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  1. 4 points
  2. If that is indeed the plot then it's something of an odd contrivance PS I almost throat punched my cousin's boyfriend because when I showed him the trailer he said that he was surprised and might actually watch it now because it has some action and not boring talking. My cousin is already upset with me because I politely invited the guy to leave. You can talk about me all you want but nobody can bad mouth talky philosophical Trek under my roof.
    3 points
  3. I was actually super hyped when beta started and lots of videos came out and that feeling has completely faded to remembering the ridiculous grind and time investment. Pass.
    2 points
  4. you have complete bought into the trump defender script, eh? the steele dossier were not accepted w/o reservation but it were only a small portion o' fisa and clinton's russian interests is for the most part, smoke and mirrors. the whole uranium nonsense makes us laugh at the stoopidity o' the folks believing such silliness. the deleted text messages were the result o' a technical snafu, and All the lost messages were eventual recovered, so nothing there as well, and yeah, there were a couple folks working on the investigation who clear loathed the notion o' a trump Presidency, but not only were such folks fired immediate when it were discovered they were desiring a trump fail, but their work product were thoroughly inspected afterwards and it were revealed that in spite o' their email mouthiness, they actual performed professional and w/o bias. imagine trying to find a beltway attorney who didn't have an opinion 'bout trump one way or another, eh? Gromnir has personal advocated for kkk, cultists and notorious gang members, and if somebody read through our emails to discover what we thought o' those clients, it would look damning. the thing is, we were up front 'bout our loathing o' kkk and hare krishnas and norteƱos before we represented 'em. even so, our personal dislike didn't prevent us from acting professional. it is part o' the job. for chrissakes, do you think criminal defense lawyers are impartial 'bout their clients? lawyers and judges is quite capable o' compartmentalizing. nevertheless, am admitting the emails looked bad and they needed be fired... and they were. your obama complaint is a bit nonsensical. obama had zero whatsoever to do with directing where the fbi investigations went. manafort's multiple attempts to get paid by russians and ukrainians via his campaign connections and papadopoulos explicit telling australian diplomats that the russians were possible providing the trump campaign with "dirt" on clinton is why the trump campaign got investigated. only part obama were involved with is keeping the investigation quiet until after the election... which Helped trump. you complain how the dangers o' the russians is trivial 'cause is little more than a steaming internet sh!t burger, and everybody knows how stoopid such silliness is, yes? fair characterization? 'course you are parroting the wholly unsupported nonsense started and spread on the internet by the trump loyalists and fox and breitbart to distract and deflect. the thing is, am doubting you realize how you were manipulated. you believe you is too clever to fall for such nonsense. how many others is just like gd, eh? HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  5. am honest not certain how roxor came up with his theory 'bout writers and education. creative writing, (typical nothing more than a ba or bfa english degree at most universities here in the states) english and lit backgrounds is gonna be having the most overlap for a venn diagram trying to pinpoint qualities o' successful sci-fi and fantasy authors with english as primary language. 'course the abundance o' sci-fi and fantasy luminaries with negligible or no education also throws a wrench into roxor's works. no doubt the stenography course in which robart e. howard were brief enrolled is in some way relevant to roxor's generalization 'bout world building, but am at a loss to square. earlier fantasy pioneers, such as shakespeare, dickens, shelly and melville had no university degree or education, and such is hardly the unique exceptions. list gets even longer as we go more modern, but am not certain how useful would be a dueling list where for every lewis carroll (mathematician) we mentions an ursula k. leguin (italian and french lit) or ray bradbury (no university.) one noteworthy author we will mention were the guy who wrote slaughterhouse five. vonnegut had the early educational background which would appear to lend weight to roxxor proposition... sorta. vonnegut studied anthropology at the university o' chicago for five years but technical didn't graduate. flip side, vonnegut frequent claimed the iowa writers workshop (one o' the first formal creative writing programs in the US) saved his career. vonnegut would eventual become faculty for the program. however, am gonna suggest hard science-fiction may not be deserving to be lumped in with the general pulp scifi and fantasy stuff roxor were identifying as part o' his curious article relating to crpg writers. guys such as asimov and arthur c. clarke enjoyed a special kinda gravitas precise 'cause o' their legit science backgrounds. assimov, in particular, were moderate insulted by the notion o' his brand o' science fiction being branded and shelved alongside star wars kinda science-less fiction. 'course hard sci-fi kim stanley robinson is ba/ma/phd english, so... regardless, is a wacky notion to suggest perceived prevalence o' degree in creative writing 'mongst developers is one o' the obstacles facing crpg writers attempting to bring setting to life in a game. as to genesis post, we don't have much in the way o' a reply. hooks for crpgs is rare satisfying everybody precise 'cause they need actual work for anybody. allow for the player to choose diverse range o' player characters makes less likely a particular hook is gonna satisfy all, so hooks is necessarily broad. bg hook, unless you look at it w/o rose-hued glasses, were kinda terrible. if bg protagonist follows bread crumbs, we keep getting attacked by inept assassins, which makes us wonder if gorion were trying to get us killed. am not even gonna get into how complete borked were the reasoning behind nashkel and cloakwood mine trips. kobolds "poisoning" ore in mines? flooding the last remaining working iron mine in the region makes situation better? of the ie games, ps:t likely had the best hook with you starting the game as a corpse coming back to life in the morgue o' sigil, but ps:t also limited you to the nameless one as your protagonist. is a balance. more player choice is gonna mean the hook need be more open. if poe did a poor job o' explaining the behaviour o' souls in the setting, then is not as if anything we say will retroactive make the game better for the genesis poster. am also at a complete loss to deal with BG setting "strangeness" as some kinda high watermark-- poster's words don't appear to match the complaint. would be equal baffled if the complaint o' a haiku were that it were too wordy. we simple have not the capacity to respond to a few criticisms. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  6. "in brightest day or darkest night lens flare shall offend our sight logic's fans should fear a lot Abrams power: haphazard plot" Though to be fair to JJ, he could scarcely do worse than the last Green Lantern movie.
    2 points
  7. LFG and crossrealm killed wow for me, there was no community anymore. You LFG'd and met a couple of random people, said "hi" (In the beginning, nowadays it's not even that) did an instance with them, and never saw them again.
    2 points
  8. New season of Veronica Mars is on Hulu. Seems like it picked up right where the old one left off. I'm only halfway through the first episode, but I'm looking forward to it.
    2 points
  9. EDIT: Math is off. See subsequent post below. In real-time mode, at most, 35% of your attack rolls will Graze on the first pass. (This percentage declines as the difference between your ACC and the targeted Defense goes higher than +15 or lower than -50.) So, your overall graze-to-hit chance increasing by 15 percentage points means that, at most, 5.25% of your attacks will be so improved. That's... not a lot. Whether it's enough to be worthwhile depends on what ability you're giving up to get it, and how you play the character in making use of those abilities. Now, it is nice that Confident Aim is always on. In the event that you don't have the PER inspiration from Disciplined Barrage active (e.g., if you get hit by a PER affliction that offsets it), the full 30% graze-to-hit chance applies. On the other hand, it is explicitly limited to weapon attacks, so your Sacred Immolation (and similar) won't benefit.
    1 point
  10. Isn't all fantasy kind of dumb? It's fantasy, so it just needs to be internally consistent. The "souls" provide a lore mechanic for this setting, and a hook for the main protagonist. Your character is deeply intertwined with the nature of "souls" in this setting, providing its own unique motivation for your story. In that sense it isn't dumb; it's just a uniqueness of the setting.
    1 point
  11. Splinter taught them to be ninja teens! Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines, Raphael is cool but rude *give me a break* Michelangelo is the party dude *tada!* Got the whole 80s series on DvD and slowly watching it.
    1 point
  12. I'd think one would just pirate it regardless of the store it's on. Unless people really need to give Newell his cut
    1 point
  13. That is correct. It's always the same order. For example when you summon K's Blights and then immediately summon an Essential Phantom it will always use the burn version (and will hold it until the phantom vanishes or gets killes - doesn't cycle). So if you want more shock attacks you can wait until the Blights cycled to shock version, then use Salvation of Time and an Essential Phantom to have two sources of AoE shock damage for a long time.
    1 point
  14. Yup, still got their T-Shirt of Pure Pwnage WoW cloth ā€œarmourā€ piece
    1 point
  15. What the statchoo said. I'm pretty certain that if the OP presented us with examples o' hooks, damn you, Gromnir, of hooks that worked on them there'll be people who go, "That is what you're calling a good hook? Pfffft, get out" (and I can start with "Baldur's Gate to strangeness is what Eiffel tower is to kangaroos, i.e. not related in any way whatsoever, and drop those stupid nostalgia-tinted specs already, they don't look good on you anyway"). Like, why I, superstar of New Reno, should care about some filthy tribe I left behind years ago, yeah, yeah, dead starter town, dead mentor, bog standard fantasy setting blahdy-blah, stop nagging me, pink-haired girl I don't care about, and why the game assumes I even want to be the King of boring mosquito-ridden swamp, show me the way to the next city that never sleeps (and has a whiskey bar). Guess what, not caring or even being mildly annoyed (looking at you, Kingmaker) about "the hook" did not prevent me from enjoying the listed games, possibly because I am not into sadomasochism and needn't to be hooked to have fun. Hooks are overrated anyway. Books? Do fine with or without hooks. Cinema and especially TV tend to lean on them too much and it's not always a good thing. Remember "Lost"? Fantastic hook. One of the best there is. Now remember its ending and show's descent to it. So what good did that awesome hook do, eh. Aaaand there's no point in wasting arguments anyway, 'cause I suspect the OP is just another of those "Baldur's Gate is THE unit of measurement of RPG genre" types who ran past to drop the usual "Waaaah Y U NO Baldurz gate, game?!" and never be seen again.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. I go through and type in the two-part verification to link my accounts, and the iOS app just hangs on the "processing..." screen. How do I fix this?
    1 point
  18. I'm officially a part of the beta.
    1 point
  19. I've had a lot of fun on the Legendary servers It's not the old mechanics but it is nice to run through the beginning of the game again and see it heavily populated with the slower level speed and the slow roll out of the expansions. Had a blast running Carn Dum, Urugarth, and Barad Gularan again Almost forgot Helegrod and the Rift
    1 point
  20. I made a thread about this a while back. The update at that time was that the novella was "done," but I have not seen any updates since then. If you are inclined, you might want to try asking on Discord, as that's where the last updates came from.
    1 point
  21. With today being annoyingly hot I went out and had a cold one:
    1 point
  22. witch hunt? well, investigation were not a public spectacle against which trump and others could not defend themselves from a manufactured and illusory threat. not only do the witches exist, as you appear to recognize by your quoted material, but the initial investigation were secret... which ironic were one o' the many republican criticisms o' obama-- why didn't obama make the russian threat public? am not sure if gd has, like so many, fallen victim to the sockpuppet level o' theatre offered by trump defenders to deflect, but the original investigation o' bad American actors and their entanglements with dastardly russians began considerable before the trump campaign for presidency. in fact, the only reason the trump campaign got targeted by fbi and law enforcement is 'cause the trump campaign Voluntarily brought folks such as manafort into the fold, folks who already knew they were being investigated. if the trump campaign had done any kinda due diligence and vetted campaign people, they woulda' wholly avoided any kinda investigation. so, the witches exist and you agree they is a real and serious threat. should end witch hunt claims. no? am not sure what false pretenses you reference save for the trump loyalist conspiracy theory nonsense which wholly ignores actual timeline o' the investigation. as to bias, who cares? fbi gets info suggesting multiple folks is involved with russians for illicit purposes. when those suspect people becomes involved in the campaign o' a major candidate for US Presidency, does the motivation to investigate increase or decrease? given gd recognition o' the threat identified by mueller, answer appears to be one shared by gd and investigators, eh? so the fbi discovers some o' the information they received which led to initiating the investigation o' bad russians and their american stooges were from sources with a metaphorical axe to grind. again, so what? given the danger gd recognizes, the info had to be investigated and once it became obvious the witches were real and numerous, the discovery that some informants were biased became a relative minor concern. regardless felt like cassandra. our prophecies, which we thought should be axiomatic to numerous lawyers on the judiciary and intelligence committees who s'posed read the report, went complete unheeded. mueller were never gonna say more 'bout obstruction and as such the vital information from the mueller testimony were limited almost entire to the last 30 minutes o' the intelligence committee questioning. other than when defending the integrity o' his team, mueller only became chatty when questioned 'bout the scope and nature o' the russian interference, and the complicity o' numerous folks in the trump campaign. mueller were quite willing to deride trump campaign failures to do the right thing and to observe how such failures o' character threaten to result in normalization o' what should be considered unthinkable-- candidates for major US political office not only accepting but inviting foreign interference. instead o' spending 6.5 hours trying to get mueller to discuss topics 'bout which there were no chance he would speak, coulda changed focus and questioned mueller on the one thing he clear wanted to speak to-- witches. mueller wanted to speak 'bout the extent to which the witches had involved themselves in the 2016 campaign and the threat those witches posed insofar as future elections. while hardly enthusiastic, mueller were also willing to speak to the mistakes made by the trump campaign (and trump in particular) insofar as being willing pawns to the witches. republicans predictable wanted to speak 'bout conspiracy theories and to attack integrity o' mueller's investigation. no surprise. democrats. *shrug* another wasted opportunity. so it goes. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  23. Figured I should go ahead and post it here too: one of our users, @Decadency, completed the Ultimate: Well done to him!
    1 point
  24. Hey guys! I want to share with you something:
    1 point
  25. Q: Is Obsidian publicly undercutting The Outer Worlds' game director, Leonard Boyarsky? A: No Not entirely sure what the target of the the manufactured outrage is. If ten years ago someone tweeted: no one would have paid it any mind. I don't know how a single personal tweet is being played out as some sneak peak at internal conflict among the developers.
    1 point
  26. As per Betteridge's law: "no" Seriously, I'm not even sure what you're implying here. That members of the team don't think the game is politically charged enough? That they think it's excessively politically charged? Forgive me, I try to steer clear of culture war cesspits battlegrounds, so I may be missing some context. Seems to me that the tweet you're referencing is little more than a wordier rephrasing of the "views my own" disclaimer that many accounts display in their profile blurb.
    1 point
  27. What's your gang? (be warned, any reply other than Escher may result in poisoning)
    1 point
  28. I have no idea how Obsidian wants to determine if somebody used a save copy or not. Afaik there's no way to do that. The video footage will have cuts - because you can't do the challenge in a single day (if you have at least a rest of a real life). So that's also not suited to proof you didn't cheat. Of course they could always disqualify your attempt on a whim because they don't believe you did it properly... but dealing with it highhandedly also doesn't feel right. Imagine there's some player who can indeed pull it off properly but they just don't believe him... the frustration and anger will be enormous given how much energy you'll have to put into this in order to be successful und not to viloate "the spirit of the challenge".
    1 point
  29. The thing is that I agree with most of the criticisms of the game but in the end, it just worked for me. I don't have a good explanation but man I loved that game and put hundreds of hours into it. I was even considering playing it again before my computer glimpsed a great old one and went mad and died
    1 point
  30. I don't know how many other people have done this (global Steam achievement rate is at 0%, and googling around I see one other mention as a reddit thread), but I felt like I had to share this accomplishment, because it was so brutal and is probably my proudest gaming accomplishment ever (beating out the time back in vanilla World of Warcraft when I PVP-ed to #7 on my server). Pic proof: Rest are too big to upload on the forums, so here's a dropbox link showing the ends of the big fights: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a6w697dnn7z8m3x/AABKWFRd2IZ9vtrPUxrumTKxa?dl=0 (as well as a gif of the last bounty, which involved desperately running around a lake for an hour). I also recorded the Llengrath fight because AFAICT there's like only one other video of someone pulling it off: (The first part of the fight is missing because I've never recorded something before so I forgot to turn it on; the only thing missing is me summoning Concelhaut to do Concelhaut's Crushing Doom on the Gaf the flyign dragon, only to do like 10 damage due to lots of misses.) Obsidian: NEVER EVER EVER create an achievement like this ever again. I see Tyranny has a few similar ones, but frankly I don't see myself being as invested in Tyranny as I was in Pillars. Don't get me wrong, I am soooo super stoked that I got the achievement, but man was it absolutely brutal (and I feel sorry for all the other people who like to be 100% achievement completionists but don't want to devote so much of their time to getting The Ultimate). Build strategy: I think being a paladin might the only viable choice for something like this, thanks to four reasons: faith and conviction (up to +5 deflection over a fighter, +20 other defenses), righteous soul (basically gives you immunity to lagufeths, and really helps out in fear aura fights e.g. dragons), zealous charge (though monks also have long stride, so maybe they can pull it off, but they don't have the crazy good defenses), and sacred immolation (more a sanity convenience than anything else). I got the idea for using a paladin from one of the soloing videos from the other Ultimate attempt, and basically once you build out a paladin there's a pretty clear optimal path for much of the game (so even though I didn't consult the other guy's build, I'm pretty sure we look pretty similar). For the harder fights, I re-specced aggressively just to focus on the biggest threats (for example, in Master Below fight I picked up Primal Bane, Savage Attack, Bloody Slaughter, just so I could aggressively take out the Adragans I knew would be there before they petrify me to death or perpetualy heal everyone with their infinite moonwells). Also, Drawn in Spring and Persistence are hands-down the best weapons in the game for soloing (possibly in general), because their wounding effect is raw damage and the 25% number is based off of your pre-DR damage. This means against tough, high-DR enemies most of your damage will come from the wounding effect. On save-scumming: yes, I actually did this as bug insurance. Back before White March expansions when I was trying to get Triple Crown Solo, i finally succeeded on the 7th try, and two of those earlier failures were due *exclusively* to bugs. I didn't end up having to restore a save that much this time around, but it was almost exclusively because of two bugs that kept cropping up (the first has been around ever since they stopped making potions instant-use like they are in Tyranny): 1. whenever you use a potion, there is a non-trivial chance that your character will bug out their actions and a) do a drinking animation but no effect happens, b) do a drinking animation, consume a potion, but nothing happens, c) your character will just have the idle "..." in their action indicator and not do anything. this can really screw you over when you're desperately trying to drink a potion of endurance, for example. At least this is better than in the 1.x days where sometimes your character would get permanently stuck (to the point where even after all enemies are defeated--by other party members--combat would never end). 2. more severe: there's a buggy interaction with effects that reduce stun duration. if you get stunned (*cough* relentless storm *cough*) and for whatever reason you have a 0 or close to 0 stun duration from the effect, your character may get *locked* into a stun animation, even though they have no stun debuff. Sometimes you can get your character to snap out of it by hitting "x" to cancel any action, sometimes you're just screwed. This screwed me over in several fights involving adragans, actually (who love to use relentless storm). Apart from that, I actually did get *really* close to death several times (this was my third attempt; I've been working on this since june). I barely ended Master Below with ~100 health (not endurance!) left, because of those damned adragans and their petrify. The final bounty I also barely ended up ~150 or so health, because fighting 3 ancient memory chanters solo means everyone basically has infinite endurance, so you basically have to whittle away their actual health (which is several times their endurance). Llengrath I got very close to death (and I actually thought I would fail after coming all this way), and you can see this in the video (me assessing my health periodically, bracing myself for major disappointment), because Gaf just did so much damage to me early on that he blew through most of my health (but fortunately everyone else had either easily dodgable attacks or were easy to kite, like the bigger dragon). Alpine Dragon I also got close to death, but I wasn't worried because once the dragon was taken out the rest of the foes were easily wiped out with a sacred immolation. I really wish Steam provided more detailed specifics on global achievement rate. I'm really curious how many people have gotten The Ultimate. I actually expect that you could fit the total number of people who have done it into one room and feed them all with just a few pizzas. This is kind of a self-congratulatory thread, but if anyone wants more detailed strategies for the dragon/archmage/bounty fights for their own attempts at The Ultimate or is just curious, let me know and I can post more.
    1 point
  31. Now you're just being irrational...
    0 points
  32. https://wccftech.com/mechwarrior-5-mercenaries-launches-december-10th-as-an-epic-games-store-exclusive-refunds-available-until-september-1st/
    0 points
  33. J.J. Abrams Taking On Superman and Green Lantern I think they mean Green Lens Flare.
    0 points
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