities Changing the appearance of Pristine equipment Adding weight and limit information in vendors Adding survival meters to the consumables page Stronger outlines for workbenches Auto-run ability Weapon not staying holstered during dialogue Widescreen support Toggle headbob Separate aiming sensitivities Toggle chromatic aberration Companions dying and failing companion quests on modes other than Supernova The team is currently investing these and other reported instances. We will update you once we know more regarding our next steps. Thank you, and please continue to let us know if you have any other issues or suggestions to report. Edit: Thank you for the new posts, we appreciate the additional reports as they are helping us tremendously. I do want to let you know that you may also email our publishing partner, Private Division, at support@privatedivision.com. This will help ensure that your specific issue or suggestion is in their queue which allows us to prioritize requests in order to provide the fastest possible turn around time. We apologize again and thank you all for your patience while we work on these issues.
    2 points
  8. If there are too many annoying fans one doesn't wish to ban, the middle point is to have a customer service style person read posts, report back and then make statements covering the most often brought up or interesting points without engaging further in ensuing discussions. That way you still communicate with the fans but don't get sucked into pointless arguments and time wasting bickering.
    2 points
  9. I got an extra bit of enjoyment when my priest of Eothas killed Thaos with her Symbol of Eothas. Now that's karma.
    2 points
  10. funny. no, what you wrote is hardly humorous, but occurred to us the post you made sounded like the typical @HoonDing drive-by, but meaning would be complete reversed in such a case. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  11. Now I cant unsee that....probably look like Flanders.
    2 points
  12. I was thinking of a spandex cowboy outfit
    2 points
  13. Please add an option to use the right trigger to ready the weapon instead of pressing X, so I can keep my weapon holstered while interacting and talking to NPCs.
    2 points
  14. To be fair, that is from a "short" rather than an episode, and it was meant to be them playing up the comedy. But yes, it is still kind of dire for Star Trek to go that route...
    1 point
  15. Simply put, I think that the Foundation main quest (working with the Board to release the automechanicals) should have had more options. It's basically just go in, turn them on, town dead... or just ignore the quest. We should have had an option to try and reprogram them, so that the bots either just destroy each other (without hurting the town), or reprogram them to be proper guard units for the town (and thus make it more secure) or at the very least to just find the bots and blow them up without activating them (maybe having them all turn on once you attack one and have to fight a swarm of them). But ONLY being able to destroy the town seems like a let down. I was expecting a lot more from this quest. After all, if you don't accept it, you're forced to fight the woman and all the guards (and the secretary, who really should have just hid in a corner). So it would make sense to be able to agree to doing the mission, but then betray her once you get there.
    1 point
  16. This popped up in my feed. I don't watch Discovery, because I saw the writing on the wall... but I didn't realize it could get this bad... It's not just the contrast. I'm shocked beyond belief of the later on it's own accord. Who is this writing for? Who writes that? What purpose does it serve for the show, or for the market? It feels like a self-insert of someone on a power-trip being validated for their bad behavior? Or maybe it's just expedient writing to force the plot into a new state that could be better salvaged? Honestly this is so bizarre.
    1 point
  17. I meant in the game industry. Can't comment on other sectors. None of the extremes is good - neither ignoring the community's feedback, nor following the community's feedback. As a developer, you just have to evaluate what you listen by the actual practical effects that it will have - nothing more, nothing less. Well yes, you do have a job to do after all. You can always keep in touch with your fans via one or more community managers for example, as long as you care about what these managers have to say. Path of Exile's devs have achieved that balance and a phenomenally healthy community-dev relationship. Some of their developers communicate directly and they get feedback from reddit (which promotes popular opinions) and their community manager. They can't read *everything*, but participate enough, so that people know that someone is listening to them. Sometimes, they listen to the community's feedback, rethink the matter at hand, and may even take back the latest changes. However they are clever enough to know when to actually not listen to the community's feedback, because after all, a dev's perspective is different than that of a player.
    1 point
  18. For the record, in case my previous message may have been misinterpreted as a complaint on the game's economy, I have no issue with bits being scarce - if anything it makes perfect sense in a setting that is deliberately touching on ideas such as the hoarding of resources by the few and the scarcity the many suffer in turn, the overinflating of prices, and the likes. In games especially, a good economy is one which doesn't allow you to buy everything you could possibly want and still have a mountain of currency at your disposal. But it's also true that tinkering is the only real money-sink in the game and it's not as psychologically rewarding as finding an awesome item at a vendor's store and acquiring it with hard-earned cash (in-game of course).
    1 point
  19. Voiced by the GREAT Courtney Taylor, who also does ADA.
    1 point
  20. so, in essence, you are simply bemoaning consoles and returning to that tired argument
    1 point
  21. Maybe it is cultural thing? Obsidian's writing became laser-focused on its target, biggest financially and geographically, audience and works nicely for them. But people rised with different gameplay preferences, social values and literary tastes noticed the shift and do not like it anymore, so we are much more attracted to European (often eastern) and CIS games. I kinda already accepted that Obsidian no longer for me and I should move on. TOW is a true console RPG and it is not where my preferences lie.
    1 point
  22. thankfully, i dont play rpgs for the combat, weapons and enemy types tho, TOW does the job just fine ironically, on consoles, almost every game has the same, if not, worse combat and differing weapon and enemy types could they be better? lol, of course but, ill take the new world, new enemies, new weapons, great dialogue, choice and consequence, blocked content and other actual rpg mechanics over that of other so-called rpgs every time (pc games excluded obviously, lol)
    1 point
  23. first you claim the democrats are "evil and want to enslave people." nevertheless, you then see a problem in both sides attempting to demonize the other. ... hoonding does purposeful. you do by accident. funny v. sad. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  24. so in other words you skipped most of the game
    1 point
  25. I don't like voiced protagonists in CRPGs for the reasons listed above. I got used to Shepard being voiced in Mass Effect but that's the exception. For instance I really don't care for Geralt's American accent in the Witcher. Geralt and Shepard are set characters (more or less) so voicing them is not as jarring as in games like Fallout 4 in which the voice becomes yet another limitation when it comes to devising your character.
    1 point
  26. if only all the dialogue option are spoken then that is not much voicing it shouldn't be much a issue and it doesn't take away anything from the game if so many feel strongly against it then maybe also add a option to disable it
    1 point
  27. we always think ella when we hear summertime. one more, just 'cause it is a fave. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  28. I also liked Lilya a lot more than I expected to. I'm not done with the game yet, but she's one of my favorite characters so far.
    1 point
  29. Will this fix the Pavarti quest if it is already bugged in our playthrough?
    1 point
  30. I'm trying to start a list of unmarked and/or sandbox side quests you might end up doing outside of the MQ and other side quests like companion/NPC etc. I finally got to Groundbreaker which has LABYRINTHINE scale interior dimensions. Even for a generation style spaceship! Was exploring the immense promenade area when I came across these 2 apparently unmarked quests. These do not appear linked to any of the MQ or side quests. And greatly reward the player for exploration and taking the incentive to track down information they encounter on terminals, notes and other info sources in the world. Starting a list here for anyone who doesn't mind such SPOILERS, Please feel free to add to this when you can! Unmarked Sandbox Quests at Groundbreaker Station (Time for some station sleuthing) Saving Pvt Taylor. This NPC is one of JunLei's Engineers who managed to get himself locked in a deserted corridor bathroom for quite a few days. This unofficial, sandbox quest can be started if you hack the Admin Access link at the public terminal beside the Halcyon board office. First entry is a Board rep email from J Tennyson to the Engineering dept. Bureaucrat rep asks for a status update on the toilet clog. And asks the engineering staff if anyone has seen Pvt Taylor (who appears to have been missing for several days). Please find it in your heart to help out this poor guy when you finally stumble across him. He's located in the in one of the upper most corridors of the ship in Waste Disposal across from Medical Bay. If you encounter several manticores hanging out in an unlocked room down the same hallway, then you're in the right spot! Greasy and a deadly case of heart burn at Auntie Cleo's Kitchen -- You might completely miss out on solving this very SUBTLE mini quest if you fail to read Capt JunLei's terminal. In her daily security logs of denizen and visitor comings and goings at Groundbreaker, she logged something worth investigating. She mentioned seeing an Auntie Cleo auto mechanical tech arrive with a food chef robot at Auntie Cleo's diner. But doesn't recall him ever leaving the station. If you visit Auntie Cleo's Kitchen, you'll meet Greasy the company's robot chef. But there isn't a sign of the human NPC worker anywhere. If you pick the door lock for the restricted storage backroom behind the kitchen, you'll find the bloody corpse of the missing worker on the floor. The body is slumped against the wall beside the fridge. Checkout the bloody company repair manual on the food counter just above his head which describes how he met his untimely, gory demise. Questioning Greasy at the food counter gives you an Engineering option to repair its damaged shock simulator sub routine. While unrelated to the unfortunate demise of the Auntie Cleo NPC in the back room, performing this mini quest will boost your Engineering stat & XP. 3. The Case of Check on the Trap---Er...Unload Another Case of Farm Fed Sprats. Ethel Gaibler is the Spratwurst vendor on the promenade. Captain JunLei's daily log on the promenade status has an interesting and funny entry about the Sprat infestation at the Rest N Go motel. Chat up Ethel at her diner to investigate whether there is any truth to the speculation in Junlei's potential health advisory. Ethel claims her sprats are organically sourced fresh from Sprat farms (possibly Spacer's Choice Edgewater colony). Spoke with Ethel before reading the terminal entry. So unfortunately was unable to verify if there were any dialogue choices for Ethel's enterprising indiscretions. Regardless, your PC should proceed eating with caution whenever at this diner..... 4. Cpl Leonard Wheeler terminal entry lists a "dead beat" at the Rest N Go who tried to pass himself off as one of the freighter crew on a Freelancer vessel. But the crew called his bluff and left him still stranded at the station. It's possible this dead beat is Ephraim Maywood? 5. Public Terminal Billboards If you access the public terminal beside the Halcyon board office, you'll notice 3 entries made by station personnel and denizens. It at lest 2 different NPCs made 2/3 of these public terminal entries The 1st entry is called "Looking for Work". NPC states they were stranded at the station for a year after being accidentally abandoned by their freighter ship (Update: this NPC could be possibly Felix). The 2nd entry is called "Down on my Luck". NPC claims his damaged ship had to dock at the station. But he was too broke to afford the repairs, fines and O&M. So station admin ended up confiscating his ship/cargo and sold it off as scrap. NPC was unable to find employment with any other ship since. Entry indicates this NPC was spamming the public terminals for the last 2 years ever since. (Update: This NPC is confirmed as MacReddy after a lengthy conversation). If you hack the Admin Access link at a public terminal, you'll see a entry from an NPC called Iceman. Message was sent to the IS Conveyor's Collective on "Conveyer's Rights". NPC states they had a similar cryogenic experience like your PC. They were suspended on ice for a 4 yr round trip to Dashkova for some corporate work contract. NPC complained bureaucracy politicking by station authorities delayed their ability to dock at the station for a week. Which the crew had to endure without pay. Towards the end of the message, NPC tone sounds as though they were trying to organize some sort of worker's union for Collector's Rights. They apparently left the station for GenSan and said they would follow up with anyone who posted a reply when they returned after 3 years. If you attempt to re-access this terminal entry a 2nd time or later, it ends up being immediately and permanently deleted by the network admin (possibly because of Board censorship due to the inflammatory union like nature of the message). Repeated attempts to re-access this entry gives you a message that your activity has been "logged" by the network security. If you investigate the refuse filled alley in Rest N Go that's right beside Glady's office, you'll find a small crawl space opening. Follow this crawl space to a dingy, sprat infested room with 2 filthy mattresses. A squatter's journal is right beside the closest mattress. This provides support for the identity for one the two NPCs who left messages at the public terminal. i.e. the stranded crew member. If this NPC is Felix, then it seems this is his home before you take him on as crew member. If you exit this homeless hobo room, the crawl space will take you to a water logged machinery room. This is a secret back door entrance to a restricted space that leads to a medical bay area. This area appears to be part of a side quest, so I won't make any more speculations due to possible spoilers here. But the proximity of this secret back door entrance is somewhat coincidental. Based on the number of mattresses in that crawlspace, it seems these entries were made by at least 2 homeless and unemployed station NPCs (at least one stranded freighter crew member and a ship's captain). The freighter captain who posted the series of "Down on my Luck" terminal entries, is most likely MacCreddy. Who likely left the Squatter's journal in that homeless hobo crawlspace. Events which MacCreddy apparently confirms if you use persuasion to speak with him in Back Bay. 6. MacCreddy the Accidental Inventor Mixologist. There's much more to MacCreddy than meets the eye. Next to appearing to be the unfortunate freighter captain who lost his ship, the station security log (in the restricted area) indicate MacCreddy was spotted lurking around the Rest N Go. Checking out the terminal in the Rest N Go in the upper room on the right has some interesting correspondence between Rizzo PR and MacCreddy. This makes for an interesting conversation piece if you finally meet this NPC in the Back Bay.... 7. The terminal located beside the Spratwurst cafe has a special job recruitment ad placed by Lilya. If you didn't speak with security about getting station work, then following this lead would take you to Lilya's office. And an alternate way to start her Stellar Bay salvage quest. 8. Salvage Space Race on Groundbreaker. This one is a murky semi sandbox salvage race between Gladys and Lilya. One of the public terminal messages mention an engineer's entry about a possible mutant infestation. Enter the Waste Disposal from the promenade level and walk to end of hallway that leads to the giant station garbage chute. Climb down the ladder to the right on to the grating below and you'll find the headless corpse of a dead Salvager. Read the note next to his body. It indicates Lilya directed these employees to scout a lead on some hot high value salvage on the station. Note indicates a hidden entrance exists behind a panel located in the Stevedore workers quarters. Use the detailed hints on where to find the well hidden entrance to the salvage area. This secret entrance most likely leads to the same hidden/restricted area that is the station's repair hangar. So be careful if sand box exploring the station with this mini quest. Best to pursue this as a sandbox scouting mission (as the note suggested). Because the area (restricted repair workshop) is guarded by several hostile, well armored NPCs. This restricted repair hangar appears to overlap with one of the main objectives of the science weapon side quest (where the quest log suggests you'll have to poke around Glady's office to get hints on where the science weapon is). If you kill these NPCs, taking note of a certain item in the leader NPC inventory provides a hint to why those NPCs were there in the first place. 9. Moon man Callahan and his Most Cumbersome Hat. Snooping on Cpl Leonard Wheeler's customs terminal indicates a Spacer's Choice freighter ship recently docked at Groundbreaker. It delivered Moon man Callahan's long awaited Spacer's Choice mask. A public terminal next to SubLight indicates Callahan used the terminal for professional and personal reasons. But forgot to sign out. Exploiting this security breach to spy on his email, his work related note to his Spacer's Choice employers confirms receipt of the Spacer's Choice shipment in Cpl docking log. Reading this gives the impression MacCallahan isn't happy with his mandatory new work costume. This gives you an lead to have an extensive and entertaining chat with Moon man on the subject at his vendor stall. Now you know the source of where all his hilarious Moon man costumes are coming from! Callahan has additional dialogue if you snoop in his terminal entries after having that long revealing chat. 10. The Lost Hope Toilet Woes. An engineering terminal note indicates mutant larvae may have been accidentally introduced to the station with cargo. While exploring the station (from the same level you freed PvT Taylor in Waste Disposal), check out the hostile NPC icons in the other closed room down the hall way. After validating the mantipillars infestation from the dead Engineer bodies in the room, check out JunLei's maintenance order beside the headless corpse. Her work order for the Lost Hope indicates a key is behind a locked door in the bar's bathroom. Exiting this room on the far side goes to a ladder. This leads down into the Lost Hope's storage backroom which contains some good loot and the locked door. It's a level 60 locked door which can be also opened with a Lost Hope id card. The inaccessible back store room for Belle's Shells can also be directly accessed from Waste Disposal. It's at the end of the first deserted hallway conduit on the right from the promenade level entrance.
    1 point
  31. hehe.. exposed: The moon is FLAT!.. exposed exposed clickbait
    1 point
  32. There is a potion you can drink as well to protect you.
    1 point
  33. What, no chaps? Can we not handle the chaps?
    1 point
  34. Yeah I like relationships in games, but honestly there is no winning. It's always not enough gay characters or too many gay characters. I completely see why a developer would just avoid the whole thing. Do you make every character bisexual? Do you make characters have a specific orientation and lock off to different genders? People are so sensitive in regard to this issue. I've never really had a game that did relationships well...
    1 point
  35. Alright I'll bite. If you're really being genuine here and truly not trolling, then please do yourself a favor. Try playing at least ONE of the legacy 3rd gen games you've written off as "mediocre" aka Witcher, FO3, and especially Fallout New Vegas (developed by Obsidian). But NOT Fallout 4 which is 4th gen and completely different single player FPS design btw. Best yet, play FO3 and compare it to Fallout NV game play. And really, really try to play AND comple Fallout New Vegas on survival mode (hopefully this will be the PC version so you can add all the critical PC mod community bug fixes Bethesda wouldn't let Obsidian do when they forced them to release NV prematurely). Play the VANILLA version of New Vegas with ALL vanilla NV DLC. Commit yourself to an RP role. And it doesn't matter if you find yourself wanting to evolve/change your original RP PC. Just commit to the complex RP adventure you'll get from playing a NON LINEAR adventure. BEFORE trying to add any emergent game play mod content from the Nexusmods site. Now if you can discipline yourself to play a 3rd gen game, with 3rd gen graphics (with or without having to install graphic overhauls like NMCs re-textures, Project Nevada, Vurt's Flora Overhaul, Nevada Skies Weather mod, or epic scope PC mod community DLC that add scores more hours in new world space game play the likes of New California) then please return after the 70+ or so hours from your vanilla play through. And honestly share your first play through experiences here. That is the point where I'll seriously take any negative feedback on your part against the original Fallout franchise devs. Because without even having played a shallow Bethesda title, you have ZERO point of comparison for this or any game developed by Obsidian. Period. And regardless of whether you played a Fallout title or not, you would have noticed Obsidian belongs to an elite, shrinking minority of devs with high integrity in the industry to date. The other two devs that immediately come to mind are White Horse Studios (Mafia 2 and Kingdom Come Deliverance), and CDPR (Witcher and CP2077). NONE of these devs agree with adding cancerous micro transactions or loot boxes into the single player game. And ALL of these devs wanted to have a PUBLIC NON EXCLUSIVE release of their game. And NOT put their fan bases through the tomf*ckery BS that is Epic Games Store. Finally, recognize that Obsidian is one of few dev studios left in the game industry to date who understand how to truly design a real RPG game. And how to implement CONSISTENT world building, franchise lore, creative story writing, PC and NPC development into every aspect of their games i.e. MQ, side quests, whatever sand box/free roam activities a player can do in the game world.
    1 point
  36. ....So apart from the "couple of hours" you invested in TOW, you've NEVER played another Obsidian game. And yet appear to be the resident expert with subjective game critic adjectives like "utterly mediocre" and "hopelessly tryhard" ??
    1 point
  37. Will the font size increase include the menu / user interface? The issue isn’t limited to just conversations/subtitles, as your note indicates. Almost anything involving words is difficult to read. If not, PLEASE consider revisiting all font sizes. Not just subtitles.
    1 point
  38. This seems like a feature. I mean, choice and consequence, right? You made decisions that ruined your reputation, and that makes life more difficult. Bit too close to real life, maybe.
    1 point
  39. Well if you had a similar ending to mine, you pretty much become our glorious leader. Not much time for friends. I was more surprised by how good my ending was. New Vegas/POE always had a "you tried to do the right thing, but a bad thing happened instead.". In OW basically everything went as well as it could have.
    1 point
  40. The only review you'll need of this show.
    1 point
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