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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. Don't think for a second that the other surrounding nations aren't using Palestine as a playball in their politics. they too could have done more to help solve the local conflict. However, neither Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Syria nor Egypt have given significant options for accepting Palestinians. In fact in Lebanon they have a fairly sordid history in dealing with Palestinian refugees. So yeah, there's more players, and all of them seem stuck in popular politics and non of them (including Fatah, Hamas and Israel) are doing enough.
  2. I think a fairly small amount of mechanics can still lead to fairly deep gameplay. But I already made that argument in another thread.
  3. or just assume that's how the player wants to play the game and narrow his path to mostly combat encounters.
  4. I think it's a really cool concept, especially if you can't save during combat or certain encounters) As a way to gain information. I like this as a(n expensive) divination spell, yes!
  5. the world where this game takes place is not our world though.
  6. I always find it funny when people talk about Sharia law like it's so foreign. Sharia law is basically Leviticus from the bible.
  7. another reason I did light therapy. It really helps getting your biorhythms back in order.
  8. Philosophy 101. Some philosophies believe it's the act itself which is moral or not. (Categorical thinking) Other philosophies believe it's the world that results from the act which determines it is good or evil (Consequentialist thinking) Most religions I know of fall into the Categorical thinking category. (I think) Which is what allows for fundamentalism.
  9. is should depend on the kinds of enemies you're fighting. Enemies with mind powers or strong magics would make sense to have easy communication methods of course, there might be some situations where it does happen, but it shouldn't be an auto-fail whenever you're playing. otherwise stealth becomes fairly useless till you've maxed out your skill
  10. Visas Marr and Mira, and despite his flaws, I liked Atton as a character... Kreia as a Character, but not really as a companion. I also loved hearing the stories Canderous Ordo told (Which I actually believe is the creature that is the main antagonist in Mass Effect, which I believe is a continuation of that storyline but couldn't be set in the star wars universe because of licensing) I know canderous ordo is not in an obsidian game
  11. A lot of IE games have bugged quests, I would like the ability to abandon a quest (and maybe restart it) Since xp is no longer rewarded for single actions, that shouldn't be a problem. And it will help get rid of the clutter in my journal with quests I can't (or won't) complete. I also wouldn't mind being able to annotate quests in my journal with information I think is relevant (or drawn penises)
  12. I hope that alerting one guard doesn't automatically mean you've alerted the entire base
  13. Whenever outsmarting the game is punished, that's bad game design. So I'm completely with you on this one.
  14. interesting idea. But if you'd do this I'd enjoy some different benefits from different classes. Not just item(value) related ones.
  15. To own the property they'd brought to the marriage? As in...? This is one of those [citation needed] moments. And I'm expecting the source of this "vikings were feminist egalitarians" thing is going to come from viking apologists/history revisionists who say they didn't rape or pillage or burn Britain and France on and off for centuries before finally settling down and invading. The raping pillaging ones were those who were in their own society couldn't succeed. so they tried their luck on the sea. Overpopulation problems (due to success) led to the poorest seeking their fortunes elsewhere. (in raping and pillaging)
  16. I dunno, we're living with pretty advanced magic already, I have a device with which I can contact ANYONE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD who also has such a device. and I can do so with almost no delay.
  17. You are flattering my already oversized ego
  18. what if the more you used a cursed sword, the less conversation-options are available, till eventually you realise it's corrupting your character into following your sword's will. Actually, you might not notice for a whole long time, especially if you're on the same line with the mind of that sword. So normally You'd have conversation options "We can get in, get the girl" "I will defeat her captors and bring her back" "have you tried to negotiate?" "No thanks" Now you only have the options "I will defeat her captors and bring her back" "I will slaughter your enemies and return your property to you! and even further down you might only have the option "I will glory in the destruction of your enemies! I will not rest until they are all lying in a pool of their own blood!" (ignoring there's a damsel in distress to be rescued) By this time, your party might start commenting...
  19. This is why I stopped reading this thread, mostly. I'm fierce in defending the good nature of this forum, but when those you're asking to be nicer block you, there's nothing much more you can do.
  20. 3b) while challenging is good, diversity of the types of challenges is important too, and I don't mind tough challenges to be interspersed with less tough once for better pacing. ideally, it should be "I'm weak" "I can manage" "I'm weak" "Look at how powerful I've become!" "Oh, so I'm not as strong as I thought" I'm weak"... etc where there's short periods after levelling where you can enjoy the fruits of your labour and glory in your
  21. I actually like the idea that the choices that you make during play help determine what character you become. Many people will already know what character they want to play however, so it would mostly be useful for newer players. Some MMORPG's have this, I distinctly remember Guild Wars allowing you to spend the entire tutorial area getting a feel for the classes and offering you a choice what (secondary) profession (as classes are called there) you want. I reckon this would be slightly different, where your character would be offered a series of challenges, (say three) where each helps define what class your style of playing is most suited for. (by allowing various different ways to solve the obstacles in your way) So say, you hear there is a dude who has been doing mysterious ****, you can choose to sneak and spy on him, or talk to others to learn what they have found. Or you can kill him and loot his corpse to figure it out. Capture one of his compatriots and question him. (using cantrip mind reading abilities like a cypher might have) You could research his nameor his compatriots and identify a spell he's used. It would be fairly tough to be fully accurate though. narratively speaking it wouldn't be becoming a class, but rather finding out what type of soul you have.
  22. My cat died at 17 due to kindey problems (which is common with inbred animals) I still miss him. He was the type of cat who would come sit on your lap, let you pet him, then got up, turned his ass in your face, and fart an elephant fart.
  23. Watched Django Unchained again, it's just as good the second time. really, just go watch it if you haven't
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