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Found 10 results

  1. As yoou can see here : Mouse0, [Default Setting], is assigned to multiple interactions.If you try to replace "Mouse0 = Move", by "Mouse0 = Party Follow Mouse", it results in Mouse0 being only assigned to this option, permanently. Like here : This is annoying because you can still move around, by pressing Mouse0, which is what we want here. But you can't interact anymore : Select, Interact & Attack, are no longer triggered by Mouse0. Whereas it should work as : "Move = Nothing" // "Select, Interact, Attack & Party Follow Mouse = Mouse0". If you could, [whenever you can], make it so that we may move around with "Party Follow Mouse", instead of the regular "Move". While still being able to interact, that'd be great. Thank you very much. Edit : Also, in 21:9, the Didactitiel always appears at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. I don't have any future plans for playing this game but I have a code for 40 Chests in my possession, so if there's anyone interested, please leave a comment. First come, first served. Contact methods: Steam Email
  3. I have Gog version of the vanilla game. ( Pillars of Eternity - Kickstarter Champion Edition) I recently re-installed it and figured it'd be time to get the two expansions. Clicked Buy expansions via the game client and proceeded to do just that. To my shock horror, I realize I had just bought Steam Keys for my GoG version. I realize this is a lapse from my part, should have been more careful. It didn't occur to me that store used would be so relevant here. That said, I don't consider it overly awesome how my Gog- version of game links to Paradox- store that sells Steam-only codes. There is a bit of a should-not-be present in that chain I say. Anyone have any suggestions? Recon there is something I, or Obsidian Customer Support, or Paradox can do to help me out here?
  4. i already found it quite strange that every map of the bounty hunter quests has been resetted. I mean that i had already fully explored those maps. But for the bounty hunter quests i needed to explore them again and all old enemies have been there also. But this was playable... But for the final bounty hunter quest on heritage hill i can not enter heritage hill, because the key for the gate is missing, and so i can not get to the tower to kill "Ysly". So i think this should be a bug that the maps reset for me?
  5. I just bought the game and tried to activate it on steam but it said this key is already been used. Here is the message but it is in german.
  6. Hello everyone! First, i want to say the best words for creators of Pillars of Eternity! I falled in love with it at first 10 minutes of playing! Sorry for my English. Here some bug i found in Pillars of Eternity 1.03. 1. ALT button isn't working. I changed my control settings (cause default settings actualy is not playable) and set LeftAlt for Highlight Items. Close and save changes. Then i tryied to hold LeftAlt on, but nothin is happened at all. Then i return a default set of Highlight Items on floor (TAB). And it is working. So i beggin' you to fix this problem. Please! I have MS Windows 8.1 x64, PoE 1.0.3. 2. Default control settings - disgusting (rly). Here a best settings, based on 20+ years of game practice and world rpg-gaming standarts: Camera Up - W Camera Down - S Camera Left - A Camera Right - D Highlight Items - LeftAlt (Diablos, Path of Exile, Neverwinters etc.) Map - TAB (Diablo, Path of Exile etc.) Double Speed - E Half Speed - Q Pick All Items from container - R (Skyrim...) Select All Units - Z (cause A is used) With these settings any player would feel more comfort with playing (just try, and tell me i'm wrong ) ) Or Create a Contro Settings Sets (2 ot 3...). Thanks friends!
  7. There was a topic already posted by someone who I'm guessing was granted a key, I'm reposting a thread because that one is now marked as Solved and there's still so many people (myself included) who are having the same issue due to having planned to play along with a friend or significant other and the shipping delay has really messed that up. Before anyone says that would be like having a 3rd copy, they already said those with physical rewards would get a digital version so they would not miss out on playing at Launch and the disc is DRM free so as many computers can have it anyway. The only person getting hurt are those waiting for their copy when they purposely bought two to, in most cases, play with someone. I don't know how many other tiers have this same issue--but most seem to have the $65 tier (myself included) while others have higher ones. But yes, if you have a tier that includes at least one digital copy and one physical copy, PLEASE post here if you only have one code in your portal (for the digital version)! Hopefully everyone who was planning to play with someone will be able to play with them already
  8. @Obsidian: Will backers get keys appropriate to their pledge tiers? The question was asked during the course of another thread, and Adam Brennecke said that he would ask about it, but it's been over a month since and there doesn't seem to have been an official answer. To be clear, matching the basic tier packages to the proper editions would be sufficient. It seems reasonable that addons would have to be downloaded from the Backer Portal given the myriad possible combinations a backer might have chosen. Really, at the very least, tiers $80 & up (if I read the reward summaries correctly) should get the Royal Edition so that you're not slighting your most enthusiastic supporters. Also, could we please get our keys early so that we can add the game to our GOG or Steam accounts and know that we have everything set and ready for release day? It's the end of February now, and I want March to be a month of building excitement that isn't darkened by these concerns every time that PoE comes to mind. If we can't get our keys before release, then please at least give us an official assurance that we will receive the proper edition on release day.
  9. I am in the dungeon with the skull thing at the entrance. I have found a bunch of keys but none seem to open the 3 different door to the central room. Is this a bug or am I just too stupid to find the right keys. I have gone through every area in the dungeon holding down tab so I don't think i have missed any lootable items.
  10. So cryptmaster's key, the key you need to open final room in the dungeon with cultists, enters your characters' inventory instead of quest item inventory like all other keys. Funny, second bugged key(skeleton key can't be used to open skeleton keyhole) is also related to same dungeon. Then again, 3 out of 4 keys are related to same dungeon, so thats just the statistics. Expected behavior: Cryptmaster's key enters quest item inventory
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