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My project is announced: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/107410/view/30247230323692263897 points
ah, am recalling the salad days, back when gd didn't "worry much about the weather." that was like, two weeks ago, yes? you may wanna ignore the weather, but the weather won't ignore you. come late november or early december, no doubt gd will chivalrous offer to dig out his companion's driveway after overnight snow drops a couple feet o' nice wet and heavy accumulation. the first time you need do such, it may even seem fun. maybe consider an early christmas present... for her of course. south-west wisconsin has some beautiful hill country and even a few nice ski resorts. not exactly pittsburgh, but hills is hills. first time you hit black ice and you watch helpless as the back end o' your car/truck is sudden leading the way down a hill or 'round a turn won't worry gd none. ... and its only october, not even halloween. wait for valentine's day. might wanna suggest meeting halfway in the future. sedona is halfway 'tween tennessee and wisconsin, yes? just need fold the map exact right. HA! Good Fun!4 points
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I love a good open world, or at least a lot of open-ish sections, whether rpg, arpg, sandbox. But there has to be some kind of motivation for me to want to explore it. I don't care if it's hidden shinies to be found, crafting materials to hunt for/grind, looking for the perfect flat place to make a home, beautiful scenery etc. just something. Plus there is a limit on how "huge" I want the world to be. I don't want to literally spend an hour running through empty repeated terrain tiles going from one town to another with maybe a couple wolves or tiny cave encountered during that time. Doesn't have to be chock full of stuff every 10 feet either, but gotta pace things. After Morrowind I just found Beth's games to feel lifeless and dull. Even with all that world to explore, I felt like there was little purpose for it, and the "I wonder what's over there" motivation only lasts so long, so I would get bored fast. Types of open worlds like Beth or similar make me think of ProZD's classic bit:3 points
3 points
My gsme keeps reloading all the grass I cut down in my base threw my pepblet foundations. Anyone else having that problem2 points
Hi everyone, It is relatively well known that the Helm of the White Void can be very useful with its unique Rymrgand's Influence enchant, granting +10 Accuracy with Body Affliction / Mind Affliction attacks. What I didn't know was that the implementation of Rymrgand's Influence can be a little funky depending on the weapon/ability you use it with, which will be either very generous or not generous at all in granting the +10 ACC bonus. It doesn't necessarily depends on whether there are 2 rolls or just 1... it seems a bit more complicated than that. It can have really cool implications for certain builds, as I've discovered when doing a bit of testing. (note: I'm using the Community Patch) The Bad: it is not very generous in granting +10ACC with weapon triggered Affliction effects: e.g. Sungrazer's Impacting, Griffin's Blade's Howling Blade, Effort's Hemmoraging... Either it won't apply at all, or just to the separate Affliction roll, not to the roll dealing damage. The Good: it is however a lot more consistent and useful with martial abilities, whether they have 1 or 2 rolls. for example with Mule Kick, Power Strike, Lower Their Guard, Spirit Tornado's initial attack, Driving Roar... both the Affliction component and the Damage component get the +10 ACC anyway. Obviously, Ciphers and Chanters can also benefit quite a bit with a number of signature Affliction actives (e.g. Killer Froze Stiff, Ring Leader...) and passives as well (e.g. Long Night's Drink, Echoing Horror...). The Amazing: BUT, I think that Wizards and Druids can benefit the most because they have a lot of very powerful AoE abilities mixing Damage + Affliction that can both get the +10ACC (!), and those powerful abilities often target FORT - so +10ACC is very helpful. The list of verified Wizard/Druid abilities with dual Damage + Affliction components that get the +ACC bonus on ALL the rolls is actually amazing, see below. And of course on top you can add all the spells that "just" deal Afflictions and that also get the bonus! Wizard: Chillfog, Ghost Blades, Draining Touch, Noxious Burst, Shadowflame, Freezing Pillar, Bitter Mooring, Wilting Wind, Freezing Rake, Black Bow, Corrosive Skin. Druid: Sunbeam, Vile Thorns, Returning Storm, Wicked Briars, Overwhelming Wave, Relentless Storm, Embrace of the Earth Talon, Plague of Insects, Venombloom. Conclusion: If I think about a Sorcerer build like the Thundercat 2.0, the Helm can become an incredibly useful tool that I somehow overlooked before! It can also make SC wizard even more OP given how many devastating high level spells can benefit, as if SC Wizards needed more OP-ness....2 points
Hey! I resemble that remark But that article reminds me of why I like Shadowrun. Magic isn't exactly rare and anyone can potentially get it and even though it remains pretty powerful it doesn't automatically mean a rise in station or anything like that.2 points
we got no problem with egalitarian magic, accessible to the plebs, but am thinking the author o' the article doesn't know her audience. even in pnp a computer rpgs where it is reasonable to have magic be balanced with sword havers and other users o' mundane tools, is common to see players complain if magic is not special enuff. so what we get in fantasy lit is the traditional school o' magic, which appears to be based exeter or similar real world prep schools or colleges, but the protagonist is frequent a character straight outta a horatio alger tale. even if the protagonist is special and maybe even marked before birth by prophecy, she had to work twice as hard to get into the magic school and once there she is constant needing overcome the prejudices o' her classmates and even her teachers-- through moxie and perhaps a bit o' luck, she overcomes all odds and obstacles. *groan* am not happy with such fare, but is understandable how we get to such a place, 'cause is the audiences who want magic to be special. HA! Good Fun!2 points
It also gives +10 ACC to the roll that Spirit Frenzy's stagger effect does. No surprise, but cool. Also works for The Long Night's Drink. Therefore the Helm is kind of mandatory for my Howlers nowadays.2 points
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First of all I really enjoyed the game and have to thank the developers and designers for such a great idea and details in the world of Grounded. Unfortunately with the latest Patch 0.11.0 you've introduced a lot of things that are not pleasent. This is my personal opinion and no one has to agree with it. I'm writing this post to give a little bit feedback from my personal view of the game. 1. Base building - Ressource farming In order to get enough material to build your base you have to farm a lot of materials in grounded. That alone is not an issue because it should take some time to get it done. But the broken design here is clearly that using the Plate Storage or Grass Storage (I don't know the exact english wording here as I play it in german) is the way to go to improve your base building speed. If that is what you had in mind then give the players other options to carry more at once. 2. Only play to beat starvation Before 0.11.0 I think it was more balanced that after you've get the drying rack you don't have to farm your meat on an hourly/daily bases. You could go on your journey and explore the map without having to fill your inventory with multiple stacks of dryed meat and multiple bootles full of water. Sometimes it's even better to place a improved tent near the place you want to build something. Like in the sand box. Simply build a tent near to you place your stuff in a box and die instead of searching for water and food. 3. Health regeneration Before the patch if you've not hungry you started to regenerate your healt which was at least for me the expected behavior. Now it seems inconsistent sometimes it works sometimes nothing happens. 4. Item attributes This is one of the worst expierence if you have to compare stuff and understand things. Attributes telling you just +regeneration/+healing/Meal or what ever is nothing that you can compare or understand other than it will do magic in this category. This is the same for set bonuses. The explanation in the "OS" section is not enough. 5. Camera movement in first person during melee attacks At least as a pc fps gamer I don't want the camera to move with the swing. This does not feel good. 6. Melee weapons with highest tier amor Playing with melee weapons and even the highest tier of amour is not a good expierence if you will be one or two hitted by your oponent if you didn't block the attack. That wouldn't be that much of an issue if you would have at least a little bit health regeneration. In my humble opionion this does not feel properly balanced. 7. Ranged weapon wayfinding exploitation Fighting insects with ranged weapons and exploiting that they can't attack you if you're standing on a small stone (because they try to flee away). If the best approach is to exploit that behavior then it might not be a good solution. 8. Backpack organization I think every player likes to organize his backpack and wan to place items at special positions. But the game sometimes randomly rearranges the item position. This is so much annoying. 9. Forge and repair items Before the 0.11.0 patch I thought the Idea is that the player does not have to farm silly things over and over again just to keep his items alive. But currently you have to farm things more than you have any benefit. Items will break to fast. You have to exploit the upgrade feature so the item is cheaper to repair. 10. Broken items with full backpack If your item breaks and your backpack is full it will be dropped to the ground. I think this is not what it should or could be. 11. Railway anchor Currently there is no way to place it and see if it is blocked by something. This means you have to travel back even if not build and check from the already build anchor or build it and play try and delete until it's not blocked by something. Nevertheless thanks for the game and the ideas you realized in this game. Kind regards André2 points
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That doesn't seem like a wise idea - wanting to play Quest 64, that is. I mean, I went back and played through it again some years back and enjoyed it enough, but I played it as a child and therefore I am extremely biased and my enjoyment was mainly as a result of some twisted sense of nostalgia. The N64 is not exactly known for its good JRPGs... Samurai Champloo, episodes 3 and 4 (not really spoiler-y): Suddenly, everyone goes their separate ways because the boys can't handle any more of Fuu's nagging, especially given that there's no reason for them to be bound to her anyways...but things don't exactly go according to plan, even with the complete lack thereof. I don't know, the more I watch this, the more it just seems like a good show on pretty much all fronts. Some humor, some tension, I think I like all the main characters (though they're all VERY different from each other, and one of them is kind of a piece of crap but in a way that feels like it works and isn't annoying), the writing is good, it's not overly action-y, framing and direction and style all seems good to me (even with some of the darker ideas on display here)...and I'm even starting to vibe with the music a little. It's all just kind of working together pretty well, really - unless the show goes really off the rails in a large and bad way at some point, there's no reason I can see that I wouldn't finish this. Sakura, episode 60, THE PRODIGAL MEILING RETURNS!!! It feels like I've been waiting my entire life for this - I don't know when exactly Meiling became my favorite character, but it is a thing that happened at some point before her disappearance. Between this, Samurai Champloo, and the short Adventure Time movie, it was a good day for television. It was nice after being in a funk the past couple weeks.2 points
I'm not into open world games either. Some of my favorite games are make your own fun sandboxes but for some reason open world games just don't do it for me.2 points
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I really enjoyed grounded so far but I am giving up on this game, if it wasn't for how complicated it is to get through all of it to get the brood mother BLT... I spent 2 weeks trying to find it and still couldn't at least not until I literally looked up a YouTube video to show me exactly how to wind my way through that entire mess of a maze to find out it was literally a convoluted path to get it, if that is what it takes to get through the game to fight 1 creature then i no longer want to play the game, the hedge maze literally destroyed my love for this game. I am sorry to say this but good bye grounded you were a lot of fun and entertainment for what it was.1 point
Butterfly as new animal it'd be good for atmosphere they will be everywhere and can land when you kill one you get wings, however you only get 1 wing per butterfly the wings is used for a new glider! so for short New bug: Butterfly New Glider: Butterfly wings1 point
Exactly why I liked those the best! The longer, more vague, and more dissembling the answer.the less scrutiny it received from the teachers. Teachers are busy folks they don’t have time to read five paragraph essay answers. As long as you were somewhere in the vicinity of the correct answer and they see the words they’re looking for I found they didn’t read everything Word for Word. Like they say if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance you could always baffle them with BS!1 point
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Rewatched Horns on Amazon Prime. I dunno what it is about that movie but I really like it.1 point
This will probably get me excommunicated from these forums, but I've never played New Vegas. I bought Fallout 3 GOTY and New Vegas + all DLC 6 or 7 years ago, played Fallout 3 for apparently 10.6 hours (according to Steam) and hated the mechanics so much (I've never been a fan of 1st person games, and back then the only 1st person stuff I'd really played was Wizardry and similar) that I never played New Vegas. I've played enough 1st person stuff now that I could probably deal with it (I tried third person and it was just..bad) and I've occasionally thought of trying it, but I haven't worked up the desire to figure out what mods I'd need to install to make it run/play decently. I keep telling myself I'm done buying Bethesda games. I've bought Morrowind (hated the mechanics), Oblivion (spent more time modding it than actually playing), Fallout 3, and Skyrim (which I actually played for about 200 hours apparently, but never really progressed very far), all because I wanted to figure out why people liked them so much. Truth be told, I'm pretty sure I just don't like open world games, though I've never played one with mechanics of which I was a fan (are there party-based, preferably turn-based open world games?) Still...there's a decent chance I'll end up picking up Starfield or Elder Scrolls VI on the cheap several years after they're released.1 point
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I always wanted to play Quest 64, but never found a cartridge. There are also a bunch of GameCube games I'd like to replay or even finish. Sakura talk: It was even told in such a non-chalant manner. She just came back to Jashin's place wearing that. I'm finding the show supremely entertaining at the moment, but I do wonder if that's enough to make 12 episodes work (never mind a spinoff). Seems a bit tenuous.1 point
That's right, bonafide solo MCs would need to steal from foes.1 point
off topic, but i've literally killed dorudugan like this in a blink of an eye (combined with blade cascade and a few casts of salvation of time). crashed the game the first time i did it (game really does not like having like 80 stacks of something at combat cleanup), worked the second time.1 point
I need to re-watch Castle in the Sky in Japanese at some point, because it's one of the weakest English dubs for Ghibli, and I remember it kind of impacting the film, particularly the main character. @majestic Can't help but notice that you didn't recommend it to me. How incredibly odd.1 point
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ICYMI: basically an interrupt build using helm of the white void. lot of explosives also benefit from helm of the white void (sparkcrackers, cinder bomb, the acid bomb, the lightning bomb, stun bomb, implosion bomb, imp spray, frost bomb)1 point
I liked the Mass Effect where they had that big robot thing that went, "wwwoommm!" And you played as the "only man for the job" 'cause you're the only man for the job. And then there was the funny part where the funny guy said the funny thing and it was funny. And then there were these bad guys that wanted the thing but then you stop them from getting the thing. Oh, and then you bang a blue chick! That was cool.1 point
I’m not home. I’m in WI. Hurlshot was right!1 point
HOLY F--K it is COLD here. Below freezing in October? Not used to THAT!1 point
That reminds me I have ME4 on my Origin platform. Never got around to try launching it The trilogy was a mixed bag. All IMHO, but first game had the most fun combat, second game had the most fun party members (and party, with the DLC) and third game had... no mini games! My biggest two beefs with ME3 was Kai Leng (which completely killed any enjoyment I might have felt playing the game up to that point) and the pointless ending that killed any enjoyment I might have felt playing the game up the that point... A bit of a weird thing about Bioware games when I look at it in retrospective. Dragon Age 1 and Mass Effect 1 both had some very promising and interesting game mechanics and combat systems. The sequels in both series tossed it all out and featured what I see as comparably dumb, mindless systems. Was it really too challenging? Dang it, I really loved discovering new, fun (and sometimes completely suicidal) outcomes when mixing various spell effects in the original Dragon Age1 point
As a testing professional, I'll add that while proper and timely testing can be very helpful when given with specific goals, a lot of exams aren't given with a targeted purpose and using test scores to the exclusion of other metrics cuts out the fuller picture of the student academically. As a former Learning Support/Developmental Studies/Remedial Learning professional, I should also point out that according to what I've seen the vast majority of college freshman (at some points up to 50% of the incoming class) don't test at the college level in writing, math and reading. In most cases, they're still going to be picked up by the generic freshman courses and do okay.1 point
I am not even going to get into my thoughts as an educator. As a parent of a child with dyslexia, I am very aware of how limited those proficiency tests are at determining intelligence and ability. My daughter works her butt off and will probably never test at grade level proficient. Ok, as an educator, I will just say that the whole model of trying to sum up the progress a student has made based on a multiple choice test is flawed. Graduating High School should be based on much more than that. But the whole High School model is flawed as well, since we are trying to push everyone towards academics instead of a more trade centric education.1 point
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I still find it amazing people still say ME3 would've been perfect if not for the final 5 minutes. Apparently I was the only one to see BioWare rip off the plot of a direct to video Steven Seagal movie to cure the genophage.1 point
I've replayed the trilogy a few times (although I never played the updated ME3 endings). I think the things that disappoints me the most about the trilogy is that the series starts as pure heroic space opera and by ME3 the series is "war is hell, there is no good choices, life sucks and then you die" kind of storytelling. Which isn't bad per se, particularly had the series always been that way, but I don't find that to be a satisfactory conclusion to what started as a heroic space opera. I could accept the sort of darker ME2 with the idea it was the "Empire Strikes Back" of Mass Effect, but instead it was like, in movie terms, ME1-3 were Star Wars - Empire Strikes Back - Full Metal Jacket. 'Fixing' the end of ME3 is never going to fix that tonal problem with the series.1 point
Moral of the story: don't rush games out for an easy buck. It makes everyone miserable. The thing I dislike most about ME3 ending, is that it distracts from how shoddy the rest of the game is. Devs should always do self contained one-game-at-the-time. The only trilogy that payed off was Witcher - and arguably it is a disjointed trilogy where games work better on their own, then in sequence. I replayed the trilogy a while back, and while playing ME I was already feeling sad by how disappointingly the set ups will be "resolved".1 point
Found this interesting. Not sure if it brings anything new to the table, I didn't follow the discussion much back when ME3 was originally released.1 point
I have to agree. It is an amazing update, but the red worker ants I notice have an insane spawn rate. There are so many that it lags and is extremely framey when I get within 50-75 cm of the red ant hill. The poor weevils don’t stand a chance now. Poor little guys… Keep up the good work! Few issues that I know will be fixed by the team This game is really turning out to be great! Enjoying what the Grounded team is putting out there1 point