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Yes, I optimized a Ranger/Monk for it - and it became unplayable at some point (except vs. bosses) because my game crashed so much. So maybe not optimizing it is the way to go.3 points
^Was just coming to post that: Brittney Griner being freed in U.S.-Russia prisoner exchange (espn.com)3 points
2 points
Konstantens lack of Int hurts him with a lot of invocations but as a single class Skald he seemed to do well spamming upgraded Eld Nary. Vatnirs priest class and stats make for a good backline blaster (single class). I recommend going with Sun & Moon + Slayers Claw and opening fights with Minor Avatar. Sun & Moon gives you either +2 fire PL for his regular priest fire spells or +2 cold PL for his Rymrgand spells depending on time of day, and Slayers Claw upgrades his might inspiration from Minor Avatar for +2 Pen making him a great blaster at high levels. Ydwin as a ranged Cipher/Rogue with Kitchen Stove/Red Hand does solid dps, of course you can also bring her along for Ancestors Memory cheese against megabosses. Haven't used Fassina or Mirke.2 points
fox news read the article or don't, but as usual we highly recommend scrolling through the comments section following the article. am personal disappointed paul whelan remains behind bars, but given russian election interference efforts which focused on creating greater racial friction in the US am not shocked mr. whelan remains incarcerated. however, our displeasure regarding mr. whelan's situation most certain don't result in the kinda reaction you see from fox news followers. am also gonna suggest it is a mistake to read fox comments just to feel better about not being as stoopid or bigoted as the fox community. sure, is understandable to be angered and dismissive o' such folks, but writing 'em off as "deplorables," and maybe posting something on the interweb 'bout how terrible is them ain't gonna solve anything. those fox comments ain't all bots and am suspecting only a small % self identify as white supremacists. HA! Good Fun!2 points
The mods and the loader are probably perfectly fine, but we're talking about my parents PC, and if anything goes wrong, it'll be me who has to solve the issues. I guess I could give him a VM to play around with. It also doesn't help that the mods are all hosted on these super stupid download sites that have ten "download" buttons on the page, of which elven link to ads of suspect repute and the button "continue" hides the actual download link. Looks like CurseForge has Minecraft support in its standalone version. The one that comes without the Overwolf framework. Well, it's not paranoia when they're really out to get ya, right? I guess that could work.2 points
Nope, they won't stack unfortunately. Animal Companion will replace druid summons and vice versa. So Stalker is def. a better pick than Ghost Heart imo - if you want to use any of the druid's summons.2 points
BioWare really dropped the ball by not including a Dr. Chakwas romance option.2 points
But they left Whelen behind, and he's been incarcerated unjustly for over four years. I guess being a celebrity is what matters first.2 points
Yes, still looks suitably over the top though. At least they didn't engage in the weapon fetishism and have him hold a Javelin over his head while atop a HIMARS. Griner released for Bout, as well.2 points
I was interested in possibly doing an ancient for a little while. I opted for the Fury because of the Spell Pen. I figured if I am not a single class druid this would help my spells that I do have hit a little hard. I went single class druid for my Pillars 1 Potd run I was predominantly a caster but whenever i could would use firebrand but I want to try something a bit different this time. Summons with a ranger companion is really appealing however. I could just summon Storm Blights or whichever element I get still as a fury/stalker. I was thinking of Ancient/ghost heart for a little but want sure if my summoned pet would stack with summoned creatures from my druid. I am happy with the build so far as the Fury/stalker. The extra survivability/distraction of the stalker class and animal companion helps me actually exist in the game. I feel I can be adaptive in more ways than spell variety. Plus Firebrand and I had read about the endless paths greatsword prior to even starting this so incorporating it into my build is nice. I also might try to use the essence interrupter for the early game. For my weapon proficiency I took great sword and War Bows. I have to say it took my almost 3 years to complete pillars 1 bc I tried almost everything I can think of. This forum website truly inspired me to dig deeper into the mechanics of the game, and I found something I really enjoy thanks to it.2 points
Ixion released - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1113120/IXION/2 points
Yeah, right - but you all didn't really get it. The things above are true, but they are also true for Saru Sichr (additional weapon effect - like a DoT or an affliction or on interrupt etc. - does its own attack roll which counts as regular weapon attack) and some other weapons such as Sanguine Blade, Wicked Beast and more. That absolutely helps with Swift Flurry/HBD, but that's not what makes Mohora Tanga so special. The main difference between Mohra Tanga and all other weapons with secondary attack rolls is that "Red Flag Flying" (that's the DoT, the seconday ttack roll) will proc ITSELF when it crits. And that proc can crit, triggering itself agai... and again... you get the idea I guess. All by itself - it doesn't need any additional ability to do that. What that means is that even without any Swift Flurry/HBD stuff you will get endless crit chains of Red Flag Flying if you have a 100% crit chance. And enough crit chains even with moderate crit chance. Now - those DoTs from Red Flag Flying don't stack with themselves - it just refreshes the duration - so those crit chains of just Red Flag Flying are not overly useful by themselves. You need something else that procs off of weapon attacks. Aha... now think about gear such as Boltcatcher Gloves or spells such as Avenging Storm. Basically everything that gets triggered by weapon hits or crits will work. And even if it ony procs in 10% of cases or so - still viable because you can generate whole chains of crits so relatively easily. And yes: Swift Flurry and HBD work with that whole shebang, too! With a Monk it's now ridiculously easy to achieve literally gamebreaking chains of crits - because SF/HBD and Red Flag Flying will fuel each other. It's like one crit from a fat chain might very likely trigger a new fat crit chain - that's why the game tends to crash if your ACC vs enemies' deflection becomes too overpowering - the game can't handle virtually infinite crits. It gets relatively easy to deliver crit chains with thousands points of damage to a (mega)boss - but it also becomes very easy to crash the game against underleveled or just weak enemies. Other class combos can profit - as I said it's not really about SF/HBD (although the interaction is devastating) - it's about Red Flag Flying triggering itself (=melee weapon attack) potentially endlessly. For example a Druid or Stormspeaker with Avenging Stormand decent accuracy - or anybody with Boltcatcatchers, Gatecrashers really can become a crit chainer then. But beware: triggering 100 Avenging Storms in a fraction of a second will most likely freeze your screen for a moment and also might crash the game. Props go to @Constentin Lévinewho discovered this. Nobody else did because I guess nobody else before bothered to use that spear - because its stats just look underwhelming compared to other spears.2 points
I'd point and laugh but we're way ahead of you as we already had two (technically three) governments where the Nazi Freedom party was a major part of. Luckily, they imploded twice, but they did enough lasting harm in the process, and the courts are still busy with cases that go as far back as the early 00s - but they always seem to bounce back, and their current chairman is a highly dangerous demagogue who helmed the protests against any COVID related action taken by the government, shills ivermectin as suppressed (because cheap!) treatment against COVID and refused any innoculation because they're untested and dangerous. Not that I buy that he really believes that. He's just telling the riled up masses what they want to hear. Depending on the polling institute, they're currently set to become the strongest, or second strongest party in a general election. Three years after the video of their former leader wanting to sell half the nation to the Russians came out. You bet that none of those dolts voting for them would post comments any better than the ones we can't see. There's times I wish there really would be a world-spanning conspiracy to forcibly sterilize half the planet. Humanity is a blight on this world. People's Republic of Vietnam?1 point
I don't blame her for going, I've been to Russia myself, I blame her for getting caught with weed in a place where it is illegal. I think it's highly likely she's been allowed to get away with it until she wasn't but that's all part of why you need to mind yourself when you travel.1 point
it also makes for some pretty neat flavor. i never actually thought of using sun and moon like this, just changing what spells you cast depending on time of day (instead i just used the wait option until the "right" time of day came up), even though both druid and wizard could have also pulled this off (druid less well compared to vatnir's bonus spells and wizard grimoire).1 point
1 point
Hah, it takes me about 20 minutes to just describe how my Rogue Trader looks XD It's not so bad when you are starting out, but as you progress in a story it becomes practically ludicrous with the amount of details one accrues More seriously though, I have a hard time seeing that work well, so much of good Rogue Trader gaming is just the inbetween acting between the players so it's be incredibly messy or you'd have to take it in PM's which would lock out alot of the character progression from the other players1 point
That's an interesting point with Vatnir. I'd never thought about how Sun & Moon is good with him regardless of what time of day it is. That's actually really cool and nice in that you don't have to metagame it hard to get a nice PL advantage with him. I suppose Watershaper's Focus can also be alright with him for the +1 PL bonus if you want him with a ranged wep.1 point
I would say that some of the most awesome moments we'ev had has been because of such clashes of wills and ambition, so I am generally hoping that Owlcat really doesn't shy away from actually playing things "straight" and having the other members actually be characters of their own will and motivation. I honestly hate playing always playing the Rogue Trader because I have to be the arbiter between different players and noone else seems to manage it with any grace nor iron fist. My favourite group has my previously described Rogue Trader who was actually straight laced purist Creedo Omnissaiah, an Astropath that has a hobby of enslaving Daemons, an Navigator that wants to end the Winterscale dynasty(And was close to assassinate him while I was meeting with him /fume ) and also sort of deals with daemons, my Seneschal First officer that turned mutant at a party and later led an insurrection against me with my characters brother and was offed, my Enginseer Prime that kept trying to implement xenotech into my ship against my will before he got killed in a boarding action, my master-at-arms that got a bit rustled by a warp-passage and decided to lead a rebellion against me (Not killed because he was obviously temporarily not sound of mind). The missionary was extremely unlucky with his dice rolls, he wasn't going to try my Rogue Trader but the crew thought so. It's the Rogue Trader player that has to keep the group working despite their differences, with some help from the GM. Missionaries are also great Master of Whispers I should add, they're quite socially capable and a great asset Thats one way to play them, sure, but it's quite possible to play with antagonistic groups aswell, done right it is great fun Leading a group of backstabbing bastards to glory is quite rewarding1 point
Minor local issue and musings: a 'concerned' parent complained to the Viennese school council because the school his son attends segregates classes based on religion. There's one class with catholics and orthodox christians, and one class with all other relgious minorities and those who are non-denominational. I myself am Lutheran, which here is a religious minority (behind muslims and orthodox christians), and indeed, I too, have experienced segregation: I was always in classes that had all other Luterhans if there were any, as well as other religious minorities. I fully understand that we cannot be allowed to fill the catholics' heads with heretical nonsense, that always seemed fair. Imagine, our priests are allowed to marry, if something were to happen to the catholic celibacy... Well, all joking aside, as I am Luterhan in name only, the real reason for the segretation is not that the schools are racist, but it is simply a matter of expedience, and one where the fault lies largely with the untoward influence the catholic church still holds over politics, particularily over our conservative party (who formerly called themselves 'christian-social' party before switching their moniker to 'people's' party). Since every school has to educate its students about the invisible sky fairies they believe in, or at least nominally should believe in, and most students are catholics, schools generally have a dedicated teacher at hand to tell them about the catholic invisible sky fairy. Teachers of the muslims, orthodox and lutheran invisible sky fairy however, have to teach at several schools, and it is much easier to find free time slots when the minorities are all in the same class, because otherwise one runs into an issue that I also experienced, namely that we'd start a day at school later, because the first class was about the catholic sky fairy, and our sky fairy classes were after everyone else went home, or worse, sometime in the afternoon. So, it was coming home from school, doing homework, and going back to school to learn about our special sky fairy. Except... they're apparently all the same invisible sky fairy anyway, making this even sillier than I ever imagined it to be when I was a lot younger. Clearly, there's one ideal solution to this issue: remove religion from the curriculum and replace it with ethics, and change the curriculum to include knowledge about a broad range of religions, rather than just one. Alas, such left-wing commie heresy will never happen. The complaints would be endless, from catholics, muslims and orthodox christians alike. So, sky fairy segreation it shall be, forevermore.1 point
I'd recommend stalker as well. And you might consider using the Griffin's Blade sword. It dazes on crits, and a stalker will crit a lot. This will reduce foes PEN, and will significantly boost survivability for you and your pet & summons, while also boosting spell damage. You might consider it as an alternative to Firebrand/WotEP.1 point
on the positive side, unlike in a real table-top setting, playing a missionary is far less likely to get us murdered by the rest o' the group. is virtual nobody who wants to play with a missionary. HA! Good Fun!1 point
1 point
Today's fun discussion: "I want to install Minecraft mods." *checks* "Nope." "Why not?" "Because." Because... yeah, beause they all apparently require a Java based mod loader. Thanks, but, you know. No thanks. Quick check tells me there were 'only' 29 vulnerabilities discovered in the Java runtime environment. In 2022. And that is without figuring out a way to prevent my nephew from loading up MINECRAFT_HAXXOR_BITCOIN_MINER.JAR. Yep. Like I said. Nope.1 point
Putin sets expectations for a long war. So much for those diplomatic feelers that west was sending. He doesn't seem too concerned with any upcoming economic collapse either.1 point
well, it's not as if doj need take the word o' the two goons. is even possible the individuals hired possess credentials beyond question, but even if the doj trusts the goons, it don't mean they necessarily believe all classified documents has been returned or that there is zero possibility o' more classified docs at bedminster or trump tower... or mar a lago for that matter. the thing is, in spite o' what you maybe hear from tv, or the internet, is not so ez to obtain a search warrant, and if the feds had probable cause to search other than mar-a-lago, or to search mar-a-lago once more, they likely woulda' done so already rather than allowing trump's folks time to bury evidence deeper... perhaps in the coffin with ivana in new jersey? IF the doj discovers more classified documents in places already searched, (most likely 'cause somebody eventual squeals to save their own arse,) then the fact the goons and trump people has presumably avowed via sworn affidavits they is unaware o' more classified, then future revelations would likely be strong evidence there has been additional obstruction. doesn't hurt a doj case to have trump folks make additional claims before a court. HA! Good Fun!1 point
Dear Obsidianites, I started a Fortress for the first time in years. A Fortress of the Dwarven kind. Send help. With ale. Sincerely, Tale PS: Why did I lay out the entire fortress on day 1 before I even remembered how to set up doors right?1 point
am similar not an expert but our whole life is an investment as 'posed to something we use to protect loved ones, well, at least once our sister died. our whole life policy produces not insignificant dividends which we reinvest adding to overall growth and am also avoiding some taxes by keeping as life insurance. our whole life growth is also unaffected by events such as the past year's market uncertainty which resulted in a significant dent in our ira-- stability is its own value. also, if we ever have a big ticket item such as a car or house we want to purchase w/o sacrificing other investments, am able to cash out w/o penalties those other investments might suffer. a decent whole life policy is worth considering even if you aren't trying to create an ulterior motive for beneficiaries who survive your passing. also, if you do have beneficiaries 'pon whom you wish to impart a bit o' post demise schadenfreude, perhaps aware that you is old/unwell, you may cash out and not tell beneficiaries. sure, you won't get to see their faces, but the predictable shock when they discover the $250k life insurance policy they thought would be theirs once you die were terminated and donated to charity six months before your death could keep your inner villain amused. not that Gromnir would personal ever do such a thing. nope. no chance whatsoever. HA! Good Fun!1 point
wotr feats am posting 'cause am not sure when lunge were added. one o' the recent patches? however, we don't see anything in any patch note offering. regardless, even w/o a reach weapon and size bonuses, the payoff makes this a worthy consideration for any wotr melee focused party. attacks of opportunity happen so much more frequent in wotr than pathfinder pnp, and is so many ways to exploit. the outflank feat, aeon's gaze and the aforementioned reach weapons, along with high level parties who have multiple pets making a trigger o' outflank all the more likely, is just a few ways o' generating boss killing attack of opportunity events. lunge is a not insignificant way to increase attack of opportunity potential. d&d and pathfinder bad maths is your gain as each additional 5' o' reach radius represents a significant increase in total reach area. anyways, lunge is worth considering if you got a melee party and an available feat. the -2 ac penalty is a minor price to pay for extra reach. HA! Good Fun!1 point
Nah, there are enough reasons to suspect I was killed as is.1 point
what i meant was that in tyranny, mainchar and party members can combine to create combo effects as special abilities (and different ones get unlocked based on your reputation with party members). it's not like DA or ME where you cast one spell and then another spell on the same target to trigger a new effect, but it's still something that required you to have specific party members together.1 point
Some alpha first impressions https://www.wargamer.com/warhammer-40k-rogue-trader/alpha-impressions https://www.thegamer.com/warhammer-40000-40k-rogue-trader-first-impressions/1 point
Looks like I got lucky with my Cyberpunk 2077 experience. I bought it in spite of all the chaos because I figured I would enjoy the setting and then had to put off playing because my old rig could not hack it (who would have thought, with that 2nd generation i5, a hard disk and a 970 GTX ). Played it with my new upgrades and it worked well and looked good. At first I was only midly entertained by the ray tracing component, but eventually moving through the center of night city in the rain was an experience that was - while still not worth the price of admission, probably - pretty nice. It also helped that I watched zero trailers and did not follow the development of the game. Oh, and I loathed Witcher 3, so CP2077 not being a 'sci-fi Witcher 3' is most likely the reason I enjoyed playing it. Night City is decently sized without feeling overwhelming, that there's not much to do in spite of it being 'open world' is a godsend too. Screw open world games.1 point
Yesterday Russia launched again approx 70 missiles against Ukraine. According to official sources, 89% of them were shot down by Air Defense. This picture is one of these intercepted missiles. Out of these 11% which got through AD, none has hit critical infrastructure, just some secondary infrastructure. This caused approx 2 hours of power outage, and IIRC 5 dead civilians. Estimated cost of this attack is half billion USD. It was expected that over 100 missiles would be launched yesterday, but it looks like the attack on two airports has caused no strategic bombers were used yesterday. According to Arestovych 2 strategic bombers were damaged, and 2 destroyed. Which is approximately 20% of all Russian strategic bombers, out of which TU-22M and Tu-95 are not produced anymore and TU-160s are constructed in tempo of 1 piece over several years. So this is significant loss to Russia.1 point
After the first day of release it was estimated to have sold around 20K copies on Steam iirc, now it's between 20 and 50K - but that's just numbers from SteamSpy and so on, so not really reliable. It also doesn't take into account non-Steam purchases (Microsoft Store for example). Also - since it's an XBox GamePass title - a lot of players won't have to buy it in order to play it. I don't think neither Josh nor Microsoft expected Pentiment to really make money from sales alone - but given the very good receptions and the buzz, combined with the very small team (13 devs in total), the presumably small budget and the solid price ($20) it might do?1 point