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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/21 in all areas
8 points
4 points
It's not really a double taxation, the same person doesn't pay it twice - being dead and all. From a reciever's point of view - everything you earn should be taxed. Including the money you earn from your dead family members. (Edit: I guess recieve is a better word than earn here. You don't really earn your inheritance money. All the more reason to tax it, imo).3 points
3 points
You don't need any education at all in a country where a Qanon follower can be elected to Congress.2 points
No, I am a certified banker and software engineer/computer scienctist. My father is a mason who also knows woodworking (and basically all of those adjacent crafts) though, my uncle is a car mechanic, another uncle is a carpenter and a third one was a painter/paperer. So growing up I picked up lots of stuff. We almost never had to hire somebody to fix things (except electricity because of insurance issues) because somebody from the extended family would come and fix it. I even cut my own hair (and my childrens' hair as well) because my mom is a hairdresser, tehehe. They are all retired now (painter uncle is already dead unfortunately) but they still have their private workshops and can give tipps and tricks.2 points
2 points
Inheritance tax just rubs me the wrong way. Taxes were already paid the first time on the property / wages, so it just seems like double dipping to tax the "inheritance" again just because it changed people.2 points
I build a cabinet during my free time last week. Isn't 100% finished. Today I will paint it. Since we moved into our hoise in June I build a kitchen cupboard, two loft beds, a kitchen isle, an office bookshelf, a cozy corner for reading and a bedroom cabinet. I also planted roughly a hundred shrubs and trees etc. in the garden. Feels good to work with your hands. Today is painting day as I said. That's my least favorite thing unfortunately. I hate painting.2 points
That is correct. A steeper progressive inheritance tax, higher tax on income from capital/investment and a small tax on financial transactions should do the trick. I also wouldn't oppose luxury tax (expensive watches, jewelry, second car etc) and property taxes. Everything with certain thresholds of course. And before people start to scream "that's socialism" or "but the middle class!" and nonsense like that: Last time I checked our personal household income was among the top 5% of Germany. Since Corona it dropped a bit because I spend a lot of time with homeschooling my 3 kids (and since I'm self employed...). But still top 10% - zero doubt. And those kinds of taxes would barely touch us! The top 1% are so far away for me I might as well live in a tent - the difference in wealth would basically be the same. And the little those taxes would touch me: I'd be happy to earn a bit less from my fancy fonds and stocks I bought for retirement etc.. My kids still won't go to bed hungry and I could still buy the latest crap from Amazon whenever I wanted to.2 points
Uff! That was a joke. The picture is "Q", an omnipotent being from the Star Trek universe. Q as leader of his Anons you know.2 points
Me: "Life sucks." ============= *binges Chinese melodrama, cathartic cry* *binges Korean melodrama, cathartic cry* *spends too much money on stuff I don't need* *reads some Alan Watts* *watches Shawshank Redemption for the umpteenth time* ============== Me: "Life is ... moderately tolerable. Oh yeah, need to buy some groceries...." Hubby (shouting from across the room): "I better not see any chocolate or cookies added to that list!" Me: "...Life sucks."2 points
Wife tried to argue with me that the ship silhouette on her shirt was a Klingon Bird-of-Prey when it was clearly a Romulan D'deridex.2 points
2 points
2 points
2 points
2 points
Obsidian, you guys do great work. The world building in Pillars of Eternity is nothing short of phenomenal. And, the choices presented to me in my Tyranny playthrough left me wringing my hands in agony about how I wanted to proceed in more than 1 playthrough. Games like these aren't just flippant 'titles,' but instead are masterpieces I'll always return to--they are cherished trophies in my video game collection. Which is why I decided to make an account and write to you today. I've felt a bit alienated with some of your more recent projects and long for a return to high fantasy in a detailed isometric format. Remember how many of us donated to crowd fund the first creation of Pillars 1? We are your base and your biggest fans. Please remember us when making goals for projects in the future. What I loved the most about both PoE 1 and Tyranny is that they were games for everyone. Conservatives, liberals--real life identity conflicts, or lack there of, didn't matter at all. It was about the world and its lore and problems. They were glorious. Please consider expanding upon the worlds you handcrafted in those two titles. Thanks for reading; have a Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy New Year.1 point
1 point
Yes, your Animal Companion is a teammate and Minor Threat will work. Killer's Gloves don't give you a higher chance to crit, they only give you 10% more damage if you crit (which isn't a lot). Crit conversions do stack (other conversions, too). But not like "10% + 10% = 20%". Instead those conversion chances are checked one after the other - and if one succeeds the checking stops. You can calculate the combined chance to convert like so: (chance NOT to convert * chance NOT to convert (and so on) - 1) * -1 --> your overallchance to convert. Example: you have Minor Threat (10% or 0.1) and Dirty Fighting (10% or 0.1). You calculate: 0.9 * 0.9 = 0.81 -1 = -0.19 * -1 = 0.19 --> 19% Minor Threat and Dirty FIghting and Uncanny Luck: (0.9*0.9*0.95-1) *-1 = 0.23 or 23%1 point
Completely ignoring the word "threshold". The problem aren't people who start "on the path" with big paychecks. It's the people who get dropped right at the finish line by inheriting huge fortunes. At the extreme it's like feudalism where it's impossible to improve your quality of life at some point because your social ranks become cemented. Poor, brilliant people will stay poor and uneducated while rich, stupid douches and their decendants will stay rich. The total opposite of meritocraty and "working your way up". Capitalism without the proper amount of redistribution leads to disruption, imbalance and finally a collapse of the system. Naturally those who profit most will always oppose changes and will make something up like the trickle-down nonsense - but they are also complaining the most when they can't get out of their guarded compounds anymore or finally get clubbed to death by a starving mob. And the funny thing is that 75% of society are led to believe they are the ones profiting (or at the brink of doing so) while actually it's the top 10% if not even less.1 point
1 point
These Billionaires Want The Ultra-Wealthy To Pay More In Taxes we mentioned earlier how it is the ordinary and sadly uneducated americans who balk at higher taxes for the rich. current income tax rate for states and fed combined = over 50% in many states, but as you can observe from the luntz link, americans see anything over 50% as unfair and most think that 50% would be an increase. the immediate fixable stuff is not unknown: hedge fund exception, inheritance tax and capital gains. is a reason why buffett, benioff, gates and others is all appearing to plagiarize each other when speaking 'bout taxes. yeah, there needs be a small carve out for ranchers and farmers insofar as inheritance. pre trump, there were 'bout 80 farmers/ranchers per year being affected by inheritance tax in ways unlikely to have been foreseen/contemplated. flat tax o' 15% as some had suggested is absolute nutz. would increase taxes on poorest and lower taxes on richest. wtf? and no, taxation is not theft. basic social contract stuff. again, am blaming hurlshot. HA! Good Fun!1 point
1 point
Inheritance tax is just plain evil. Basically people in favor of this are advocating for the government to prey on the people who just lost somebody close to them (parents, grandparents etc.). Also the money, property, wealth a person gathered before death was taxed, bought and paid for. I know some people are jealous that someone else parents got their **** together and actually accomplished something to leave to their children, but we cannot create laws based in jealousy. Well after you pass a certain threshold of income you naturally start to make some investments and diversify your income with it. So yeah virtually no one make the big bucks on wage alone, but people can be started on the path by the big paychecks.1 point
1 point
Troubleshooter wins best writing in any game for the simple fact that Irene calls the main character a muppet.1 point
1 point
Well at least I'm not sitting around eating out of CostCo sized M&M jars. Someone on a game forum posted pics of those, good lord those things are enormous. Anyway, it's less the diet per se so much as having to think about it. I am an auto-pilot person. More annoying right now is my right hand is still in arthritis flare up mode (left too, but not as severely). Every time I think it's improving I do something like wash the dishes and I'm back where I started. Thumbs/fingers tend to freeze/claw up like a broken fork, with any use, where I have to force pop it back into a straight position vs. a frozen claw. So computing/gaming, holding books or a camera or gardening or much of anything that requires my smart hand is largely off the table for the moment. Last time it was 3-4 months before it really 'got better'. Thus I am simply ... bored out of my mind - there is only so much Netflix I can stand. And one of the things I tend to want to do when bored out of my mind is ... snack. It's a wonder I've never become truly fat. At least my genetics were good in that area.1 point
This will do very little as not that many rich people actually earn their wealth through wage.1 point
1 point
I bought a mix and a decent bottle of Vodka to make some Moscow Mules for tonight. No copper cup, but still a tasty break from my typical IPA's. Digital learning and instacarting has definitely driven me to more drinking than usual. At least I ran 7 miles before getting drunk.1 point
1 point
1 point
Packers and Bills for me, both by a hair. Will not be even kind of surprised if either game goes the other way.1 point
I'm picking Green Bay and the Bills. I feel like the Bills are peaking at the right time so I'm just going with the hot team rather than the proven one.1 point
Eh, to be fair, I hate like 99% of vocalists' voices...and she's no exception. It was included. It was fine - definitely total filler (kind of had DBZ filler vibes going on), not as wacky or ridiculous as the beach episode from season 1 (um, somehow - with dinosaurs and a volcano exploding with zero relevancy to the plot of the show), but it was fine, haha.1 point
Just came over this video (ha! YouTube will probably be recommending me PC building vid for a while!). In case time stamp won’t work it’s: 17:40. Seems like single cable will most likely be ok, but it will draw more power then it was build for.1 point
I have only the vaguest notion of what QAnon is but every one keeps calling it a cult. If that’s the case do we have a mass suicide to look forward to? Just asking.1 point
Ive read that one of Sputnik 5 side effects is +5 resistance to vodka. So if thats your drink you might want to choose an alternative.1 point
Not for me. To keep my immersion I would like to be able to try and romance everyone but always fail1 point
A Giddy Anthony Fauci Says It’s “Liberating” Not to Work for an Ignorant Moron Who Lies About Everything All the Time HA! Good Fun!1 point
IT has it set for that automatic emails are sent to us every day starting 2-3 weeks before your 3 month period for a password expires. Each email tells you how many days you have left before expiration.1 point
Wait, the Sherlock guys made a Dracula show and people hated it? Let's give that a shot, I'm sure it'll be a fascinating dumpster fire.1 point