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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. If you want to come to Europe, go backpacking. spend little, meet people and let them help you, you'll do fine. If you are seen to make an effort to speak the local language, all the better, though in Germany or the Netherlands or the north of Belgium, you'd have no trouble. I know the disapproving/disappointed parent thing too well. And I know how depressing it is, but you're not living your life for them. I too have felt (sometimes still feel) that life is passing me by, but then, I look at the people I admire and find many of them were late to the game. Some of them found they wanted to do something completely different with their life than what they had expected they wanted. So who knows. There's no guarantees that I can offer you, but don't get hung up on failures. besides, my greatest failures ended up teaching me the greatest wisdom I've come by.
  2. Personally I was rather upset that they destroyed cultural heritage sites of old muslim tombs because "Blasphemy!" the tombs were idolatry. There they were at one of the most spiritual places in the world, where real theology was practised, where great ideas (whether for good or bad I leave to you) were inspired. and they ****ing destroyed it. poof. gone from history the oldest korans in north africa, burned, gone the beautifully constructed tombs, bulldozed. why? because they didn't practice their religion "the right way" So I'm biased. The cultural anthropologist in me is upset.
  3. 1. Crafting is already in, as it was a stretch goal. 2. Perhaps you can't craft anywhere, but only around workbenches like in the KOTOR game. then the game will have some sites with forges and billows and moulds and ****. 3. I was hoping, hoping mind you, that people would get the idea of this thread and post about 1-2 lines of what they would like to see implemented. I'm not saying no discussion is allowed, but if you start focussing on one suggestion we'll be here all day and we might as well split it off and give it it's own thread. (which is fine. you take a quote from here and make a thread about it) Back on topic: I think it would be cool if there was this one scene where you enter a tavern and the music is so loud you can't hear anyone talking and you have to go outside to talk.
  4. American accents tend to be immersion breaking for me, especially when they're trying "ye olde english".
  5. Quite the opposite, encounter xp means you can choose your own way to solve the encounter, whether you prefer stealth, combat, or social skills. And all these lead to the same or similar rewards. So it rewards how you prefer to play.
  6. I take james the manservant everywhere, why else do you think my cape keeps billowing so smoothly?
  7. that's completely besides the point.If you want to make an elf barbarian, but elves get -2 strength, you are basically crippling yourself. since barbarians rely on strength. Sure you can make a good barbarian with another race. But that means some classes will never be picked for some classes. that's the issue. Sure you can make a better barbarian if you're an orc. But maybe I don't want to play orc, and I might want to be a barbarian. So either balance racial traits so every class remains a viable option for every race, or restrict classes from the outset. I prefer the first option
  8. So what you're saying is... respawns? Yeah. Rare respawns with worthless xp that are only there to improve immersion. So, something to hold up where you were busy with, which is annoying to deal with, doesn't pose much of a challenge, and gives no reward that matters, and can be used for grind.No, no, no, no no hell no. I already hate random encounters with a passion for breaking flow. If I'm on the road, chances are I'm headed somewhere. don't interrupt me.
  9. I actually hope progression won't be too gear dependent. what fun is there in earning the coolest pistol in the game and then using it five times before you complete the story? When I've reached two thirds of the path to my maximum level I want to have achieved most of the gear.
  10. Bonuses that for different classes have different meanings sounds like a good idea. plus x soul power, -y stamina regeneration. or "specialist" -x skillpoints per level +y max ranks for 1 skill of your choice (and one more skill at level 4 and every four levels afterwards)It's hard to come up with examples without the actual stats-mechanic, but something along these lines.
  11. No, it's that you said New vegas, rather than fallout.
  12. I liked the pip-boy but I don't know how it would be implemented with a stone. Visually, I mean. How would you go about it?
  13. Yes, I'd enjoy distinct factions with different philosophies (even similar factions which differ in philosophy) and different perks for rising through their ranks. Hell yes.
  14. I love these forums, they are the very best forums

  15. Sure, there was a forum RPG I partook in about a year ago, maybe two, (sci-fi theme) where we had to write our entrances into the group. Not only did this establish party dynamic, but it showed us who the characters where, how they would be played, what we could expect from them. And it did all this before we did any questing. Perhaps that could be taken as a way to approach narrative with companions. In another Forum RPG I played (a battle royale role playing game) where we found that adding disadvantages and negative personality traits to characters made it much more interesting for them to team up with certain characters and see how they complemented eachother. This tells me that it might be interesting to balance traits so players can role-play more destinctive characters and have special builds that define their characters and the way they play From that same RPG we had a list of traits and character backgrounds for each of our characters. this cheat-sheet was useful for writing for unfamiliar characters. I'm not sure exactly how, but I think it would be interesting if you could have a sheet of information about your companion characters which would grow during play as you find out more about them. This might make it interesting to play those companion characters differently. Perhaps it would help make them feel part of a team. it did in the game I played. Edit: inspiration is everywhere. you just have to know how to look for it.
  16. ... ... How, precisely is that to help in a computer game?? By allowing the devs to think outside of the box?Many times innovation is stifled by standards and accepted methods.
  17. congrats Nepenthe
  18. yes I saw vampires suck. it sucked.
  19. I do that all the time. Am I not supposed to? is that why I get those looks?
  20. Figured most of us have some ideas that don't need five page discussions but which you would still like to share.. (and if not then just let this thread die a quiet death) I'll start: I'd like to be able to name weapons I've crafted.
  21. The ultimate problem of getting powerful is that you won't feel powerful if your challenges remain challenging. One way of dealing with that is having different types of enemies. You don't fight normal human beings anymore, but dragons. For instance. no-one feels particularly powerful if they're level 20 and still have to fight other humans with care. On the other hand you want players to remain challenged. I don't think limiting class power is the way to go, rather find different and other interesting challenges for the player to use their new-found powers on.
  22. Anyone can try to be quiet and unseen. not everyone is equally good at it. limiting stealth should be done by affinity, not by banning certain classes from it. If I want to play a commando fighter (which I would never, fighters are boring) then knowing a little stealth would be nice. Restricting that is arbitrarily restriction my role-playing abilities. But a fighter will never reach the skill-levels rogues could reach.
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