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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/20 in all areas

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Americans out there. Happy Thursday to the rest of you fine folks. Hope it's a good one. I'm making split pea soup in the crock pot and fresh bread later. We usually have a pretty big party at the VFW but we decided to cancel this year with everything going on. See? It's ok to be smart and take precautions! It's when the government says "Thou shalt do thus or else" that I get my hackles up.
    3 points
  2. Lying to FBI is only crime in US, as other countries don't recognize FBI's jurisdiction over their citizens
    3 points
  3. Yup. When I got the first Samsung, I decided to get a pneumatic-arm stand for it... and one of the twin-armed stands was on sale and cost about £5 more than the one-armed. So I thought, eh, juuuuust in case I decide to splurge on a second monitor at some point in the future....
    3 points
  4. I was feeling a touch blah, saw that Amazon had my monitor reduced by a third, and decided to pick it up... Now I have my matching pair of Samsung curved 27" side by side...
    3 points
  5. After spending 15 odd years as a carer for a disabled parent with an annual income of under $6,000, now that I actually have a "professional job" and disposable income, I feel no guilt whatsover on spending my loose change on random luxuries and the odd superficial thing.
    2 points
  6. $20k a year is probably fine to retire on as long as you move to a country that won't medically bankrupt you.
    2 points
  7. Dragon Age creative director Mike Laidlaw founds new studio with EA and Ubisoft veterans | PC Gamer
    2 points
  8. republican governor, tom ridge. HA! Good Fun! ps flynn is just the first. anybody who could be used as a witness against trump in future litigation will likely be pardoned so as to remove leverage options available to the justice department. is the fact this pardon doesn't surprise anybody which should be shocking to everybody.
    2 points
  9. Building pyramids again in Conan Exile. Or well, one big pyramid... Along with a Knossos style labyrinth inside of small rooms, winding corridors, and stairs randomly going up and down....
    2 points
  10. You could get a bunch of those and sit in the middle! Put up an avi wallpaper of some beautiful environment and spin in your chair with arms flung wide like an actor in a movie. Like this, only with curved's. Of course, for me who loves huge screens - I need one of these!
    2 points
  11. I can't eat potatoes/stuffing anymore. Well, maybe a bite... Makes me miss Boston Market. We used to go to one for Thanksgiving. They've mostly disappeared here tho. I used to cook (small) turkeys just for us but became fed up with the frozen store things that took 20000000000 hours to thaw out. Plus our current gas oven sucks. Anyway ... when I was a kid at the family dinners my mother did this thing where everyone would get a card and we'd write down a few things we were thankful for that year, and then she'd read them all before dinner. So ... ---I'm alive, fairly healthy, not quite wealthy and ... wise. Well, 2.5 out of four ain't bad... --the camaraderie of this forum that makes it a place I like to hang out is always appreciated, too. Cheers all. *raises glass*
    1 point
  12. miranda is relevant to custodial interrogations subsequent to arrest. flynn were not arrested when he lied to law enforcement. however, if you are attempting to convince law enforcement to discontinue investigations, then refusing to speak with law enforcement, which is your right, is frequent abandoned by folks such as flynn. try and imagine what woulda' happened if flynn had refused to speak to the fbi. sure, is not a crime to refuse to speak to the fbi, but the fbi and the washington post would quick announce to the world that general flynn had refused to cooperate with an fbi investigation involving russian agents. in 2020 such would be what we would expect from a trump appointee, but in 2016 it woulda' caused a p00p storm o' bad press and a whole lotta conjecture on both sides o' the aisle as to why the new appointed NSA were refusing to aid in fbi investigations. this were wrong precise 'cause of 5th amendment. there is no such law and 5th amendment precludes such. duh. is odd how one person may be so preternatural wrong in spite o' being so certain they is correct. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  13. Traditional Thanksgiving meal Man who never eat pork bun is never a whole man - Ancient Chinese Proverb
    1 point
  14. been down that rabbit hole many times. again, you somehow believe 5th amendment didn't apply to flynn in his interactions with the fbi. is clear a fundamental misconception... more than one. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  15. Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the day. People keep saying 2021 simply cannot be worse than this year. Makes me cringe. If it gets any worse next year, this may be the last Thanksgiving before the comet hits the earth or the zombie apocalypse or whatever the hell's going to happen.
    1 point
  16. when skarp_one said, "in any other lawful western country," he actually meant Poland. good to know. 'cause in most other western nations, flynn signing documents following questioning by law enforcement as to the truthfulness o' his statements woulda' exposed himself to criminal prosecution if he had lied... which he did. btw, we got 5th amendment which provides in part and is codifying opposite o' needing present testimony against self or suffer punishment. so, wrong 'bout that too. dependable rule of thumb: if is law, assume skarp_one is wrong. wouldn't count on skarp_one being right 'bout Poland neither as we has seen in the past he is as ignorant 'bout polish law as he is 'bout law elsewheres. we would look into the matter save for am preparing thanksgiving meal. maybe tomorrow. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  17. Before the pitchforks come out, it's an RTX _3070_. Had I known on September 17th that signing up for EVGA's auto-notify wasn't going to be an exercise in futility I would probably be sitting pretty on a 3080 right now. Though given that it's an EVGA card I do have the option of stepping up to a 3080 and receiving it when stock presumably stabilises next year, or to a 3080 ti if it gets announced in the next ~90 days for a sane price.
    1 point
  18. don't listen to skarp_one about... anything. particular not legal. lie to cops is illegal in many countries. even where lie to cops is not inherent illegal, what flynn did woulda' been illegal in almost all the rest. flynn lied in formal interviews with the fbi and signed declarations his statements were truthful to best of his knowledge. those signed declarations is transformative in most european jurisdictions and canada. put it in writing makes a difference in europe 'cause such writings is identified as declarations to the court. is also worth noting how flynn lied to fbi about interactions with a russian agent. such a lie exposed flynn to compromise by the russians as they were aware he lied. the national security aspect o' flynn's lie woulda exposed him to criminal prosecution in any number o' countries even if the crime would not have been the lie itself but the compromise. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  19. I'm reasonably certain that was roughly 5 kilograms of pork belly, and it was indeed for the extended family. Served with marinated red cabbage and bread dumplings. Maybe I'll upload some more pictures later, but I try to avoid duplicates, a picture of some earlier pork belly with similar sides (just with green instead of red cabbage) is a few pages back somewhere.
    1 point
  20. It came out well my mini-pork belly
    1 point
  21. That card will definitely be a bottleneck, perhaps even at 1080p.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. I agree Bruce. It’s a decision only the affected party can make. if your life is yours isn’t your death also? There was a great line in Skyrim: to cling to a thing beyond its usefulness is unseemly. How much more so when that thing is you. However I would never do such a thing or suggest anyone do so if the act will cause more harm to children or family, that kind of thing. well this is about a depressing subject isn’t it? I say we move the conversation along.
    1 point
  24. Nemo tenetur seipsum accusare. The principle that no one may be compelled to accuse himself is the guiding principle of the criminal process in any democratic state ruled by law. This principle is present in Poland constitution and present in either constitution or law of many western countries. A witness cannot lie, but a suspect is allowed to lie, withhold information etc. as a part of his right to defense. Moreover a person that is interrogated as a witness, but later changes status to suspect or accused retains the same right, even if he only suspects that his status as a witness might change. There are plenty of verdicts from Polish Supreme Court that reinforce this as police did use this tactics of interrogating suspects as witnesses. Polish Ombudsman intervened in this regards many times as such practices are against the law. In Polish law the witness gives testimony, but suspect or accused provides explanations. This is an important distinction to show separation between witness and suspect/accused. USA law that a suspect cannot lie to FBI is a clear violation of this principle and in principle basically takes away the right to defense. Therefore my comment.
    1 point
  25. On this day of giving thanks, I am thankful for Ryu Ga Gotoku for consistently putting a smile on my face. Nobody does feel good moments quite like them.
    1 point
  26. I found something really interesting at one of my local butcheries today , a mini-pork belly ...only 500 grams but its still pork belly So Im having that for dinner tonight, going to roast it in the oven, with buttery mash potatoes
    1 point
  27. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Even if you don't celebrate it, go feast tonight. Any excuse is a good excuse to feast.
    1 point
  28. No kidding? That sucks. Hopefully not for long. A few months ago business were fighting for your services.
    1 point
  29. He has to become leaden key leader to have it.
    1 point
  30. I can't believe the author wanted to put this build on the "deprecated" list. I am not completely through my run yet (level 17), but this is by far the best all-around melee DPS build I've tried. I am doing AoE caster-like damage by spamming Clear Out and Torment's Reach; and Swift Flurry and Karaboru keep triggering. (I guess it helps that I have 80-plus percent crit rate even on PoTD.) While I will experiment with, say, different tank or different CC builds in the future, I don't think I can ever go to a different melee DPS build in the future!
    1 point
  31. Can't say I've run into any of those issues myself in spite of being on my 5th playthrough or so and having access to a ton of Berath's blessing (incl. 50k starter money). In its current state, this is one of the best games I've ever played. Also, why can't people stop comparing everything to Baldur's Gate? Let games be their own selves. My only complaint are the loading screens, which they apparently never fixed, and that the turn-based mode is terrible (I tried it for a change but had to restart).
    1 point
  32. I want to focus a bit on the summoning part: If you want a summoner but don't like to micromanage a lot of characters (which is a bit contradictory in general to be honest because you'll have to steer the summons all the time) you can focus on summons that automatically get controlled by the game AI and are not steerable by the player (most Chanter summons are of the controllable type). Those autopiloted summons are for example Essential Phantom and Substantial Phantom from Wizard, Many Lives Pass By from Chanter (absolutely awesome with the Death Godlike Troubadour/Priest Kaylon suggested since they will pop up so quickly you will have a small army at all times that automatically attacks), Ancient Brittle Bones skeletons (the ones that emerge if the first skelli does), The Dichotomous Soul from Monk. There may be a lot more, but since I don't use summons of other classes very often (Priest, Druid come to mind) I can't recall which ones are controllable and which not. Many Lives Pass By skeletons don't count towards the individual char's summon limit. So said Troubadour/Priest can summon a Spiritual Ally and still pop up skeletons while doing so. Which is also great. There are also other sources than class abilities with allow to put autopiloted summons on the field. Look at Essence Interrupter: if you crit an enemy with it and said enemy dies you will get a summon (that doesn't count towards the summoning limit). Without further enchantment that summon maybe hostile. But with the right enchantment it's always friendly. Another option is the sabre Grave Calling. It has an enchantment that summons an imp every time you kill a vessel with it. It also works with your own vessels (e.g. Beckoner's Skeletons). The same thing can be done with the sword Hel Beckoning - just that you have to kill Spirits instead (also works with your own spirits, see Beckoner's Whisps). If you manage to crit a vessel/a spirit with Essence Interrupter and then kill it with Grave Callings/Hel Beckoning you will get a random friendly summon + an imp! So having a Beckoner in the party and then shooting his skeletons with the bow first and then ki it with Grave Calling gives you 4 summons from one skeleton (1 dead skeleton splits into 2 + imp + random summon) -> all on autopilot. Looking at Grave Calling more: it has an enchantment named "Chilling Grave" that is mutually exclusive with the imp summons. But the beauty of it is that the Chillfogs it produces count as weapon attacks and thus get all the goodies like dmg bonus from weapon quality, Sneak Attack (if you have) and so on. A Berserker/Beckoner with Grave Callings/Chilling Grave can summon 6 Skeletons with Ancient Brittle Bones -> Frenzy (become confused) -> kill one of his skeletons -> skeleton will split in two and trigger Chillfog -> Chillfog will kill all other skeletons, splitting them and triggering 5 more Chillfogs -> all split skeletons will die from Chillfog and produce 12 more Chillfogs. Meanwhile your skeletons from Many Lives Pass by will run into the Chillfogs all the time and get killed, producing more Chillfogs. It's the Deadfire equivalent of an atomic bomb. If you also use the helmet Heaven's Cacophony with Avenging Storm every Chillfog will also produce lightnings. However, this might fry your graphics card and is the quintessence of a gimmicky build, so...
    1 point
  33. A death godlike troubadour/priest with maxed intellect and dexterity is the best buffer in the game. With the Unstable Coil, Sasha's Scimitar and Weyc's robes and wand you can have all tier 3 inspirations every fight, huge power level bonus (Attuned Channel + Pallid Fate + Brilliant) and crazy phrase regen (Muse of Mystery + Brisk Recitation + Brilliant). You can also replace the troubadour by a bellower for even higher PL, but lower phrase regen. In the front you can use a nature godlike beckoner/paladin or beckoner/monk using Animancy Cat. The monk offers longer duration, while the paladin better survivability for your summons.
    1 point
  34. Don't recruit him in Maje. You will find headdress on his body in Ori o Koiki. Recruiting and killing on ship didn't work for me(no headdress on body when I killed him)
    1 point
  35. Yeeeeah, I can't say I remember good things from Mike from his days with Bioware so I'm not holding my breath for that studio.
    1 point
  36. Age of Empires 3 DE , the best real-time strategy game that I'm going through right now , the plot is fictional but raised as historically accurate , I advise everyone , it's time to revive the strategy genre that is currently losing relevance...
    1 point
  37. If you edit it to say loop: true like other effects then you'll see what happens. Either it works, it works abnormally, or it doesn't work at all. You'd have to change the asset data (and possibly graphics) via the UABE to make it enable looping, but I have no idea how to do that other than the flashes of brilliance provided to this forum by Flavh69X (I can't recall if that's his correct username).
    1 point
  38. It sounds fun but I usually don't like changing too much the purpose of abilities that are already "functional" There is only a couple of abilities for which I changed the purpose. For example Strike the Bell and Healing Chain. When I did it, it was because the ability felt redundant. SC Paladin already had an AoE heal. I'm very happy that you like this new healing chain because I scratched my head a lot in order to design something that felt unique !
    1 point
  39. Updated, thanks again for noticing and sorry for the wait https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/412 I added the missing TeleportAttackGameData, as well as some attacks from the megaboss patches that I missed!
    1 point
  40. Its been rainy and gloomy in CPT this weekend but there is only one proven remedy for much melancholic weather ...a cheese fondue never disappoints which is what I will be making for late lunch\dinner
    1 point
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