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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/19 in all areas

  1. I can't think of a single person that has expressed enthusiasm for Stadia, outside of people obviously shilling for Google. Heck, I've tried to keep a level head about this and come up with some kind of compelling argument as to why ANYONE would want this. The only thing I can think of is that you don't need to buy any hardware, aside from that fugly controller. I mean, there's the obvious argument of portability, but that argument falls apart because of the aforementioned lack of quality internet in a lot of parts of the world. Plus, if you are going to use Stadia on the go, and where else would you use it, you are probably going to be doing it over wifi, so you are going to incur an extra wifi latency tax in addition to the cloud gaming latency tax that you always have to pay no matter what.
    3 points
  2. ^ I have corrupted another one... You knew Ryu Ga Gotoku had to throw this in somewhere: D'aww : So this happened: The best part is that I got to keep the vampire disguise afterwards and I can use it any time I can use a disguise, so I can do things like this, that are not at all creepy:
    3 points
  3. Caved and got Conan Exiles, encouraged by the pics in this thread Still quite a ways to go, but I'm optimistic First sandstorm went well.
    3 points
  4. Google+ popping up everywhere didn't save that, Google's list of failed products is pretty extensive; and theoretically at least the EU would kick Google's teeth in for skewing search results to favour themselves. Mostly though it's just plain too early and offers no real advantages for many potential disadvantages. It won't be that cheap, and relies on both a high throughput connection and low latency which most people don't have. It will be like streaming a TV program on a weak connection with no buffering for most people; you either get a stuttery mess at a decent resolution or a low resolution blur that doesn't stutter.
    3 points
  5. I don't think most of us are in the target audience for Stadia. Most kids today are growing up with everything streaming, and so this is a continuation of that. I get it, but it isn't appealing to me. Just like Fortnite and Roblox.
    2 points
  6. Last I knew, you can't. The feature isn't enabled for us plebs (non-mods/admins).
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Yeah, the Stadia model as rumoured is like Netflix starting out as a subscription service that mailed out DVDs to people, but you still had to buy the DVDs as well. How would or could that compete with Blockbuster or just ordering what DVDs you wanted to buy off Amazon? The point of difference Netflix had which caused its explosive growth was when they moved into subscription streaming which undercut cable and the like and offered non schedule bound viewing; if you had to buy Friends or whatever at DVD prices as well as pay the sub it would not have worked, even iTunes purchase model is near dead (or is it actually dead?) now. Stadia's rumoured structure reminds me of all the pie in the sky early internet ideas from the early 2000s- and to be fair, some of those worked spectacularly well including original Google, but most didn't. I guess there is some sort of generational divide between me and the young whippersnappers with their 'i' this and their 'e' that wandering across my metaphorical lawn but I can't see how, say, someone hooked on Fortnite or Minecraft ends up thinking that having to buy the game and pay for a subscription for it as well is a good idea. I don't play Fortnite and the like due to my gammy knee and rheumatism but I believe they can be played on a phone, and that most young fellows and fellasses have phones, don't they?
    1 point
  9. I get that, I use Netflix and Pandora myself, and I could see the appeal if it was just a subscription service. Pay $15 a month and you have access to 1000 games, or whatever. I'm still not sure if it would be for me, but I could see the selling point. But if I gotta pay $60 a pop to be able to stream games, I fail to see the appeal. If I have to pay a monthly subscription AND pay $60 a pop on top of that... (that rumor can't be true, can it?) I mean, I know there are some stupid people out there, but damn.
    1 point
  10. I think the whole Sanitorium and Heritage hill stuff could have actually made a game. Expand on all that and really focus on that malarkey. But I guess at this point they wouldn't, sequels always have to expand in scope apparently. But yeah i'd have preferred a darker, horror RPG maybe? It's something different and the world of POE has all the elements for it. Make it a bit of a mystery, with investigations and stuff. Could that work? Who knows.
    1 point
  11. I'm happy to be corrupted I do really like Conan. And I only bought it thanks to your mentioning it had a solo mode. It plays like an Elder Scrolls game, but in a more interesting world. And the thralls mechanic puts it way above similar games. The whole survival-building-fighting cycle is very interesting, in many ways similar to Mount & Blade, and I find myself struggling to step away from the game every time I play it. And it looks nice. I am already working on my castle. So far - on the population that will support my future conquests
    1 point
  12. You'd spend the whole day reading your merchandise! You'd never get anything done!
    1 point
  13. @Boeroer @bringingyouthefuture @thelee: Apparently the FAQ is wrong on this matter. Mob Stance's dual wield damage does get minused -35% damage just fine from my testing. Unless the log is wrong, of course.
    1 point
  14. Right, so I finally got down to writing the thing and I hope the community will find this acceptable.
    1 point
  15. Not intended I guess. I never heard it used that way. Only as a saying when luck shines on the greatest dumbo... again. "Himbo and dumbo... dancing mumbo jumbo..." I say summer hit!
    1 point
  16. Concelhaut ignores resources, as do other Lich enemies. In general, it seems like non-Kith enemies (Pwgra, Rathun, Lagufaeth, etc.) ignore resources.
    1 point
  17. Sweden has one of the best internet infrastructures in the world though, and isn't typical. Stadia's main market would have to be the US, and internet in the US is often surprisingly (or maybe not) bad. There's also the question of theoretical vs practical performance- theoretically my 4g/LTE connection is very fast and more than enough for any practical use (purely theoretically it's "up to 150mbps synchronous" per the ISP's blurbs) but practically it's rare to even get 15mbps download and frequently it's in 100s of kbps; plus ping is far from great. The fundamental problem I see with Stadia though is that it's very much an 'exclusionary' product. You start off aiming at the whole gaming sphere, which is extremely lucrative; but then you exclude those who won't go subscription, you exclude those whose internet is bad or think their internet is bad, you exclude those who don't want the games you offer, or already have a console/ pc solution they're happy with etc etc until you're left potentially with a very small target market. And that's without dealing with all the significant potential technical issues that may put off those who would consider it, and competition from others. At this point I simply don't see the streaming model working unless they're willing to suck up a lot of early losses. Which Google traditionally has a spotty record with for products they don't see as core.
    1 point
  18. I've reached chapter 6 of Judgment. As I've stated before, this is a Yakuza game in everything except name. It plays just like a Yakuza game, but there are some new gameplay elements. Some reviewers didn't like some of these new gameplay elements, on the grounds of them being tedious, and I can see where they are coming from. I'm into them because I'm one of those rare weirdos that enjoys slowly tailing a suspect while remaining unnoticed (think: every AssCreed game), pixel hunting a scene for evidence, and carefully considering which piece of evidence to present to prove my point. My biggest complaint is that these gameplay elements, so far at least, seem to be way too easy. Also, there seems to be no fail state or punishment for selecting wrong dialogue choices, outside of possibly losing a few SP which you can easily make up for with about 20 seconds of kicking the **** out of mooks on the street. Still, I appreciate Ryo Ga Gotoku attempting to add crime solving elements into the game, I just hope they make them a bit more in-depth and more difficult/punishing in future Judgment titles (we better get sequels!), Even if the gameplay sucked, I'd still gladly play this for the story alone. Developers should be made to play Yakuza games as a lesson in how to properly tell a story. It's almost not fair how good these guys are at that aspect of game design. To say that I'm invested would be putting it lightly, I'm on the edge of my seat and chomping at the bit to find out what happens next, all while formulating my own theories.
    1 point
  19. Bah, France was disappointing. Would rather the damn English win this over the Americans
    1 point
  20. The heads in the game are one model. Therefor one can't switch parts like ears between them. One would need to make a new model that fits the skeleton files of the existing body. At the moment I don't know of a method to do that. I do know that there has to be a scaling factor for models somewhere. I just don't know where. As for the godlike heads... Yes, they can be switched, but the human color maps ("paint job") don't fit properly. Making them fit is a lot of work (one I currently don't have time for).
    1 point
  21. They make more money by selling full priced games. The 'rent' equivalent is the actual subscription service which is their selling point, but that won't get all the new release games to encourage people to buy instead. It's the same general theory EA has with Access: you pay a bit per month to get older games, you pay more per month to get newer games and perks, you can still buy the new games; and it's best for EA if you both buy the new games and subscribe since you're double dipping on the costs. But then Origin Access is also very good value, so long as you're sensible, and I doubt Stadia will be for most people. It's kind of exploitative, but the average tribal gamer moron is pretty much asking to be exploited.
    1 point
  22. "I don't know why I would use this platform"
    1 point
  23. I found the companions in Dragonfall to be some of the best in any CRPG, I like that they get pissed off at the player sometimes and take a while to warm up to you. I agree some voice acting may have made them even better, depends on the quality of the VO work.
    1 point
  24. Dreaming about beach holidays. Two days left...
    1 point
  25. only if spoken aloud, three times in succession, and w/o any mistakes. still need some kinda sacrifice though. sounds german...ish. add in the adorable dachshund sacrifice requirement and am guessing we would all be safe from even intentional attempts to summon y'ha-nthlei. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  26. Keyrock, I'm not contaminating my youtube history with clicking on that link, but I'm pretty sure that's not news in any sense.
    1 point
  27. am gonna bump this. at the moment, the obsidians ain't particular active with developing or posting, but is nevertheless annoying when threads is misidentified as having obsidian contribution. new patch for deadfire is released and predictable the offering spawns numerous questions directed at obsidian. if a mod replies in the thread, the thread gets the obs tag, which is resulting in functional clickbait. amentep seems like a swell guy, so am hoping this is fixed 'cause am developing an almost pavlovian disappointment when seeing his posts. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  28. Here's one of my dogs living her best life Alternate angle
    1 point
  29. @Guard Dog should like this one: https://imgur.com/gallery/45HCMcs
    1 point
  30. That's a tongue not worth living with.
    1 point
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