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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/22 in all areas

  1. Senate clears key procedural step on bill to protect same-sex marriage | CNN Politics
    3 points
  2. I would go with "Quote in the Title"
    3 points
  3. Give me a mod where I play as Gun Jesus and I'm in. You think that's sacrilegious, there sre several MegaTen games that include YHVH and the Tetragrammaton is generally not portrayed in a positive light... I guess that depends on where you sit on the order/chaos spectrum.
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. The mods that give Jesus an AK will be good.
    3 points
  6. Sounds plausible, I agree. I have also sometimes wondered that places like Mariupol might still be standing if Russia hadn't shelled them with abandon for so long. Plenty of Ukrainians might also be living peacefully at home if Russia hadn't invaded. But of course this is conjecture. Let us not be too hasty to blame Russia. EDIT: Biden has apparently told the G7 that it was a Ukrainian air defence missile.
    3 points
  7. Zupa Szczawiowa (Sorrel Soup): One of my all time favorite soups. Sorrel isn't indigenous to North America and it's not something I can find at my local grocery store, so I grew my own. Absolutely worth the wait.
    2 points
  8. Josh wrote on Twitter that they got some bug reports & feedback and that they would fix some things. Number 1 on the list was a slider to turn down/off the scribbling sound. There you go!
    2 points
  9. She...was in the anime, yes. Yeah, it's kind of this show's MO, the only thing that surprised me was that it happened so quickly. It made sense a minute or two later once I realized the show was doing a different angle, though.
    2 points
  10. Court of arbitration decided today that Gazprom broke it contracts when it demanded payments in rubles and stopped delivering gas. Which could mean that Gazprom needs to pay hundreds of billions of euros compensations to gas companies around Europe.
    2 points
  11. I'm not an expert, but maybe this wouldn't have happened if russia wouldn't have launched missiles again.
    2 points
  12. In other news, here is, what Wagnerites are thinking about the missile strikes. TLDR they are useless, as they do not target any military infrastructure They have finally admitted publicly, what I was saying few months ago already
    2 points
  13. The latest DLC for Solasta is out: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2100430/Solasta_Crown_of_the_Magister__Inner_Strength/
    2 points
  14. Some beef: Bone marrow (well, from beef bones ) And getting rid of the leftovers:
    1 point
  15. Sure, like nothing about this first episode was creepy as hell, not sure what I was talking about there. I don't know how well it would work without the first two seasons, but there's a pretty big time skip in between and most exposition in early StrikerS flows pretty organically. The series falls apart in the final five episodes when they either ran out of time or lost track of what they wanted to do and turned the villain into a Bond level numpty in both exposition and behaviour, but until then that was actually a pretty decent watch. The fanservice is just plain bad instead of eye-gougingly bad because they had the common sense to, you know, no longer use nine year olds for most of it. Like, if you want to check out the early seasons and have misgivings about loli-scenes just leave out episode 5 of the first season. It's also a lot slower paced and not as much about awesome battles as the Wikipedia entry makes it look.
    1 point
  16. More on Nvidia's RTX Fire Hazard 4090 12V connector issues.
    1 point
  17. Enjoying it as well, though only finished the first day. Went with workoholic Flanders. I find it rather natural that artist wouldn't want to anger church, as they tended (and still tend) to be major source of work. He has some ideas, but is careful when and to whom he voices them. The game already passed a very important quality test:
    1 point
  18. I know that many of my family and friends who are never Trumpers would love the chance to finally vote R again
    1 point
  19. While I hope Trump would run 3rd party if he doesn't get the nomination, I fear that the Democrats won't show up (especially to contend with vote suppression efforts) if they aren't up against Trump. I don't have anything to base that on other than their general apathy.
    1 point
  20. When Trump has been on the ballot in 2016 and 2020, he has majorly outperformed expectations. In both of those elections, it was right on the margin of error for how well he over-performed. He lost the 2020 election by a combined mere 65,009 votes through just four key states (Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Nebraska) that would have won him the election...and that was after the absolute clown fiesta nightmare 4 years that we experienced with him and with him utterly bungling a deadly global pandemic - if not for just the latter, he absolutely would still be president right now. In 2018 and 2022 when he hasn't been on the ballot, it has been a completely different story. For so many people in this country, Trump is their guy, the only guy that they truly believe in, that nobody else could ever be for them. It is called a cult of personality for a reason, and so while these midterm performances with him as the "leader" of the Republican Party have been weak, I very strongly hope that he does not win the Republican ticket for 2024 because it is my feeling that there is a significant voter base that only he can tap into, and if the Republican party rejects him, that base will neither forgive nor vote for the Republican party, and good riddance to them. Probably the absolute best scenario, of course, would be that Trump loses the Republican nomination and then still runs independent as an act of revenge. I'm sure the majority of us would love to see that and the resulting implosion.
    1 point
  21. Well I didn't say the show was good. Actually pretty much stated it's terrible. But it kills time and I had it packed away on an external HD.
    1 point
  22. Uh...no, whatever that means. I guess I'll find out, or not. The show has been mainly focusing on Jun and her very dear lady friend, Kazumi, in between all the murdering. Which is just as well for me, since that's predominantly what I care about, . I did make sure that I was looking at the original 2003 show, so if the later shows are much worse...I mean, come on. I don't think I'd be able to watch more than a minute of this crud, .
    1 point
  23. While watching Jurrasic World 3, I wished I did not have eyes or ears. Not even Sam Neil and Laura Dern could save it.
    1 point
  24. There is a fundamental difference. It is true that people take different things from, say, a movie, but the movie is the same for everyone. The game, however, is different for each player, and each separate game for the same player is also different. A game is not a fixed entity. People don't consume games, either, they participate in them, which also highlights this fundamental difference. Games may have artistic qualities -- for instance, chess pieces can be really quite beautiful and a marvelously crafted rook, for example, may be regarded as a specimen of Xth century Chinese design -- but the game itself, as an entity, is fundamentally different from a work of art.
    1 point
  25. Games are not an art form, they are games. They would be an art form if the player was just a recipient, not a participant in shaping how it all turns out. A work of art is finished when it gets to its recipient, whereas a game will only begin at that point. Games don't have to have any story (think poker, chess, or a million others), but if they do, they can potentially be superb at it. Think of BG2, PoE or Deadfire. For me, the excitement of those games relied on the story. Nothing against the battles, gaining XP and all that, but the story was the main thing. This is demonstrated by the fact that once I played the game to the end and knew the story, much of my interest was gone. I don't replay much, although it does happen. The storytelling in the games mentioned above is not particularly great if you compare it to good literature; it is somewhere at the genre fantasy level, I'd say, but the fact that you can shape the story makes it more interesting, to me, than reading books like that, which I never do anymore. I'm all for games with (hopefully good) stories; in fact they tend to be the only games I play. Disco Elysium was a very story-heavy game, and it's the most enjoyable game of these recent years for me. I think it's just wonderful. It didn't matter one bit that there wasn't a single classic battle encounter in it (or perhaps just one, if you count that one thing...). I am very excited about Pentiment, which I haven't played yet, at all, although I installed it yesterday.
    1 point
  26. For what it's worth, this game is fiction still, just historical fiction. I'd say it definitely shows there's ways of making more realist fiction intriguing and engaging, which are an area that videogames tend to shy away from far more than many other artistic media do.
    1 point
  27. Waiting for @LadyCrimson to stop by
    1 point
  28. Or a real life scenario in general. Though I suspect it is mechanical flexibility which comes with fiction (edit. Read: fictional settings) that makes fiction (edit: them) so common. I think the trick is that if you base your game on history/part of real life you need to look at it's real life counterpart and then find a way to gamify it, rather then come up with mechanics and then slap a theme on it. Not that it is something not worth exploring - art is about communication, so I think games could only benefit from finding way to express new stories and concepts rather then adjusting the stories they tell to their gameplay they already came up with.
    1 point
  29. Top tags...ecchi, action, martial arts. Poster shows lady doing a kick and showing off her lady bits. The user-submitted screenshots are all of...women in various stages of either undress, upshots, downshots, and/or "action" poses. Yes, I'm sure it's just a perfectly quality show with a perfectly wonderful fan following, . Now if you will excuse me, I have to get back to slitting my wrists...although in light of what I've just seen, maybe I should focus more on my eyes instead.
    1 point
  30. Not worth it, sure, but could be deliberate anyway. Fleeing from Kherson with their tails between the legs, "G19", scrotum voodoo doll's no-show there and sad horse's hospital time, things like that all chip away at their moronic "RUSSIA STRONK!!!" narrative they seem incapable of even adjusting, let alone letting go. Bombing Ukrainian cities cannot cut it anymore because it is already routine for them, why not ruffle NATO's feathers by letting missiles "accidentally" graze its corner. Because "So what? Whatchagonna do, gayropeans, huh? Huh????"
    1 point
  31. Fallout 3 has the same problem I have with Oblivion. Aggressively terrible level scaling. At high levels of Fallout 3, you can't go for a jaunty stroll without running into a constant stream of Deathclaws and Albino Radscorpions. All sorts of enemies that ignore armor. It was not fun running around in power armor and getting 3 shot like I was naked by some enemy with a standard rifle because their name had Master in it. I not only like it less than New Vegas, I hold hate in my heart for it.
    1 point
  32. Is Courier even from California? In any way, I spent many hundreds of hours in NV, never sided with the Legion once and likely I never will. Was kinda committed a couple of times, but as soon as I get to the Legion encampment they say Legion things aaaaaaand look at the time, it's murder o'clock again.
    1 point
  33. In AZ this week so eating Sonoran Mexican food and some occasional soul food. Had chitlins two ways for dinner the other night, regular and battered and fried.
    1 point
  34. Unhealthy takeout day at work: Productivity projection after consumption: uncertain, but tending towards zero. Needless to say, I sorta feel, uhm, sick. Just in case anyone's wondering what the item on the right side really is, that's deep fried chicken with bacon on top of a massive amount of cheese fries. Not sure why that is under 'sides' on the menu, but... I feel like I'm going to explode. In more ways than one.
    1 point
  35. Not sure where to post this. The Funny thread? Politics? "This is what his vision of the future man looks like." Then you see 1:31.
    1 point
  36. The VA for Shiina has a rather annoying tendency to yell in an ear-piercing manner (might be a slight exaggeration, though) and the second episode features one of your favorite character archetypes, s-s-shy, slightly st-t-t-uttering Akira who talks somewhat silently and who... Aside from that, the main impression I have from the first three episodes is like watching a slowly unfolding eldritch horror show set in a rather colorful and otherwise fairly normal school setting. Shiina goes to school, there's a Kendo class where she meets Akira, she cooks, goes to a restaurant and talks to her Patrick, who does very little else than just creepily stare at her. Everything just feels wrong, in the same way authors describe their eldritch horrors. Unknowable, reality bending. Although the soft piano music underlying some scenes is an inversion of the trope just as well. It is slow piano music all right, but it's not soft. Generally, this series is hell on the ears. Is it terrible? Yes, most definitely. Just probably not in the way you asked. I have no idea where it is going with whathever it is, but it's probably going to continue being first team all American creepy, like D1ck Cheney: Heh. Here's the opening: It's cute and fuzzy until Shiina and Patrick turn into Godzilla like monstrosities and attack each other in the city. Uhm, yeah. Magic eight ball says: Unclear. I have no idea what is going on yet, no idea where it will go and no idea if I like it - let alone anyone else.
    1 point
  37. I want my character to have a mustache, be balding, and be overweight. Can this be done?
    1 point
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