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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/23 in all areas

  1. 144 hours played, all three Dark Souls games down with DLC. I'm glad I did that. After all that, I feel like I need more closure from this franchise... It's a weird way of saying I want more. But when the grand finale is giving a kid black paint and her saying she'll paint someone a nice home, then I kind of want to see that place. Anyway, I was originally going to do a Dead Space marathon when Elden Ring interrupted. And now with the remake out maybe I'll start there.
    4 points
  2. before lent am making a few carnivore meals. is a localish store where am able to purchase quality tasso and excellent andouille, but we gotta make our own pickled pork if am wanting to have good red beans and rice. takes three days to pickle the pork shoulder. three days. if any southern folk or yanks who like red beans and rice got a great recipe or alternative for the pickled pork, am interested to hear, 'cause for us the pork is always the most time consuming part o' the dish and am never feeling as if we got it right for all the effort. am also observing how for the past six months it has been difficult to find quality bay leaves. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  3. Huh, Hogwarts Legacy doesn’t suck? I didn’t expect that…
    2 points
  4. Despite it neither being isometric nor having a silent protagonist (i.e. less resources would be wasted on decreasing roleplay options in an RPG), it sounds generally fine. Console-orientated controls handle tactical combat poorly either way, and a hub has been around for some time. While the game originally seems to have MP elements, at least it is single-player now, and hopefully single-player only.
    2 points
  5. Well akshually... Portugal traded nearly twice as many slaves as England, and about half the total. Which is not surprising since Portugal had the most colonies in Africa until well into the 19th century.
    2 points
  6. I wish my spouse would be like that Due to nature of my work, I have sometimes more free time, and sometimes less. Eg. I had a lot of time during the November and December, but not so much in January. I generally have much more time during the winter, than in the rest of the year. If you look at the dates, in my list, I had very very limited time to play anything in between February and June Also, due to the nature of my wife’s job, I have a lot of time to enjoy gaming every second weekend. And we do not have kids, so this gives me an extra free time as well. The list looks really long, but it is first such a long list since probably 2015 my backlog is insane On average, I think I have around 1 - 2 hours gaming time daily, depending on my job schedule. Although most of that playtime is accumulated during the weekends, when my wife is at work Sometimes I only play games on these weekends and not a single hour during the week.
    2 points
  7. If I'm going to play Slytherin, hopefully they will at least let me make my student look properly emo.
    1 point
  8. I feel your pain. Especially the older JRPGs had traumatized even such exquisite appreciator of the genre as me in their final Dungeon. On of the worst offenders for me was Final Fantasy IV and X Anyway, 1 and half year after the release, I have finally decided to boot up Tales of Arise for the first time. And so far, I am enjoying it (only 1 hour into the game). Especially the art of the game is brilliant. I have really missed something like that in all that flood of "photorealistic" games. It's really fresh breeze for me. We'll see how the game will fare further into the storyline. I have pretty high hopes for it
    1 point
  9. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/north-korean-balloon-briefly-spotted-over-south-korea-seoul-says-2023-02-06/
    1 point
  10. Playing persona 4. I played it years ago and never finished... this whole time I've been thinking "how far did I get, because I everything is familiar" but I wasn't sure if I had gotten further this time around... that is until I ran into the latest boss battle... the second I fought it, the trauma came back. Now I remember why I quit... guess I'll just have to grind for a couple hours JRPGs have the most abrupt difficulty curves... usually they are stupid easy until the final gauntlet then it's like "hey you haven't been building your character enough, I know that it wasn't necessary until this exact moment, but now you better grind 10+ levels"
    1 point
  11. Well, if you have seen Pocahontas or Dances with Wolves then... you've seen Avatar, by far and large.
    1 point
  12. I have a hard time tossing any book/magazine now, just because it starts to reach that "do you toss an unimportant but kind of a culture relic" or maybe it's just the memory, syndrome. Luckily I did toss enough away in previous years that I don't have too many left for me to fuss over. I think I still have a book re: HTML 3, as well few other such. As well as likely outdated stuff like oversized comprehensive state city/topographical map books. I used to love maps, books, pamphlets (National Geographic used to put a lot of goods ones inside), even the ones on tourism guides. They were to me what postcards were to others.
    1 point
  13. Finally sat down and watched The Banshees of Inisherin. I had just finished a rough bike ride, and I had a nice pint of stout for the occasion. That was the right way to do this type of movie, as it was slow and fit well with my slow sipping stout.
    1 point
  14. I recently threw out a bunch of books for various discontinued pices of software and operating systems from the early 2000s, and while I know they were practically useless, it still felt wrong to dump them. I kept my BeOS R4 book though. Not that BeOS is going to make a comeback, but it's a fun curiousity, at least. Unlike these:
    1 point
  15. I remember he used to come to the ring with a frisbee. He would read a poem off the frisbee's underside then fling it into the audience. It was such a lame gimmick.
    1 point
  16. https://ussanews.com/2023/02/05/mossad-believes-157000-ukrainian-soldiers-are-kia-so-far-turkish-newspaper-claims/
    1 point
  17. I don't know if you've read much Robert Sapolsky, the well-known researcher on stress, but one of his more salient points is how economic inequality really is bad for everyone, in terms of quality of life as measured by stress levels and such. In the US, the struggle of the poor is obvious. But the rich almost have to isolate themselves from both the poor and the average person, which is very bad for both your stress levels and a general sense of trust in society, which affects everyone. The rich tend to live longer, though. As for money and quality of life, it goes something like this: starting from zero, the more money you get, the more your quality of life improves until you reach a point where you have a home with no debt and you can manage your ordinary bills and living expenses without any trouble (and pay for your children's education, if you live in a country where that is necessary). After that, extra money has almost no effect at all on your quality of life. (I think it was Sapolsky who also pointed out how average income is funny in countries like Mexico and Russia because although it obviously and mathematically exists and has to exist, no one actually earns that kind of money in these countries. Most people are much, much poorer, and a select few are ridiculously rich.)
    1 point
  18. Finished 1899. It ended just as it got interesting. On the other hand, do I trust creators of Dark to make good science fiction with believable humans? No, I do not, so maybe it's for the best to mourn the might-have-been-great possibility than witness wtf-was-this. I probably just have to watch "The Expanse" already. And look for some series that progress plausibly and has "Well, that does make sense" ending.
    1 point
  19. Wait until Nenio gets Weird. In my opinion, Archers mow down stuff like nothing else. Full attack at 50 ft can be devastating. Still, having at least one mage for control spells is a very good idea. I'd keep Nenio. I agree. Maybe a "broken builds" mode where they all do monk dips.
    1 point
  20. I would personally looooove it if I could get one of every kind of gnat as a pet! The meaty AND the infected! I love the gnats!
    1 point
  21. For more pets, I'd also love to befriend non-aggressive ants (red ants and black ants). We have a fake-pet ant We hatched him onto a paper plate on the picnic table. He always has food from what spawns on the plates, and follows us around to drop him aphid honeydew. We mourn him every time there is an update that 'fixes' insect locations, so we'd love ants to be a permanent pet that you win over with a Honeydew Slurry
    1 point
  22. Well so far I am not finding core to be that difficult apart from the few encounters. I could feel the difference in the early levels between normal and core in that crits from archers wrecked me, but now on higher levels I just steamroll most mobs without any tactics, I use Nenio for the skill check mostly, unless I need her for some fights. I sometimes want to add Wenduag as the third archer just to see if my front line would manage to get a hit in. I would really like for Owlcat to do something like a Heart of Fury mode, where they actually add something to the gameplay and not only inflate the numbers.
    1 point
  23. the greatest strength o' our ketchup is also its most obvious weakness. am suspecting you are gonna wanna add something to punch it up a bit. alternative, find a store brand which has the absolute fewest ingredients, making sure all those ingredients is stuff you recognize and like, then pour into a sauce pan and add jalapenos, lime juice and cayenne if you like american-spicy, or add indian spices if you like indian or... whatever. btw, we use cherry tomatoes (canned is fine)'cause they have more sweetness than other varieties o' tomato and as you are always adding some kinda sugar to ketchup, you might as well use cherry tomatoes so you are able to decrease your need for brown sugar, molasses, etc. aside, cherry tomatoes is also the one variety o' the berry which is natural shelf stable and has not been over engineered withstand travel resulting in less tomato taste. cherry is literal the only variety o' tomato we will buy at a supermarket. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  24. Got the ****er! https://imgur.com/lOrLM7E
    1 point
  25. Question is, imagine Zelenskyy would have fled Ukraine, would Russia have kept him alive or still tried to murder him anyways? If it's the later, then you might as well just stay and fight. It's probably safer in the middle of the military and secret service, than in your little house somewhere in another country.
    1 point
  26. https://insider-gaming.com/exclusive-new-details-on-dragon-age-dreadwolf-revealed/ Not surprised at all...
    1 point
  27. Post-Taxes Celebration Cigar & Scotch: Who am I kidding, I was going to smoke this cigar and drink this delicious peaty goodness anyway.
    1 point
  28. https://www.escapistmagazine.com/dragon-age-inquisition-horses-sprinting-lie-creative-director-john-epler/ “When you ‘sprint’ on a horse in DAI(,) it doesn’t really do much because (Frostbite) couldn’t stream in levels fast enough, so we just added speed lines and changed the camera so it felt faster,” explained Epler.
    1 point
  29. If you make a custom history the first options for each choice are usually the best (or at least as good as the others). Important (possible) exceptions, and the only things you really need to check 1) which God you pledged - hylea is the best for nearly every case because she's the "good" option but more important you get hyleas bounty which is incredibly useful food for most of the game when your skills are lacking, and for many builds remains the best food throughout the game. If you're doing a no rest run which id recommend then hyleas bounty is the best food 2) whether to sacrifice a companion and who. There is no reason not to besides role-playing. The wiki has a list of bonuses under status affects (effigys resentment). Best one varies by build but Sagani is most useful for the largest number of builds 3) make sure devil of caroc spared harmke. Its the best armor you can get for about half the game, and for some builds may remain the best 4) aloths starting equipment depends on whether he was made GM of leaden key. If no he has keybreaker scepter, if yes then thaos headdress. The headdress is better unless you need an okay scepter early 5) whether eder remained faithful to eothas determines if he starts with night market amulet (+1 religion +1 stealth) or mayor of dyrwood for dyrwoodan mayor amulet (+1 bluff +1 diplomacy). Neither is terribly useful but the +1 bluff is harder to find for stat checks than religion or stealth, but stealth is very useful also 6) whether pallegina did her duty and screwed over the dyrwood. She gets better armor if she did her duty but it isn't amazing so not that important. Can't think of anything else of significance
    1 point
  30. Snowpiercer (2013). I'd been looking forward to this one for a long time after having seen and loved Parasite. It was a fairly bleh Hollywood-feeling affair through and through, though I would say at least above average for that - still not my cup of tea. I'm glad Bong Joo Ho decided to do something different after that, though this leaves me in the position of not knowing whether or not I should check out the rest of what he made.
    1 point
  31. Apparently, all the images here are AI-generated for a film that doesn't exist - though some influences are pretty obvious.
    1 point
  32. Here my file: global.zip The file should go to %HOMEPATH%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II\Achievements I haven't played very long, so I only got the easy achievements - altogether 27 point to spent This should be enough for: - +2 all attributes (15 points) - +2 all class skills (3 points) - special item shop on first island (5 points) - expert captain rank (4 points)
    1 point
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