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Found 2 results

  1. I want to bind "Highlight interactables" (Hold) to Left Alt but this doesn't work, you can bind the key but when you press it in-game nothing happens. "Area map" on the same key doesn't work either. I have used L Alt for highlighting for as long as I can remember so it's a bit weird that it doesn't work in this game. I also wanted to bind "Toggle Scouting" to Left Shift but it seems like you're unable to bind Shift to anything at all? I thought maybe it was because I use a Swedish keyboard layout, so I switched to English, but I got the same result. I'm using Windows 8.1 x64.
  2. Hello everyone! First, i want to say the best words for creators of Pillars of Eternity! I falled in love with it at first 10 minutes of playing! Sorry for my English. Here some bug i found in Pillars of Eternity 1.03. 1. ALT button isn't working. I changed my control settings (cause default settings actualy is not playable) and set LeftAlt for Highlight Items. Close and save changes. Then i tryied to hold LeftAlt on, but nothin is happened at all. Then i return a default set of Highlight Items on floor (TAB). And it is working. So i beggin' you to fix this problem. Please! I have MS Windows 8.1 x64, PoE 1.0.3. 2. Default control settings - disgusting (rly). Here a best settings, based on 20+ years of game practice and world rpg-gaming standarts: Camera Up - W Camera Down - S Camera Left - A Camera Right - D Highlight Items - LeftAlt (Diablos, Path of Exile, Neverwinters etc.) Map - TAB (Diablo, Path of Exile etc.) Double Speed - E Half Speed - Q Pick All Items from container - R (Skyrim...) Select All Units - Z (cause A is used) With these settings any player would feel more comfort with playing (just try, and tell me i'm wrong ) ) Or Create a Contro Settings Sets (2 ot 3...). Thanks friends!
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