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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/19 in all areas

  1. I am more excited about the RLM video(s) on it than the show itself, and I've even seen all of TNG.
    2 points
  2. Nah, it's just you getting old. I own an embarrassing quantity of games on GOG, but am gradually starting to fret less about never playing majority of them. Biiig -ing deal, it's just entertainment, I'll leave oodles of unread books, unseen films etc when I eventually kick the bucket, so a hundred or two or three unplayed games make no difference.
    2 points
  3. Nope, you should have wishlisted them on GOG instead
    2 points
  4. Considering how good The Naked City, The Caine Mutiny, Crossfire and Spartacus amidst other Hollywood Ten films are, gimme some more straight-up Communist propaganda please.
    1 point
  5. honestly i got only like 1 or 2 wishlisted items on steam, i really don't care at all about steam these days, on other hand I got around 50 games on GoG - all of them I pirated when I was kid and I just want to pay at least something to original creator because i liked them when I was kid. I also got few games on GoG which I already own as disc or on other platform just to get that DRM free version on GoG
    1 point
  6. Is there better graphics then your imagination.
    1 point
  7. It was an entire pig from snout to tail, the only thing missing was the organs. I think the dude cooking it said it was about 100lb so there was LOTS of skin and meat. The crispy skin is one of my favorite things!
    1 point
  8. We've already had the 8-bit graphics revival and the low poly graphics revival, I guess the next logical steps are ASCII and wire frame.
    1 point
  9. Lol nah. Weve been together for 1000 years and I wouldn't even know how to act without her.
    1 point
  10. Saturday I changed the rear brakes on my wifes car and then went to a block party pig roast. It was super hot outside but the pig was delicious and the beer was cold.
    1 point
  11. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Wow, that was really terrible. Granted its been 30+ years since I read the book but I didn't remember much. Aside, it made me think about Douglas Adams and it turns out he died in 2001!
    1 point
  12. I've got this one framed on the wall: As for the film, I don't think it's very traditional at all but can see how it's more traditional than Stalker perhaps. Funny enough, it was Tarkovsky's least favorite film amidst his own. I wouldn't agree but the fact that you can feasibly make that claim and defend it goes to show how utterly out of this world his work was. Stunning.
    1 point
  13. that game is insult for graphics.
    1 point
  14. Artistic integrity and freedom of speech have *never* been sacred in the entertainment industry. The federal government were involved in blacklisting "communists" back in the 40's and 50's and various cities, towns, and states have been suppressing films and other media right up through *today*.
    1 point
  15. Yes Ktchong, its possible and real that you will find white people on the streets begging or asking for money. The same as you find other races begging or on the streets And I will share some other facts with you so these types of stories arent so newsworthy for you . White people go to jail, they commit crimes, they eat food , we need air to breath and we feel emotions and even live in poverty and rely on government social grants ....exactly the same as other races. Anything you not sure about white people you must just ask me and I'll explain
    1 point
  16. I love choices. I hate filler. I'm turned off by even sidequests. "Please go kill the bandits for 14 copper and a piece of lint. They've been sitting in a cave 15 minutes ride south not bothering a single person who was worth having a name. But it says bandit over their head so they really just need to be gone." No. But I HATE grinds. "Here's a stick for a weapon and some roughly spun wool that we think passes for armor. To actually avenge the death of your wife, you'll need the DEMON HEART ENCRUSTED DIAMOND SWORD of +2000 agility and a suit of THUNDERBOLT IRON PLATEMAIL with enough defense stat for a starship hull. But to even get that you'll need the PICKAXE OF WOE that has a 20% droprate from the demon lord AB'ZZTHFR and he only spawns once a day. Then you'll need to mine 3 cubic miles of METEORIC IRON and kill roughly 50 demons for two hearts. Don't worry about mining for diamonds, just buy them. To get the gold you have to murder and rob the entire population of the nation 3 times over. Now get started." Quit->Uninstall
    1 point
  17. God, games where you need to make choices. Loved them when I was young(er), quit them for several months now whenever a choice comes up
    1 point
  18. My build is getting a bit out of hand, fitting it meaningfully in a screenshot has gotten rather hard. Anyway, might be interesting to see how I go about building. So I ended up finishing the palace wing of my palace (at least the structure part, need to decorate rooms etc still. From the entrance to the end I built a big throne room: Dragon heads are kinda big, but I managed to fit one in the equally ridiculously big Map Room Overview including my initial base at the bottom of the arch, for scale. The palace I built is barely visible here (it's behind the Derketo temple, which is the yellow or green(*) light beam) I'd probably have to make a video of sorts to fit everything in without it feeling too disconnected or resulting in a truly ridiculous amount of screenshots... In total there are 4300 T3 (Aquilonian) building blocks used in this (so far), of which 1181 are foundations (not counting all the Stonebrick for the ramps and the Sandstone Foundations used underneath to level out the terrain) (*) yours truly is colourblind
    1 point
  19. Entering the thread I assumed it will be about realistic scope of the game, and was about to make a joke about realistic weapons scopes, only to find that the thread is about weapons scopes.
    1 point
  20. Tried big variety of street food during city day. Very tasty.
    1 point
  21. So paraphrased: Capitalism = Good Crony Capitalism = Not So Good I don't see any problem with that statement, but I'm not surprised that SJWs and post-modernists once again have their panties in a bunch, because Boyarsky didn't endorse full-blown global communism and one-world government fantasies.
    1 point
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