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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. I really like this idea, in some form or another.
  2. If everyone can learn anything and get all the feats and learn all the abilities the whole class system is redundant. Why not use classless system like in Fallout and World of Darkness? Well... "Everything" you could of course have a pool of abilities and skills that are class exclusive, and a pool of skills and abilities that are more general. Not anyone can learn to read minds, but everyone can learn how to use weapons.
  3. I would prefer an upkeep rather than a time limit. that forces the choice "Many for a short time, or a few for longer"
  4. priests can consecrate the ground to lay deadly traps for undead, build funnels, walls that undead can't cross and weaken those that can. I've actually always thought that the ability against undead is a little too narrow. (unless you populate the game with undead up the wazoo) So how about that priests are just particularly good against anything they consider to be unnatural?
  5. I'm all for the majority of beasts to be humans. And having lots of children around to show that mortality is high in this society. Walking on a map and seeing an ooze slowly digest a corpse and therefore not be hostile to the party would be a nice thing too. those things flesh out the world.
  6. Polish(the thing that makes it shine, not a nationality), mostly. I think If I enter a building after a big fight (like in icewind dale's start when you need to clear the town of goblins) I wouldn't mind seeing a scripted event where some strong dude is picking up a corpse, moves to the corner and dumps the corpse on a pile of already waiting corpses. that kind of thing shows the player that the world is alive, and that things happen without the player. I don't want to see NPC's standing around forever without doing anything ever. Some scripted events that take place whether or not the player is paying attention, and which don't take away control from the player to force the player to see it, those make a world more alive.
  7. Batons. Whenever I see Kali I just think YES! (Kali is a martial art where the movements you learn for unarmed, dagger/knife and batons are the same.)So I'd think it really cool if I could have a character that could fight with these weapons.
  8. I don't dislike this idea. As long as there is some trade-off. (pegasi needing to eat expensive magic berries which means you only want them if the gear you transport is valuable)
  9. I agree, time shouldn't pass so fast that you can't take the time to look around before a day has passed.
  10. But what are the Palestinians to do when their counterpart is not interested in completing negotiations? After all, what they're doing is grabbing the Palestinians' land settlement by settlement while pretending to be willing to negotiate. As you probably guessed, the examples were in reality the policies of Israeli governments: "We do not seek an agreement with the Palestinians in order to secure the peace. Of course we regard peace as an essential thing. It is impossible to build up the country in a state of permanent warfare. But peace for us is a means, and not an end. Only for this reason do we need peace, and do we need an agreement."- David Ben-Gurion, former Prime Minister of Israel "The Israeli people have unchallengeable, eternal, historic right to the Land of Israel, the inheritance of their forefathers" - Menachem Begin, former Prime Minister of Israel The known terrorist leader who later became prime minister of Israel is of course extreme-right Yitzhak Shamir, who was responsible for ordering the assassination of the UN diplomat Count Folke Bernadotte while he was negotiating a return of Palestinian refugees. An ironic turn of events - the Count was also a Swedish diplomat during WW2 where he negotiated the release of 31000 concentration camp interns, some of which probably went to Israel and later voted for Shamir in Israeli elections. You can always force a standstill, while on the meantime you treat the base problem that's causing them to go to war. It won't solve everything immediately but once you cut off support you begin gaining gradually. One real obstacle here is the unconditional US military aid to Israel. During the last decade, Israel recieved about $27,000,000,000 of American taxpayer money in military aid, all this in spite of the massacres of Palestinian civilians conducted with American missiles in retaliation for Palestinian terrorist activity. Israel has such a military advantage that it is virtually unthreatened by any of it's neighbours - it has no reason to stop the construction of settlements and the destruction of Palestinian property at all, if somebody would just say they should. The only thing which could possibly change their mind would be if the US would threaten to withdraw their support, and that is not likely to happen anytime soon. Like a famous person once said (really, bear with me for having so many quotes in one post ): "No ruler will consider the peace process seriously so long as he is able to toy with the idea of achieving more by the way of violence." Switching the quotes was a dirty trick... well done.
  11. 'let's hope you are wrong. Let's never work under that assumption. I believe a peace is possible, one that benefits all.
  12. Finished packaging santa's gifts for my sister, her significant other and my mother. I never had problems with anything from Ikea, I think it's a pretty good, if uninspiring store. Especially when you're on a budget.
  13. well, what I heard (...) was that the mayans weren't really fearing for the end of the world as they though it would be the dawn of a new age, one which would be better. (you know, woodstock hippies and free love and all that crap)
  14. I watching an engaging movie a waste of time? or reading a good book? Me, I don't think so.Now I was thinking with the topic, and I think there are positives to pets, but I didn't post that without reason. I too am a little ambiguous about pets in the game. If they are added, they have to add something to the experience.
  15. Your father's letter was rather dismissive of your wife. When he said this I suspect this is more a response to the cold shoulder she gets from your family rather than the cause for grief. To me it sounds like both your family and your wife are proud people, which is never easy because it means you need to often give them validation and they don't take criticism well. (I should know, pride is one my character flaws too) For instance the wine expertise story, your wife wants to be respected and not be dismissed as ignorant. Your father (perhaps rightly so) wants the same kind of validation because he sees himself as more knowledgeable on the subject. The showgirl comment also shows how dismissive your father is of your wife's experiences. While he might (or might not) be right that your wife was trying to impress, (not that she was a showgirl, but rather that she has knowledge about a field that they might not know much about) that moment there shouldn't have bothered him so much. The fact that it does shows (I think, in my non-expert opinion) that by the time this even occurred he was already negatively biased against your wife. But then, 10 years might do that. and eventually you may be unable to see anything other than what you are looking for... in this case the negative interpretation of something which, lets face it was a rather mundane exchange. A resentment that has been built over 10 years can't be killed in a short period. it takes a good while before you can get rid of your old ideas, they might never completely go away. That doesn't mean it's impossible. But in order to have a healthy relationship between your wife and your family, these things need to be discussed, openly, and without resentment. The pus needs to be drained before the wound can be disinfected and heal cleanly. (Pro-tip! don't accuse, don't go, "you do" or "I think" but express how you feel. how you feel is never wrong. Make clear that you're nobody's enemy. After all you must love them very much if you're willing to work through a difficult problem) The end result might be that your family decides they want nothing to do with your wife. But they shouldn't make you choose between them. It's not their decision who you can and cannot love. That's the bottom line. Even if you talk things out, you can't force your family and your wife to like eachother, and they don't have to. But they should respect each other and your relationships with them.
  16. Went to a public health centre today in the hopes I could get a declaration of urgency for council housing. (kind of like rent-controlled apartments for the poor) Doc basically said "You're not cripple, you're not alone and you got a roof over your head now. So no. Better luck next time." balls
  17. I wouldn't want to limit possible playstyles by restricting summons. Hell, I'd be ok with being Ranger/Wizard/paladin so I could have an animal companion, a familiar, a noble steed, charm animal and some summoning spells. (Very Meta though) I think if you can manage to come up with a good swarm as a tactic, why not! If some of the summons are costly to lose (familiar/animal companion) that becomes a fair risk-benefit trade-off.
  18. I'm ok with a mule if it takes a companion slot to use one. So you must trade off combat vs being a packrat hoarding tons of items for sale. Should be fairly defenceless too.
  19. tense but I hope not every fight is tense, since I suspect there will be a lot of fights.
  20. I stand by my preference. the second one is a case of horrible over acting. the first is a case of a bad mic and a little over acting.that said, I don't really like either of them.
  21. Maybe a soul-sharing mechanic like "the Wit" from the farseer universe? (Robin Hobb) Where you can share experiences and senses and subtle emotions with your pet. For instance, you're in a tavern getting drunk, all of a suddn your pet becomes restless, POISON! This time it was just the alcohol, but good that he's paying attention This dog smells fear, this bird can scout without being seen, the rat can enter houses without opening locks and scout inside. this horse comes when called without me needing to direct it, because it knows I need it's presence. I know it's a fairly utilitarian look at pets, but why else would you bring them along, you're an adventurer after all.
  22. day and night was done exceptionally well in Quest for glory 5 IMO. where the thieves guild was accessible during the night only, some houses could only be burglarized at night (and the bank) and you couldn't shop except during the day. on science island you'd have a different scientist (well...) based on the time of day.
  23. I want my own headcrab called ramall
  24. I feel exactly the other way about kaevee's voice acting, though the low quality mic was definitely noticeable. And yeah, genoharadan was a weak part, I agree. There was already a book that did that, though. The awfulness is in the details. Basically, you've got a Star Control situation: there has been a 'canon' sequel to KOTOR and KOTOR2, both in the book Revan and the game TOR, but that canon is pretty bad and in an ideal world would do well with being replaced with an Obsidian-made KOTOR3. It won't be, though, because TOR is ongoing and its canon stands. In short, a KOTOR3 that continues the Revan-Exile storyline is a lost cause. Better to accept that and move on, I think. How about they ignore the expanded universe canon for the horrible crap that it is.
  25. isn't that the point of this thread though?How do you make sure that players can feel rich without it feeling hollow? I think the answer lies in gold-sinks, recurring costs (maintaining your stronghold staff, for instance) different kinds of currency, with different kind of uses. (gold for gear, gems for magic power, tokens for favours. favours for political power, something along those lines.)
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