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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/20 in all areas

  1. I don't think anyone wants to see a frumpy old lady in a cat nightshirt missing shots and crashing into things while running around like a chicken in a game. PS Maybe Cyberpunk needs its own thread now?
    5 points
  2. Pretty sure everyone wants to see that.
    4 points
  3. That can be your schtick on Twitch!
    4 points
  4. Couldn't be any worse than what I'm watching now.
    3 points
  5. Hey, I was living in England at the time, remember? Brexit was the main reason for me leaving the country. The antipathy towards EU citizens were tangible, even though most of the ire and rhetoric was directed towards the large numbers of Polish immigrants (there were so many that Polish is the second most spoken language in England today). Having an idea of how messy the whole thing could get, I moved back to Australia 6 months after the referendum. But I did follow all the sometimes heated arguments for and against and a lot of the rhetoric, sometimes up close and personal at the time, being there and being affected by it
    3 points
  6. I always love the internet. It's just the people who want to own it that I have a problem with.
    3 points
  7. Well, I bought a copy from GOG since the company I bought my CE from sent it out late today, so I will have an extra copy tomorrow or the day after
    2 points
  8. Let's just all chip in and buy it for LC.
    2 points
  9. "That fact that this insane, unreasoning fanaticism that we have witnessed in this election battle should come from Republicans, REPUBLICANS for God's sake, is just a shock to me. This was the party of McCain, Reagan, Goldwater, Roosevelt, Kissinger, Douglass, Lincoln, and Fremont. " is this satire
    2 points
  10. I think this is pretty common with all contractual employees. It tends to look a bit more stark, since teachers make very little pay given their level of education and societal impact, but that is one of the costs of moving away from an hourly wage system. Of course, not having to clock in and out, and having a goal oriented job instead of simply putting in the hours are big pluses. Basically I'm very happy having a contract, I'm plenty happy to go above and beyond that contract to meet the needs of the job, but I'd really like that contract to pay better.
    2 points
  11. Please don't anyone ever call me a hardware expert, but my sense is that having an SSD helps A LOT.
    2 points
  12. You guys are just dead set on not saving money, so no chance.
    2 points
  13. Which makes this story even worse... if possible... Arizona GOP asks followers if they're willing to die in effort to overturn election results I'm sure this was just rhetorical. There is no politician, or whatever Trump is, whose political fortunes are worth the fight that has ensued since the election. And certainly none ever worth dying for. That fact that this insane, unreasoning fanaticism that we have witnessed in this election battle should come from Republicans, REPUBLICANS for God's sake, is just a shock to me. This was the party of McCain, Reagan, Goldwater, Roosevelt, Kissinger, Douglass, Lincoln, and Fremont. This was the party of dispassionate reasoning, fiscal responsibility, and restrained government. They are trying to get the court to overturn an election even they KNOW they lost. Even if it were successful who would even want to be in power under such a circumstance? The utter illegitimacy of it would completely neuter them during the next two years. And the voting public would be so infuriated the 2022 Congressional and State elections would see a near extermination of GOP political power even in Red states. And you can bet a new Democrat Majority on Congress will see Trump dispatched ignobly with another impeachment. God knows he's given them cause. Sometimes you just want to grab these folks by the shoulders, shake vigorously, and ask "What the f--k is WRONG with you?"
    2 points
  14. I don't think I ever believed there was such a thing as a "real" Santa Clause, but I remember as a small kid (6+ or so) always loving the stories and imagery of Santa. Part of my childish curiosity back then wondered, if Santa is wearing the national colours of Denmark, would a Swedish Santa wear blue and yellow instead? (yes, the logic of children)
    2 points
  15. I wasnt expecting such a damaging link that is an indictment generally of the pharmaceutical industry....at least in the USA In Africa countries get certain drugs at reduced prices or they subsidized by other countries like the USA, for example HIV drugs in SA https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa-hiv-aids-drugs-treatment-deal-under-threat-us-budget-cuts-a7960391.html Gorthfuscious I think you will agree going forward we should be focusing on the greed and unethical behavior of the drug companies and leave the banks alone ....its time to identify a new enemy to hold accountable for global inequality I want to get a shirt made that says " at least I dont work in a pharmaceutical company "
    2 points
  16. we would try and explain the current disposition o' trump campaign and kraken lawsuits. but am not sure where to start or finish. is a wisconsin trump lawsuit which names biden and harris as defendants as if either has any capacity to change ballots in wisconsin. texas, in a bid to get direct to scotus, has named a handful o' other states as defendants. is creative, but wholly w/o merit. the texas state solicitor who is responsible for arguing before scotus is noticeable absent from the texas complaint. were a few wacky kraken lawsuits where expert witnesses were anonymous and did not make selves available to respond to the court... which is decided not how expert testimony works. these ain't intelligence assets having their identity kept secret to protect national security. kraken cases keep being dismissed for failure to show proof o' fraud. more fundamental, the kraken claims almost universal fail to show proper standing and the courts furthermore observe how the redress being sought is... insane-- disenfranchisement o' millions o' voters 'cause o' either minor clerical quibbles or unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. the pennsylvania fed case which were shot down by the appellate court last week has yet to be filed with scotus, which severe undermines the suggestion the real goal were to get scotus review. more curious, the weird pennsylvania supreme court case involving a gop state legislator who won his election bid and were nevertheless seeking redress from the court for his injury, has been appealed to scotus, although the case were decided complete on state law so is near nothing genuine reviewable by a fed court, so even if the gop legislator managed a favorable scotus decision, it wouldn't make any difference as the state issues would continue to preclude any sorta meaningful outcome. oh, and jenna ellis, the other trump lawyer, has tested positive for covid 'ccording to multiple sources. today is safe harbor day for electoral college, which in theory means all states should concluded legal challenges. UPDATE: the scotus case we mentioned 'bove wherein a state representative o' pennsylvania submitted an application for injunctive relief is doa-- denied via a single-sentence ruling. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  17. Bro, it's the internet. Someone did it already.
    2 points
  18. I personally cant wait for my socialist overlords to seize power! Were fixin' to print up another Trillion for "stimulus relief", but after that Ive got my fingers crossed for some sweet sweet UHC and UFE. Its going to save me a fortune right when I'll need it most.
    1 point
  19. If you read the comments sections on a few Fox News "articles", you'll get an idea of at least something that is wrong. People are little better than illiterate and woefully uninformed by anything outside Fox News. They are scared and the Murdoch media is fanning the flames, using scare mongering that would make most sane people with access to more than one source of information cringe. But too many people just seems to be stuck in 1950's America seeing things crawling around in the shadows, the threat of communism dissolving their country from the inside like some insidious cancer. The next Democrat in the White House is bound to add the hammer and sickle to the stars and stripes, close their churches, take away their guns and force them to have free schools and healthcare and other things normally associated with the four horsemen of the apocalypse. McCarthyism is back, stronger than ever, 60+ years after it was supposed to be dead. Of course, it isn't the only thing that is wrong and might not even be a cause, but a symptom that is noticeable even for a foreigner like me.
    1 point
  20. Yep I'm told the cheaper Oculus is great hardware for the price, but I really don't want to invest in something from Facebook. Of course Google isn't much better. Valve likes to abandon things as well, but there's enough content right now that my Index should be worth it.
    1 point
  21. <open console> iroll20s <enter> <reopen console> giveitem ITEM_PET_BACKER_Troll_Grog
    1 point
  22. the terrible reality is trump is winning where it matters most: his pac bank account. these ridiculous lawsuits has resulted in millions o' dollars in legal fees, but trump campaign pac solicitations has garnered hundreds o' millions o' dollars in contributions. trump may even believe he were cheated, but am suspecting his primary goal at this point is more 'bout money than electoral college votes. given his reported enormous debt which comes due over the course o' the next couple years, as well as multiple pending criminal and civil legal fights, am tending to believe trump is more focused on what happens to citizen trump after january 20, 2021 as 'posed to the fantasies o' another four years in office. sure, remain President would be a bonus for trump and would keep him out of rikers, but hundreds o' millions o' dollars in post election contributions for a campaign which were in the red on november 3, 2020 is a kinda win. is hard to believe, but is a no-lose scenario for trump. win in court means trump remains President, but win in court would mean an end to the court battles which is a money generating machine. converse, losing in court has the curious effect o' prolonging the money grab. remain President or continue to see mind boggling millions o' dollars funneled into the trump pac? where is the down side? the legal losses is an enormous scam and is all perfect legal in part 'cause o' f'ing citizens united. we would laugh at trump losses if not for fact his working class base is paying for this newest Presidential ponzi scheme, and those blue collar patriots don't even realize they is being scammed. although we can't help but wonder if a few o' the sudden taciturn obsidian board trump supporters contributed to the myriad legal defense efforts o' the President... such would indeed be good for a laugh. at this point am doubting the board trumpers would admit if they had made such contributions, but you never know. have been shocked more than once by the stuff the trump faithful is willing to admit to and am even more puzzled by the perverse pride exhibited by the those who see their muslim ban grifter as the champion for the marginalized working class americans. surreal. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  23. Wow, I somehow missed obvious rapier+dagger combo. Might look absolutely badass on some aristocrat dual-wield ranger or rogue. Thank you
    1 point
  24. You can use the pet named "Grog" - it instakills any party member on knockout. It also removes engagement from the game though. Maybe that's something you don't want. While the Critter Cleaver can separate the pet skills from the appearance it cannot split the single skills - else it would be optimal to separate the engamement immunity from the instakill. But I'm sure that somebody can do a mini-mod that adds Grog's insta-kill-effect to the game as a general rule or creates an item (pet, ring, trinket or whatever) which has the Grog's instakill effect.
    1 point
  25. Okay, checked those Karabörü's Bloody Momentum: self-stacking: no - it only prolngs the effect if you reapply it. That is very hard to do anyway because it only triggers on 33% of crits. So I wouldn't bother with that. stacking with Rust's Bring Low: yes - total deflection buff then -15. Rust's Poignard's Bring Low: self-stacking: nope (same as above) Sanguine Sword: Prepare the Offering: stacks with Bring Low and Bloody Momentum (-30 total) Blood Gift's self-stacking: only prolongs, no parallel stacks
    1 point
  26. Okay, to update with better referenced statistics...
    1 point
  27. You should watch Josh Sawyer's Deadfire post mortem talk maybe. He explains why they thought Deadfire would sell well and why expensive stuff like Full VO was added. The game runs totally fine with me and I don't have that impressive hardware. I use an SSD though. Loading screens are like 10 secs. The budget had no impact on the underlying framework which is Unity3D. It's not known for its stellar performance in the first place. So I guess there wasn't that much to be done. Creating a massive game with a framework that's best for small titles and prototyping may have revealed the limitations of said framework too well.
    1 point
  28. IIRC it was the other way around. It became dangerous, then got shut down because the repairs needed- cable replacement- had gone too far to be done safely/ economically. (Having checked wiki it was only decommissioned a few weeks before the collapse, and two cables needed replacing)
    1 point
  29. You know what they always say, 51st time's the charm.
    1 point
  30. You're right. The notion that they need to cover their research costs is a bit outdated it seems. I thought it it used to be the reason, but you made me dig a bit. Turns out drug companies are just abusing a position of power. It's sheer price gouging these days with prices way beyond anything justifiable by the expenditure. If you thought banks were unethical... they got nothing on drug companies. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2019/03/drug-prices-high-cost-research-and-development/585253/ "The most telling data on a disconnect between drug prices and research costs has received almost no public attention. Peter Bach, a researcher at Memorial Sloan Kettering, and his colleagues compared prices of the top 20 best-selling drugs in the United States to the prices in Europe and Canada. They found that the cumulative revenue from the price difference on just these 20 drugs more than covers all the drug research and development costs conducted by the 15 drug companies that make those drugs—and then some" "To be more precise, after accounting for the costs of all research—about $80 billion a year—drug companies had $40 billion more from the top 20 drugs alone, all of which went straight to profits, not research. More excess profit comes from the next 100 or 200 brand-name drugs."
    1 point
  31. It's bad. Empty city, ugly NPC's that don't say a word, colors are grey and bland, there is no music and sounds are dreadful. The car is piece of crap, I preferred to go on foot. And that's just me going to the shop to pick up the game.
    1 point
  32. Well, whenever it comes. I feel it'll end up more like Jonestown. Looks like Acti-Blizzard had a hit with Shadowlands - https://www.wowhead.com/news=319757/world-of-warcraft-shadowlands-becomes-fastest-selling-pc-game-of-all-time Rather enjoying it myself, there's always something to do so far but isn't too grindy to me.
    1 point
  33. Hahaha! Yeah, not worth the climate change I think My mother was furious that I outgrew her when I was like ten or eleven or something like that! Your brother and I have similar build Dammit, I can't find a single image of me standing straight up anywhere. I did find an image of a lead lightning when I was toying with pops cam though! (Quality is ****, I know, I had/have no idea what I was doing, the camera was just resting on a windowsill because I had no tripod)
    1 point
  34. So if I ever want to move to a place where I could walk under most everyone's outstretched arms, move to where you are. Got it. My mother was on the shorter/average female height as well. She liked that I was shorter than her. Pfft. For a laugh/since I'm bored: I was 12ish here (and what is that outfit, ugh), I have hardly grown at all, my shoes gave me a couple inches and bro is walk-slouching Hubby's a bit shorter being "only" close to 6' 1". I can still walk under his arm tho.
    1 point
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