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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/19 in all areas

  1. I think I found the spot for my next base in Conan Exiles. It's on the boundary of 2 biomes, nicely centrally located, and there's all manner of resources all around. The area is a bit dangerous with tigers on one side and wolves on the other (surprisingly, the wolves are the more dangerous enemies), but nothing I can't handle so long as I'm careful. It's a really badass looking spot. I'll post a picture once I begin construction, assuming I do wind up building here. This is going to take a long time to build, given I'm going to use tier 3 building materials, which require multiple steps of refinement, but it will be worth it.
    3 points
  2. Wooo! Great! I' second to Max - you did eXXellent work! Some polish here and there and then i'll try to do my best to give that icons perfect look. I will type detailed feedback later today. "I swear before the whore that is Magran, this small stinky blue orlan is worth something!"
    3 points
  3. First, go to C:\Users\YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\LocalLow\Obsidian Entertainment\Pillars of Eternity II and delete a folder and file: If you don't know how to create Firewall rules, you can use Google or follow this guide: https://www.howtogeek.com/227093/how-to-block-an-application-from-accessing-the-internet-with-windows-firewall/ Bingo! ****ty News tab is gone:
    2 points
  4. Updated initial post. Now a 100% working cure.
    2 points
  5. Nemnok is a comedy villain and should not be thought of as a serious power figure in the Deadfire. He could certainly have an ending slide, but it would have to be in the spirit of entertaining megalomania, not killing people or whatever (which besieging Neketaka rather implies). Left to his own devices, Nemnok at long last learned to both read and spell his own name. The Drowned Barrows echoed with his manic laughter for weeks.
    2 points
  6. Haha, my dancers still wear slightly more On the topic of clothing, it's funny how many of the Thralls you capture will suddenly have more, or different clothing, than you captured them with, and I don't recall handing out clothing. Love these ghosts that point you to certain caves: Also cleared out my first cave (not the one from the ghost, that was croc-cave, which I haven't messed with too much), this one had a whole slew of humans, many of which T2, T3 and a priest of Mitra (which I have no use for, so I just ripped out his heart) Annoyingly enemies already started respawning just when I got to the end, so getting out was a pain. I also finally unlocked the big gate building piece, which turned out to be a tad larger than I had anticiped, so I had to redesign my main gate. If you thought my base couldn't look any more megalomaniac, well... I captured a named figher as well, Ennika of Cimmeria, I have the slight impression this is a pretty high tier Thrall since breaking her has been going on for forever with barely any progress (I still use the first Wheel of Pain...). I also built a second Wheel of Pain so I don't have to pass up on any interesting Thralls when I'm on harvesting runs. Other than that I've mostly been Thrall hunting and fortification building, the Purge meter is getting real close to the marker now. Btw, for Keyrock on the naked foraging topic (mechanics spoilers inside):
    2 points
  7. 1. What is "sensible" is somewhat debatable here and could be subjective) So I will answer with: no, in my opinion, the bottom threshold for stats in PoE series should not be more limited than it is. 2. As already stated above I'd rather see it remain at 3. 3. Because for me attribute values in PoE have very little connection with "role-playing stats". And speaking of PoE: Hmm, I don't find a 2 MIG / 8 CON wild orlan who can main-tank a dragon as weak or frail. I also don't really consider a 3 INT cipher/rogue focused on beam powers as stupid. And don't think that a 3 RES character that jumps into a pit, or follows Eothas, as lacking determination. Also there are uncertain cases like: someone with 3 CON and maxed Athletics, or 3 INT and maxed Arcana and Metaphysics. Or the so often mention scenarios when you want to create "a wizard with powerful physical attacks, but weaker damaging spells" or "a wizard with weak physical might, but powerful damaging spells". Generally speaking, I do perceive attributes in this game mostly as mechanical numbers, and decide by myself what my character is and how he/she behaves and feels. Although I could be just bad at RP) Since most of my characters are somewhat similar internally. Btw, Josh is aware that PoE attributes are not realistic. And he mentions that it was not a priority: here. P.S. Btw, I don't really like when there are hard limits. Usually it means that mechanics get broken somewhere at the edges of allowed range. And I don't like broken mechanics. Duh. A good system is a somewhat self-balancing one, where players are discouraged from dropping or maxing the stat values not by artificial limits, but rather by some natural causes. And by natural causes I mean: stuff that is emerging from encounter design. For example there is little incentive to dump CON completely - because it increases the odds to get oneshot. There is little incentive to max CON - because the surplus of health might remain unused. Unless there is a specific build that can capitalize on one or the other. "intrinsic diminishing returns" and "isoperimetric optimization". E.g: the more you put points into DEX, the less relative returns you get per each point. Additionally the less point there are remaining to put in other stats. Depending on the build there are often more than 1 stat line you would like to increase. Let's say for a dps'er you are interested in MIG and DEX. And again, depending on the build and situation, going for 15 MIG + 15 DEX might provide a higher effective dps increase than going for 20 MIG + 10 DEX. It's like area of a square 5x5 will be bigger than of some rectangle of the same perimeter (4x6, 3x7, etc); although in practice each axis might have it's own weight/priority so sometimes you need to find the right "rectangle" that fits you.
    2 points
  8. No There is the limit of 3 PoE does use a sensible number. 3 is a sensible number. It all boils down to "what does a score of X mean?" - and that's described during character creation. In this case "3" can translate to a "7" in Pathfinder. The number system itself doesn't matter. You could have used a system that uses numbers from -10 to 10 to describe a stat as INT "as dumb as it gets" up to "genius". If Pathfinder chooses that 7 is the dumbest a character can be then fine. Lower than 7 then maybe means you wouldn't survive on your own if that was your permenent INT. PoE chose that 3 is that number. The removal of fixed boundaries doesn't prevent anybody from roleplaying. That argument is moot. What if you want to roleplay a crippled character - but you can't because DEX is fixed at 7 (meaning really clumsy but not crippled)? You can't then. Restrictions only restrict your roleplaying. THey don't make it better all of a sudden. Usually there are sound mechanical reasons why stats are restricted (see 35 as max in Deadfire now). But roleplaying reasons? Nay...
    2 points
  9. I am also playing on lewd settings Here's my throne room from the edge of the raised area where my throne sits: You can see the entire floor is covered with hide rugs and pillows (I keep adding more pillows periodically, my goal is to eventually have piles of pillows everywhere), there are benches and you can see a keg. There are 4 kegs total in my throne room, I'll probably add more in the future (can't be running out when debauchery is going on). There are also 2 beds up on the raised area where my throne is. And yes, that's me on the stairs in the buff. I usually run around my base naked and when I'm farming in relatively safe areas, because I can carry more that way. From a RP perspective, no one is allowed to wear anything more than a loincloth and jewelry in my throne room, that includes visitors, be they diplomats, warchiefs, whatever. Several reasons for this: 1) My base is in the jungle and it's hot as hell. 2) Debauchery may break out at any given moment, less clothing to strip off 3) If someone tries to send disguised assassins to try to kill me, good luck smuggling weapons in when all you're allowed to wear is 2 triangle shaped pieces of cloth.
    2 points
  10. They should do that right. You should have to escape from a cell, build a raft, swim the bay then disappear for 50 years while US Marshals hunt for you!
    2 points
  11. I'm pretty well recovered from my Ironman. The sunburn is still bad, but I'm feeling good and should be up for some activity this weekend. It's funny, but about halfway through that race and well into the next day or two, I was thinking there is no way I would do another one of those. But now that I've had a few days to look at my time and think about my performance, I know I could do better and think I should try it again in a couple years. I don't have too much downtime though, as I'm doing the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon on June 9th. We jump off the boat and swim across the bay, then bike and run in San Francisco. I'm feeling good about it, it is a much shorter event. The craziest part is the swim, which is 1.5 miles and will be cold. I need to go get a training swim in the ocean before then, but I feel ready fitness wise.
    2 points
  12. I actually like the POE stats and Josh's philosophy better than the older infinity engine games for all these reasons. It made for better roleplaying experience to me and allowed you to experiment with class builds the way you liked for the most part as opposed to the old D&D stats .
    1 point
  13. My new building site. I may eventually build multiple structures jutting out of the cliffs between the giant statues and connect them with what they call in the game "horizontal elevators", which are basically hanging cable cars or aerial tramways. I'm going to begin constructing the first structure roughly where I put the green circle: You can see a few basic sandstone foundation pieces I constructed (and will later destroy) just to help me climb up and down to a lower platform: Here they are from the top: Here's the view from the top of the cliff out of which I will build the first structure. I'm standing next to a temporary crafting area I'm starting to build:
    1 point
  14. Thanks for the feedback. Will try some other stuff next week. Am currently on a weekend trip in Transylvania. Will be back on Tuesday.
    1 point
  15. What about BBCode mode? It's so hard to deal with quotes and other tags with the current editor. Posts with a bit more sophisticated formatting (see char builds for example) are a pain right now without it. And can I now edit older posts? You know it's kind of frustrating that I can't edit the Deadfire Build List anymore.
    1 point
  16. General: I see no issues here. Fighter: - Black Jacket. I agree with Max's feedback - too straight interpretation. But on the other side it fits to subclass description. I'll let you know if i have some alternative suggestion. - Shield Mastery. I don't like these "stars". Maybe try to remove one of them? - Confident Aim. Overall composition is weird - too small elements, too much free space. Vanilla icon (sword and star) is better at the moment. Barbarian: - Corpse Eater. Cheshire smile is funny, but it's not connected to "corpse eating". In my mind. - One Stands Alone. Try to remove two pikes on top. Monk: - Crusible of suffering. Great idea but i worry about face in 42x42. Maybe worth to make features more simplified and distinct? Paladin: - Goldpact Knights. Round type will turn into a grey mess in 42x42. Try to simplify. - Frermas Mec Canc Suolias. 5 Stars will turn into a 5 blurry rounds in 42x42. Try to make them more distinct, with less rays count. Ranger: - Straightened / Defensive bond. Oh, i said about this this already. Defensive - without rays, Straightened - with current Defensive icon. - Driving Flight. Don't like it at all. I'll try to find some additional suggestion. - Distracted Training. Same. Wizard: - Transmutter. Weeeird thing) Chanter: - Don't like Bellower. Too straight interpretation. I think this is all, for now. Before l'll see all icons in game, i can't say more.
    1 point
  17. "Generic" protagonists I tend to think of as fulfilling a few archetypes. The good-natured but otherwise poorly characterized hero is one (most regularly found in stuff more aimed at children like Disney movies, sometimes with the addition of having like one negative trait they have to get over to resolve or otherwise successfully get through the plot of the movie), your generic witty action star is another (note my distaste for Marvel movies here, since that's so many of those characters, both male and female), the ultra-specific objective-driven protagonist is one of my most particularly disliked characters (bonus points if they're annoyingly angsty on top of it - "I have to find/avenge/whatever my father/mother/child or die trying!" is usually enough to make me stop watching or reading about anything), and there's probably a few other such archetypes that I can't think of right now that annoy the crap out of me after having seen them used way too many times. Note that I did not actually call Gosling's character in Blade Runner 2049 generic - just bland and underacted. Which, while not necessarily generic when seemingly done deliberately, can still understandably miss the mark for me when I have to watch nearly 3 hours of him barely being a character. 5 hours? Oh boy, can't wait for that Director's Cut... Yeah, it's a shame when a movie with apparent ideas and substance and when it was clearly made with a lot of expertise fails to come together as an actual movie to properly and enjoyably convey those things to the viewer. Apparently it was very well-liked by critics, and pretty well by audiences, too...and yet just barely broken even in theatres. Whoops. Shame is, I like the idea of replicants and am very intrigued by what exactly makes one human and intelligent and aware and such (although I'm more inclined towards intelligent machines in this discussion rather than clones or bio-androids or whatever replicants are supposed to be), yet both Blade Runners (and especially this one) have done pretty little for me on that front. @Gromnir It was about the hour-fifteen mark that we started undeniably having that sinking feeling and wanted it to end. I knew that stupid memory-maker was going to be the prodigal replicant, too, and very audibly groaned when that was the case. The near-OCD need to tie everything perfectly together by the end of a 2-hour movie is something I hate so freaking much for its prevalence. Never does a film feel more artificial. It tends to work better in TV shows and books due to their greater length and your greater investment into the work.
    1 point
  18. The trickster class has deceptive description. It states that sneak attack is significantly weaker. This is not the case. It lowers sneak attack by a fixed 10%. So a character that would sneak attack for 60% for instance would sneak attack for 50%. The extra abilities you get by far outweigh the loss of 10%. There's no reason to go normal rogue over trickster.
    1 point
  19. Gonna vote for a muslim for EU parliament.
    1 point
  20. wanted to like new blade runner. didn't. weren't as if first installment were free o' angst laden introspection, but 2049 were like a tom stoppard play, but bloated, w/o any humor and absent any likeable characters. by the middle o' the movie, we wanted the movie to end, soon rather than later. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  21. Named thralls are tier 4.
    1 point
  22. Blade Runner 2049 (2017). I did not care for it much. Some of the same issues I had with the original movie (although I still liked the original overall), I felt this one had even more problems and I unfortunately fell on the other side this time. A plot that gave the impression of being complex yet was stupidly simple and ultimately hackneyed (I also really, really hated that they tried to tie it back to Deckard and Rachael from the original - oh boy did that feel like a gigantic mistake about the time the Evil Corporation Overlord started spouting vague, pointless poetics at Deckard for minutes with near total incomprehensibility and inauthenticity). Just like the original, I didn't like our main character or find him interesting at all (actually I was more interested in the motivations and objectives of the replicant assassin lady...which didn't really turn out to be much anything, and she just got murdered in like the movie's only big action sequence that went on for too long with a lot of pointless and weightless kicking and punching which I hate in pretty much every movie). Much too slow at a lot of points (2 and 3/4ths of an hour...). In spite of the things I didn't like, there was some tension at various times, which is good...but it just didn't end up working for me overall.
    1 point
  23. It's a little presumptuous to say that something is unnecessary because you don't like it. It's not clear at all what percentage of Deadfire players, or the general gaming populace, is interested in turn-based, so it's also just speculation to say 'very few' of the playerbase is interested in it. For example, I have been vocal about my dislike of Deadfire's voiceover narration, and frequently made requests to have the option to turn it off in the options. I know I'm not alone in this. However, I would never dream of asking for it to be removed for future games, because if others enjoy it (and many clearly do), then it's not a waste of resources. Turn-based is optional, and just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's unnecessary.
    1 point
  24. am also pleased with gorsuch. is already the third best writer on the Court. unfortunate, am embarrassed by the kavanaugh circus. the thing is, we woulda' also been satisfied (if less pleased) with merrick garland even if we don't share his legal philosophy. moderate. competent. character? am not certain what senate woulda' uncovered, but considerable time passed after obama tabbed garland for the scalia vacancy and the worst thing anybody discovered 'bout him is that he had an extensive comic book collection, which he sold to help pay for law school. tutored elementary school kids in spite o' his busy schedule. oh well. as for chill... anybody may click the links. check list o' Gromnir posts. check yours. let'em decide. compare us to neville chamberlain? ... okie dokie. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  25. Also, GreenManGaming has an anniversary sale for their store. Daily deals and that kind of stuff.
    1 point
  26. It's a survival game, so you have to eat, drink, heat/cold affect you, and all that stuff. The nice thing is that the game is EXTREMELY customizable, so you can tweak how fast you get hungry and thirsty and a whole host of other factors and probably completely eliminate them too. @HoonDing Are Aria and Eris sisters? I ask because they have identical faces, except for eye color, hair color, and hair style.
    1 point
  27. True, but it seems like overkill just for that reason given and the wiki article under criticisms said that there was no proof of them being in imminent danger. Being afraid of another Iran hostage incident is understandable, but it kind of sounds like it went beyond an extraction op.
    1 point
  28. Oof, could you imagine technology behind a weapon powerful enough to push stars. I loved that show and remember being surprised it got canceled but Killjoys survived.
    1 point
  29. Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition free on Humble
    1 point
  30. I use the Enhanced UI mod and never saw this during countless wanderings on that island.
    1 point
  31. Yah, I just took a gander at the Custom settings, and there were a handful of tabs. I had no idea that this was separate from my choosing the difficulty. So, I went ahead and tweaked like Marelooke and yours (Keyrock) combined, as well as having the thirst meter go at half rate. Heh, I even noticed the nudity setting. A few months back, I recall Melkathi playing a Conan the Barbarian 2D side scroller game on Steam, and let's just say that I've changed this setting to match his more lewd preference. I have no problem at all starting over, and my picking that Northerner look was me thinking that the spawn point environment was different each time, but now I realize that you start in this desert, so I created a new character, more Nubian-Egyptian, fitting of this Set religion of hers, without any weirdly clipping three-feet ponytail. Here she is at the very start:
    1 point
  32. I'll start a new campaign with no mods, see how it goes.
    1 point
  33. I would really like watercolors of this one if anyone can help? Thank you very much in advance if so!
    1 point
  34. any mods active? any berath's blessings? how did you resolve whakura pass? this is real odd. i've never seen a bug like this.
    1 point
  35. Not a cat or a dog but I still found this funny
    1 point
  36. Unwarranted Self-Importance: The Thread
    1 point
  37. @AndreaColombo We fixed Arcane Archer
    1 point
  38. Ah, yes. Let someone else take the blame for once.
    1 point
  39. Conan Exiles is on sale on Steam right now. I might have bought it. I blame Keyrock.
    1 point
  40. woedica makes everything per rest, and you don't regen health normally. whatever people end up trying to do, i think some inclusion of chanter, paladin, or bloodmage is going to be required just for the health regen (coincidentally chanter and bloodmage can regen resources, paladin can do so slowly with virtuous triumph). chanter is probably the easiest because of their infinite summons. personally i think paladin or rogue are going to be needed for brand enemy or gouging strike (to make it as safe as possible to take out bosses). arcana probably a must because otherwise hylea's challenge is going to make traditional soloing strategies work less well because now you have to also keep Vela alive, and she's going to be nowhere near as tanky as e.g. a herald, and she's not going to be willing to follow you around if you're kiting enemies (instead you trying to kite enemies will make Vela more of a target). so lots of scrolls of withdrawal and high arcana makes them last a long time - if soloing is anything like in PoE1, fights can last a really long time. (plus if you withdraw vela and withdraw yourself, you can still de-aggro enemies to take advantage of brand enemy or gouging strike i think). for all of the above reasons herald may still be best choice. this is my opinion and i don't have a lot of experience solo-ing deadfire (yet, though that will probably change over the next few weeks).
    1 point
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