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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/22 in all areas

  1. I am finishing a mod that adds 7 unique ships and 2 new ship types to the game. > The two new ship types are Xebec and Heavy Galleon. They can be bought from Neketaka shipyard > Five unique ships (with unique stats) can be captured by boarding respective vessels: The Servant of Rikuhu - unique voyager - captained by Wheneha (by default spawns when you have -3 Reputation with Huana) The Terror of the Deadfire - unique xebec- captained by Arteiro (by default spawns when you have -3 Reputation with Principi) Aim'Spirente - unique heavy galleon - captained by Estulario (by default spawns when you have -3 Reputation with VTC) The Royal Leviathan - unique junk - captained by Hazanui Yaro (by default spawns when you have -3 Reputation with RDC) The Heaving Harlot - unique junk - captained by Fyrgist > Two ships can be found/looted as "ship in a bottle" item after defeating some land enemies: Ship in a bottle (Black Dhow) (unique dhow) can be looted from a specific named fampyr Ship in a bottle (Black Pearl) (unique galleon) can be found in a bookcase behind one unnamed lich > Also the mod slightly edits the stats of Fonferrus and Blade of Takowa: The main thing left to do is: add custom ship stories/descriptions. For now I have put generic ones. But if anyone feels inspiration and wants to contribute, that would be great! P.S. Few screenshots:
    4 points
  2. Funny you mention that, because I read on some engineering talk about that bridge the other day, and it appears the job is not that good as they built a part of it a bit deeper than it is safe (80 meters deep when the rule is 60 or something) and built on unstable seabed with stuff like "dirt volcanoes" on it, so its longevity is rather questionable. I'm not surprised it was built in record time though, as it indeed was pale moth's of kremlin vanity project and fascist regimes aim to please their ~supreme fathers of the nation~ and prioritize their passion projects. Also, there is absolutely no signatures of Satan on any russian papers -- russian delegation sent to sign the treaty pocketed the majority of Satan's tribute and bribed some random Nalfeshnee with vodka to forge the signature, and that's why everything in russia is how it is.
    4 points
  3. The same is true for Grave Calling (and probably Hel Beckoning too) with the advantage you can freeze/paralyze any enemy without immunity to dex afflictions (even Dorudugan). Works well on SC rogues but also on any monk crit builds because the freeze/paralyze will increase the hit to crit chance. (It makes a great combo with Scordeo's Edge because of the accuracy buff and Blade Cascade...)
    3 points
  4. So I have decided I am going to play these games next as my fantasy choice, I will start with Kingmaker But as I mentioned I am playing BG1&2 now so when I am finished my gaming code says I have to play a game that isnt from the same genre and mechanics . So I cant play a party based RPG immediately But I will be playing these games in the future How is Kingmaker?
    3 points
  5. The FSB, in conjunction with the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, has reportedly come to the conclusion that the Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, its head Kyrylo Budanov and its employees and agents were the "organisers" of the explosion on the Crimean Bridge. According to Russian special services, an explosive device was camouflaged using rolls of polyethylene film on 22 pallets with a total weight of over 22 tonnes and sent from the Odesa Seaport to the Bulgarian city of Ruse in early August. Citizens of Ukraine, Georgia and a citizen of Armenia were allegedly involved in organising the shipment. FSB claims that the cargo was shipped from Bulgaria to the port of Poti in Georgia, and then to Armenia. Mykhailo Tsiurkalo (born 1975), Denys Kovach (1979) and Roman Solomko (1971), all citizens of Ukraine, Sandro Inosaridze, a citizen of Georgia, a broker called Levan and Armenian citizen Artur Terchanian (1985) were allegedly involved in the process. It's so touching, that after all these years, they manned up and are solving all these cases so fast... First the Dugin explosion, now the Kerch Bridge... I am just wondering why are they still in darkness on who assaulted Nemcov after all these years
    3 points
  6. There are at least two bridges with piles more than 120m deep. 2nd Penang Bridge Malaysia and the Padma Bridge Bangladesh. The deepest on the Crimea Bridge is a mere 90m. That's water + mud depth + 20m into bedrock; going into bedrock renders the mud volcanoes moot.
    3 points
  7. That trailer is one of the funniest things I've seen all year, if Sci-Fi Chucky is that ****in bonkers it will be amazing.
    2 points
  8. Öne of these days you are actually gonna suceed in making me pick up Deadfire again with all these crazy finds of yours.
    2 points
  9. This content cannot be displayed until agreeing to our use of Social Media cookies. Learn more. Manage cookies This content cannot be displayed until agreeing to our use of Social Media cookies. Learn more. Manage cookies
    2 points
  10. Yeah its amazing how efficient the FSB becomes when its not the killings of journalists and Russian political opposition members
    2 points
  11. Ahh, sorry about that. I was quoting a source in a language not familiar to almost anyone here. Here's Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russias-fsb-arrests-eight-crimea-bridge-blast-2022-10-12/
    2 points
  12. Loaded up that Trickster with Persuasion 3 that I parked before the last location. He's not even that heavily invested in intimidation, but the game still 90% played itself. I think I'm glad that Persuasion 3 did not work before. Still, mass suicide was better than when on Legend run everybody and their dog showed up to help, got en masse frightened by Balor's buddy Vavakia and ended up running all over the map like a horde of headless chicken stretching that fight into eternity.
    2 points
  13. Once again, you are forgetting, that we are speaking about Russia, where 9 out of 10 Rubles from every state contract gets lost. So comparing buildtime of 14 months in USA with 14 months in Russia is a prime example of comparing apples with oranges
    2 points
  14. Following the topic about Saru-Sichr and his melee weapon effect (the DoT roll) that proc Swift Flurry and Heartbeat Drumming , I did some research and found some other weapons with similar effects. I mention here only the weapons with a 100% chance to trigger the effect (some like Bardatto's Luxury have only 10% chance) : Mohora Tanga (Red Flag Flying on crit) this effect can trigger by itself an other but same effect that can crit (and chain crit). The whole on-crit list is maybe concerned (so not Crushing Yokes and Poison Dipped). Sanguine Great Sword (Weeping Wounds on crit) Distraho (Menace on crit but not Nimbus of Dread (that proc Avenging Storm on big AoE on crit that said)) Wicked Beast (Bad Dog and Hounding (+10acc) on crit) Ball and Chain (Crushing Yokes on hit, Shackless and Subjugation on crit) Saru-Sichr (Poison Dipped and upgrades on touch) Effort (Hemorrhaging on crit but from all sources, of course)* All these effect trigger Avenging Storm by the way. That work particulary fine with solo handing Mohora Tanga , as you can see : and The first Combat Log is from an attack with a monk (Swift Flurry and HbD proc more than 82 time, dealing more than 4000 damages). The second Combat log is from a SC Druid with Entropy and Avenging Storm (with one melee crit). Another exemple with the Sanguine Greatsword : Nevertheless, it is easy to make an endless chain (Mohora Tanga one handed) if the accuracy is around the fatal +100 vs fortitude. In this case, the game crash. Even at 80 or 90 acc surrounding the enemy fortitude, the game can crash but only if Mohora Tanga is in first Hand : even if the Red Flag crit chain is over with a graze or hit in the list, every crit from Red Flag have a chance to proc another Red Flag crit chain. The game can also crash immediately. Mohora Tanga in offhand is a good way to have a powerful character without the crash risk (at the condition to not have +100acc/enemy fortitude) : a bouncing ranged weapon in main hand can do a lot of damage to a lot of enemy on many swift flurry proc from Red Flag Flying. Also, in main hand, Frotfall can proc some Swift Flurry attack in AoE (see page 5 of comments), or the Keeper of the Flame can trigger his burn AoE on each Swift Flurry proc. * For the tests, I used a Transcendant to get +20acc from Borrowed Instinct (so +12 one handed +5 accurate +20 B. Instincts for Mohora Tanga). I am also level 20 and enemies are level 16 I think (in any case under my level). Edit : all these effects are vs Fortitude ; all of them trigger melee weapon abilities from Gloves (Storm Blows proc a lot of time, dealing hundred of damages with a Berserker not monk), also Enervating Blow, Interrupting Blow and Spell Disruption. They profit from the Berseker 30% hit to crit for melee weapons, the +3acc from pet (Chloe, Frau Nils, Nikky, Blinky (+5acc for the party with melee weapons)) or crit conversion (Pes, Sheba), and maybe some other stuffs. Debonaire-monk can chain-crit an enemy , more details in page 4 of comments. *: Hemorrhaging doesnt proc Swift Flurry since the attack itself cant crit (but the afflictions can). This is why Hemorrhaging work with the Hylea's Talon (on melee hit) but not with Boltcatcher (on melee crit).
    1 point
  15. If there are a lot of weapon that cause an affliction on hit or crit, Min's Fortune with Fortune's Folly is a little special : The random tiers1 affliction on crit have not hit-roll, so there is 100% chance to proc on crit the affliction (excepted if the enemy have some resistances of course). Other weapons have to make a second roll for applying their effect generaly. This is like the Blind effect with Sunbeam, you only need to pass the reflex roll from the fire attack to cause blind, or with Spirit Frenzy (or Blood Frenzy) that stagger on hit : there are auto-hit and are not affected by graze or crit for their duration (since they cant graze or crit). At the contrary, it is possible to crit with the weapon using the ability Criipling Strike (or others) and miss for the ability's effect. This is why Fortune's Min is a good weapon for rogue : that unlock sneack attack or deathblow fore sure if applied.
    1 point
  16. Not a surprise they look almost identical, the size of the mag is the giveaway. The AR-10 was the original AR that Eugene Stoner designed at Armalite (fun fact: AR stands for Armalite Rifle), a 7.62 NATO battle rifle. Shortly after the US military said "actually, we'd rather have an assault rifle in 5.56 NATO" so he made the AR-15, essentially a scaled-down AR-10. The way I was taught you shoot 1 round then thoroughly clean out the barrel with bore cleaner and a brush. Repeat for the first 10 rounds. For the next 10 shoot 2 rounds and clean, repeat. That should do it. If you're not seeing any copper on the brush you're all set, if there is still a bit of copper then keep cleaning like the second set of 10 until no copper shows up on the brush. Edit: Size comparison of .308 Winchester/7.62 NATO and .223 Remington/5.56 NATO
    1 point
  17. I'm assembling my WW3 Apocalypse Preparedness Kit: With the essentials (mostly, I'm still waiting for the optic for the rifle) taken care of, I suppose I should stockpile some luxuries such as food and medicine. The apocalypse thing is a joke btw... ... ... I hope. ATF van pulling up outside my door in 5... 4... 3...
    1 point
  18. By the way, if you DW Mahora Tanga with Magistrate Cudgel, you dont really loose the +12acc from one handed weapon equipped, once you have scored an hit with the mace. The +10acc from Judge is universal, so work either for Mahora hit and Red Flag Flying. You need to have the mace equipped to get the bonus. On top the mace modal is also a kind of universal debuff since it is not +1Pen for the weapon but -1AR for the target, then +2Pen (Harpooning, Rending Smash) on Swift Flurry chain!
    1 point
  19. And we have official EU reaction to the Russian escalation from the weekend.
    1 point
  20. oh lol i completely misread and thought you were talking about FS, not the abbey, my bad
    1 point
  21. If you launch a "spell" from Amira's Wing (or others like Crushing Depht etc) and then switch to Frostfall, or Engoliero do espirs (for example) between the end of the attack (icon) and the hit from the spell (there is a little dealy), the effects of these weapon are applied (on-kill here). I mean, I launched Wilting Wind and immediatly goes to EdE, and that was impressive. Of course EdE work on any kill, but here my character had no spell. And Frostfall (dispersed suffering) work only on weapon kill, so work with these "spells" from weapons.
    1 point
  22. This is pretty good vs group of enemies indeed!
    1 point
  23. Highest AC should be Ranger/Cipher I found a way to use the spear's advantages with Swift Flurry but mostly prevent the crashing: put in into the offhand. Red Flag will still proc itself numerous times - but from those red flag attacks a main hand attack is triggered with the other weapon which seems to break the infinite cycle at some point. I'm still one-shotting weak enemies, but the game didn't crash so far. Could be cool with a main hand weapon that does something special on crit - like Sungrazer or whatever. Edit: a hand mortar in the main hand is kind of funny: each proc of Red Flag Flying from the offhand spear seems to trigger an AoE shot from the main hand?
    1 point
  24. Two tweets, which sums up pretty much, how all the things work in the Russia…
    1 point
  25. Russia has released images of the truck. The truthfulness of the images becomes under question immediately. See thread. Numerous inconsistencies.
    1 point
  26. What !! You think people are biased against Russia and Putin, whatever gave you that impression Putins unprovoked invasion of Ukraine is a war Vals and yes in a war most people aren't neutral or impartial. Its like WW2 where people were biased against the Nazi and Germany. But in this case its not as broad as that, for example I dont like Putin and those Russians that support him and the sooner he is gone the better But I dont have an issue with the large number of Russians who are opposed to the war or Russia in the future as a responsible member of international community. But right now, yes. I am very much biased and dislike Putin and the direction he has taken Russia
    1 point
  27. On subsequent runs I figured out you could be mostly peaceful and avoid most fights there. My first time through I think I battled my way through and lord was it tough lol. But you can be peaceful mostly and only fight Kaoto and a few of the Monks in the basement
    1 point
  28. I have had this problem with virtually every gnat I have come across since the full release. Not just in one area, but throughout the entire map. Also I have had this problem with meaty gnats as well, either falling through the map completely or falling through the trashed computer.
    1 point
  29. Don't think he's forgetting, I think you have an extreme bias against Russia & Russians, and at least a moderate bias against reality. Even if what you said is true (for the sake of argument), money disappearing doesn't necessarily translate into inefficiency. Not all thieves are bureaucrats, and many of those that aren't are often still proficient at their jobs. That said, the fact remains that Russia built this bridge in a relatively short amount of time for such a large project. This fact, like all others, doesn't care about your prejudices or misperceptions. Insofar as build times in the USA v Russia, I could write a short essay, but it is indeed apples and apples. Corruption and inefficiency sadly dominates much of the United States at this point.
    1 point
  30. @AmentepA reaction like that has forced my hand. I present the legendary Larry Sweeney vs One Man Gang strut off:
    1 point
  31. I have found and interesting analysis by Timothy Snyder published on 5th october. https://snyder.substack.com/p/how-does-the-russo-ukrainian-war?r=f9j4c&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
    1 point
  32. Hi, I play on PC, Windows 10, 32 Go RAM, intel i9 3.6 GHz and NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2070 super. I play with everything maxed out in graphics and the game run fine, except in two circonstances : Sometimes, when I open a milk molar and the glowing heart show. Everytime, during the Mantis boss fight. The game became nearly unplayable as soon as the pollens thingies explodes. I tried limiting the FPS, lowering the graphics quality or turning off the chromatic option (the "haze effect" as described in the menu, yet I never lagged in the Haze). Nothing work. I read the Mantis fight was crashing some xboxes. Well, it doesn't crash my PC but it put it to his knees. I hope you can find a fix, or if anyone have a workaround ? Because I'd like to kill the mantis again to make the full set
    1 point
  33. I thought having a spider mutation/trinket that allows moving faster on zip lines/reverse on zip lines would be a good addition and it'd make sense thematically since they are made of webs. Maybe a mini-boss to unlock it or get all the spiders gold in the peeper to unlock it.
    1 point
  34. The fight in this DLC are tough, but not to the level of Abbey of the Fallen Moon in PoE1. Abbey of the Fallen Moon was maybe my favorite place in all PoEs (beautiful place and incredible lore). And Oh boy it was stressful for about the same reason (high level Kiths with plenty of nasty abilities and... monks !)
    1 point
  35. Backpack upgrades (bought with raw science)
    1 point
  36. I heard that the developers were looking for some ideas for new traps and decoration items so I threw together a quick list of some I’d like to see added in. DECORATIONS - Archery Target - Bench - Calendar (displays how many days you’ve survived) - Chandelier (Sap, Slime Mold) - Clay Pot (Can grow things in them like sprigs or mushrooms) - Couch - Fireplace (made out of mushroom bricks) - Flags (use the same pictures as sign frames) - Fuzz Rugs (Mite, Gnat, Bee, Etc.) - Map (wall mounted map of the yard) - Pebblet Fence - Rope Ladder - Shelf (similar to ones found in labs, they act as both a storage unit and a display for items and resources, comes in two variants: standing and wall mounted) - Weapon Rack TRAPS - Element Traps (Spicy, Mint, Sour, Salt) - Gas Trap (Sprays gas cloud when triggered) - Sticky Trap (slows enemies down) - Tripwire Alarm (basic alarm trigger) - Web Trap (snares small and medium sized creatures)
    1 point
  37. I also came to the forum to look into SteamDeck support. currently the game doesnt run ootb on SteamDeck. Settings can be tweaked to make it run, yet not as well as it could. I actually believe this game would be absolutely amazing on the SteamDeck and i really hope the developers plan to add support soon.
    1 point
  38. You forgot that old woman who likes young men a quarter of her own age, as well as spider woman (if you like girls with legs, she's definitely your thing)
    1 point
  39. Had a few emotional hits, upon which in traditional fashion, I ignored and descended into book reading and craft related matters. Further progress on printing out those Mando designs: Going to test out using a mix of carpentry cabinet scrapers instead of just purely sanding to clean and reduce those print lines.
    1 point
  40. Biden pardons thousands of people convicted with marijuana charges...but possibly more importantly, if anything comes of it:
    1 point
  41. +1 I'd love to play this on my Steam Deck also.
    1 point
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