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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. yes. I don't want to be the one who is always convinced, or learning wisdom. My Character has enough wisdom that I can at least attempt to make others see things (more) my way.
  2. If it's added, which I hope it is, Someone knocked unconscious should remain unconscious, not get up after 5 rounds. it should not be something that only a few encounters allow either. If it's a part of the game it should be just as systemic in it's use as most other abilities.
  3. I want my reputation not to be based on any kind of moralist system, but rather how it affects those who would know. Faction reputation seems a fine way to do that. And I want to have plenty of actions possible that don't factor into your reputation at all.
  4. I hadn't read that either. I loved the high quest density of Baldurs Gate 2 in Athkatla, I did not, however like that they were all dumped on me at the same time with a journal that made it problematic to keep track of them. Other than that, I can see Sawyer's points. (it is too long ago for me to remember the specific dialogue, but I don't remember disliking it)
  5. Watched Beasts of the Southern Wild. Good movie.
  6. above poster is a professional troll, do not feed.
  7. Holy ****, if it isn't my most hated sentence on any game forum ever! Why do these come up over and over? How important do you think you are? Unless you evidently have a considerable portion of the community behind you, no one cares! I'm literally sitting here and raging at this self-important, underhanded attempt at extortion.
  8. MCA is Chris Avellone, who will be doing all the important writing.
  9. I spent the better part of the last 2 days trying to fix a computer issue. Explorer started using up all my CPU in folders with corrupted files, I was unable to delete them. I was unable to turn off indexing, windows search... eventually I was saved by a random person on the internet, advised me to download a different computer browser program, delete the offending files there, and then try again. it worked. Thank you "Ebecks"! whomever you are, you are my hero.
  10. I liked the romance with Visas Marr, mostly because Kelly Hu is just a fantastic voice actress who made me shiver.
  11. And a time indication of how long they will last. Nothing sucks more than seeing a buff you've put on before combat expire 2 rounds in.
  12. This kind of technology would be awesome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqG1ra6JDL8
  13. this is why I don't have a tv
  14. I was wondering what a teenager like Mission Vao was doing on an epic quest to end a trans-galactic war.
  15. I'm sorry the proposed changes displease you. I think they are wise improvements over their predecessors.
  16. Most Palestinians living in Israel don't have the right to vote.
  17. We had a fantastic thread on this forum for LOST, it went all six years and was filled with all our theories and interpretations. I can't really think of any show I've had more fun with. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/54118-lost-season-six/?hl=lost Could only find the season 6 thread. Dang search button. alright that's pretty cool, but have you seen this one: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/424093/ ? it's purgatory
  18. Hope is powerful. But I'm still going with low expectations. Maybe they'll rekindle the old magic. Maybe I'll win the lottery.
  19. They may have been encouraging it, but that doesn't mean the CIA invented modern art. I've had the fortune to have a father who was a big deal in the Earopean modern art movement, and while I don't like modern art, I've learned to appreciate it. Perhaps the abstract nature of much of modern art works as a Rorschach of emotional response (what you put in is what you get out of it) But I certainly see artistry. Maybe it's the Western world finally getting some Eastern philosophy. If looking at it engages the brain, our curiosity, our desire for meaning, then it's doing it's job.
  20. I dunno, most stories are cowardly intelligent evil vs brave dumb farmboy. I hate that to no end.
  21. So in this thread I see, that basically there is some love for every character.
  22. the punishments meted out are an indication of competence of society to deal with these issues. In a poor medieval society, it may not be cost-effective to have prisons, except for wealthy criminals. (like it used to be) and corporal punishment would be one of the few options available. The more advanced society is, the better it can deal with crime, to the point that today we're able to invest (even though we still don't everywhere) in treating criminals mental problems, drug problems, invest in their education, teach them a craft, and in general try to make them productive members of society again. Because expensive as it is, it yields results. Perhaps a quest(line) where there is a prison-warden who you can help with his efforts to chance the system into something more equitable? with various possible endings based on how you help?
  23. It doesn't matter much to me, mostly because combat mechanics are not exactly something I can offer much insight in, but I would appreciate it if with crafting there were lots of different modifier bonuses I could add. +x elemental/magic damage, vampiric, +x% chance of critical hit, overwhelming critical, +X% chance to stun, +X% to slow, poison damage, +x damage vs type, +x damage vs armour type, on hit x% chance of daze (easily interrupted), on hit X% interrupt spellcasting, armour piercing. I'm not a fan of attribute damage but I'd be OK if they added that too. Because moddable weapons are awesome. So as a Rogue I'd craft my dual daggers for doing lots of damage for lightly/un-armoured opponents, and I'd have a named Pistol called "Aehlona(my default charname)'s Last Resort" With +x chance to stun, slow, overwhelming critical, and armour piercing. So an encounter with a tougher opponent I'd switch weapons and either with overwhelming damage still manage to defeat my opponent, or otherwise at least have a fair chance of stunning/slowing him so I can flee. (so definitely a slow, one-shot weapon.) In other words, mods which allow you to build weapons based on your playstyle.
  24. I'd use that spell, even if it cost me a spell slot.
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