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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/19 in all areas

  1. "You have been...no, no, you are going to China."
    3 points
  2. I've been doing a lot of building. I don't seem to have any screenshots from the really early start, but I basically started by choosing a good foundation spot and then mocking things up with sandstone until it "clicked" in my head. Initially I wanted to stick to building against the pillar, unfortunately a bunch of items (like the Wheel of Pain) are a tad large to fit in a hanging room (at least, without making it look horrible), so I ended up building a giant hall at the foot of the cliff with a bunch of watchtowers. I also built a staircase to the top, just to see if what I wanted to do was even possible and there was no hidden ceiling or some no-build area or some such. Here the front of the great hall with the gate and three watchtowers is done, I also replaced the initial structure I had built on the pillar with the final version (the building on the right), it's now the kitchen. This is a nice view of the finished roof of the great hall. I'm pretty dang proud of that roof, and it was quite the pain to get right. At one point 4 different roofs had to "merge", combined with integrity constraints it was...interesting and I had to make some compromises (which you can't really see from the outside, especially now that I added more stuff) View when you throw open the main doors: Bunch of newly broken thralls reporting for duty. Crafting stations are mostly just tossed in until they can go to their final locations. Quick city trip: Nope, nope, nope! Got attacked by another purge, was going fine until this bastard showed up and murdered all my fighter Thralls, wasn't planning on losing my base to this bs so I godmoded him, couldn't even kill him in time before he ran off. This guy was so ridiculously out of line with anything else that spawned before it wasn't even funny (it really wasn't). And this was probably "only" a T4 purge (which is the maximum, by default), I don't want to know what they throw at you on higher levels (20 of these guys?) So yeah, turned the maximum level of The Purge down to 2 after that little fiasco... Back to building, aka current status. From the 4 corners + top down with a bonus shot of kitchen:
    3 points
  3. As Wormerine has already linked, here's the link to current beta: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WFlBV_nkWk8E9ppQqiqLbljMWHjicENd And here's the link to current patch notes: Basic, Extra My initial idea, was to post beta here, without it getting a 'big attention' before it is tested by a few more players, and before we have circumvented the Missing Strings for non EN/RU localizations. When we are done, we'll post it on nexus, and as a separate thread in Modding subforum, with the links all over the place ^^ P.S. Unfortunately I can't edit the 1st post. It seems that after redesign it is no longer possible to edit posts that are 8+ days old. I've posted about this issue twice, here. Unfortunately there is still no response. There was a "Deadfire Polishing Thread" running for 3 weeks prior to the poll. And it's scope was to discuss, suggest, identify and select the somewhat minimal amount of changes that would be beneficial to game's balance the most. Because we were hoping that Obsidian might do some of them, and didn't want to disperse their resources. Now that we know that Obsidian won't be doing a balance pass... we could consider adding some small buffs. And changing values is both quick and simple. Personally, I would buff Weapon Mastery from 5% to 10%. But would leave Weapon Specialization as is. What are your thoughts on this?
    3 points
  4. He tried to trap me with Cancelvorhaut tho.
    3 points
  5. My most favorite is the better stealth/sneaking and the more coherent Inspiration/Affliction system. The least I like the reduction of endurance & health to simple health - and the PEN/AR system.
    3 points
  6. Cute and funny animal pics... because there's too much hate in the world these days.
    2 points
  7. I had my first chat with Ms Woedica. It was a pretty lenghty conversation as I was deep into the playthrough by the time 5.0 landed. I think it is a really good addition, though I will need to see it in a complete playthrough to see if it's implimentation feels natural. It gets a much needed background and incentive to engage with Deadfire's political situation, even if ones character is purely focused on just saving his soul/helping out Gods. Considering some of its content, I do hold hopes to see PoE3 at some point into the future. The introduction of in-lore fast-travel mechanic might not go to waste after all!
    2 points
  8. one last time before I freeze them and they go into production (this time the naked symbols - how they will get used in game - but then scaled down to 42x42) this version is scaled down a bit for convenience. Phenomenum will get a higher RES.
    2 points
  9. Ehh, I don't really like such small lashes. I do like this accuracy approach. It doesn't "dilute" the might score, and increases reliability.
    2 points
  10. Not really since it doesn't stack the same way as a conversion. But I agree that it makes a lot of sense to connect mastery not only to damage but also to accuracy. If a Ranger can be a Marksman (+ACC) then a weapon master should also get +ACC.
    2 points
  11. Too much Raw damage) I'd rather add +5 Accuracy with prof. weapons.
    2 points
  12. So... this is the third time I'll mention this because it's superannoying and we got zilch reaction so far: What about the limitation of editing (currently 8 days?). I can't edit some pinned posts/threads anymore. Example: Deadfire character build list. @MaxQuest can't edit the Deadfire Polishing Poll anymore... It can't be too hard to remove this limit, can it? It wasn't there before and nobody missed it I guess. So please! Make it go away! Shooo shooo!
    2 points
  13. It's a communication error from my part. I was initially looking at simple suggestions of the form: - a). do want this change - b). do not change So: - if a) had 66% or more, the suggestion was going into Basic. - if a) was between 51% and 65%, the suggestion was going into Extra. And another approach (v2) could be: - if b) had 34% or less, the suggestion was going into Basic. - if b) was between 35% and 49%, the suggestion was going into Extra. since it's the same thing (in this case). ------ And then I arrived to suggestions with multiple options, like fighter's Toughened Fury: - a). change 10% gain discipline on incoming crit: to 20% | 46.6% - b). change 10% gain discipline on incoming crit: to 15% | 13.7% - c). change 10% gain discipline on incoming crit: to 10% on incoming crit and 5% on incoming hit | 28.8% - d). other: 7.9% - e). do not change: 3% In this case, only 3% were against the change, yet the first approach doesn't really work, unless we group up the suggestions. So 89.1% are voting for the change, and since we can implement only 1 thing, the choice goes for the option a). And since 3% is less than 34%, this suggestion was added to Basic. --- And similar thing with Backstab: - a). let backstab deal 18 raw damage (+5% per PL) | 37.1% - b). let backstab have higher damage coefficient with a melee one-handed weapon; And extra bonus if it is light melee weapon | 32.9% - c). let backstab have higher damage coefficient with a light, melee one-handed weapon | 14.3% - d). other: 4.3% - e). do not change: 11.4% Since only 11.4% are against this change, I've put this into Basic, because I used v2 approach. Additionally my rationale was: 84.3% would like to see Backstab reworked in order for it to be efficient even with light weapons. (as per suggestion's title). But, if you don't like it, and want Backstab change to be moved to Extra, we can do it, if no one is against, and someone chimes in to support/second your request. P.S. Additionally, Phenomenum has proposed to move a few 'bug fixes' that were not mentioned in the poll, from Extra to Basic; for example: Rot Skulls zero penetration fix, Boar Spiritshift regen tooltip. What's your view on this? I think that it is easier for barb to secure last-hits. Also don't forget about mayhem that a Barb can inflict with Blood Thirst + Barbaric Smash / HoF / Roar. On the other hand though, Blood Surge is a rank 9 passive. And thus my current view is: it could be increased from 25% to 30% or 33%. While setting it 50% causes some doubts. What you say?: leave it at 25% 30% 33% insist on 50% I have forwarded your PM to Phenomenum, and afaik he already moved it. Not to mention that since MIG bonus is taken in additive manner... having high damage bonuses from elsewhere a bit undermines the incentive to go for high MIG, if you want to focus only on weapon damage. Legendary (0.6) + Two-Handed Style (0.15) + Suggested Weapon Mastery (0.1) + Suggested Weapon Specialization (0.15) = 1 Meaning that going from 10 MIG to 20 MIG, would only increase the final damage coefficient from 2 to 2.3, and that's.. a +15% relative damage increase.
    2 points
  14. The next round of Fig dividends are being disbursed: $192.67 - November 2018 $125.35 - May 2019 That brings the dividends up to 32% as seen in the above Medium article.
    2 points
  15. Just use Kana with the Dragon Thrashed (it stacks with itself when it overlaps), give him +INT and +MIG gear as well as Voice of the Mountaintop and a Ring of Overseeing (or Aloth's armor). MIG adds more damage per tick and INT adds more ticks through linger time. The two items I mentioned will enlarge the AoE. To reach most enemies the front line would be ideal. But second row is also ok. The Dragon Thrashed will get +12 accuracy if you use a single handed weapon without offhand weapon. Chants are the only non-melee abilities who have that. If you want to use an estoc that's fine, just note that its damage will be very insignificant compared to your chant's damage. Armor, DEX and speed in general will not influence your chanting. So you can get away with plate armor and lose no chant-dps.
    2 points
  16. No trap builds attribute system was nearly the same in PoE?
    2 points
  17. Raven Darkholme decided not to engage in ship combat opting for surrender when inevitable. I have not tested it myself, but I think they should be doable against low-level captains/weak ships with proper equipment. The question remains if its worth to bother with them at all. No kidding, as we saw what happened yesterday on the stream when one underestimates own let's say humanity --- It was nice to see Boeroer, among others, dropping by yesterday and chipping in with bits of own experience, own meta-knowledge. I can't speak for Vic but I enjoyed this aspect, cooperative effort to defeat the challenge, very much.
    2 points
  18. Hello from Yokohama Japan! The flight was kinda rough at 12 hours.
    2 points
  19. 1 point
  20. Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir Reached Crossroad Keep and realized that the SoZ MC isn't the PC of the original campaign/MotB. It explains why I started at level 1, instead of level 30. I met most of the possible cohorts/companions and currently trying to use them, instead of custom characters. There's a chance that if I want to switch back, they will be underleveled, though. Somehow I forgot that the NWN GUI isn't as clear and transparent as Pathfinder's - no tool-tips, no list of skills on character screen (I don't remember how it was called exactly; there was shown on what level the character gains a feat and which feats have been acquired before), no way to highlight all lootable objects and enemies. It's not really important, but it is less convenient. In general, during a chapter you have the main quest, which should be completed ASAP, and a quite long period, when you can play PF:KM as a BG game - explore the map, take and complete side quests, craft (well, have things crafted for you), talk to NPCs, upgrade your kingdom, etc. The two exceptions are the last mandatory chapter and somewhere mid-game, when the next main quest triggers right after the previous one.
    1 point
  21. To be fair to Boris, I've done exactly the same thing. OTOH, I've never managed this, though I guess I still have time.
    1 point
  22. You're much nicer to your... new recruits than I am, you put your Wheel of Pain inside. In my jungle base I built a roof above my taskmaster, I even put a chair there so she could take a load off, but the actual wheel itself I left uncovered, no relief from the elements for the recruits. I'll eventually do something similar in my current under construction base. I treat my thralls really well (provided they follow orders). I feed them well, I make sure they have a safe and comfortable place to live, and I provide plenty of booze and orgies. The new recruits, however, I make sure they suffer until they are broken and swear undying loyalty to me. Meanwhile, work on the tower continues.
    1 point
  23. the other sandbox pathfinder adventure path were skull and shackles, which were kinda what we were hoping deadfire would be. obsidian coulda' taken much inspiration from pathfinder's pirates, not least of which were the free sails regatta and neil spicer's island. unfortunate for owlcat, obsidian just did pirates. carrion crown might be a good option, and one shady would find inherent intriguing. vampires. well, not just vampires, but all the traditional gothic horror stuff. the thing is, we believe carrion crown were paizo's best effort towards making non-combat gameplay central to an ap. could achieve many/most goals w/o combat. regardless, gots the werewolves and vampires and even frankenstein stuff which some people like and also has unique non-combat opportunities owlcat would no doubt screw every which way so as to make Gromnir regret ever suggesting carrion crown. win-win, no? HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  24. We will throw in Pence for an actual pence.
    1 point
  25. This is curious to an extent. If the next round of disbursement is being issued for a figure up to and not including the release of TB, where exactly was the cut-off point established for the last round too? At this point the dividends are a good four months behind the present time, maybe more. So will we have to wait til' November to hear how things have gone with the most recent months, and assume that only covers revenue up to July? Edit: Seems the first dividend covered sales up to September. If so, surely the above should be reflecting sales up until March? A bit odd.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. I like your original icon with hat. I'm pretty sure we must leave trickster as it is.
    1 point
  28. I got halfway across this bridge when the temp dropped so low that I started taking damage. I turned back, not wanting to freeze to death (again). I'll come back either with warmer armor (if warmer armor exists) or with plenty of food and/or alcohol (Consuming either warms you up. Drinking water cools you down).
    1 point
  29. I suspect it'll turn out similar to the Robocop remake. Also you gotta wonder what the "canon" to the franchise is at this point, if there even is one.
    1 point
  30. It's almost as if they believe that innovation and a feature-rich product will put them on the map, as opposed to undercutting the competition and cornering the market.
    1 point
  31. Why did no-one tell me that Legend Entertainment text adventures are on GOG? Why didn't GOG tell me? Why didn't they tell me they are 50% off???? I can buy Eric the Unready on GOG and on Sale on top of that? Seriously, this forum isn't giving me all the video game news I need. I blame Keyrock. He's our adventure person...
    1 point
  32. So after eleventy billion dollars spent in development, and a geological era later... I can finally play Space FedEx Hey, at least it looks pretty. And no, that's not really a plastic bag on my head.
    1 point
  33. This is pretty much perfect. https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/thin-ice
    1 point
  34. ApplyOnTick with 10% every 3s for 6s means: 10% (on 0s) + 10% (on 3s) + 10% (on 6s) = 30% And with 20 INT that would be: 10% every 3s for 9s: 10% (on 0s) + 10% (on 3s) + 10% (on 6s) + 10% (on 9s) = 40% Add here high MIG... and Deep Wounds become really strong, because that's effectively a multiplicative bonus. --------- As for Wounding Shot... - first of all it causes confusion. A player doesn't know if it's an ApplyOnTick or ApplyOverTime. For example from tooltip, I was initially thinking that there will be 3 ticks for 20% each. At least in case of Disintegration you know, that a DoT won't be ticking for 240 raw damage every 3s, but in case of Wounding Shot? How do you know without testing and diving into mechanics and gamedatabundles? - and second: unlike in PoE1... the DoT from Wounding Shot doesn't stack with itself. Why? And there is not even a mentioning of this in tooltip. Would stacking make it OP? There are Deep Wounds that deal same damage and do stack. Not to mention that DW is much more powerful since you can trigger them more times.
    1 point
  35. Here's one of my dogs living her best life Alternate angle
    1 point
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