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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/19 in all areas

  1. So it seems there was this hitchhiker walking down a long and desolate road on a dark, foggy night. When out of the fog a car appears and slows down next to him. Thinking he was being offered a ride he got in. As the car began moving he looked over and was horrified to see there was no driver. Then he was more horrified to see a curve in the road ahead. Just as he was sure he was doomed a hand reached in from outside the driver side window and turned the steering wheel. The hitchhiker was terrified. He sank down into the seat and held his breath. Every so often the disembodied hand reached in from outside the car and turned the wheel. Finally his nerve broke and he jumped from the car and ran all the way to the next town. He stumbled into a bar and ordered four shots of tequila, After downing the liquor he began telling the other patrons at the bar of his experience. Just then two big guys walked into the bar. One of them glances at the hitchhiker then turns to the other and say "Hey isn't that the little sonofabitch who got in the car while we were pushing it?"
    4 points
  2. I love looking at pictures of other cities, so figured I'd make a thread where everyone can post pictures, and maybe write a little bit about the city they live in, without too much effort. So, where do you live? I live in the second biggest city in Norway, the biggest on the West-Coast, namely Bergen (population 275k). It's the former capitol of Norway, which changed when a younger brother (The Duke of Oslo) inherited the crown, and naturally wanted to change the capitol to where he lived, the bastard. Bergen was founded by Olav Kyrre, son of Harald Hardrada (the guy who was the leader of the Varangian Guard in the Byzantium Empire, later became King of Norway, and "ended" the Viking Age with his failed invasion of England). The city is known mainly for being surrounded by small mountains "The Seven Mountains" (we hike all seven yearly with my kindergarten), and for being exeedingly rainy. It once rained here in over 100 days in a row...but as they say here, "no bad weather, only bad clothing", or more modern "good excuse to stay indoors and play videogames". You can probably imagine how much we appreciate dry summers. "Bryggen" (pic below) shows the city's heritage as a Hanseatic port. Below that pic is a pic of the most popular tourist attraction, the "Fløybanen" (railyway up the most popular mountain, Fløyen). All in all I'd say it's a very nice city to live in if you can handle the massive amounts of rain. I particularily love having nature so close to the city - pretty much wherever you live you can reach a forest, or a mountain by foot. Since the public transport is nice, and nature is so close by, I haven't really ever felt the need to buy a car - saving me a lot of money. (Northern Lights very rarely happens here btw, more common up North)
    3 points
  3. I live in a little podunk town just outside (literally adjacent to) Charlotte North Carolina. There's not much to say about the podunk town, on account of it being a podunk town, it's small and quiet and fairly rural, so instead I'll focus on Charlotte. Charlotte was named for Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the county of Mecklenburg, where the city sits, was so named for the same reason. Charlotte became Queen of Great Britain roughly around the same time the city was founded, thus the moniker "The Queen City" (Cincinnati can **** right off with their claims of being The Queen City). Charlotte sits at the very southern edge of central North Carolina in the Piedmont region. Because of several atmospheric effects beyond my understanding we get a fairly steady amount of precipitation year round. We're far enough away from the Atlantic coast that we're generally unconcerned with the hurricanes that ravage the Caribbean Islands and the east coast every year, and far enough from the Appalachian Mountains to not get their winter effects. We have long hot summers, with July and August being particularly brutal, as temperatures regularly go into the 90s (thankfully almost never into the 100s) and we get Florida-like humidity most of the time during those 2 months. Spring and autumn are AMAZING. March, April, May, some of September, October, and November are generally extremely comfortable. Winters are quite short and very mild. We average about 4 inches of snow a year. Some years we get none, some we may get a foot, most of it melts very quickly anyway. We do get a nasty ice storm once in a while. It's not unusual to see me out there in early December and late February wearing flip flops, shorts, and a t-shirt. Winter wear is mostly long pants, and a hoodie. Breaking out a heavy jacket and a proper winter hat is fairly rare for me, though I spent 30 years up in the frozen wastes of Connecticut, so I'm more used to cold winters, the natives wear proper winter attire more often down here. Charlotte lies just east of the Catawba River (I live on the other side of the river). Lake Wylie lies to the southwest of the city and Lake Norman, the largest man-made lake in the state, lies to the north. Charlotte is the second largest city in the southeastern United States at roughly 900,000 people (Jacksonville, FL is #1), our metro area is roughly 2.5 million. Downtown Charlotte (called Uptown, for some reason) is almost entirely ultra modern, with lots of giant glass buildings and skyscrapers. A good portion of the outer parts of Charlotte have a decidedly medium-sized town feel to them. The city is fairly spread out (and constantly looking to consume Matthews to the south) with only the downtown area and a few of the more centrally located areas being heavily congested. There is a metric ****ton of parks scattered around the city (and many more just outside it). The city is home to the Carolina Panthers (NFL) and the Charlotte Hornets (NBA). Note: Pictures not mine
    3 points
  4. This thread is becoming depressing. Obsidianites wishing everyone dead. Trumps shenanigans which went from entertaining, to disturbing to... whatever is now. Add to that the fact that the next President will either wreck the economy, feel up the interns, provoke a civil war, or be Donald Trump and we've got a lot to drink about. So, here is a little humor to lighten the mood
    3 points
  5. Pretty much all there is to see in Toronto But is the largest city (and thus most relevant) in Canada. Seems people here really want it to be seen as a world class city, but we're on the tier of Chicago rather than NY. All considered, it's not a bad place to live, although it is getting ridiculously expensive to live in due to a lot of reasons, things like preferences for single family dwellings, demand (although some people are stupid in how they MUST live near the core). Prices aren't as bad if you go into Etobicoke or Scarborough (two former cities that were eventually merged into Toronto), but the problems there are your jobs will likely be downtown and public transit offered there is a joke. A lot of immigrants ended up here, so at the very least you can usually find food from all over the world here (yet, no place has good doubles).
    2 points
  6. Probably same proportion as Americans, that's a flyover state, right ?
    2 points
  7. Not really, flat earthers don't disproportionately wield influence they use to jeopardize the entire planet while enriching themselves. If climate denialists were equivalent to flat earthers we might not be in the **** we are now.
    2 points
  8. I hope you realize you are functionally the same as a flat earther.
    2 points
  9. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-09-19-french-court-rules-steam-users-have-right-to-resell-their-games Ceterum autem censeo Steam esse delendam.
    2 points
  10. dude is a malignant narcissist manifestly incapable of conscience and empathy required to understand intent by another, let alone prepare for, calculate, and apply gratuity if the Times is accurate, then extorting Ukraine for political gain isn't the only high crime in the complaint ...
    2 points
  11. After a month, I’ve played little bit of Assetto Corsa again. On weekend one hour race on Spa, where I ended a lot of times out of track, and yesterday short race on Nurburgring with McLaren MP12 GT3 car. MP12 is tough bitch for me, even smallets touch to the curbs makes it slide. I spent 1 and half hour driving in 8 lap race, until I was able to finish first, without sliding off-track. I am not looking forward to 1 hour races with this car But in the end, I was almost able to get lap time under 2 minutes. My latest career 8 lap race
    2 points
  12. As ever, France is loved by its neighbours.
    2 points
  13. greeks were a little less fatalistic, which am sposing were result o' mediterranean climate and general abundance compared to conditions further north. "capricious" would be understatement for greeks. clash of the titans movies left out the story o' how zeus and danaë met, and for good reason. we do recommend https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/37903770-norse-mythology prose and poetic edda is kinda brutal reads. @smjjames keep in mind the valkyries would pick warriors who died in battle to go to valhalla. is actual only a single line which describes method o' choosing, but die in battle gets possible valhalla, while die o' sickness or old age gets hel. odin don't care if you were greatest warrior all-time. don't care if you won wars and battles too many to count. is not a war god in traditional sense. is the death which surrounds war, is the carrion o' the battlefield which is odin's purview. admitted, is not easy to pigeonhole odin. magic and runes and wisdom and carrion and... whatever. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  14. 2019 internet culture in a nutshell.
    1 point
  15. I'm not too far in (somewhere in the second major area, the Waterworks), unlike Legend of Grimrock you play as only one character. You have an exoskeleton that you wear which specializes in certain areas (tech, combat, tankyness. The choice is permanent too, fwiw) but as far as I can tell it doesn't lock you out of anything, relying entirely on gadgets if you're not tech specced appears like it would just be inefficient. Weapons are a mix of melee and ranged so far, haven't bothered with the ranged weapons yet so can't say anything about those, except that they require ammo. And then there's "gadgets" that sort of act like slottable spells since you can swap them in and out and they use a regenerating resource (stamina), these range from damage abilities to shields and there might be others as well. So far I've run into box pushing puzzles and timed button press puzzles and the pressure plate puzzles, so kinda Grimrock like. There's also pits to fall in (which I haven't, wonder if there's things below like there was in Grimrock, hmmmm) There are various upgrade trees that I haven't really looked at so far as I'm trying to figure out my playstyle. But so far it feels very much like steampunk Legends of Grimrock 1. Which is good, I feel, as my Grimrock 2 playthrough kinda fizzled out.
    1 point
  16. solution is there, dialogs may differ a little depends on backstory and party
    1 point
  17. The CP Backstab makes it independent from the used weapon which was done to motivate Backstab builds with light (even one handed) weapons. If you make Full Attacks with +100% dmg applicable everybody would only use those. I think the current solution is best all in all. ALso because it scales now (which 100% additive in vanilla game don't).
    1 point
  18. Was there any food buff at play? I often use Fresh Fruit as my default food when not going for a specific food buff, and it grants +25% healing received.
    1 point
  19. Its base healing of 14 does scale with Power Level. Every PL adds 5% base healing. It also scales with Might (as usual 3% per pount above 10), but additively. Other stuff that boosts it aditively: Practised Healer (10%), Physiker's Belt (10%), Footprints of Ahu Taka(10% ), Bone Setter's Torc (10%), Prissy Pet (+15%), another fiting pet on Edér (5%). When you are dual wielding it fires twice (base of 28 then basically). You have at least graze the enemy though or it will not trigger. Let's say you have 15 MIG (+15%), have 10 PL and the above bonuses then it can do 14base*1.5PowerLevel*(1self+0.15Might+0.1PracticedHealer+0.1PhysikersBelt+0.1AhuTaka+0.1BoneSetters+0.15Prissy+0.05otherPet) = 36.75 * 2 (Full Attack) = ~74 in a fairly big AoE. In therory... Edit: the following I typed because I overlooked that my party was under the effect of fresh fruit (+25% healing received):
    1 point
  20. always liked the following image for odin/othinn/grimnir/whatever god of carrion for President? why not? no $1000 or tax-the-rich nonsense. run on a simple platform: "i want your corpse, and no matter what you do, i am going to get it. i would prefer that you die in agony, but it doesn't matter in the end. vote republican? doesn't matter. vote democrat? doesn't matter. don't vote? doesn't matter. i only promise death, but under my administration you will have an opportunity to live and breed and suffer. give me suffering and you will prosper. give me death and you will prosper. let's make valhalla great again." HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Ummm, about that *cough* About a year? gw2efficiency says I've played about 2600 hours (and died 2020 times, giving approx 0.8 death per 1 hour played ) Bear in mind, the ingredients on the base ingredient list are the easy things to get. The not so base ingredients are the tough ones to get. But, my Charr warrior is happy to carry his new friend along
    1 point
  23. None. Haven't voted in awhile. I used to be pro liberal but they are scum. If I did vote, it be for the PCs just to see the PC police cry all while they support a clear racist, sexist abusive punk because they see him as 'hot'. *barf*
    1 point
  24. I am not even sure what's the point OP is trying to make. Sony successfully twisted their arm into buying their junk because their exclusive games are simply too good to pass up, and since MS doesn't do that... they "don't care"? We don't know. He doesn't know, or care. So, again... the point? I never click on ktchong's videos, so it's possible the clip talks about something else entirely, but it still seems rather out of left field. After recovering from my initial confusion reading the post, this immediately came to mind:
    1 point
  25. yeah, trump revealing intelligence details would be completely out of character. oh, wait... Exclusive: US extracted top spy from inside Russia in 2017 location o' nuke submarines off coast o' north korea shared with duterte, and details 'bout manchester bombing in 2017 is the kinda out-of-character stuff which couldn't possible happen. intelligence folks tell trump important stuff, and while he no doubt ignores most, he is also a braggart. what little sticks in his memory in spite o' his extreme short attention span is in danger o' being spewed out at any time. am suspecting is akin to celebrity name dropping? gets on the phone (or into the freaking oval office) with ________ and he needs impress on 'em how important he is. am doubting xi or putin is gonna be moved by trump sharing the names o' models he pu$$y grabbed, so he tailors to his audience? regardless, am current having no certainty 'bout the nature o' the info revealed, but by necessity, the number o' persons the whistleblower complaint could apply to is small, and the individuals who could have authority over the dni so as to prevent him from complying with the statute reporting demands is even smaller. fact dni is withholding from Congress complete (no attempt to tailor info so as to comply with statute and protect sources) is unique. and what constitutes possible intelligence which would be o' an urgent nature from ig perspective and coulda' been mishandled by somebody not under the authority o' the dni is necessarily disturbing. regardless, am thinking it would be foolish to assume trump can't be involved in the leaking o' vital intelligence... seeing as how similar has happened at least a couple times previous. if we know 'bout sub location snafu and the oval office blunder, is hard to imagine those were only such intelligence missteps by trump. both involved details. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  26. Hi, is this new? I currently have a Berserker/Helwalker in my party, wieldig Saru Sichr. Whenever I use Force of Anguish the target will get hit twice: first by FoA itself and then by Carnage. Which is a significant single target dmg increase. I guess by pushing the target backwards it gets into the AoE of Carnage right in time. I never noticed this - although I played Ravagers before. It's so nice that I find myself using FoA a lot more than I initially planned (wanted to use Stunning Surge a lot)... I already tested with Clear Out + Carnage (because that's also a push effect): nope. Here the initial target gets hit twice as well - but it's 2*Clear Out (known behavior), no additional Carnage hit on the initial target. Anyway - I thought maybe you guys find this interesting.
    1 point
  27. It's like a separate ability so you can chose which version you want to use. With increased penetration I find it to be not so bad. the faith and conviction however really pisses me off
    1 point
  28. I am also experiencing this with the addition of it also applying when opening the menu/inventory and trying to return to the game. This is happening on a Vega 64, with the mesa amdgpu driver (19.0.1) on Void Linux. Edit: After looking at it again today, i've pinned it down to the msaa setting for me. If it's on 1, these problems don't occur for me and menus, maps and inventory disappear like normal.
    1 point
  29. ....it was 2am and I finally noticed what was on the rear end of my small pet. My "poetry" skills are poor at this hour. :p Also ... those eggs hatched. Sorry for sucky pic but they're like the size of pinheads. Couldn't even tell if they were alive at first. I was wrong and I guess they're ladybug larvae. Which is fine. I'll stick them back outside and they can try to compete with the ants for aphids. I'm not sure I feel like raising ladybugs at the moment.
    1 point
  30. carol danver's backstory is a bit o' a mess, but the advantage o' such is the movie folks coulda' taken whatever they wanted from the chaos. missed opportunity. we didn't hate the ww film. however, am gonna admit patty jenkins did something impressive (if oblique) with a protagonist we didn't particular like. i believe in love, and i will prove the depth o' my conviction... by disintegrating you? ww is iconic. am understanding why, given the expectations people had for ww, jenkins didn't wanna humanize what were less a character and more a symbol. ww, as a character, is kinda meh in the movie, but chris pine (an actor we don't particular like btw) was unexpected good. is a ww movie, but is pine's character who grows and is pine's character who gets the heroic sacrifice scene. nevertheless, at no time does pine upstage or diminish ww. patty jenkins and chris pine did a fantastic job with kinda crap material, and while pine ain't the protagonist o' the movie, his is the character which advances the story if not the plot. can't even imagine how risky it were to make pine the emotional driver o' a ww film, of the ww film. never have pine's performance detract from ww were improbable to say the least. 'course the problem for jenkins is now she is stuck with ww as a symbol as 'posed to a character. rey, unlike ww, weren't iconic. didn't even have the comic book baggage o' carol danvers who kinda started as damsel in distress (her powers were functional the result o' proximity to the original captain marvel... grafted onto her along with a portion o' his personality) and evolved in weird and even disturbing ways. rey were a clean slate and writers/directors/actors (actress) coulda' done whatever they wanted. bears repeating, but there has been more than a couple ubermensch male protagonists, so is hardly shocking when a female version appears in 201_. ww handled lack o' character development in the protagonist by creating a surrogate, and challenged seeming unaware audiences by making the surrogate male. again, kudos to jenkins and pine. star wars is doing something similar, albeit a bit less seamless, by using adam driver for same function. and captain marvel? the captain marvel folks didn't bother with the surrogate and was successful even so. regardless, am hopeful is not a trend. women protagonists in these big budget movies deserve to get meaningful parts which has 'em develop as characters and persons. can be a role model and can be aspirational while at the same time having their growth advance story. growth should advance story. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  31. post 2 (different topic ) C-pillar ended up dying. It was getting big too. I gave him/he ate one small leaf of store-bought parsley, thinking if it didn't mind that I'd have to feed him less dill. I rinsed the parsley off but maybe it had pesticides. Oh well, whatever the reason, it was cute while it lasted. Hubby thinks I'm weird for getting "sad" over such a thing but a couple days later he found a new baby one and handed it over. It was really tiny. So I'm trying again. No store-bought parsley this time. It's already gotten much bigger. And if it doesn't survive all the way, then this morning I noticed ... Put those eggs in a jar, maybe I can raise a whole plethora of swallowtail babies! Also, the katydids are another insect that have been enjoying the garden. Aphids and ant "farmers" seem to love dill and the long green bean plants so anything that likes to eat those as part of their diet are also running all over the place (ladybugs/larva). Jumping spiders abound here and there too. I spend an hour or two each day just sorta watching it all. Makes me feel like that kid with the insect jars in her windowsill again.
    1 point
  32. too many marvels. we actual intended to reference mcu carol danvers and had a brain fart. HA! Good Fun! ps captain marvel, for marvel, will for Gromnir always be the guy who died o' cancer.
    1 point
  33. I've noticed that I am visiting / reading the forum a lot less since the update. Can't get used to how posts are looking. The bright white is just hard to read for me. Especially longer posts and a couple posts under each other give me problems. Really don't have the motivation to read anything longer than two lines or so. The not-bright-white text on the forum overview is much easier on my eyes. Is it just me? Maybe it's the colors of my monitor... no idea.
    1 point
  34. As always, new things are worse than old.
    1 point
  35. Is Obsidian going to still make games with PC led design with optional console ports? Is Obsidian going to still release games on GoG or Steam? Is this an off season April Fool's joke?
    1 point
  36. So charging ppl who don't believe in hoaxes? Nice. Isn't it enough that climate propaganda destroys kids psyche? Didn't climate psychos done enough damage? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/eco-anxiety-climate-change-parent-fear-discussion-children-global-warming-depression-effects-1459731%3famp=1
    0 points
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