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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/21 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. the last three years for us is illustrative o' the income disparity problem in the US. retired, sitting on our arse and doing nothing save watch high conservative ira growth, have made enough money in that span alone for most people to retire. as such crypto makes no sense for us. am nevertheless concerned 'bout the next decade. am not far removed from considering a smaug portfolio dedicated to building and hoarding a big pile o' gold. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  3. The tomfoolery continues: Just because I completed the dance school story doesn't mean I'm going to stop dancing with my girls: I do hope there's more than just the 4 songs in the school story to be found or added in a DLC or whatever.
    3 points
  4. the change to stamina when it comes to weapon attacks with the shroom and gloom patch was an awful mistake. not being able to swing at all unless i have stamina leaves me defending more than attacking because defending drains my stamina too. i'm stamina starved in combat. combat is more tedious and less fun when i can't do anything but defend and run. it was way better when i just attacked slower when i had no stamina than not at all. or just make it so blocking does not reduce stamina so i can regain it while blocking. there is a poor flow to the games combat because of this. attacking insects is hard enough already. and i never had a problem when bugs ran off as i was attacking them, cause they would usually come back to keep fighting so i could finish them off. but now that they run even further away they end up de-aggroing which cause them to heal to full. it makes farming black ant parts stupid. i shouldn't have to restart a fight with one bug multiple times before i can actually kill it. and food bits. why oh why would you reduce the effectiveness? nerfing them just because you added meals it asinine. you aren't just giving us the better meals, we have to go get the damn burgle chip. so we are effectively gimped until we get the recipes. i have to carry around three times the amount of food now at the moment cause even two pieces of bug jerky don't fill me up half way. i'm sure you could keep the old food the same while making meals an upgrade. right now, meals aren't an upgrade to the food, they are the replacements to the food you ruined.
    2 points
  5. Ravens can make and use a hooked pick to extract grubs and other bugs from hard to reach places. This is usually just a simple hook shaped branch, but they put a lot of care and effort into finding and making it just right. Something easily made from things lying around but crafted into an effective precision instrument. Add a simple sprig/thistle hooked spear that can be made and used early game to acquire grubs before acorn is available to craft the shovel. This makes the grub set easier to get immediately after the clover set and more viable before the acorn set. As well as make grubs an easier food source in the starting area. Grub hunting would be simpler with one tool to extract and execute the grub in early game, and beating grubs to death with a shovel is still an option later in the game. The best part is the Raven could then actually use a hooked tool (in combat) to catch or extract children from their hiding places or to outright abduct them using a meat hook.
    2 points
  6. My only recourse is that it is money I had no problem losing. Last August I had $3000 invested in a project and I watched its value dwindle to $1000. I saw another project (Saitama) that was about to take off as all the signs looked good (doxxed developers, big list of upcoming milestones, and great community). I moved that remaining $1000 (as well as some money from other tokens I recently sold) over to the other project and it 10x in September, making back my losses and way more. So yes you can easily lose money, but also easily gain it back if you time your moves right
    2 points
  7. Serafen will also very specifically cite the fact that you murdered Vela onboard the ship if you do so, when he deserts your party.
    2 points
  8. Merkel: 'Ok, now that I am done tidying up the office, it's finally time to start looking for that goddamn dog...SEBASTIAN! Where are you boy?!'
    2 points
  9. First single from The Wheel of Time soundtrack released:
    2 points
  10. Depends on what crypto you go for tbh, yes plenty of scams but also plenty of diamonds if you do the research. Trading a token called Saitama made me $30K last month, and that token is still only getting started. With stocks if you make %15 returns in a year, it's considered a success. But in crypto you can get %100+ returns in an hour, and possibly %1000 in a good week However the philosophy remains "only invest what you can afford to lose"
    2 points
  11. I didn't like this either. Why
    1 point
  12. I just realized how easy it is for any given sci-fi piece of entertainment to run into something that is my personal version of irrational dislike for a topic that can't quite be explained in any logical fashion and it's pretty bad because it's really... not even consistent. When Doctor Who, for instance, has these fixed points in time that will always happen regardless of what action is taken by any given time traveller (or other agent), then that doesn't bother me at all. It fits Doctor Who, where time travel always just does what it needs to do. In Steins;Gate, based on the many worlds time travel plot, the idea of a fixed point in time that is as harmless as what is going on right now is quite a bother. It's silly and kills my immersion. The anime is dangerously close to breaking through my suspension of disbelief here, and the story is the only thing that makes me like it so far. Doctor Who in total doesn't do the many worlds thing though. Just a single timeline that can be changed with certain limits. And a super stupid episode about time guardians that eat the universe when there's been too much change (whatever that was). It's the same - and that we talked about before here, or in the TV thread - when sci-fi shows elect to make higher powers "real", like in the new Battlestar Galactica where at the end they ran out of ideas and with no better explanation possible they made Head!Baltar and Head!Six actual real angels of God. Why? What? Way to go. Leave actual gods out of my sci-fi stuff, please. I mean "God" gods, not Asgardians or something. Or the ascended Ancients of Stargate, which for no particular reason don't bother me either, even though they are literal gods. See? That makes no sense.
    1 point
  13. Heh. I paused the episode to post like 30 seconds before they explain that. Great. Anime is working hard on squandering my last bits of good will.
    1 point
  14. Yeah, his glorious lordship Sebastian I, Arch-Dollfuß of Austria, is my favorite politician. I hope this misunderstanding clears up really soon so he can get back to steer our great nation through the rough and muddied waters of these uncertain times. I got a good chuckle out of his butt boy messaging him telling him that "they" (Kurz' inner circle) are his Praetorian Guard. Should have paid more attention in school, I guess. They often made emperors, yes, but they also very readily disposed of them. It's going to be interesting, there are like ten people accused of embezzlement, bribery, incitement of both and, less interesting, perjury, and heaps and heaps of evidence. Yeah, guys, let this be a lesson: Don't play Praetorian Guard on iMessage. Doubly hilarious because the ÖVP was alwasy the first party to try and undermine privacy. Nothing to fear if you got nothing to hide, huh? Well didn't that bite you in the ass. Hopefully, someone's going to sing to save their own hide, and if it's just that ridiculous asshat of the "newspaper" they bought fake polls and articles in. Well, but the Greens, morons that they are, passed up on a chance to free us of the yoke of the ÖVP for a while in favor of continuing the current coalition. A pity, what would I have given to see the rest of the parties trying to work together, just like in Israel.
    1 point
  15. Two years ago I read a book about Blockchain and was watching it a little bit. At the time bitcoin was selling for around $7200. So I bought one. I sold it a few months ago and made some nice money on it but I was no word the ceiling that it ended up hitting. Oh well. I’m going to have to agree with Bruce, crypto is literally buying air. How much can air really be worth? But I read a great article in Forbes a few weeks ago. Crypto, bitcoin specifically, Will likely be undermined by the fact that people are treating it as an asset and not as a currency. As a currency it enjoys a number of advantages in that there is a finite number that can exist so it is relatively immune from things like inflation. However, as an asset it has very little going forward in that it is not worth anything if it is not a currency. Since it has no intrinsic value it has no bottom price. So it can go all the way to zero. you can definitely make a lot of money on crypto and it is certainly a fad right now. But I’ve decided it’s not for me. My risk tolerance where my money is concerned is pretty minimal. I prefer to invest in things that can never be worthless even if they will never match the yields.
    1 point
  16. I like the way the " baddies " in Far Cry games always have such unique and interesting personalities ...I love Pagans eccentricities In FC4
    1 point
  17. Yeah, essentially it's an issue with progression. You need acorn to get grubs, except grub armor comes before and is weaker than acorn. This encourages players to skip the grub set and go straight to the acorn set. Changing the tool needed to get grubs to the (clover/sprig) tier would facilitate more natural progression.
    1 point
  18. Reunion of good ol' 90's. I used to love them for their entire too brief existence.
    1 point
  19. am a big fan o' inquisitors, but we chose the community domain for our zen archer/sacred huntsmaster/demonslayer, and guarded hearth effective negates the benefits judgements during the all-important boss battles as sacred bonuses don't stack. with a high wisdom, guarded hearth is providing us with bonuses to everything we would use for judgements, and then some. were annoying we couldn't take a level of demonslayer until after we reached level 15 as an inquisitor, 'cause the demonslayer favoured enemy bonuses stack with sacred hunstmaster but also prevent subsequent inquisitor advancement o' any demon favoured enemy. odd. so with sacred huntsmaster and demonslayer we get +4 'gainst two categories o' demons and +8 'gainst one. unlike the sacred bonuses, the favoured enemy benefits stack with everything. as we went the zen archer route. we didn't need any dex at all save we wanted the seize the moment teamwork feat, which worked out fine 'cause as am wisdom focused 'stead o' dex, the penalties from righteous might is a non factor and the silly one level o' ranger lets us use hurricane bow as well. oh, and we went all chips in on initiative taking the basic feat and the mythic, which means am near always acting first in every battle. is not an oracle or cleric build, but is nevertheless an effective angel. regardless, am kinda wanting to do an aeon judge inquisitor. might even go the crossbow route. HA! Good Fun! ps after a few more hours, am final at the central puzzle in enigma, which am gonna do tomorrow... maybe. never again. am done with nenio following this.
    1 point
  20. I did a bit when I lost my job last year. Between that and some real estate deals I paid for the last year.
    1 point
  21. Personally, I don't think China will invade Taiwan. Not because of any military deterrent though. The ultimate problem that Taiwan has is that while the Chinese have air superiority they'll be able to degrade AA and anti ship capabilities pretty cheaply using Artsakh like tactics. Sure, you can fire off missiles, but you'll lose the launcher and won't be able to replace them. You may also have to shoot at very low value targets- the Armenians shot down literally dozens of ancient biplanes; in the end they had the choice of not using their AA, in which case it might as well not exist, or using it and having it blown up. Chinese leadership is risk averse, and the risks of invading Taiwan is one thing that could get Xi outright removed in the medium term and tarnish his legacy permanently. The legitimacy of the CCP is almost completely based on sustained economic improvement, and the results of a Taiwan invasion would see the Chinese economy implode. It wouldn't be great for near everyone else either, but a lot of societal domestic issues are ratcheted down by ~10% growth (even if nominal) within China and a whole generation+ has known nothing but such growth*. The counter balance to that is Xi wanting to leave a permanent legacy, and the big short term nationalist boost that a successful 'reunification' would garner. But in that Erdogan makes a good comparison- nationalist boosts to popularity wear out pretty quickly, and you need more and more of them more and more quickly to get the same effect. They aren't an answer to potential longer term economic woes. *It also has to be said, we've heard that China has peaked about as long as that too. That will be true at some point, inevitably, but it's been the geopol equivalent of working nuclear fusion for the past twenty years; always coming, never arriving. To be fair, plenty of people talk up US government debt as a similar ticking time bomb, and it hasn't gone off yet either.
    1 point
  22. Making some beef fajitas with some guacamole and roasted vegetables. I hope it turns out good. I don't blame him tbh.
    1 point
  23. ACCEPTABLE. ....hey, Bandai, since you're so into DLC, I would've paid another $15 for a Photo Mode DLC. Just saying.
    1 point
  24. Avocado toast with an over easy egg, minced black garlic, diced tomato, shaved parmesan cheese, and a very light drizzle of a balsamic reduction. Judging by how fast my wife wolfed it down I'm going to guess it was edible. PS my son kept stealing my black garlic. He has a problem.
    1 point
  25. This all sounds really cool! Is it possible to start the player in the spectator stands where the conversation with Humaire takes place? This would enable the player access to the inkeeper and merchants so as to prepare before fighting the Tyrant of Decay through the pool. I did attempt this route using the WIP script you posted (setting the map to "954d25be-df8f-4f44-8873-c3e92aa90e36") but I think I might be doing something wrong as I keep getting stuck as a ghost version of the character I created. I agree with @Elric Galad's post. Aiming the mod towards those who have experience with Deadfire is really the best approach. I can't personally offer much opinion when it comes to balanced I'm afraid. It's been quite a long time since I played through Deadfire and this expansion. I have yet to start a second playthrough. Most of the time I just end up loading old saves to experiment with little mods that'll go no where
    1 point
  26. Plus that guy with one l has no humor.
    1 point
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