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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/20 in all areas

  1. Here’s a little nugget. Last night six states voted to legalize marijuana to one extent or another. One state voted to decriminalize drug possession. That’s a pretty good step towards keeping people out of jail for victimless crime’s
    6 points
  2. They didn’t exactly legalize it. It’s still illegal to sell it. Or traffic in it. It’s just not illegal to have it. What it means is a user won’t be facing a draconian prison sentence just for being in possession of a small amount of it. But on a philosophical level it’s nobodys business what a consenting adult puts in their body. Orr has taken out of it for that matterOrr has taken out of it for that matter
    4 points
  3. it should not be surprise considering that Milwaukee is largest county in Wisconsin, there were ~2 million absentee ballots cast in Wisconsin, democrats campaigned people to vote early, where republicans campaigned against it and got court order to prevent counting absentee votes before today's votes were counted in Wisconsin. But for some reason those ~2 million absentee votes now come as surprise to people and republicans
    3 points
  4. LLOL you’re giving Trump way too much credit! He can’t play a game that deep
    3 points
  5. I'm picturing a priest in robes riding a skateboard, wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap backwards.
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. (Apologies if people already knew this, but at least my own guide and the wikis are wrong on this) I was just trying to square some oddities I found with some effects while doing a guide update, and pretty much every major source has been wrong about the spiritshift boar DoT since the beginning. I think it started with MaxQuest's aggregated spiritshift info from the backer beta (not his fault, it was speculation based on some shortly observed data; it may have even been accurate then but it was changed and no one bothered to look closely again). Most everyone (including myself) repeats or understands that the boar spiritshift damage over time is 4 raw damage per tick, and that the tooltip is buggy and shows 0 instead. This is wrong. The reason why the tooltip appears to be 0 is because it actually uses a rarely seen effect, where the base effect is just used for its duration and the "real" effect is triggered by damage done ("ApplyStatusEffectToEnemyByDamageDealt"). It makes sense why OBS wouldn't/couldn't fix this tooltip, because it's conditional on damage done, so it's a little more complicated than plugging in the real number (which many people thought was 4). The boar DoT is actually 10% of actual damage dealt per tick, for 6s (adjusted for intellect). It stacks, too. On the one hand, this means the boar DoT is much much worse for dealing with penetration/immunity issues, because it won't help you (as the original understanding of the boar dot was) in fights where you're not doing much damage with your claws. On the other hand, this means the boar DoT is *extremely* good as an additional damage bonus in normal fights. At base intellect, because it stacks you essentially get a 30% raw lash (over time; 10% lash on initial application, plus two more ticks). Every point of intellect above 10 effectively adds 1.5% to this lash (over time). Because it's based on damage done, it should be inclusive of any wildstrike lashes, making it multiplicative of a multiplicative effect. So as an example, a level 20 spiritshift boar with modest 15 strength and modest 15 intellect and greater wildstrike will do 13-20 +75% base damage, plus a +25% multiplicative elemental lash, plus a further 37.5% raw DoT lash over 7.5s.
    2 points
  8. I've never used it as a consideration in the past, but at the moment I feel as tho the Pres-race county maps are a good way to decide where I do NOT want to retire to.
    2 points
  9. It's really weird how one party whose leader specifically told everyone not to use mail-in ballots doesn't have as many mail-in ballots as the leader of the party who told everyone to use mail-in ballots. Can science really explain this phenomenon?
    2 points
  10. I just checked in game: rod's Blast still works with Concussive Tranquilizer, making Watershaper's Focus + Driving Flight the perfect tool for removing buffs from whole clusters of enemies. Fire in the Hole: same. Tested against a flock of 20 Xaurip High Priests who ALL did cast Holy Power as their first official act after spawning.
    2 points
  11. https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/election-2020/denver-voters-overwhelmingly-pass-ballot-measure-to-repeal-pit-bull-ban One bright spot.
    2 points
  12. Well for the cheap shot... When Americans say "this is not who we are" in the future, I think we can clearly say "this is who half of you are" without any argument...
    2 points
  13. I'm fine with needle exchange. But I feel very non-liberal when I say that each and every heroine addict should be registered and given best possible treatment ASAP, hopefully detoxed at the expense of the state. I realize that the crimes they do would do to get it would be reduced (still not much, people hooked on it will keep on doing that stuff anyway), but I don't want any heroine coffee shops Amsterdam-style. Pay for their treatment at specialist rehab centers and give them substitute drugs, sure. I know, this is utterly naive on my behalf, but any cost is okay to keep them miles away from that drug.
    2 points
  14. @ComradeMaster Which would probably lead to my previously alluded to Max Mad scenario. I expect GD to be among the survivors in 5-10 years time unless he runs out of ammo. Edit: I have a feeling both Xi and Putin are broadcasting this live as part of an educational program, showing why democracy is bad for you.
    2 points
  15. That's all the legitimacy I need for putting it on my TO DO list.
    2 points
  16. Concussive Tranquilizer with Watershaper's Focus and Driving Flight used to remove beneficial effects with the Blast AoE as well - which triggered thrice and thus removed 90 secs from most enemies in the AoE (those who got hit thrice of course). Don't know if that's still the case but might be worth checking.
    2 points
  17. We have a saying for that - "Wie der Schelm ist, so denkt er" sometimes said as "Wie der Schelm ist, so denkt er vom Anderen", meaning a crook expects everyone else to be crooked (and act accordingly). He's just projecting. Plus Poland has a vested interest in Trump bein reelected so they can continue to fellate him and expect good returns on that, uhm, investment. That'll be a tad harder to accomplish with a presumably less confrontational Biden administration.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. What are you rambling about? I said Biden also had little charisma (he also sounds like a doddering old man sometimes, albeit a sober one). Trump is, at least in my eyes, an (extra) narcissistic buffoon who makes a rather mockery of the "top office" of this country with his posturing antics. If he was a Democratic or Independent or Friendly Neighborhood Spaceman candidate, I wouldn't vote for him either. I don't pick a candidate or vote simply because someone is a specific "party." Trump is repeatedly not someone I can even pretend to respect and that's all there is to it. Pffft.
    2 points
  20. So funny that even after the last 4 years it is STILL a very close race and Trump is not that bad off. Just shows to me that Murica has pretty much lost it. This garbage political drama will continue and everything keeps going down the ****ter no matter what.
    2 points
  21. Listening to Trump speechifying again, with his ridiculous statements, I just don't understand the charisma thing. I mean, Biden has almost no charisma as well but at least his voice, words, and speech patterns don't make me want to stab knitting needles into my ears. Bah I'm going to bed. Here's hoping that in the end of this close race, Biden will win - Trump for 4 more years might not be the end of the world, but Biden would at least keep my eardrums safe.
    2 points
  22. (he deleted and reposted very quickly)
    2 points
  23. US election infrastructure seems like it should be much better for a first world nation.
    2 points
  24. Each state has their own individual amount of electoral votes as determined by their population. Winning Republican North Dakota (about 700k population) is only worth 3 such electoral votes, while winning Democrat California (39 million) is worth 55. The electoral college does skew towards giving smaller states more electoral voting power, though. If you calculate California vs North Dakota, for example, California has about 55 times the population but only about 18 times the electoral votes. It's much, much worse for the Senate, our most important legislative body, where each state only has two senatorial seats regardless of population, which means California's two senators represent an average of about 19.5 million people each, while North Dakota's is about 350k people each.
    2 points
  25. Was a funny situation where client insisted on having a meeting to describe an issue I already fixed. So join the call and ask him why are we having this. He says he booked an hour off for it and needs a break from other meetings
    2 points
  26. Thoughts: -With Arizona (a state targeted, arguably misguidedly, by the Clinton campaign in 2016) going to Biden if I were in the Trump camp I'd be pouring three fingers of whisky. Near as I can tell Biden/Harris did not spend nearly as much converting the state as they did bringing PA/MI/WI back into the fold, states Trump won in 2016 by razor-thin margins as they were (to say nothing of Georgia now, which bodes ill for Republican aspirations for Texas in 15-20 years if the GOP insists on continuing on its current track). -As GOP-strategist-turned-Never-Trumper Rick Wilson noted, Florida and Ohio were solid red states masquerading as toss-ups that required generational candidates like Kennedy, Carter, and Obama to turn Blue (i.e. you needed +10 Democrat to even consider them in the conventional sense "lean Democrat"). -That the EC vote remains tight as it is now is still cause for alarm for progressives. For those of us whose single-issue concern for the Presidency was "Who is least likely to order the men and women at Malmstrom and Minot to turn their keys" all a Biden presidency does is buy the world four more years of time for Donald Trump to die from heart disease or has a health event that renders him a drooling invalid (and in my view the latter situation still gives him a ghost of a chance). For as horrible as the past four years have been, progressives should count themselves lucky that a nincompoop such as Trump was the best the GOP could offer in 2016. On that last point it's a terrible shame. If on November 4th the US had a solid repudiation of Trump I was looking forward to posting this as my reaction to the election results:
    1 point
  27. Started tinkering about around the same age, but only by tearing down and rebuilding old systems whenever we got a new family PC. First build I did myself would've been an Athlon XP I guess. It's probably more luck than anything that I've never made any meaningful screwups working with hardware since then.
    1 point
  28. Ha, yeah, that's almost literally the same exact CPU (just the weird Devil Canyon's "refresh" version of it). The 32 thread 5950X might, uh, be slightly better compared to either, . I am not looking to upgrade to something *quite* that ridiculous, probably more like a 5800X. ...Although the 5900X at MSRP is only $100 more for 50% more cores/threads, which is a ridiculous value, so it might just come down to actual prices at the time of purchasing.
    1 point
  29. If Trumps wins, expect reckoning on the tech billionaires. 230 in its current form is going the way of dodo.
    1 point
  30. Y'know, I was pretty sure it wouldn't be some kind of "landslide" (in either direction, whatever) but regardless, more and more I feel like whatever the outcome of this election, I'm going to feel depressed. Maybe I'll feel more positive later. He's the one that fires, not the one who gets fired. At least that's what he's trying to convince us of.
    1 point
  31. He is winning in states with more votes. It is early though.
    1 point
  32. After Najka, it was again the encounter with the easiest boss of the game. Prowling Magus and the Congregation. Souls Spears made their jobs pretty quickly
    1 point
  33. I'd give that particular trophy to Goldman-Sachs but yes, the DB isn't that far behind. Much of the very deserved reputation inextricably linked to Josef Ackermann, someone who paid his way to freedom. Should be behind bars somewhere for the rest of his life. Makes me wonder if lynch mobs are really always a bad idea (they are and I'm not really serious). And Bruce wonders why the world doesn't like bankers.
    1 point
  34. Oof. Imagine a bank wanting to disassociate itself from you because you are hurting their image in the post-2008 world.
    1 point
  35. 110V pump. I thought about using a DC powered pump with a 12V battery connected to the solar array. But it would have to to be connected in parallel with the batteries in the house. That means a long cable run, 75-80 meters or so. Using DC that means at least a 6 AWG wire. Kind of expensive. If I place the tanks close to the house it means pumping water through a 75-80 pvc pipe run which requires more power off the battery when means the house system does not get as much. So placing it close to the house has too many problems. I have a 110V circuit in the barn and it's only 15-20' from the irrigation system for the garden. So I'm using a 1/2 HP pump and an extension cord. I'd LOVE to use a 3 tier down spill system and let Sir Isaac Newton water my garden. But that would require a scaffolding of some kind. A gallon of water weighs 8 lbs give or take. So five 100 gallon tanks when full is in the ballpark of 4k lbs not even counting the weight of the barrels and interconnecting PVC. That would be a pretty beefy structure to support that kind of weight. And I don't have the kind of elevation changes to use the lay of the land. That would be sooo cool though wouldn't it?
    1 point
  36. I know this is an old thread but I had this issue and realised that I was actually clicking the wrong things. It may be that this isn't the same problem everyone else is having, but I realised after some frantic clicking that you need to click the skill header, not the skill itself. So say you wanted to assign points to 'Hack', you need to click the 'Stealth' heading, NOT 'Hack' itself. The skills below the header will then all upgrade by a point. Obviously as I said this may not be the same thing thats stumped everyone else but it sounds like this might help some people.
    1 point
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