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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/21 in all areas

  1. If you can't handle a teenager lecturing politicians about their incompetence, there is something seriously wrong with you. It is a delight.
    3 points
  2. It seems that everyone has proficiency for Cipher's Reaping Knives, e.g. it works well with Devoted. Druid spiritshift weapons are not proficient, and I'm not sure about Rot Skulls/Kalakoth's Minor Blights or any other summoned weapon that doesn't correspond to a normal weapon type.
    3 points
  3. Honest government ads at it again... (for those who can't stomach Greta Thunberg, she's just a cameo at the end)
    3 points
  4. Hey Developer, I hope you understand that by far is one of my favorite games. I have had this bug when I play with my cousins that everytime I get in their server, my character will not equip her weapons on her hot bar. For example, I would press one for an insect hammer, and nothing happened. Also something else, my game has crashed a couple times in the middle of my game (which gets frustrating when you haven't saved.) This has happened in a server I joined and a server I hosted. And one last thing, I had prepped everything to get a mint mallet and when I finally got it and analyzed it, I went to look for the mint mallet receipe and it was no where to be found. Looking through one other form, someone said that it was updated. Could you confirm with us? I want to make sure my game isn't glitching. Thank you!!
    2 points
  5. Note: I had the community patch and balance polish mod installed (in case that affects some of the interactions of abilities) Just finished another playthrough and wanted to give my thoughts on some of the builds I used. First up is my main character that went single class Arcane Archer. The basic way that I used him was primarily an AoE CC + AoE damager via Imbue Eora, Web, and Fireball/Death. You group them up with Eora, Debuff their reflex and immobilize them with Web, and then unleash damage with either Fireball or Death, depending on their resistances and if your own teammates are too near to Fireball's damage radius. You can also just chain Imbue:Missiles for single target damage, especially when empowered (with the way empower works, Minoletta's Missiles gets a huge power increase relative to many other spells). Probably the most important ability to grab is the passive Driving Flight which will enable your Imbues to hit two targets, effectively doubling the damage of Fireball/Death. One nice thing about this subclass is that you get the Imbue abilities for free and really don't need most of the other Ranger active abilities (wounding shot, etc) because you'd usually prefer to save your resources for the Imbues. This means you can pick up lots of empower enhancing abilities at high levels and/or grab some of the pet-centric abilities along the way. I used Spearcaster as my main weapon because it just fit my character RP wise the best (scientist background and high arcana giving extra accuracy). Weapons with natural bounce effects would have been even better potentially as the Imbues bounce along with your attack. Overall this was a fun build. The AoE damage can be really strong, single handedly wiping out packs of enemies or killing a squishy target right off the bat with empowered Missiles. However, now that I know more about it I'd probably choose to multiclass Arcane Archer. Arcane Archer really doesn't need too many skill points spent in it to make it effective since the Imbues are auto-grant. I've read interesting synergies with Helwalker or Barbarian multiclasses in particular that sound fun. The main thing you'd lose if you multiclassed is access to Imbue:Death or quicker access to Imbue:Eora but I think the synergies you'd gain would make up for that, not to mention it probably being a more fun build overall.
    2 points
  6. My only major complaint with Deadfire after sinking 76 hours into it is the presence of enemies with Immunity to Common Damage Types (Piercing/Slashing/Crushing) and its impact on the gameplay experience. Now, before I get into it, I want to say that I can understand and appreciate Elemental Immunities - typically the only sources of pure elemental damage are spells, and usually if you're running into enemies with elemental immunities you can just cast a different spell. But outright resistance to the Common Damage Types sets my teeth on edge because it produces particularly strange logic in several cases. For example, Skeletal Warriors (and other Skeletal [Class] enemies) are immune to Piercing damage. I can see the logic behind it: Skeletons are not known for having a lot of squishy parts. They're entirely bones and empty spaces, so it makes sense that weapons that rely on piercing fleshy parts to damage organs would have a tough time against them. - Figure A: Skeleton Lectures Peasant On Why Gut Stabs Aren't Great Without A Gut To Stab - However, just because a Piercing weapon primarily relies on touching things that shouldn't be touched to deal its damage doesn't mean that it would be useless: there's still significant force being exerted by the impact, even if effective impact locations are harder to come by. In this case, a high resistance to the damage type in question makes sense, but outright immunity doesn't - regardless of how wiggly and wily a Skeleton may be, a bullet or spear in the right place will still shatter bone. - Figure B: Skeleton Politely Requests Peasant Not Move Pitchfork To Avoid Snapping Spine - Things get even weirder when you factor in Bows. For some reason, War Bows and Hunting Bows were changed from Piercing to Best Of Slash/Pierce. As a result, Skeletons are immune to bullets and bolts, but still very much vulnerable to arrows (even though Slashing primarily relies on cutting, which... Skeletons don't have anything to cut!). - Figure C: Skeleton Loudly Disregards Local Constabulary's Firearms, But States Respect And Fear Of Bowmen - Nitpicking the logic behind it aside, the actual gameplay feel behind common damage immunities is just awful. There's no tactical depth to it: solving the problem is as easy as pulling out a backup - a Scepter or a Rod or a Sword or a Hammer - and it's just annoying. There's no huge additional challenge to dealing with enemies with these immunities, I'm just mildly inconvenienced while my characters use a slightly less optimal weapon so they can actually participate instead of complaining about how their weapon isn't working. Elemental or Spell immunities change the tactics you use because the majority of the spells in the game have unique effects and casting times and AOEs and what have you, but Common Damage Immunities just require you to use a different kind of stick. - Figure D: Bored Skeleton Suggests That Poster Find Better, Funnier Gimmick - Now, Skeletons are just an example of enemies with Common Damage Immunities, but they're probably the best indicator of why these immunities are simply annoying instead of challenging. Very rarely, if ever, do enemies with Common Damage Immunities pose a significant threat because of their immunities. I would much rather see enemies with Immunity to Common Damage Types be given high resistance instead (for example, 20 or 30 at least) so that they still retain their logical defenses against such damage types. This would encourage the player to switch damage types to better handle the situation but not require it. Continuing to use the resisted damage type would still be sub-optimal, but not so much that the experience becomes frustrating or immersion-breaking. - Figure E: Local Skeleton Seeks Flaming Sword To Cuddle, Direct Inquires To Old City Caves Under Neketaka - Overall, I've had a blast with Deadfire and have adored my time spent playing it. This whole Common Damage Immunity thing is literally the only thing I see as a flaw and I desperately want to see it changed, but I also understand if Obsidian chooses not to. If they don't, well... there's always modding, and it's not like I'm going to suddenly start hating Deadfire over something minor like this. Anyways, thank you for reading, and I hope you have a nice day.
    2 points
  7. Don't you want to turn red? Man that sounds cool. But it doesn't make sense. Where would Bill Gates hide the ship? Why bother killing off everyone instead of just leaving? Why explore when the earth is part of a giant ball of ice and space is a hoax? Meanwhile the real dystopia is a bad drawing of a monkey smoking a blunt is worth $100000 because it uses the same energy as 5 households do in a year each day to maintain it. Talk about lame. I have a conspiracy theory that governments spread conspiracy theories (some of which is proven, like the evergreen antisemitic screed Protocols being fabricated by the Czarist secret police way back) because it tends to shift focus away focus from institutions and structures (and action against them) and towards well basically cults and snake oil peddlers that may rack up a human cost but won't get close enough to the gears of power to do anything. Think about it, we've seen governments go hard against Anonymous, environmental activists, Barret Brown, Reality Winner, Donzinger and others who whistleblew about stuff the government and corporations actually did or directly hit them in the profits. Meanwhile the conspiracy crew (with it's usual ties to fascists and other cretins) have not gotten near the same crackdowns despite having done much more real harm to people. The conspiracy guys who claim that they're fighting against an unprecedentedly powerful enemy or enemies not only manage to stay out of prison.(let alone get killed), a good amount of them make enough money where they don't have to wage slave anymore.
    2 points
  8. Hell yeah, sign me up! I'm assuming I have at least a fighting chance at being one of the five million since I took his vaccine very early on and he would presumably want sensible and agreeable people on his starship. Definitely don't want brainless, gun-toting "rebels", anyways. Yeah, but any kind of anti-science position really seems like a leaping point for any number of other insane positions. Today "global warming is a hoax" or "the Earth is flat", tomorrow it's "**** your vaccines" and "give me the horse paste". People are nuts. Hope everything works out.
    2 points
  9. Outcast for free on GOG as a part of THQ Nordic publisher sale. https://www.gog.com/partner/thqnordic
    2 points
  10. new update for 11/08/21 really messed everything up glitches are happening a lot. Items are disappearing in the hot bar. we reloaded the game 4 times even turned off our pcs and still having major issues. grass disappears as well specially while building. please fix
    1 point
  11. With all the different insects/critters and damage types that have been added to the game, it would be cool to have some sort of bestiary. Suggestion: Lets say the book starts out empty, and as you keep killing more and more of the same insect/critter, you unlock new entries where you can see the behavior, strengths and weaknesses of that type of insect/critter and maybe a little fun fact.
    1 point
  12. The lady bug that is in the haze lab has vanished. No matter what I do she won’t respawn. Can’t reload save because it was days ago and I just recently realized she is the one that gives you the mutation. Killing another infected ladybug will not trigger it either. Not sure what else to do.
    1 point
  13. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't be biased by the video itself, since I famously despise all things music videos which can bias me against the song, and the first few seconds I was like "hmm, this doesn't SEEM familiar...". Then she started singing, and I was like "oh yeah, the chipmunk girl". It's not the worst ever by any means, but I certainly don't care for it. Maybe if I fall in love with the show... Did you listen to the intro on every Sakura episode like I have? Maybe you need some more brainwashing...it seems to have worked on me, . I maintain that I can barely understand and practice English - Japanese is wholly out of the question except as it pertains to precisely one person: me.
    1 point
  14. The opening itself is nice indeed. The song though, nope. Although, yeah, it's not nearly as bad as the second opening of K-On!. That's like the worst ever. I linked that before, but why not post a reminder... I also have PGSM to watch once I get back to things Sailor Moon. You should be good even if you stop reading for a longer while. I find your lack of enthusiasm for Japanese grammar disturbing! *starts force choking random people* That's what I get for not stopping myself typing up a storm. Took me a while to write that, even double checked for spelling mistakes.
    1 point
  15. It's fine. The opening lines are O.K., the middle part of the song immediately after that sucks because it slows to a crawl and the way the lady sings it is weird and it all sounds just kind of uneven and bad, but then the song finally kicks off when the Sakuras merge, and that part's pretty decent. Plus, seeing Sakura in the broken mirror turn towards the camera is pretty cool animation-wise. Yes, the Sailor Stars song is better, but so is the Sakura animation, . In other words, I don't have to worry about you finishing it before me, .
    1 point
  16. That's the power of love! Or well, energy in this case, anyway, but I understand. Sometimes when I'm working from home I'll just set YouTube to randomly play music videos I accessed with my account, and sometimes it gives me a bunch of Sailor Moon songs, like the Sailor Star song, and I'm feeling all nostalgic, then it flicks to the Star Locket version of the original theme song or worse, so the sad violin version of Sailor Stars and I'm... pretty much hit by a deep longing to rewatch the series. It's not that often that I rewatch something and find it even better than the first time around. Particularily Sailor Stars as a whole, I remember liking the season, sure, but not it being this good. Certainly not being better than R, which it actually is, in spite of how the art looks... Reading the Sailor V manga seems like a good idea, but I'll just finish the Sailor Moon manga first to get that out of my mind. It's been open for quite a while now and it's starting to bug me a bit. Gotta stop now before I turn this into a yuuuuuge rambling post. So how much do you like that terrible third Cardcaptor Sakura opening by now? Yeah, because back when I started watching Cardcaptor Sakura all I got from listening to the Japanese original was a bit like Pinky's POV: Yeah, truth be told, I think that would have been hard to miss. I did miss Sharoan not calling her by her name until the elevator episode and I went to check the Wiki because it was really strange hearing him yell Sakura, so I helpfully passed that observation and bit of information along. Just in case. It sounds like oneechan for an English speaker, but it's actually oniichan. Oneechan is for older sisters. These terms plus Sakura using Shaoran's last name with -kun are some of the more intricate things to glean from Japanese honorifics and forms of address/politeness. 's funny what you pick up here and there over time. Speaking of that Sailor Star song, it's often thought of being called Makenai. Makenai means don't be defeated (literally) and in context of the song better translates to don't give up. By now I know that the shūshikei (an inflection category, this one is sort of like a base form) of makenai is makeru (to lose), and that it's a so called ichidandōshi, or one level verb (ichi is Japanese for one, and "dan" is level, which yes, is exactly that word from all the martial arts stuff, dōshi means verb). To build the polite way of saying makeru you turn into into makemasu and to negate that it's... yes, exactly makemasen. The meireikei (imperative) would be makero. Works like that for all ichidandōshi, which end in -iru or -eru. Like taberu - to eat. Tabemasu, tabemasen, tabenai, tabero... except when it looks like an ichidandōshi but isn't one, like kaeru. Kaeru is a godandōshi (five level verb), and that has different rules. Kaerimasu and kaeranai. Yeah. Bonus credit question, what's with the verb in the thread title then? That's part of what I meant with Japanese being really formulaic, there are very regular patterns that become noticable even without speaking a lick of it. Sure, there are exceptions... suru and kuru. Suru is somewhat important because it means to do, and the polite form for it is shimasu, which you'll hear really often when people ask others to please do something (onegai shimasu) and serves as indicator for the past tense in the form of sh1ta. Desh1ta means something did not happen in the past (mean word filter ftl...). Kuru (come) has its own set of rules (kimasu, konai, etc.). So for some reason I'm halfway through understanding the way Japanese verbs are conjugated, but I know a sum total of fifteen of them, maybe a bit more, but it's really interesting to realize when people are being polite, casual or give out commands.
    1 point
  17. I accidentally deleted the original post before I sent it, so I'm sending a screenshot I have of it
    1 point
  18. I started reading Sailor V because I've been listening to Sailor Moon music over the last week or so and felt such a...nostalgic longing, I guess you could call it, that I needed *something* to ameliorate it. The breaking point, strangely, was a very silly song I had never heard before called Ai wa Energy (specifically some random choral piano version that's not even remotely in the style of the show!), the words of which I could not but did not need to understand, as it somehow made me a little emotional even without knowing. Don't ask me why that specifically, because I don't know - I don't usually like choral OR piano stuff. It's a special show that I watched all of for the first time just last year that I can feel that way about it. Sounds pretty good to me, but I do tend to enjoy non-movie movies - i.e. movies that just depict life in a simple and grounded manner. Yeah, that's fair, I actually wondered if you bringing that up was was for that. May or may not have helped me take notice...but it surely couldn't have hurt. I'd noticed a few such things somewhat myself, e.g. when I asked why it seems like Sakura almost always calls her brother by the brother term (onee-chan?) instead of his name, or when I asked why it seemed like only Meiling was the only one to ever call Xiaolang by actual his name while Sakura would always say something I couldn't decipher (which you helpfully explained was Li-kun), so who knows, I might've noticed on my own, especially given how she reacted, .
    1 point
  19. Thanks all! I had to drop her off at the ER since we all have COVID and am just waiting for any updates.
    1 point
  20. I'm also partial to it because it's found in, IMO, the coolest place in the poe games
    1 point
  21. All the best Shady, hope everything ends up being fine. Wait, what? I came in contact with a breakthrough infection at work, have so far done 3 antigen tests every day since Sunday that all came back negative (PCR result still pending). I like my colleagues, but not enough to call them family. My wife got exposed to the virus through her family. For the second time now. We're currently staying at separate aparments, you know, isolation and stuff...
    1 point
  22. am having the luxury o' being able to choose to not "hang out" with abject stoopid people. unfortunate, as @ShadySands is no doubt painful aware, a caveat to the aforementioned is the family exception. sure, we could still make a hard choice regarding obtuse family members, and we has in fact done so in some situations, but is a different calculus when dealing with family. on the positive side (kinda sorta), given a few health issues we got which make us more susceptible to covid, the recognition by all our relatives that our family has a few monstrous stoopid members is providing us with a good excuse for not attending family gatherings we otherwise wish to avoid, but is not a guaranteed get out of jail free card. am told aunt ________ is 86 and this may be the last holiday season she will have a chance to be with the entire family. *groan* is true, but two years ago she were 84 and same leverage were used to emotional blackmail us into doing the family holiday bit. still haven't gotten our covid booster. should be receiving it in the next week or so. am nevertheless serious considering purposeful delay so we got an excuse to opt out o' this season's family holiday gatherings. perhaps we won't be able to get our booster until mid january? HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  23. I kept forgetting while I was playing. It hurts to open a grimoire and half of it is grayed out. edit: Yes, One Dozen Stood is heroic.
    1 point
  24. You couldn't use it though, Essential Phantom is a Conjuration spell. I played with a Spellblade-Illusionist hireling and I agree that losing out on Enchanting and Conjuration really hurts. I do think there's something fun about playing with flawed characters. For Illusionists, the Eye of Wael is amazing. I figured since I gave up so much for Illusion, I'd lean into it as much as I could. For most of the game, she wore the Effigy's Husk. It looks scary and the general idea was that she appears squishy but she's really hard to hit, and when something does touch her, she has a bunch of 'contingencies' that protect her and hurt them. In late game, she wore the Spider Silk robes against anyone that can be poisoned, because Nannasin's Cobra Strike is lethal. Her most used spells were Arkemyr's Dazzling Lights, Wizard's Double, Llengrath's Displaced Image, Nannasin's, and Concelhaut's Crushing Doom.
    1 point
  25. What I mean is, since Ive already been vaccinated, even if I do catch Covid, I shouldnt get deathly ill. Good enough. But I guess I am kinda rolling the dice. Two of the people I hang out with are unvaccinated (and are utterly convinced they dont need it).
    1 point
  26. Blood Sacrifice can be very painful when magnified by high might, particularly when you reach higher power levels. I'd recommend that you go for high CON but keep MIG flat, and then put the extra points in DEX, PER and RES. This works very well in my experience. Check out Not So Clever Hound's Bleeding Arcanist build for an excellent example of an ideal (IMO) set up for a single class blood mage. If you're multi classing with another class with excellent healing (say, fighter, paladin or druid) then you could probably afford to but more points in STR.
    1 point
  27. Yeah, uhm... so... That's all I got, lol. Sure, that was noticable well enough in Dropkick on my Devil! too, but it's a bit more meaningful when you get the cultural background. Although that's true for an awful lot of entertainment, really. When I made that list of my favorite movies, there are two that would probably not work for anyone not familiar with local customs and habits. The road movie "Indien" is about two inspectors driving through the countryside visiting restorants for health, safety and trade regulation inspections. They do play the part, are pedantic, quite frankly ****, one of them is even jaded enough to let violations slip as long as he gets some extra food and wine (much to the dismay of the younger and still not so jaded colleague he's travelling with). They start out hating each other's guts but become fast friends by the end. It's an absolutely brilliant film with fantastic performances all around, and probably either boring or at least not funny at all for non-natives (and maybe not even for all of those). Probably as well as with the subtitles that constantly inserted Sakura's and Tomoyo's names when Shaoran talked to them, while in reality all he ever said to them was "you" (omae) or Daidouji at best (after Tomoyo starts helping him with his, uhm, not very well working attempts to approach Sakura). Assuming you start dubbing without knowing the entire show's run or without being told that this is going to be significant by the writer of the show, you'd probably need to come up with some other way or accept that it won't make nearly as much of an impact. I mean, hell, it might not have made for you if we hadn't talked about it earlier (what with Sakura calling Shaoran Li-kun all the time) based on the subtitles simply always stating Sakura instead of you. That moment was the whole reason for me making an long-ass post about it a while back. It would probably still have worked based on Meiling's reaction and body language, but not as well. It's not that often a single uttered name and a look to accompany it hits you like a sledgehammer. Once I'm done with my backlog I'll just rewatch Cardcaptor Sakura. No, but she was fairly tall and more, say... nay, let's turn that around, much less meek than Japanese girls should be.
    1 point
  28. Per usual I don't really have any technical/moral objection or something like that. I'm just lazy and really don't feel like "having" to get one every six months, just like I rarely go for anything medical/dental unless there's an actual problem already in progress. If I'm considered too high risk, I'd rather never leave the house (which I already am 90-95% there anyway) and if I was single I probably would.
    1 point
  29. Lip movement sync/time maybe. Or because it's almost the only thing the chr says repeatedly. (shaking their coat-arm) "Ahjussi/Ahjuma/Sunbae! .... come on, ahjussi ... ahjussi, please!" I recall one series where a chr. referred to another chr. as songsenim (kinda like "teacher") but the subtitle was the teacher's name. It wasn't repetitive but it was just so obvious of a difference of audible verbal syllables vs. subtitle that it was a little jarring. I think k-drama's and subs have become better about such in recent years but it was sometimes rather extreme in some older dramas. Sometimes Eng. subbers don't even seem to know what to do with "oppa". But that's more of a translator skill then anything else lol.
    1 point
  30. I feel like I'm slowly getting better but my wife and son are getting worse. My son has the mildest symptoms but we have to constantly monitor for signs of MIS-C.
    1 point
  31. I wish it was that easily identifiable for me. Honestly I just can't articulate why I can't watch some shows fast. This is probably my version of aversion to post 90s anime or needing to watch every episode even if I hate it. I've developed somewhat of a hesitancy towards watching features outside of a weekend. While I can, and often do, watch an equivalent amount of episodes almost on a nightly basis there's something about a 1.5+ hour runtime that seems intimidating. Again there's no logical basis for it but when I see the long runtime it's discouraging. I'm planning on watching The Beta Test this weekend, and maybe Dune. The former I've been looking forward to for a while and the later bored me with the 30 or so minutes I watched, but I want to see the big worms and see if it blows up my TV.
    1 point
  32. In animation and with sound, I'm a bigger fan of using expressions and tone to signal most of this stuff. In writing, it's admittedly a little more difficult, especially because writing "tone" can be pretty difficult to convey precisely and concisely. And I also think back to that moment between Sakura, Xiaolang, and Meiling when Xiaolang called Sakura just...Sakura instead of her last name, and though I picked up on it immediately even without the subtitles mentioning it, you can see how moments like that wouldn't have their significance noticed for many viewers. ...Actually, I wonder how that was handled in the English dub, now that I think about it. Regardless, I get very tired of seeing those honorifics in writing constantly - it's a weird repetition thing that peeves my pets. I obviously don't have as much of a problem with hearing them, given that I've heard Tomoyo say "Sakura-san" approximately two million times throughout Sakura. ...A tomboy, then? I don't remember Yukari being particularly tomboy-ish... Why wouldn't you just cut out one of the instances?
    1 point
  33. Miss Dream also has the subtitles Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon live action show with Tuxedo Mullet and Wig!Moon. Pretty good quality all in all. The always ongoing debate about localization vs. more literal translations. On the one hand, it makes for clunkier reading, on the other hand sometimes it's necessary to properly understand character dynamics, however... I'd say a quality localization gets the point across in a meaningful way, regardless. Take Tomoyo for instance, she can call her mother just "mother" in any translation and Sakura call her dad "dad" and that's that, point transported. Dropkick on my Devil! has a moment that's a bit difficult to transport, and the subs almost managed, but not quite. When Medusa is angry at Jashin, she goes into "keigo" mode - i.e. she starts talking to Jashin in very formal and excessively polite Japanese. The subtitles just call that "passive agressive" mode which isn't half a bad idea, but not quite the same. Funny, I don't know a whole lot of Japanese words, but the language seems to have better patterns or easier grammar rules than German, so it's much easier to notice these things than it would be on a German or English show once you get the hang of it. Even without understanding a word. The only thing that's not going to work out all that well is personal pronouns, but those are a totally different case entirely. Plus sometimes it's really better to not know what the characters are talking about, I'd cringe a lot less when listening to Komi Can't Communicate's "Childhood Friend"* Bokukko** if I wouldn't know she's a Bokkuko (it's supposed to be a character of unspecified gender, I guess). Yeah, it wasn't a bad episode (easy to say, are there any bad Sakura episodes outside of Clear Card?), just oddly out of place. Such a first arc setup suddenly showing up near the very end. On the bright side, you're inching ever closer there. Soon it'll be over, and the way is clear for the movie. Clueless, I think, not necessarily dumb. Not entirely inaccurate. Poor Sakura is going to have a very bright moment soon though. Heh. *Literally. Character name is Childhood Friend. Or, well, the Japanese word for it, anyway. **I forgot to mention that for anyone not too in the, uhm, lingo - girl who refers to herself as boku, Japanese "I" for (younger) boys and adolescents. A bokukko is essentially a girl talking like a boy. In Miyu, Yukari Kashima is one of those, for somewhat obvious reasons, and that worked well enough, but Childhood Friend is just cringey.
    1 point
  34. I hope you and the fam get well soon Shady. Im around 6 months since the second shot but Im in no hurry for the booster. Ill let it ride until something changes.
    1 point
  35. Its not that, she is a kid just repeating what we already know Saying " blah, blah , blah " isnt clever or insightful ...its irritating and unhelpful. Kids dont know more than adults, thats not the way it works
    1 point
  36. Yep. Once you reject evidence-based reasoning, all you have left is unhinged fantasy. The rug is ripped out from under you and even the most crackpot conspiracies seems plausible.
    1 point
  37. You don't need armor if you kill everything in one hit.
    1 point
  38. I'm tempted to post some Boris Vallejo pictures here. Edit: Screw it!
    1 point
  39. This is just a robust debate and people have different opinions, nothing wrong with that
    1 point
  40. Haven't seen this in a video game yet. But let me answer that troll-question anyways. The reason why boobplate is not ok is because the bulge guides the sword to the center of the torso. If you are wearing armor like that, you get more likely impaled, from a blow that otherwise might have been deflected.
    1 point
  41. if you can fight in bath robe you can fight in bikini
    1 point
  42. Finally the offensive component, including +damage, decreased recovery, increased action speed, etc. Due to the huge number of abilities and weapons with unique enchantments, lash effects, per rest/encounter abilities and power levels to consider, I've not included their effects however powerful, unless they fall into one of the categories below. Increased Crit chance (Hit to Crit) : Gambit (rogue ability), - 40%+ hit to crit Scales with number of remaining guile Frenzy, etc (Barbarian abilities), +30% Crit Disciplined Strikes (fighter ability), +25% Crit from inspiration Potion of Perfect Aim (potion), +25% Crit Bloody slaughter (Barbarian passive), +20% Crit against <25hp targets only against <25hp targets One-handed style (passive, all), +20% Crit with single 1h weapon use single 1h weapon only Ring of Prosperity's Fortune (ring), +15% Crit Scales with wealth, 200k gold for 15% Merciless Gaze (wizard spell), +15% Crit Potion of Merciless Gaze (potion), +15% Crit Min's Fortune (weapon, sabre), +2% Crit stacking per hit Stacks +2% Crit/hit but reset on crit Curent's Rush (weapon, scepter), +1% Crit stacking per second Stacks +1% Crit/sec but reset on crit Exalted Focus (paladin modal), 5%-10% chance (10% in community patch) The Willbreaker (weapon, morningstar), +10% Crit Ngati's Tusk (weapon, pike), +10% Crit Aldris blade (weapon, sabre), +10% Crit Dirty fighting (rogue passive), +10% Crit Fair Favor (helm), +10% Crit Crossbow (weapon, any), +10% Crit Just hold any crossbow Sanguine Greatsword (weapon, greatsword), +10% Crit Uncanny Luck (passive - all classes) - +5%-10% chance (10% in community patch) The third eye (necklace), +10% Crit with spells Spells only Bone Setter's Torc (necklace), +5% Crit Twin eels (weapon, greatsword), +5% Crit+ Milx (pet), +5% Crit with spells/abilities, self Pes, etc (pets), +5% Crit with weapons, party effect Increased Hit chance (Miss to Graze) : Fleetbreaker crossbow (weap, crossbow) 30% miss to graze Sanguine Greatsword (weapon, greatsword), 30% miss to graze Saucco (food/drink), 25% miss to graze Potion of Spatial alacrity (potion), 25% miss to graze ranged only Potion of Perfect Aim (potion), 25% miss to graze The Willbreaker (weapon, morningstar), 25% miss to graze Whispers of Yenwood (weapon, sword), 25% miss to graze Duskfall (weapon, sword), 25% miss to graze Gauntlets of reliability (gloves), 15% miss to graze with proficient weaps Noah, etc (pets), 5% miss to graze chance, party effect Increased Hit chance (Graze to Hit) : Discipline Barrage, etc (fighter abilities), 50% graze to hit from inspiration Dire Blessing (Priest ability), 50% graze to hit AOE from inspiration Eldritch Aim (wizard ability), 50% graze to hit from inspiration Tactical Meld (Cipher ability), 50% graze to hit from inspiration Cog of Cohh (necklace), +50% graze to hit when nearby ally score kill Confident aim (fighter passive), 30% graze to hit Flail proficiency (weapon, all flails), 10%-30% graze to hit (30% in community patch) using flails Potion of Perfect Aim (potion), 25% graze to hit Whispers of Yenwood (weapon, sword), 10% graze to hit Decreased Recovery time duration (%): Streetfighter sneak attack (rogue passive), -50% recovery against flanked/afflicted when self flanked/bloodied Hunting bow/pistol modal (weapon, hunting bow/pistol), -50% recovery hunting bow/pistol only Scordeo's Trophy (weapon, pistol), -5% recovery per hit Stacking, -5% recovery/hit, all for 30s Mob Stance (fighter modal) - -5% recovery per threatened target for attacks Scales -5% recovery per threatened target Contender's Armor (medium armor) -30% recovery (approx max) Scales with Athletics skill Whispers of the endless paths (weapon - greatsword) -20% recovery 10 stack max, -2% recovery/hit Mohora Wraps (food), -20% recovery Blade of the endless paths (weapon - estoc) -15% recovery Two weapon style (passive, all) -15% recovery with dual wielding dual wield only Devil of Caroc Breastplate (medium armor) -10% recovery Pale Hide (light armor) -10% recovery during night Miscreant's leather (light armor) -10% recovery Changeling's Mantle (light armor) -10% recovery Helm of the Falcon (helm), -10% recovery for 2h weaps with 2h weapons only Orishia (necklace), -10% recovery random effect per encounter Wizard specialization (class specific spells) -10% recovery spells specialist class specific spells only Swift Hunter's Garb (light armor) -5% recovery Necklace of the Harvest moon (necklace) - 5% recovery On crit Decreased recovery / recover immediately: Scordeo's Edge (weapon, sabre), 5% chance to ignore recovery on hit (notable that this effect can be prolonged) on hit Weyc's Wand (weapon, wand), on empowering an ability when empowering an ability Blood thirst (barbarian passive) on kill on kill Eager blade (weapon, estoc), 10% chance on hit on hit Sun and moon (weapon, flail) 5% chance on hit to repeat attacks depends on day/night Ball and chain (weapon, flail), 10% chance when critically hit when crit hit in melee Sungrazer (weapon, flail), 10% chance on hit on hit Rannig's Wrath (weapon, rapier), 10% chance when missed in melee when missed in melee Stalker's Patience (weapon, spear), 20% chance on crit on crit Veilpiercer (weapon, war bow), 50% chance on crit on crit Saint Omaku's Mercy (weapon, war bow), 50% chance on crit on crit Increased action speed (%). Most apply to all actions, unless otherwise stated for weapon or spells. Reckless Brigandine (heavy armor) +5% action speed per engagement Scales with more engagements Spiritshift Cat flurry (Druid ability), +33% action speed 1 per encounter Frenzy, etc (Barbarian abilities), +25% action speed Time Parasite (Cipher ability), +25% action speed ..And sip from the marrow (chanter invocation), +25% action speed Captain's Banquet (food), +20% action speed High Harbringer's Robes (cloth armor), +20% action speed Scales with decreasing health Bloodlust (Barbarian passive), +20% action speed on kill On kill Pukestabber (weapon, dagger), +20% action speed under effect of alcohol Squid's escape (weapon, rapier), +20% action speed when threatened by 3+enemy when threatened by 3+ enemies Eager blade (weapon, estoc), +20% action speed 4 stack max, +5% action speed/hit Potion of Spatial Alacrity (potion), +20% action speed with ranged ranged only Modwyr (weapon, sword), +20% action speed 2% stack/hit 10 stack max, +2% action speed/hit Swift strikes, etc (monk ability), +15% action speed Griffin's blade (weapon, sword), +15% action speed Rust's Poignard (weapon, stiletto), +15% action speed stack on flanked 3% stack/hit 5 stack max, +3% action speed/hit Xoti's sickle (weapon, hatchet), +15%+ action speed near kill Scales with religion skill Deleterious Alacrity of motion (wizard spell), +15% action speed Saint Omaku's Mercy (weapon, war bow), +15% action speed to allies, AOE Scales with decreasing health Chromoprismatic staff (weapon, quarterstaff), +5% action speed+ Scales with metaphysics skill Sasha's singing scimitar (weapon, sabre), +2% action speed stack per held phrase, AOE Potion of Relentless striking (potion), +15% action speed Potion of deftness (potion), +15% action speed Champion's Helm (helm), +3% action speed per engagement Scales with more engagements, non-godlike Champion's Cape (cloak), +3% action speed per engagement Scales with more engagements, godlike only Shroud of the Phantom (cloak), +10% action speed with spells Spells while having mind inspiration Duskfall (weapon, sword), +10% action speed Kahua Hozi (weapon, spear), +10% action speed Rapid casting (passive, all casters), +10% action speed with spells spells only Violet Redemption (cape), +10% action speed melee when stationary 2% stack/hit Max 5 stacks, +2% action speed/hit Coral Snuff (drug), +10% action speed Aegor's Swift Touch (gloves), +5% action speed with weapons Orishia (necklace), +5% action speed random effect per encounter Zealous charge (paladin aura), +5% action speed AOE (community patch only) Increased AOE (spells, chants, abilities, etc): These all stack, including 2x rings as well as with intelligence-affected increased AOE. Shared nightmare (cipher passive), +1% AOE per focus Scales with focus Aloth's leather armor (cloth armor), +15% AOE Crusted Swordfish (food), +20% AOE Loki (pet), +15% AOE self Ring of overseeing, +10% AOE Luminous Bathhouse The Abyss (rest), +10% AOE Misty, Peter, etc (pets), +5% party effect AOE Spell Echo, recast spell a second time : Evoker/Priest of Magran Thaumaturge's evocation keyword spells actually stack with all three, giving 1 - (1 - 0.15)*(1-0.1)*(1-0.05) = ~27% chance of spell echo Evoker (wizard class), 15% chance on evocation spells evocation spells only Marux Amanth (weapon - dagger), 10% chance with priest spells priest spells only Vithrack Silk Slippers (shoes), 5% chance Increased penetration (all sources): Driving echoes (Cipher ability), +8 pen! to ally ally only And with furious... (Chanter invocation), +3 pen all AOE Their champion, etc. (Chanter invocations), +2 pen all from inspiration Thunderous blows (monk ability), +2 pen all from inspiration Frenzy, etc (Barbarian abilities), +2 pen all from inspiration Champion's boon (priest ability), +2 pen all to ally from inspiration The arrow sings.. (Chanter phrase), +1 pen all AOE Orishia (necklace), +1 pen all random effect per encounter Increased penetration (conditional: spells/weaps): Crusted Swordfish (food), +2 spell pen Caster specific elemental or cipher spells (passive), +1 pen (eg. Scion of flame -> fire keyword) Hot Razor skewers (food), +2 weapon pen Potion of Piercing strikes (potion), +2 weapon pen weapon modals (many weap types), +1 or 2 pen with weap Ring of the Marksman (ring), +1 pen with ranged ranged weap Harming thoughts (cipher passive) +1 pen with weap Increased damage dealt (all sources): High Harbringer's Robes (cloth armor), +10% damage Crusted Swordfish (food), +10% damage Xoti's Lantern (shield - light), +5%+ damage AOE aura Scales with religion skill Baubles of the Fin (necklace), +3% damage AOE aura AOE aura Increased damage dealt (with spells): Captain's Banquet (food), +20% damage spells Griffin's blade (weapon - sword), +10% damage spells Blightheart (wizard soulbind), +10% corrode lash spells Harley (pet), +10% ranged damage including spells Increased damage dealt (with weapons): Streetfighter sneak attack (rogue passive), +50% damage against flanked/afflicted when self flanked/bloodied The red hand (weap passives), 20-40% damage until rest Greatsword modal (weapon, greatsword), +30% damage greatsword only Sneak attack (rogue passive), +30% damage against flanked/afflicted against flanked/afflicted targets Blooded (barbarian passive), +25% damage When <50% hp Retribution (paladin passive), +5%-25% damage weapon when damaged Max 5 stacks, 25% max Reckless Brigandine (heavy armor) +20% damage weapon Scales with decreasing health One stands alone (Barbarian passive), +20% damage when near 2+ enemies Pukestabber (weapon, dagger), +20% damage melee under effect of alcohol Sworn enemy, etc (paladin passive), +20% damage to marked enemy Soul whip (cipher passive), +10%-30% damage weap depending on upgrade Akola's Apex Ward (large shield), +15% damage weapon When <50% hp Potion of relentless striking (potion), +15% melee damage Melee weaps Grog (food/drink), +15% melee damage melee weaps Mouth Char (drug), +15% weapon damage Two-handed style (passive, all), +15% melee damage, 2h weapons only Two-handed weaps only Weapon specialization (fighter passive), +10% damage with specialized weapon weapon proficiency with equipped weapon Champion's Helm (helm), +3% damage weapon per engagement Scales with more engagements, non-godlike Champion's Cape (cloak), +3% damage per engagement Scales with more engagements, godlike only Violet Redemption (cape), +2%/stack melee when getting hit Max 5 stacks Claim and Refusal (necklace), +10% damage melee also +10% damage taken Pes (pet), 10% melee damage, self Harley (pet), +10% ranged damage, self Cog of Cohh (necklace), 5% damage AOE aura AOE aura Mercedes, etc (pets), 5% melee damage party effect Bernhard (pet), 5% ranged damage party effect
    1 point
  43. YAY!! Thistle needles are back in my game as of this morning!!
    1 point
  44. Thank you, I was hoping there was an answer to this. Glad to know its not a corrupt file for my game. Will look forward tot he patch. Fortunately, I have lots of regular arrows saved up to hold me until the fix is out!
    1 point
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