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  1. After dozens of hours of playing, I reached Durgan's arsenals. At the lower level, my battle mode got stuck, after that I decided to restart the game. However, loading any saved game now ends up with a black screen. What to do?
  2. Starts at 7 minute mark and ends at around 53 minutes. Rest of the time is spent on Q&A.
  3. I'm not sure on how the sales for pillars 2 is currently to this date, but last i heard is that, even though the sequel is amazing and on par if not better then the first, the game flopped financially and sold poorly,with developers stating that if they were to return to pillars, they would need to re-examine the formula of the pillars games and why the second game didn't do as well. If they decide that it was due to the reason that everyone who played the first game had enough of RTSwP type of game play and didn't need/want a sequel, then they may divert from this genre of games entirely, they attempted it with the turn based system in pillars 2 (don't know if the sales are still low or have risen over the years, couldn't find anything about that) which i don't think is a drastic enough change to warrant people buying the game, they may need to do something bigger, bolder but also keeping it somewhat similar to the old battle system. I think that it would be in Obsidian's best interest to have game play similar to FFXV or any other real-time strategy game. i think that this would make sense since it would shy away from the CRPG genre just enough so that it is it's own thing, whilst possibly retaining most of it's aspect and elements of strategy. It could also be of interest of Microsoft and, if they have a say in any of this, 2K since it would bring back old fans because of the story and new fans who seem to enjoy the new style game play. either way, whether they continue with the exact, or extremely similar, game play, with some good marketing and using all of the services Microsoft provides, game pass, there could hope for a a new pillars game. Do you guys like the idea of a FFXV game play style, or maybe something more ambitious like god of war 4 hack and slash style, or even a first person elder scrolls type of game, or the original style game play. I'd just like to see the story of the watcher continue and possibly conclude.
  4. I've gotten quite a bit of the Stronghold renovated---still a lot to go; but, I wonder when I should start dealing with the endless paths? I read that it's a side quest, so can I ignore it or will it eventually bit me...??
  5. I just got the game and am really looking forward to checking it out but due to never playing the first one I'm going to be picking a pre made history, is there any way to see what choices make up each preset background? I've been looking all over the forums on here, steam, and reddit and can't seem to find a definitive list of each of the choices for each background. Can anyone help me out with this or point me in the right direction?
  6. Yes there already is am orchestra soundtrack for the game itself. The idea that is being shared by me, is if there is a list of tracks that the writers listen to while writing quests and character dialogue for the game? Such as Awesomesauce Mix Vol. I & II for Guardians of the Galaxy, or there is a series of songs that Stephenie Meyer listened to while writing Twilight. For choosing to share your time and Force, grateful am I.
  7. Because atm they are underwhelming and un-fun. Complained in 1 about that as well. Saying this after a complete playthrough. DnD spells (in any DnD game up to now) were impactful - they felt powerful. PoE spells (except the best spell in the game- chill fog), even with a large amount of perception and accuracy, are unreliable and not worth casting except for crowd control in some situations. See much better results with non-wizards in my party. And the new grimoire/spell system is not intuitive at all. Every grimoire has assortments of spells that I don't like tbh and re-training seems a must for every wizard. With these spell/element resistances in the game, if wizards can not versatile, they end up being useless in half of the fights. Why not let us write our own grimoire and use that as a gold sink as well?
  8. Will Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire feature human female characters and NPCs Nudity officially?
  9. Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Backer Update 34 was just released a little while ago. In it, Katrina mentioned that there will be some cool goodies for those who backed Deadfire! Here is the Pathfinder clip if you're only interested in the relevant bit of the video.
  10. Dear Obsidian and other forum users, Some people requested I would let you know how Pillars of Eternity plays on console because you wondered how well it would translate to our tv's. I can assure you that this game is an absolute succes. Professional reviews have been raving and all the people I spoke to are really satisfied with how the game feels. I am a ps4 user myself and I wish to extend my gratitude and respect on a job well done porting this game so extremely well to a platform so vastly different from what it was originally designed for. I am very happy to know there is a company out there that takes porting as serious as Obsidian and Paradox did, to the great enjoyment of your new fans. I am not alone when I say we, the PS4 users, hope this is just the start of a wider array of Obsidian games coming to consoles. With utmost respect for a job well done, A happy customer.
  11. About half way through a first PotD run in Pillars of Eternity I, and an epiphany came to me. That is 'if' there is a plan to have Path of the Damned, ironman mode, et cetera in P.E.II:D.A. then there is one change that would greatly improve the game. That is you allowing the player control over party member's stats when they first join the group, or if we 'retrain' them, pray do I. Given the difficulty of PotD, forcing the player to 'hire' five new adventurers just to increase the probability of success seems particularly onerous, feel do I. Even with that accomplished, we are constantly having to return to previously explored areas with our companions if we want to advance their personal quests. It would be fine to even limit this option to only on PotD difficulty, think do I. Of course, that could be abused but its hardly game breaking, especially given the other actual cheats. Producers and Designers may see say Eder as only having 16 might or Aloth only have a 16 Intelligence for role playing reasons; However, that only plays out as them being stuck back on the ship waiting for our protagonist to return, if we are playing while engaging a mode similar to PotD. If it's easy enough, allowing that option in the original P.E. would be fantabulous. Oh and its understandably too late now, however 'when' {pray} there is a Pillars of Eternity III. Suggesting that you include early in the 'Stretch Goals' adding making an additional expansion, am I. It would be for P.E.II:D.A. that helps update the game engine to whatever P.E.III is using/advancements, as well as content. The content would take players from wherever they end P.E.II to whereever they begin P.E.III. For instance, it would be wonderstrukk if about now there is another expansion for Pillars of Eternity that takes the player from where they end the game with, to however we begin P.E.II in the Deadfire Archipelago. However, everyone is working on P.E.II and that would be nearly impossible, understand do I
  12. Paladin {me} Godlike: Moon -> Darcozzi Paladin -> Orlan: Wild -> Slave Culture: Old Valia Stats: high RES, high INT, high MIG, normal PER, low DEX, normal CON Abilities: Lay on Hands, Zealous Endurance, Liberating Exhortation, Inspired Liberation, Reviving Exhortation, Greater Lay on Hands, Talents: Weapon & Shield, Superior Deflection, Hold the Line, Cautious Attack, Deep Faith, Sacred Immolation, Scion of Flame Weapon: Shatterstar, Larder Door Fighter ~ Godlike: Fire -> -> Slave Culture: Living Lands Stats: high MIG, highCON, normDEX, normPER, lowINT, highRES Abilities: Disciplined Barrage, Armored Grace, Confident Aim, Critical Defense, Vulnerable Attack, Unbroken, Savage Attack, Take the Hit, Talents: Two-Handed Style, Apprentice's Sneak Attack, Weapon Focus & Mastery: Adventurer, Bull's Will, Scion of Flame Weapon: Spectacular Spetum/ Grey Sleeper Rogue ~ Moon Godlike -> Dwarf: Boreal -> Laborer Culture: The White That Wends Stats: highMIG, normCON, highDEX, highPER, lowINT, normRES Abilities: Crippling Strike, Reckless Assault, Deflecting Assault, Dirty Fighting, Vicious Fighting, Deep Wounds, Finishing Blow, Adept Evasion, Death Blows, Vulnerable Attack, Finishing Blow, Lethal Blow Talents: Weapon & Shield, Superior Deflection, Weapon Focus: Knight Weapons: Battle Axe {We Toki} Ranger ~ Moon Godlike -> Orlean: Hearth -> Slave Culture: Living Lands Stats: highMIG, normCON, highDEX, highPERS, lowINT, normRES Abilities: {Pet: Bear} Wounding Shot, Resilient Companion, Vicious Aim, Stalker's Link, Arrow Sense, Defensive Bond, {lvl 11 retrain: Antelope} Resilient Companion, Strengthened Bond, Stunning Shots, Twinned Arrows Talents: Gunner, Penetrating Shot, Apprentice's Sneak Attack, Weapon Focus: Ruffian {lvl 11 retrain} Marksman,Weapon Focus: Adventurer, Apprentice's Sneak Attack, Bull's Will, Mental Fortress Weapons: Blunderbuss/Pistol until lvl 11. Chanter ~ Moon Godlike -> Elf: Wood -> Slave Culture: Old Valia Stats: highMIG, normCON, highDEX, normPER, highINT, lowRES Abilities: At the Sight of their Comrades, their Hearts Grew Bold; White Worms Writhed in the Bellies of the Dead; Dull the Edge, Blunt the Point; The Thunder Rolled Like Waves on Black Seas; Sure-Handed Ha Nocked Her Arrows with Speed; At the Sound of His Voice, the Killers Froze Stiff; Rime and Frost Followed the Footfalls of Karth, Shatter their Shackles; Cast off their Chains, Aefyllath Ues Myth Fyr; Oh, But Knock Not on the Door of Urdel and Gurdel; The Dragon Thrashed, The Dragon Wailed; Seven Nights She Waited While the White Winds Wept; Seven Nights She Waited While the White Winds Wept; They Shielded Their Eyes 'Gainst the Fampyr's Gaze; Their Champion Braved The Horde Alone; Talents: Fast Runner, Shot on the Run, Marksman, Weapon Focus: Adventurer, Scion of Flame, Secrets of Rime, Apprentice's Sneak Attack Weapons: Ranged {Cgadob's Hazel} Priest ~ Fire Godlike -> Elf: Pale -> Slave Culture: OId Vailia Stats: highMIG, normCON, lowDEX, highPER, highINT, normRES {About 6ish will be retraining: highMIG, normCON, highDEX, normPER, highINT, lowRES } Abilities: Deity: Eothas, Inspired Radiance, The Hope Eternal, Bonus 2nd lvl Spell, Heart of the Storm, Bonus 3d lvl Spell, Bonus 4th lvl Spell Talents: Weapon & Shield Style, Scion of Flame, Superior Deflection, Weapons: Ranged Grateful for you sharing your time and Gravity. May you ask the Goddess to eternally alight your path. Please feel free to criticize my planned party. According to many Fighters are better tanks simply for the engagements. However being a Paladin, and the non-rogue dps to be ranged, is of want by me. Other than that everything is changeable.
  13. Merry Meet! Grateful for you sharing your time and Gravity. May you ask the Goddess to eternally alight your self-determined path. In [The White Marsh] in the [LongWatch Falls] in front of the shrine with [The Grey Sleeper] legendary weapon stuck into a cold rock, is where am I. Eder is who will be getting the Legendary Estoc, though the weapon will be permanently bound to him. In the Pillars of Eternity II info that has been released, it mentions that Eder is one of the companions that will be returning. However, when continuing from this P.o.E. save file, will he still be wielding the Legendary sword? Will it still be permanently bound to him? The interest in making all the new equipment 'newer, better, bigger' is known to me. Therefore, whether Eder or not could 'remove' a 'now' lack luster [Legendary Estoc] is a concern of mine. Sincerely, Witkh13
  14. Hi Obsidian ! Let's make a deal : Since we haven't reached the 4.75M Stretch Goal for "Sea Monsters & Fishing". BUT, went pretty close to it, having raised roughly about 4.7M. So, for the lack of these missing 50K.... You could just cut out the Fishing part & give us Sea Monsters ? What do you say ? Deal ? After all, 200k were raised for that goal right ? PS : The wait is....... HYPING.
  15. ​With these tags I expect at least a little traffic, so, for newcomers. Campaign​ (Read me! Human advert!) https://www.fig.co/campaigns/deadfire I'm discussing suggestions and philosophizing about design:​ It looks a bit like it might have more features than simply being a map you travel across (Information, Population, etc. "Eothas mad!!" -1000 Population, change of Faction ownership and whatnot maybe even, source). ​World Map/Global Turns/Global Timeline A discussion on Fig got me thinking... and about Readceras as well... ​Basically, how do the people of Eora communicate at long distances? Telepathy? Soul sharing? Or are Gods the operators? When Eothas is reborn, he texts everyone at the same time "I'm back"? Or other Gods pick up on it and warn their followers? How does it function? ​Let's say that they don't. It's medieval times, you have to send out runners and messengers, by horse, or bird messenger etc. it'll take weeks, months, before any decision is made. A Board Game World Map. With Global Turns, or perhaps "Global Timeline", and Faction AI taking in-game turns at the same time as the Watcher moves on the World Map. So it'd really​ become "Hunt​ a God", even on the World Map. What I'm really wondering about is what could be done with Mid-Game Turns and Late-Game Turns. ​This is just an example to give a general idea: ​Turn 1: Eothas wakes up. Takes a walk through Defiance Bay. ​Turn 5: Dyrwood refugees arrive. ​Turn 8: Eothas arrives at Nekataka. Huana sends messengers to Rauatai. ​Turn 9: Watcher arrives in Deadfire. Eothas leaves Nekataka. Turn 11: Rauatai arrives at Nekataka. ​Turn 15: Eothas destroys a village. ​Turn 20: Readceras arrives. ​Turn 1'000'000: Eora blows up. ​The Player would be able to completely ignore or intercept and act how they want. It might also not be 100% obvious "Here it is" pointers, but more or less random events occurring all around you as you travel on the World Map (because detective work and looking for clues is fun. Tracking down Eothas would be badass more than "Here I Am" on the World Map, even if he would just be patrolling A to B). Invisible Random Encounters essentially. https://i11a.3djuegos.com/juegos/11994/battle_brothers/fotos/set/battle_brothers-2761733.jpg EDIT: Sunless Sea is also a great example: http://scientificgamer.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/sunless_london.jpg ​Thoughts?
  16. Hi Guys, Wasn't this feature already in the original Pillars of Eternity ? If not, it was in Tyranny right ? Where you could tell any of your 3 companions (Verse, Lantry, KIS, for ex.), how to react in combat in certain circumstances. (Like : Protect, Full Aggro, etc) If not... what is this Player AI Scripting for Companions ? What does it bring to Obsidian for Pillars II ? Thank you
  17. I hope we'll get to see a very lot more of Eora. When you take a look at the map, it is so promising ! http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Eora If this, is going to be 3D, I'll be even more disapointed if the Game doesn't feel really Big. Let's not care about a lot of "Travel time" between Quests blabla... Give us a mount, I wanna visit Eora. The Size of a Map is only defined by : Lengh x Width x Height, so... What's the matter ? Make it huge, (emphasize around the height ?). In any case, a ton of Hype & Hopes are happening here Godsidian is working out.
  18. After defeating Maerwald at the end of the quest, "The Old Watcher", his spirit does not appear for me to offer the choice and additional watcher ability. I believe the fact that I quick-saved between the conversation and the fight may be the cause of this. Unfortunately, my only save prior to this is near the beginning of my game. Is there any way to fix this retroactively? Also, I still have that quick-save just in case the problem gets patched later.
  19. So I understand that the various factions in Defiance Bay are at odds with each other and that choosing one will result in not being able to interact with the others. That makes sense to me, even if I messed it up in my most recent play through. However, I found that when aligning with one (the mafia-like one), I had already completed quests with both the dozens AND crucible knights. As such, the game has now locked me out of ALL factions, as I am at a "faintly good" reputation with each of them. Is this a bug or intended? I like the idea of exclusive faction quest-lines and such, but the execution here is baaaaad. It should be structured so that when you compete a quest for one of the factions, your reputation with the other factions drops considerably so that you are unable to complete any quests you currently have for the other factions but your aligned faction's quest-line stays intact. Currently I cannot do quests for any of them, and that's kind of a bummer. I hope that makes sense. Can anyone shed light on the topic for me?
  20. Hey you guys, actually I really haven't even started playing pillars because I'm quite pinned to the character creation screen. xD Now I'm some kind of picky - I know. But in order to finally decide on my character I have some Lore concerning questions: After hours of consideration I finally decided to play as a cipher (eventhough rogue seems appealing to me). First I though rolling for a druid, but then, since Baldur's Gate I know that these games tend to be heavy in city related plots so druids kinda feel like the third wheel being all for nature. But ok I decided to go for a cipher since I want a unique pillars of eternity experience and because I always play humans I wanted to go with one of them. Now old Vailia seems a cool origin for this character I wanna play and I already found a great portrait for him. But (!): Ciphers origin from an Aedyr colony named Eír Glanfath and the phenomenon seems solely to be found among orlan and elves. Ok now there are some animancers from Dyrwood that researched the topic, but Dyrwood too is no possible home country for your character (like Eír Glanfath). Does this mean Aedyr would be best suited for human ciphers? This leads me to my initial questions: Is it possible for humans to obtain this ability? If yes: Can they be born with it or do they have to learn it? If they can only be learned: How is it possible for an old valian citizen to hear from this abilities and learn them? Obvious is obvious: you can choose to play a old vailian cipher, so there must be an explanation. But I wanted to know if this combination is good in terms of game experience (like how NPCs react to this race/class combination or if they never wonder at all). Because if it's totally uncommon for humans or old vailians to obtain these abilities and nobody notices during the game it's kind of lame. I ask because my first companions "Heodan" and "Calisca" thought it pretty normal that a guy from old vailia had a purple glowing sword. :D Ok ok I know this is no pen and paper and the game can't react to every decision I make, but I just wondered, and since I felt so excited about pillars I really want to dive into this world. So I want to create my character according to the lore of the world. As an pen and paper veteran for me that's highly important for my gaming experience. I would love to hear from your points of view! Many thanks in advance! May the gods be on your side!
  21. Hello everyone! First, i want to say the best words for creators of Pillars of Eternity! I falled in love with it at first 10 minutes of playing! Sorry for my English. Here some bug i found in Pillars of Eternity 1.03. 1. ALT button isn't working. I changed my control settings (cause default settings actualy is not playable) and set LeftAlt for Highlight Items. Close and save changes. Then i tryied to hold LeftAlt on, but nothin is happened at all. Then i return a default set of Highlight Items on floor (TAB). And it is working. So i beggin' you to fix this problem. Please! I have MS Windows 8.1 x64, PoE 1.0.3. 2. Default control settings - disgusting (rly). Here a best settings, based on 20+ years of game practice and world rpg-gaming standarts: Camera Up - W Camera Down - S Camera Left - A Camera Right - D Highlight Items - LeftAlt (Diablos, Path of Exile, Neverwinters etc.) Map - TAB (Diablo, Path of Exile etc.) Double Speed - E Half Speed - Q Pick All Items from container - R (Skyrim...) Select All Units - Z (cause A is used) With these settings any player would feel more comfort with playing (just try, and tell me i'm wrong ) ) Or Create a Contro Settings Sets (2 ot 3...). Thanks friends!
  22. So the talk was the PoE will be moddable. I'm eagerly waiting for news on this. Tutorials. A modding sub-forum. My first order of buisness will be to make two-handed sword an average speed weapons. Because they were.
  23. Has anyone played Pillars of Eternity on Windows on a touchscreen? I have a Surface Pro 2 and I'd like to know how finicky it will be to play with my finger or with the stylus. I played BG:EE (for Windows) on my Surface Pro 2 and it's fairly finicky and annoying with things like not being able to hover my cursor over things easily, and not being able to easily move the cursor to the corner of the landscape to move the screen around to other parts of the map. Thanks!
  24. Reporting something that isn't making a lot of sense to me. First relevant files https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxD6SDYMR-VWdmhjRjZ6eUJEMEk/view?usp=sharing (sharing is for anyone with link to view) I have added a .zip file of approx 2MB to my above google drive link containing a screenshot of the issue (which also shows selected graphics options) output logs and specs, and my 3 save games. (none of which are saved from after the issue. Booting up the game the first two-three times it was fine. Today I have booted it up 4 or five times and it insists on removing widescreen and showing a squared off box, I can't disable full screen (or I can but it doesn't apply it even after exiting the game entirely). I have two wide rectangular lines down either side of my game screen and a smaller grey rectangle down at the bottom of the right hand side. As to the steps taken to achieve this, I opened the game. my saves were fine and it was only today it's done it. Anyone have an idea on how to get my wonderful widescreen back (it is really annoying when the cursor stops being active from too quickly going over those borders another minor issue) The game is playable but I'm finding it really really irritating after I was enjoying it so much on widescreen. changing resolutions doesn't fix it I've noticed, nor does fiddling with the settings tick boxes.
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