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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/19 in all areas

  1. First of all - roleplay music background https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEjPohtfhcc Hand of Doom Difficulty: PotD v. 5.0 with Community Patch (Forbidden Fist ability changed to weapon attack) Solo: totally viable, but untested. I played some tougher fights with team wandering somewhere, especially Eder for pet slot (Nalvi) Class: Forbidden Fist/Steel Garrote Race: Nature Godlike for better fisting with Wellspring of Life Background: Ixamitl Plains - Laborer Stats: Might - 18 (+ 2 berath blessing, 1 gift from the machine, 1 chameleon's touch, 2 alchemic brawn, 1 rabyuna's boon, 5 tunderous blows = 30) damage and healing bonus Constitution - 3 (+ 2 berath blessing, 2 alchemic brawn = 7) dumped because of incredible self healing Dexterity - 15~18 (+ 2 berath blessing, 2 footprints of ahu taka, 1 chameleon's touch, 2 alchemic guile, 1 rabyuna's boon, 1 godlike = 24~27) Perception - 15~18 (+ 2 berath blessing, 2 alchemic guile = 19~22) Intellect - 3 (+ 2 berath blessing, 2 alchemic wits, 1 godlike, 10 turning wheel = 18) dump base int, because of turning wheel. Needs max wounds for fire lash, and you don't want extend forbidden curse to much Resolve - 18 (+ 2 berath blessing, 2 alchemic wits, 2 token of faith, 2 rabyuna's boon, 1 ixamitl plains, 1 cauldron brew = 28) test it at different game stages, to keep forbidden curse effect below 3sec, with max bonus from turning wheel. Then it ticks only once, and when curse fades heals you more, than injures. You can also use shorewalker sandals, cabin boy instead of rabyuna, ring of the solitary wanderer, harmony ring, or sacrifice palegina in PoE 1. Equipment: Head: godlike head for wellspring of life. (Add potion of ascencion to reach 10 power level, and your fists will be post-mythic utensils of destruction with +80% damage, +22 accuracy and 13 penetration) Back: The Giftbearer's Cloth Neck: Token of Faith for +2 resolve or Bone Setter's Torc for additional healing, or Strand of Favour (remember to adjust equipment to forbidden curse lasts below 3sec) Armor: first Devil of Caroc Beastplate or Gipon Prudensco, then Contender's Armour (with enough athletics, that you use as emergency healing, nalvi pet and abraham pet, this armor is faster than naked and has nice armor rating), or Kahako Nihi (the tankiest, but also the slowest. Looks cool and has great enchantments that reduce enemy armor and penetration, and the most important, gives you 10% piercing lash to forbidden fist ability) Waist: Blunting Belt/Upright Captain if using pull of eora/ Ngati Girdle/Makers Own Power (for might and crush AR. Reforge the Flesh is bad for you, because of paralyze. Your healing is reduced when deal no damage. Use up its charge before fight) Hands: Hylea's Talons (about 7 self damage, healed for 300% more immediately when effect wears of, and give you wound, and 5% slash lash for weapon attacks) Rings: Chameleon's Touch and Ring of Prosperity's Fortune (or ring of the solitary wanderer, harmony ring but remember to adjust equipment to forbidden curse duration below 3sec) Boots: Footprints of Ahu Taka/Shorewalker Sandals Pet: abraham (and nalvi on eder if possible) Weapon set 1: Magran's Favour with modal on (when using Forbidden fist ability the initial attack is made with your fist irrespectively of weapon in active slot, but heartbeat drumming and flurry strikes use magrans favour with modal, which apply bleeding cuts with no recovery penalty, an it's always main hand, without damage reduction even if you dual wielding) Tuotillo's Palm with modal on (you doesn't need to use auto attacks often, so no dps decrease due to tuotillo's low base dmg or modal recovery, but its enchants adds 5 accuracy to forbidden fist ability, and 1 deflection for every wound. You want to have 10 wounds all the time for turning wheel lash. Deflection is, at this time, high enough to enemies often miss you, so FF ability gets +15 accuracy from modal) Weapon set 2: Kapana Taga and Tuotillo when flanked (swaping weapon when flanked should give you wound, becouse you get rid of negative effect, but i honestly doesn't know if it works) Food - Mohora Wraps Drugs - Mouth Char Quick slots - Potion of Ascension Abilities: Steel Garrote and Forbidden Fist passive talents - The harder you hit, the more you heal. With post-mythic forbiden fist you hit like a truck, heal from draining, then after 2,9 sec curse disappears and heal you more! (possible only with Community patch, becouse original FF is not a weapon attack) Eternal Devotion - 10% burning lash for FF Exalted Endurance - 8 hp per 3 sec Deep Faith, Inspired Defences, Weapon and Shield style, Practiced Healer, Stoic Steel - for defence Virtuous Triumph - resorce regen Sworn Rival - additional damage from it is supressed by FF, but it works on SF/HBD Clarity of Agony - reduce curse duration (its upgrade doesn't stack with turning wheel) Swift Flurry, Heartbeat Drumming - tons of instant bleeding cuts, and additional healing from Steel Garrote's passive talent (possible only with Community patch, becouse original FF is not a weapon attack) Tunderous Blows - +5 might and +2 pen Turning Wheel - +20% burning lash with 10 wounds (then also 10 deflection from tuotillo's palm) Crucible of Suferring - bonus to all defences exept deflection. Always active due to forrbiden curse fading time after time Soul Mirror - i became convinced to this talent when it reflect concelhaut beam spell against him Mortification of the Soul - gaining wounds by FF may be slow when nobody can afflict you, and the damage of mortification is almost instatntly covered by self healing. Nice to have Instruments od Pain - for stoic steel preservation if no enemies in mele range Rest is up to you. This build is realy indestructible machine, that can also deal huge damage. It doesn't uses any exploit or cheats, but many, many, many little synergies, which stacked together makes it smash enemies with 35(or 45% with kahako nihi) lash, heal itself for tremendous amounts, and regen resources. Here's console created character for tests vs some famphyrs (no specific tactic and it runs on AI ) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gDlNDayZrJPgacTqK5cCqQGQ2PLQ-XWb/view?usp=sharing
    2 points
  2. Larian specified that they'll be using a camera like in the Original Sin series: it can be either top down or third person.
    2 points
  3. Himbo a good-looking but unintelligent young man. "how did she trick audiences conditioned to drool over himbos into falling for a middle-aged guy with a slight case of rheumatism?" I have never heard this word in 29 years of life. Err... Yeah I guess he is! Although isn't he meant to be middle aged? Edit: Since my girlfriend just falls asleep when I go on a rant about meaningless things, my only outlet is online. I can't stand portmanteu's of words. They always come off as a desperate attempt to appeal to the hip and young or whatever but always seems like a boardroom of executives and marketing people came up with it! I think the worst part of the entire Britian voting to leave the EU thing is that AWFUL TERM everyone has decided to use. I refuse to say it, it's so stupid and that will be the word that goes down in the history books. At least one day the sun will become a red giant and all history of this nonsense will go forever. Unless someone managed to figure out the secret to interstellar travel and takes our pointless history with them!!!! /rant
    2 points
  4. I think you are thinking of Tammy Duckworth, your Senator "I wonder how many of those searches for Tulsi Gabbard were followed by nude" Random comment that made me laugh while researching the debates followed by "I wonder how many of those same nude searches Bernie gets" Though now I'm reminded that there were several articles going into how hot a young Bernie was
    2 points
  5. It essentially means that the quarantined subreddit (and anything that's posted in it) will never appear to anyone not specifically subscribed to it, including non-registered users. Only accounts with verified emails are allowed to subscribe to it as well. It also disables their ability to have their custom formatting and styles IIRC, which means their subreddit will appear simply as the vanilla subreddit (i.e. no giant banners of Trump or such).
    2 points
  6. https://imgur.com/a/ldkHKdl
    1 point
  7. NASA Will Send a Helicopter to Hunt for Life on Saturn's Biggest Moon This is beyond cool. It's downright cryogenic.
    1 point
  8. Haven't played wasteland but... it's turn based. I found it okay, i didn't love it but the story and music pushed me forward. Returns is mediocre, Dragonfall is really good. So start with Dragonfall i'd say.
    1 point
  9. They make more money by selling full priced games. The 'rent' equivalent is the actual subscription service which is their selling point, but that won't get all the new release games to encourage people to buy instead. It's the same general theory EA has with Access: you pay a bit per month to get older games, you pay more per month to get newer games and perks, you can still buy the new games; and it's best for EA if you both buy the new games and subscribe since you're double dipping on the costs. But then Origin Access is also very good value, so long as you're sensible, and I doubt Stadia will be for most people. It's kind of exploitative, but the average tribal gamer moron is pretty much asking to be exploited.
    1 point
  10. Just tested (running the community patch and UI patch) and Garrote passive heals me with a scepter. Nice synergy there, if you aren't needing the heals to sustain in melee, you heal most of the DMG from the scepter modal (15% vs. 20%). Let the ranged paladin builds commence!
    1 point
  11. "I don't know why I would use this platform"
    1 point
  12. gotta be cautious regarding bernie numbers from 2016. from a five thirty eight article from 2016. "We should also avoid reading too much into Sanders’s support among independent leaners in terms of how he’d fare in November: The independents who vote in party primaries are in no way representative of independents generally." bernie did well enough with independents who typical identify democrat more than republican, but these were not the same independents who won battleground states for trump. currently, demo-leaning independents favor biden, particularly minority and over 50 independents. have honest not seen specific numbers for independents targeted direct for battlegrounds... which seems like an odd oversight. bernie has a message which should resonate with many independents. gonna need to convince 'em that trump's failed promises 'bout reinvigorating a dying manufacturing sector necessitate a bold change rather than a slight shift. seems like it should be an easy sell, but clear it ain't. am s'posing one bright spot for bernie is the independents who voted trump in the battlegrounds also typical voted obama previous, which is why presidential results were so shocking to many. 'ccording to exit polls, the 2016 battleground state vote were not a vote for trump, whom most voters didn't approve, but votes were cast for a lesser o' evils. clinton were a continuation o' obama policies for many battleground independents. biden may need overcome same hard feelings... is a hurdle bernie might not need overcome. admission: at time o' the election, and even short after, we believed bernie woulda' been a superior democrat candidate. democrats were gonna vote democrat regardless o' bernie or clinton. the thing is, we believed bernie woulda' motivated more o' those apathetic democrats who rare vote, and at the same time, we thought bernie woulda' had a better chance with independents. honest don't know anymore. am recognizing trump inexplicable, and beyond all reason, has his 30% core guaranteed, with another 10% virtual locked in as well. more mind boggling is that inevitable scandals revealed 'tween now and the election will only hurt democrats-- trump, is immune to scandal. every story o' deceit, corruption or lurrid excess only further convinces his base trump is real and relatable... or that the deep state is out to get him... or both? converse, if a young woman comes forth between now and the elections and claims that in 2008, gabbard failed to pay for her girl scout cookie order (thin mints and samoas? how gauche) it is all over for the candidate, regardless o' truth o' the story. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  13. Biden is currently the anointed one but if he should tank I wonder who is the next preferred never-Sanders establishment candidate. I missed the debate but it looks like Gabbard got her name out there a bit.
    1 point
  14. BTW, I just double confirmed just in case, and no, Mob Stance doesn't care about your weapon's reach - it only triggers on foes in melee range even with Instruments of Pain.
    1 point
  15. Please address the topics and not individual posters.
    1 point
  16. Druidstone ist cool - but I wouldn't compare it with games like PoE or Pathfinder. It emphasizes a lot more on the (turn based) combat and its mechanics. Doing mission after mission. The role playing and writing are rudimentary. There is no exploration or anything. The former two titles of the devoloper (Legend of Grimrock I and II) are more RPGish. But dungeon crawlers. It doesn't need all that, it's a good game. But I wouldn't put it into a CRPG list.
    1 point
  17. Watched the Dem debate (with the Marlins game in PIP). My take? They all suck. Tulsi Gabard sucked less than the others. Still a goddamned Democrat though. The anti-liberty party. One of them anyway.
    1 point
  18. That's a combo I showed right after release and I used it with a solo Geomancer+Willbreaker. My suggestion wouldn't change a thing about that particular "cheese". The phantom gets all your items, including summoned ones - and durations are attached to your character, not the summoned weapon. So those durations don't get translated to the phantom. It keeps the weapons it came with until it dies or disappears. The downside is that Essential Phantom has none of your abilities. It hits single targets hard with Draining Touch but it's still a very unoptimized melee summon. Also I would rate Spirit Lance on a Phantom even higher. Or Kalakoth's Minor Blights (burn - doesn't cycle on a Phantom) with Ring of Focused Flame and Magran's Favor in offhand - and Ring of the Marksman. Anyway - my suggestion would mean that a character who doesn't want to use the phantom cheese still gets acceptable value out of casting Draining Touch. Because when you use it as it is intended it's just too bad. Even if you use it (as I did) as an Assassin/Bloodmage with Backstab from invisibility. And that's the most effective use I can think of. Does good dmg then but still not that much more as you could do with Cromoprismatic Staff or Dragon's Dowry. And only once. And you spend a whole spell use... Like Kalakoth's Sunless Grasp which we also buffed in the Community Patch because it was so bad compared to most other spells of that power level. Seriously: who uses Draining Touch (besides phantom cheese) on their wizards? I bet nobody...
    1 point
  19. 2) 4 wounds is not measly for a Forbidden Fist. Keep in mind that a FF only gets wounds from expiring afflictions (and other harmful effects). Combine that with 3 INT and suddenly it's a waste. Why would you want to spend 4 wounds, suffer -4 INT and -8% lash if you don't need the longer range? I think I personally wouldn't even take the Long Pain and Instruments of Pain but use Flagellanth's Path to close gaps to enemies (shouldn't break Stoic Steel). Costs no wounds. 3) no, it doesn't. Speed and recovery bonuses don't stack additively though but multiplicatively. So 20% and 20% are not 40%. But rather 36%. And so on. The more you add the less the absolute impact of each of these. That's what makes high value speed buffs like Streetfighter's so valuable. 4) Of course you can have too much ACC. As soon as you can crit with a 1-roll. 5) won't stack
    1 point
  20. As I said - I'm not 100% sure but I think that the description is not entirely correct and the ability indeed only works with melee weapons. Also I think that either in the class description or in the ability description it says melee but not in the other. So - a bit messy with the descriptions as usual. But also here I'm not 100% sure anymore. Has been some time since I tried Steel Garrotte.
    1 point
  21. I'm not the author, but maybe I can still answer your questions: 1) Why dumped INT: it's in the build description. To shorten the Forbidden Fist Curse. He doesn't use Scordeo's Egde. 2) why would you waste wounds for an ability as long as there are enemies' in normal melee range? With dumped INT it would also last not very long if you cast it right at the start of battle (no bonus from Turning Wheel yet). So - better to only cast it when you really need it and when you are around 10 wounds. By the way: Instruments of Pain gives your weapons *6 range. They are still melee weapons. So every melee ability like Cleaving Stance's Full Attack and also Swift Flurry should still work with the higher ranges (unless there is a hard range cap in the code). 3) if you check your attack speed/recovery speed the usual way and both effects are listed then they stack. 4) Exalted Endurance also gives you +1 AR on top of the healing. Since he's "abusing" the small shield modal and thus has +15 ACC often enough (maybe it doesn't stack with Zealous Focus ACC bonus) I think the bonus AR and healing is better. Especially if you only have 3 CON. 5) He needs the +1 PL to scale his fists (including Forbidden Fist) to post-mythic quality. Fists scale with Power Level. And of course it gives the usual benefits for active dmg abilities like 5% multiplicative dmg, more PEN and ACC. Thus, a Monk profits twofold from power levels. Fists scale and abilities scale. Better than +10 ACC for affliction attacks, especially if you can just nudge your power level over the edge for a last fist scaling that you couldn't get otherwise. My question would be: no Enduring Dance?
    1 point
  22. Inside American Gaylen Grandstaff's 2-year odyssey in Russian prison on apparently trumped-up drug charges purposeful didn't put in politics thread. if somebody else wanna copy and paste in politics to address concerns 'bout russian "justice" system, feel free to do so. such weren't our goal in sharing. we read story and were genuine moved by galen and anna's plight. fact story don't have an end makes even more compelling for us. make of it what you will.
    1 point
  23. In case anyone wondered, Australia is an oddity. A country with a first world economy and a third world society. One of the more embarrassing cases: Rugby player gets sacked because of discrimination against the LGBT community. He now sues the Rugby organization because they are discriminating against his religion, because it (his religion) says it's his god given holy duty to make sure that gays suffers and burns in hell (which is what he was campaigning for in social media). I guess if they cave in and let him get away with it, next stop would be allow literal interpretation of Sharia Law for Muslims too? His first fundraiser campaign (run by a fundamentalist Christian group, that would make the Westboro church proud) got canned by the fundraising site (GoFundMe), they apparently didn't want that kind of person being supported through them, but the ACL (Australian Christian Lobby) doesn't give up that easily and will raise funds through other means. Their message seems to be "Stop discriminating against our discriminating other people!" /roll eyes Hypocrites much? Yeah. Much of Australia still seems to live in the 19th Century, despite some areas having electricity and even internet now. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-48753566
    1 point
  24. Of course. Mob Stance even applies Swift Flurry & Amra's crit effect, so it's safe to say that Mob Stance pretty much applies everything.
    1 point
  25. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/06/26/pro-trump-message-board-quarantined-by-reddit-following-violent-threats/?utm_term=.9382d681d18a Funny that subreddit getting policed would make the news, hah.
    1 point
  26. ... am kinda old, but isn't it customary nowadays to use an emoji or "rofl" or similar to denote sarcasm? HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  27. Yeah, I highly doubt that they'd do anything other than isometric but if they did then that'd kill any interest I currently have.
    1 point
  28. Okay guys problem solved. You know what i needed to do? A main quest on Hasongo... Right after turning the lantern on she approach me right in the lantern and we started dating so all i had to do was the main quest.
    1 point
  29. Outrage sells. It's the reason sensationalism exists, has existed, and will continue to exist in the media. The reason facebook, youtube and others often suggests content to you that provokes or angers you isn't some vast conspiracy, they use algorithms to suggest content to you that is the most likely to keep you engaged. It doesn't matter if you are engaged in a positive or a negative way, whether you are happy, amused, sad, or angry; the only thing that matters to them is that you generate clicks, since that's what advertisers are after. Unfortunately, the reality is that things that anger people, on average, tend to engage them more than things that are heartwarming. It sucks, but the nature of most people is to react more strongly toward negative things than positive. There are people out there that are exceptions to this rule, and God bless them, but for the rest of us, we have to constantly work on ignoring the negative and embracing the positive. The struggle is real.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. I had never heard of that before, knowledge level +1! I love that I can just highlight a section of a post and choose "quote selection", and just that part drops into the reply field.
    1 point
  32. I don't think there is coordinated attack on CDPR, it seem like the usual case of attention seekers loving to be offended on someone else behalf.
    1 point
  33. Rogue? Rogue's pretty terrible with the Ultimate I'd say. I know of three people who started an Ultimate run: @thelee, @Raven Darkholme and jesussaysno. The last two seem to have paused or canceled their attempts. At least they don't stream it anymore.
    1 point
  34. It's not like it's a choice to not be bought out, which is what "changing their approach" seems to imply in this context given the references to Liverpool. Until such an event happens, other teams genuinely do have more money to splurge, and that still would be true even without the expenditure of the new stadium. While the club is owned by a billionaire in Joe Lewis, the club is run at arms' length as a pure business, so everything is funded from operational income. And while that still makes Spurs somewhere around the 10th-15th wealthiest club in Europe, they're also still but a clear 6th wealthiest in their own league, with a big gap to 5th. Sure, Arsenal and Utd spend within their means too, but they have the advantage of historically bigger fanbases, paid-up stadiums and all the other nice things that come with a history of greater success. Now that's no justification for spending nothing of course, but neither is the relative parsimony a surprise to anyone. Sure, TV income is much bigger now than what it was when Arsenal built Ashburton Grove, but the cost of building the stadium itself has been inflated more-or-less proportionally as well. Arsenal did well in the following years to keep their CL spot despite the massively curtailed spending, so I would argue the fair expectation of Spurs would be fairly similar, even if the achievement has become more difficult because of the greater number of clubs competing for the same number of spots. A simplistic but not terribly unreasonable expectation would be to spend the 6th largest amount of money in the league, but with sugar daddies in control of some of the clubs directly below - notably Everton, Wolves and now most of all Newcastle, even that expectation will likely not match reality. The *other* alternative I suppose would be to do a Leeds.
    1 point
  35. I would say at his point, Tottenham is punching under their weight. They are one of he wealthiest clubs in the Premier League, so it's not because other teams have more money to splurge, it's just that Tottenham seems to sit on their purse and spend nothing (never mind a fantastic new Stadium). Unless they change their approach the next 3-4 years and start planning for a more ambitious future (like Liverpool did after FSG took over in 2010 when they were in a much worse position, heading for administration and possible bankruptcy), they will slip back into mediocracy again. Always a lot of potential, never quite living up to the potential.
    1 point
  36. Women's World Cup starting tomorrow, so that'll be fun to watch during work (one good thing about not many people caring about it is that they seem less vigilant about taking down streams :P). Only downside is dealing with annoying Canadians and Americans during it.
    1 point
  37. Glad for GIroud to add the EL trophy to his collection. Not bad for a guy everyone keeps lambasting as a donkey :lol:
    1 point
  38. Eh, even disregarding form and fatigue (the few weeks rest is a godsend to Spurs' thin squad), I feel Liverpool's experience in finals should probably carry them through. Their squad is what, 80% carried over from last year's final? That experience is invaluable. Not going to die wondering though. Will throw a grand or so at Liverpool and if they win, then at least I'll have a new video card or something like that. Fully expecting Arsenal to lift the Europa cup too against a Chelsea team in disarray, earning themselves a cool 60 million or so from CL qualification. That would be a shame. Probably Villa to get promoted too to complete the trilogy of ...sub-optimal results. By that point I'm just being petty though.
    1 point
  39. Hard to escape English fans jerking it over all this (especially the most loathsome, Liverpool ones) so this has been a dark spot for me this week. But I suppose if you're a top-ish team in a league awash with cash like EPL, things are easier.
    1 point
  40. The trainwreck was in my PiP. They lost 7-5
    0 points
  41. They need to ethnically cleanse the Bogans.
    0 points
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