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Found 2 results

  1. Hi Obsidian ! Let's make a deal : Since we haven't reached the 4.75M Stretch Goal for "Sea Monsters & Fishing". BUT, went pretty close to it, having raised roughly about 4.7M. So, for the lack of these missing 50K.... You could just cut out the Fishing part & give us Sea Monsters ? What do you say ? Deal ? After all, 200k were raised for that goal right ? PS : The wait is....... HYPING.
  2. EDIT: Inspiration to make this thread came from reading this thread about Drugs, he mentions somewhere "Crafting drugs" which brought me to Gardening (which in turn brought me to Suikoden): http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/61213-drugs/ EDIT END. Suikoden is one of my favorite games of all time (Suikoden, 2, 5 preference, I do love and like 3 and 4 as well just not as much). Suikoden was a console RPG, released for PSX, PS2 and DS. Still waiting for a PS3 release <3 Anyways, Suikoden is a great RPG, you have an open world you travel. The idea is that you gather companions (108 Stars of Destiny, as they are called), you get a castle (which grows the more companions you get). Most of the companions serve a purpose (One is a Chef, one is a Fisherman, one is a Gardener etc. etc.) and there's quite a few mini-games, side-quests and so on. Great game. I am wondering what you feel about some of these features at your own, personal house, in P:E? What would you like to see? Would you like to have a pond where you can fish and then cook? Or Gardening so you can get herbs. Hire some slaves to take care of your house for you (and your Garden), butlers that keep it tidy and clean whilst you are out adventuring. Furniture? Harvest Moon growth? (I.E expand your land, to a start your house is a shabby old hut ready to fall apart, late-game if you invest in the house you might get a big mansion). Of course, the bigger the house, the bigger the threat. If you have a museum with artifacts and National Treasure, burglar's could target you. Maybe you have something more subtle, hidden, a Bat-Cave. Or a Phantom Cave. Perhaps you are paranoid and want as much defense as possible and get a Castle with fortified walls. Or simply a mini-hut that's about to fall apart. The preference for this is big so I'll just suggest 3 different ones for now: * "About to fall apart"-Hut * Secret Cave (With your Bat-Horsile) * Mansion/Castle Thoughts?
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