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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/20 in all areas

  1. CDPR must have heard that @LadyCrimsonisn't interested in Cyberpunk, so they quickly added a photo mode.
    5 points
  2. Things appear to be going well in Ohio:
    3 points
  3. I need to post more game pics, I have a rep to uphold! It still makes me sad that Ansel looks to be going/is extinct tho - even if I understand it (proprietary/expense and all that). Every game photo-mode these days is almost exactly the same. Serviceable but no true versatility. Limited range/angles and scope, no clipping thru walls with it (hehe), and most importantly, no Super Resolution options. They're just scene framers and you (typically) still need a screenshot taking program/overlay option to capture the picture.
    2 points
  4. One of those things I've known for years, but it always amuses me when I see/hear references...
    2 points
  5. Very true. Even though Encore is superior, I always upgrade it with Refreshing Finale, as I dislike resting and tend not to empower abilities otherwise. I also like to keep the one time bonuses as long as possible, as Kaylon noted.
    2 points
  6. The ability from a Fury's spiritshifted Storm Blight (the lightning bolt that stuns) seems bugged. It doesn't scale at all with power level/character level (the pop-up always shows a penalty of 1 power level) so essentially it deals the same exact damage with the same duration stun regardless of whether you're level 1 or 20.
    2 points
  7. I'd say that using a drill to make holes into solids is objectively boring. *schenkelklopf*
    2 points
  8. Would really like to see a Stem Post in the building/crafting option for decks and awnings Gliders would be cool...possibly made from wings of butterflies or wasps Dyes made from flower petals to change color textures of armor and weapons Craft All Button Be able to eat nectar, mushrooms, etc off the ground without the need to inventory it
    1 point
  9. Is that also the shifter knob floating in his hand?
    1 point
  10. Let it be stated for the record that I tried to give Phoenix Point yet another chance. That I acknowledge that they removed the dumbest most brain dead terrible tutorial in gaming history and replaced it with a decent narrative tutorial that doesn't force you to make stupid moves a la XCOM to get half your squad killed. But: I got out of the tutorial missions and opened up my roster to spend skill points. Each soldier has a list of class skills and three random skills you may buy to give them a unique personality. The first soldier the game gave me, your standard assault rifle grunt got: Reckless: -accuracy + damage, Cautious: +accuracy, - damage, and weapon proficiency with assault rifles. The second soldier, again the standard grunt with assault rifle got: Extra 'nade range (nice), Extra perception, and weapon proficiency with assault rifles... My heavy got: Weapon proficiency with heavy weapons, extra melee damage, weapon proficiency with handguns and shotguns. My sniper (sniper rifles and hand guns) Guess what... Out of 5 soldiers only 1 didn't get the option to spend points to train a skill to become proficient in the weapon they are proficient in. OK, it's not that bad, those skills give a buff to those weapons, so if those stack, you may actually want them on those soldiers. Seriously though, how hard is it for devs to flag skills/traits/whatever as opposite and not give a soldier both reckless and cautious? Same with the Necromunda devs. Is it so much to ask for a modicum of competence in this industry? I don't want to change much in gaming. I just want devs and publishers to be forced to play their own games. Also, to read a dictionary. edit: P.S. /end rant
    1 point
  11. Wow, that's really surprising... ...that anyone could make it through 2.5 seasons of Discovery without noticing how cheap the 'emotional' hits were. The writers' idea of a huge emotional hit can best be summed up by that cyborg girl who got killed off last season. You don't feel anything for her death because she's had about 4 lines in the previous season and a half, you haven't seen her interacting with the crew or anything else, you don't even know her name; you're just told that you should feel bad about her dying and how everyone loved her. The complete lack of secondary character development is one thing wrong with Discovery that could be fixed very easily, but instead we have to have Wesley v3. Ironically, the season guest stars like Captains Pike/ Malfoy and Admiral Beardyman are the one consistent bright spot they've consistently done well with.
    1 point
  12. I just came here to post that. I knew I shouldn't have wasted time shaving...
    1 point
  13. From the blog of author Ilona Andrews...
    1 point
  14. It seems people are dissastified with ST Discovery. Pretty heated discussion in the thread below. I wonder why. I don't like how saccharine Discovery is "Every ten minutes there is some ponderously emotional moment. Someone looks at someone else with glistening eyes and we as viewers are supposed to feel how momentous it is. The problem is that when there are 5-10 such moments in each episode, they very quickly completely lose their effect. At this point, it just feels tiresome and cheesy. When you add the almost equally frequent comedic banter and quips, it makes the needle swing around the emotional compass like crazy. The constant and inconsistent emotional overload makes the whole show messy and unaffecting."
    1 point
  15. This is going completely off-topic, but I'm not sure you are right. It seems to me that a lot of people like repetition, even need it. Lots of people need to do the same things every day at the same time, or enjoy doing super boring, repetitive stuff like ironing. In gaming too there are copious examples of this, like people who like grindy games, or doing stuff like mining for hours on end.
    1 point
  16. When dealing with words, that option tends to be there, and as a lover of intentionally bad puns, I certainly appreciate it.
    1 point
  17. Apparently the Chinese made a miscalculation somewhere and started refocusing their efforts. Xi's being busy... "In Wednesday's virtual discussion at the Aspen Institute think tank, Mr Evanina, chief of the Director of National Intelligence's counter-intelligence branch, said the Chinese had been attempting to meddle in the US efforts to develop a coronavirus vaccine and recent American elections. He continued: "We've also seen an uptick, which was planned and we predicted, that China would now re-vector their influence campaigns to the new [Biden] administration." ... "He told the discussion that after the FBI conducted dozens of interviews with other individuals, "more than 1,000 PLA-affiliated Chinese researchers left the country". Mr Demers said "only the Chinese have the resources and ability and will" to conduct such alleged political and economic espionage and "other malign activity". He told the discussion these researchers were in addition to a group to 1,000 Chinese students and researchers whose visas were revoked by the US back in September." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-55168633
    1 point
  18. Deathsmind, if you search through this forum you'll find a lot of posts on various builds, some of which are recent. As for celebrant, I am playing one now. I am going with a mountain dwarf, for the resistance to CON afflictions. With gear I'll have resistance to STR and DEX afflictions as well, and immunity to mind afflictions via Captain's Banquet food. My stats, if I remember correctly, are STR 18, CON 10, DEX 16, PER 20, INT 18, RES 8, with Berath's Blessings and Deadfire origin. I am using the skald/priest of magran subclasses. The idea is to be able to cast frequent offensive invocations (Her Revenge mainly, and Shield Cracks when needed) as well as buffs, healing spells and fire spells as needed. I dual wield Sasha's Singing Scimitar and Sun and Moon, which are great stat sticks for chanters and fire priests, respectively. Sun and Moon, with the two heads, give you more chances for crits and hence extra phrases. You will definitely want Firethrower's Gloves, Magran's Favor and the Ring of Focused Flame as well. It's a fun and very powerful build; the once per encounter empowered invocations made possible by Sasha's Singing Scimitar is really great. An empowered Her Revenge, possible as early as level 7, melts mobs, and an empowered O'Eld Nary is awesome as well.
    1 point
  19. So... bear with me. Everything that wasn't made by Lucas was originally considered expanded universe - EU for short. It was a sort of extended canon or pretty much regarded as canon as long as the works and story layout was cleared with contacts at Lucas Arts. Lucas Arts nowadays has the Lucasfilm Story Group for exactly that (so ever since 2012) but always had people to help coordinate with the publishers (most notably of those Del Rey and Bantam, but both are part of Random House anyway). As Zoraptor noted already a good deal of the old EU had continuity problems. Many of which were created by Lucas himself, because while Lucas Arts more or less expected licensed works to be beholden to a coordinated story outline he himself didn't bother with the prequels. That's why Heir to the Empire was written from a perspective that assumed the clones were the aggressors of the Clone Wars, not separatists. When Disney bough the rights to Star Wars, they threw out the entire EU by renaming it to Legends (imagine Legends as the Kevin timeline of Star Wars, or vice versa if you want the new canon to be Kelvin ) and created a new canon that at the time only consisted of the prequels, the original trilogy and the Clone Wars tv show. Everything released from Disney from then on is also canon, i.e. Rebels, the new trilogy, Rogue One and Solo, as well as any novels, comics and whatnot coordinated by the Lucasfilm Story Group. That means there's a good deal of books now that explain - or try to, at least - whatever the hell Jar Jar Abrams was smoking when he came up with the New Republic as a single star system with no military, the First Order instead of the Imperial Remant (or simply the Empire as they continued to call themselves). I'd also call the Starkiller base a silly idea but it's hyperspace laser isn't all that different from the EU's Centerpoint Station that literally was able to make suns go supernova or blast planets and ships with giant laser beams across the known galaxy in an instant. Okay at least Centerpoint Station didn't suck up the mass of an entire star into a planet. Sure a lot of sci-fi writers and, quite frankly, most people have no idea of the dimensions invovled in space and that's mostly okay, but Jar Jar is REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY bad with that. Cue Spock seeing Vulcan sucked up into a pinhead sized black hole. Le sigh. Content creators liberally help themselves and borrow from Legends all the time. Tython now exists in both legends and canon, as does Ilum for instance. In fact... Starkiller base WAS Ilum. The same Ilum from SWTOR. Obviously some form of Darth Bane must be canon too, because the Rule of Two is. So it is more confusing than ever and the stories told are worse than ever before because they need to work with what Kathleen Kennedy, Jar Jar Abrams and Captain Looper came up with. Plus the one thing they keep doing and the thing that bothers me most about the sequel trilogy is changing the way hyperspace jumps work. I hate that with a passion. Gah! TL;DR: Disney threw out the old EU and renamed it to Legends. Canon in Star Wars terms is everything that came out post-Disney (except the 2013 novel Crucible the final EU/Legends entry), Clone Wars, the prequel and the original trilogy. Star Wars: The Old Republic is in a sort of hybrid mode that is techinically Expanded Universe but also canon-y for the sake of Bioware being allowed to write new content for it.
    1 point
  20. That toally depends. Refreshing Finale turns the "x per rest times Empower OR refresh resources" into "1 per encounter Empower AND x per rest refresh resources". Also Refreshing Finale might lead players to actually use Empower frequently instead of saving the use of Empower points for later and then not using any until next rest. Also the difference in phrases after using Encore or Refr. Finale isn't that blatant for a good part of the game (where you don't have a big max phrase count anyway). Only later in the game (once you get access to invocations with 6 or even 7 phrases it will make a bigger difference). Because of those points I believe Refreshing Finale is the better enchantment for the majority of players, especially the ones with no or only a little meta-knowledge.
    1 point
  21. Well...it turns out you were both right...it's me being stupid and not discovering the lower entrance!! After what you said, I checked around and found it! The new location marker came up with OCI lower entrance. I thought I'd checked the whole map but obviously not. Phew. I knew it had to be something weird. Thanks again for replying and now I can enjoy the game again..
    1 point
  22. Still doing Bloodborne. Getting much better at it. It's night time now, and ducking hell, the game is creeping me out. Pretty good idea to reuse the environment like that with new / different mob compositions. You know all the places, but it's still different and you can't feel safe. Hell, I even dreamed about it today... more specifically about Eileen the Crow. Man, that's probably the coolest character in the game so far. Right now it feels to me like it's just the very beginning of the game that beats you down and is super hard. Once you managed to level up a bit, it suddenly becomes A LOT easier. While still harder than the last Dark Souls that I've played, it's really nothing compared to the first few hours anymore. Basically, the first thing you have to do is manage to unlock levelups, then pump points into vitality and there you are - the game is open now... only took me 10 or so hours, though.
    1 point
  23. I bought this boxed (dvd) set a long time ago. Came with a tentacle stocking too, to hang up at a fireplace for the Great Old One to bring gifts edit: A photo of my seasonal tentacle and songbooks with lyrics for sing-a-long Chtulhu Carols:
    1 point
  24. A game the goal of which is to take screenshots? Count me in.
    1 point
  25. Can we please get attachment points on the walls for spike traps? I have issues with wolf spiders who jump up on my 3 section high walls and "glitch" (kind of) onto/into my base. It would be really awesome to be able to attach the spike traps on the walls. Just having like a bottom/middle/top horizontal attachment point would be awesome. Make my base more defended from wolf spiders. Thank you!
    1 point
  26. Building pyramids again in Conan Exile. Or well, one big pyramid... Along with a Knossos style labyrinth inside of small rooms, winding corridors, and stairs randomly going up and down....
    1 point
  27. I'm playing with the MM6-7-8 merge mod that puts the assets of all three games into an enhanced version of the MM8 engine. I'm sure enhancements can be acquired individually, but it comes baked in with the usual modern trimmings like high resolution widescreen, mouselook, slightly improved textures, user moddability, etc. All you need is the GOG copy of MM8 to run it, too. EDIT: Travel between the worlds of the three games is enabled once you're high enough level to learn Town Portal and can brave the required location without getting instantly killed.
    1 point
  28. The Hercules Beetle would be a large insect that would spawn inside of the big tree, The Hercules Beetle would have 3 attacks. 1. swat at you with its horn 2. catch you with its 2 big horns and squeeze you 3. fly into the air and smash into the ground The Hercules Beetle would respawn within 30 minutes of killing it.
    1 point
  29. Haha! Made it! Past to the left of me, future to the right. Here I am, stuck in the present with an orange frog wearing a top hat.
    1 point
  30. I proposed something similar a couple of months ago. Steal Egg -> raise ant -> ant follows and carries grass -> deposits grass on pallet
    1 point
  31. I had my first full on encounter with the monster in Amnesia: Rebirth. I got to hear the monster here and there earlier, then caught a couple quick glimpses, but Frictional held off on the full reveal until a few hours into the game, which is smart. Honestly, they might have been better served holding off the full reveal even longer. Once you reveal the monster fully, it's only a matter of a handful of encounters before you become desensitized and the monster is no longer a source of tension but merely an obstacle. Games like Resident Evil get around this, to some degree, by having multiple monster types, that way they can keep throwing something new at you. I'm assuming Amnesia: Rebirth only has 1 monster, though I can't say that for sure. As an aside, I am kinda curious what happens if I allow myself to succumb to the fear/madness (don't tell me). So far I've not allowed myself to lose control, but I may do an experiment and just let all my sanity drain away. Maybe I'll hold off on said experiment for a bit in case it turns out you can't actually completely lose control, since that will kinda kill the tension once I am armed with that knowledge.
    1 point
  32. Not really news maybe, but mod-interesting. I wish it was TR1 tho - but maybe that would likely be a lot harder to do re: texture replacing, not sure? tbh, I barely remember 3. 1 and 2 and 4 are the ones I remember most vividly.
    1 point
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