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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/20 in all areas

  1. I think I've mentioned it once or twice, but there's not been much progress on making it official so to speak. Who knows, maybe we'll remain perpetually engaged?
    4 points
  2. In addition to things such as acorn walls and such, I think clay or peblet walls would also be nice for building as well as respective floors and ceilings for each type of structure, so we have something that matches more than grass floors and clover ceilings, And I also would love being able to make a floor hatch that would function same as a window but on the floor so you could fall down or bounce up through it, especially alongside something like an acorn trap door or something similar you could put on not only the floor hatch but also windows because it not only would be aesthetically nice but it would also be useful when building in areas with lots of Nats, such as near the solar lamp at the flower garden, as to keep them out and one last thing is something like a sprig and fungas candelabra or chandelier, just to give nice lighting around tables in the center of a room without making it look strange, a mini candle would also be pretty cool in my opinion
    4 points
  3. Well you can't fail checks because you can't even try (in dialogues or with interactions), but the game tells you there is a dialogue option you can't pick, like in Pillars of Eternity. Based on the skills you bring you can solve quests in different ways. But at least Pillars had the good sense to often lock those options behind your character's race and background or give you multiple skills that work towards the same end. So no, so far there's no real branching from failed skill checks. If you don't bring the necessary skills you're just hard locked into the default outcome, but that default outcome has a good deal of choices as well, and presumably, consequences later. What caused me to write this post is that along the initial quests you'll come across a Barter 6 check while interacting with Brian Fargo Faran Brygo. This is part of a side quest that ties into a main quest in terms of rewards (i.e. the sidequests outcome is an object of a multi object main quest) and according to the quest log that handily tells you what kind of level you should be it's meant to be done before you start exploring the world. The other irritating thing is how combat initiative works. When you see a group of enemies down the road you can approach them, set your party up (up until you reach detection range) and try to talk to them. Many of the dialogues so far just always lead to combat. That's fine, but talking to the enemies first will always give them the first turn. So the powergamery thing to do here is quicksave, look at the dialogue, find out if there's anything useful in it and if no, then reload and gain the iniative by shooting first and not asking questions later. edit: I just realized something - for everyone that doesn't know why Barter 6 is a problem for a level 3 or 4 party at this point in the game, it requires you to focus on building up the barter skill on one of your higher intelligence rangers almost to the exclusion of everything else. It's okay to bring a skill mule. A necessity even. But those really don't have Barter. Nope. Eh...
    3 points
  4. Yeah, my wife has just started her 33rd year. It's absolutely dismaying teaching under lockdown conditions, but take heart, brother. This too shall come to pass. Well, my friend, I'm a love 'em and leave 'em kind of guy, but I will gladly buy you a brew also. In fact, Gromnir, the rat bastard, can count on a brew also. If I'm feeling particularly generous, I'll even make it one of my homebrew, which leads me to my day. Working home health now, because of school, I charted on a patient I saw yesterday. So weird keeping pt info at home! The *real* fun of the day, however, was was doing the second step of my blueberry mead. It's a new technique. I'll keep you posted how it goes. I also did a non boil pear 'brew.' 2lbs raw honey and a full 3lbs pear. I cored them all, skinned half, and then processed everything. The real problem with pureeing fruit is that it doesn't always settle right, which means that it's hard to clarify, but I have my hopes.
    3 points
  5. Playing Grounded today with a friend, we both agree that the sound that the Grubs make when they are moving underground around you is way too loud. It overpowers the sound of the Wolf Spiders in the tree, even when they are chasing and attacking you. I feel that it should be slightly audible with controller vibration on console (like the ground moving beneath your feet, a tremor.) SUGGESTION: - Decrease the volume of the Grub as it moves under the ground. - Make controller vibrate when near a moving Grub, based on proximity.
    2 points
  6. Half walls and floors would be nice, buildings should be able to clip through naturally generated structures such as the oak tree and the big fences to give more freedom in building. also acorn walls and floors, and more floor options like a clover floor would be great.
    2 points
  7. I LOVE ALL OF THIS More Construction Options Stem Floors Stem/Acorn Stairs Clover Floor And yes ... I'd rather the game allow constructions to clip into world objects a little so that our constructions can have more realism ... if given the choice of building your defensive structure into the side of a cliff .... or in the middle of a field ... EVERYONE prefers the safety of even a single wall of natural rock and stone ... in our case that might be Paving Stones, Fence Stumps, Tree Roots, Giant Fence Planks .... but .... we Want to build there .... Please Let Us
    2 points
  8. I woke up early this morning and did something I almost never do: made a big breakfast. Veggie omelet (all ingredients made right here on my homestead) and cornmeal biscuits. Plus a pot of coffee.... can't forget that. Now I'm loading the lawn mower and Sunny into the truck and we're going to go mow my lots in Covington & Brownsville and check on all my properties. The king is touring his kingdom. Maybe do a little fishing along the way.
    2 points
  9. i wish there was a way to stop myself from being a meatbag
    2 points
  10. yes stem floors please. i just feel that sometimes they don't let you place a wall or floor in places that you should just because it kinda goes through a structure. building on the big fence is so difficult because of this
    2 points
  11. also stem floors please. Love the idea of acorn walls. Strong walls and floors. As for clipping through the stuff. I would rather them let us attach to more of the in world objects then letting it pass right through. Also it would be wonderful if at a start of a build we had a full 360ยฐ rotation rather then just north, south, east, west.
    2 points
  12. am now 51, so might be more appropriate to identify as menopausal. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  13. Gotta agree boys and girls. If you are expecting something monumental, wait for the 1.0 update. Early Access is meant to be a way for the community to provide feedback/suggestions, not complain about hot it's "not perfect yet"..
    2 points
  14. I feel we should all be considerate to what we expected in the first place. This game is barely on version 0.2.2 and ver 1.0 will be out next year. Because this is a game preview it is meant for us to help aid the dev team in getting it completed. We should give them constructive feedback rather than complain about something we expected wouldn't be 100%. Don't give up on the team they are working hard to fix any bugs we inform them about. Let's just keep reporting what we see.
    2 points
  15. My home base is located on top of, and surrounding the juice box by the koi pond in the rose garden. I'm on a multiplayer server, but almost always am playing solo unless a friend joins in. System is Xbox One X. I'm on day 138 and quite frequently every few days I have to go to all the garden lights near my base and the water sprinkler by the birdbath and kill swarms of gnats because if you walk anywhere near there, the game starts lagging and sputters, freezing for 5 seconds at a time until you reduce the amount of gnats in game. I usually have to shoot a poison arrow and just wait for them to drop. Great for getting food, bad for gameplay every few days. The same can be said about the ants, the soldiers keep respawning in the nest at unnatural levels and the game sputters and freezes when I get nearby the nest until I make my way inside (slowly and laggy) and kill them all. Ironically I wasn't having the ant problem, until I freed them from the rock by the koi pond that they keep getting stuck in among the community. After I killed all the ants in the koi pond rocks, they all respond in the nest and overpopulation ensued. TL/DR anyone else experiencing a lag from overpopulation of gnats and ants? It has become game crippling for me If I go too close to their spawn locations.
    1 point
  16. Please change the name from Avowed to something else. It's a terrible name for a massive AAA game. Pillars of Creation perhaps?
    1 point
  17. Thank you for playing Grounded! Grounded is currently in Game Preview/Early Access, and as such, unfortunately has a fewโ€ฆ bugs, pardon the pun. The team is working hard to update the game often and below are some workarounds that may be helpful. To help make sure we share the most up-to-date information with you regarding current known issues in Grounded, we will utilize our Grounded Issue Tracker. Feel free to bookmark this page as it provides us with more opportunities to share the current status on known issues and when specific fixes have been applied. We appreciate all of these reports, and we will keep you up to date on the progress. Also, at any time please feel free to reach out to us directly at support@obsidian.net.
    1 point
  18. Occasionally while playing the game (in multiplayer as the client, not host, in my case), upon exiting the inventory, craft menu, map, etc. I will recieve a graphics driver crash error that will either crash the game or, in some cases, my entire PC and require a restart. I can't exactly get screenshots of the crash, nor can it reliably be recreated per se, but it happens roughly every 1 in 3 times I exit the menu. (This has happened one time upon launching the game, but not again) The host and I updating our graphics drivers, as the error suggested, did nothing to fix the issue. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, any workarounds yet? *Update* I theorize this may be an issue with directx 12. I use an AMD Radeon RX 580 and have an AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core processor. Dx 12 is notoriously awful with AMD softwares, but because I use the Xbox App and am playing the game with the gamepass, I'm unsure of how to fix this issue unless it may possibly be something in the game (I was not having this issue at all playing the game in multiplayer as the client player 2 days ago). As of right now this error is making my game unplayable, which sucks because I adore both the game and Obsidian as a company. If anyone finds a workaround for making the game run in dx 11, I'd love to hear it so I can play the game again.
    1 point
  19. Randomly as I play, and quite frequently when I am inside the game menu Grounded will crash saying that my Video Driver has crashed and reset and to please make sure my Video Driver is up to date. I have checked and my driver is up to date. This issue has started occurring directly after the 0.2.0 update went live and it didn't happen before this update.
    1 point
  20. Kinda funny but a little nauseating when in a rush (trying not to be eaten by a spider). In 3rd person when trying to walk through a doorway the camera shows you the inside of the character models head, eyes and all. The biggest issue here really is it makes opening doors quite hard.
    1 point
  21. How about some kind of mutation that gives night vision for exploring those creepy anthills and dark passages without needing a torch?
    1 point
  22. This happens whenever I leave base to go and gather resources of any kind. Me and my friend built our base up on the wooden fencing near the oak tree, and most of if not all of the things we've placed in our base (dew collectors, chests, lights, ect.) seem to appear at the foot of the steps that lead up into the base whenever I return from gathering items such as weed stems or acorn. The only remedy that I'm currently aware of for the issue right now is simply rejoining the lobby, and it is very annoying to have to deal with every time I want to go out and gather some resources. Update: Issue does not appear to be related solely to gathering. I turned in an upgrade chip for BURGL (The stained chip), and this issue persisted when I returned to base.
    1 point
  23. there are people who don't need laws because they willingly do the right thing there are people who don't care about laws and will do evil at will the laws are for the 3rd and biggest group of people who would do evil but are afraid of the potential punishment and hold back regarding the virus itself, denying its existence is stupid. it exists and there is more than enough evidence of it. what i'm skeptical of however, is the level of threat. i believe that government and media are exaggerating about how dangerous the virus is and i find some of the reports on the matter questionable at best. there was a report lately that asymptomatic patients can develop serious heart problems in the future because of the virus and my question was "where did they find a large enough sample size of asymptomatic patients to test and come up with this finding?". asymptomatic patients don't even know they are sick so nobody will check them for the virus much less test the effects of the virus on them and even less the long term effects considering that the virus is new. this finding that was reported as fact, is at best speculation and at worst fabrication.
    1 point
  24. Diving the wilds of northern Sweden will be a REAL adventure now!
    1 point
  25. Googlefu says 39 officers in Belarus were injured on August 9th. https://www.rbc.ru/society/10/08/2020/5f3109a19a79471588e4f57e These so-called protestors in Belarus are rioters and criminals which makes them EVIL. There is NO excuse for violence (outside of the state's) and they need to express their dissent with civility by voting instead of this. Stop excusing criminals.
    1 point
  26. Nah. I'll be long dead so I won't have to worry about it. L0L Besdies, I may be 'white skinned trash' but according to the gov't I am technically native. LMAO (at least I qualify for a status card, lmao, my bro already has one).
    1 point
  27. Yeah, that startles the beejeezus outta me every time.
    1 point
  28. I'm smoking some ribs and day drinking while catching up on some movies I've been meaning to watch with my fiance. Later I will try to spend an hour writing or studying, and will probably end up posting bizarre comments online.
    1 point
  29. cop training and cop culture. cops is trained to act reflexive and the cops who try and de escalate instead o' taking immediate and decisive action run the risk o' running afoul o' cop code. am not able to stress just how much our current law enforcement problems is the result o' decades o' seeming homogenized cop training poor suited for 2020 demands. but am not wanting to derail too much. FDA fires brand new spokesperson after Trump exaggerates plasma as coronavirus 'breakthrough' at RNC HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  30. Today I learned that while Legend was being filmed, a View to a Kill was also shooting at Pinewood. So Grace Jones would hang out with Tim Curry while he was getting his makeup done.
    1 point
  31. Hey, everything that sucks about America now originated in Europe. Thanks a lot guys.
    1 point
  32. It could've been worse... at least they didn't ask you to put up with the patients at home Those beverages of yours sure sounds delicious
    1 point
  33. Can you add a wood triangle wall piece to the next patch? Using grass triangle wall pieces to fill in gaps on wooden walls looks absurd. Can you also allow the ability to turn off "snapping" to allow wall pieces and roof pieces to intersect to allow more detailed and custom building options? Thanks. Love the game so far!
    1 point
  34. Duh, I just scrolled up there and saw it. If I recall WL2, the dialogue skill checks were stiff in that game also. I'm tempted to buy it, even if it sits on my shelf for some time before I play it. Anyhow, thanks for pointing out my obliviousness, melkathi. Turns out I had skimmed that post except for the damned title of the game
    1 point
  35. So much of this, yes! The game becomes unplayable at the Ant Hill and the Light where the gnats are. The person I am playing with constantly gets booted if I get to close when hosting. It's awful!
    1 point
  36. I know this feels like an issue right now, but this is an "alpha expectation' to me. - alpha game play changes core mechanics, and if the mutations were in game (a feature added in early game play, being alpha game play) then you would have never had the problem of it not unlocking because you already discovered them. I fully expect the need to start a new game, completely over, when the game goes live-live. I am used to being an Alpha/Beta tester though, so I can understand the reason your might be upset at this situation. In the meantime, I would suggest trying to trigger it - try different things and test it out. Like: changing teenager played, building liquid collectors under them, drinking from every juice box, etc. maybe these will then 'kick it' and make it remember you now know all of their locations. We are glorified testers who paid in to test the game after all, so time to buckle down and see what we can figure out to help improve the game, find exploits/glitches and report them up.
    1 point
  37. This has been happening to me as well. My girlfriend and I have tried joining each others sessions to see if it's one sided. What we've found is that the one joining the session can't go too far from the chests. ect. I spawned in, ran 200cm from the base to a juice box, and quickly ran back. Only took me a minute or two. When I got back all of chests and other items you can interact with were under the front stairs going into the house and I couldn't open or use any of it. This is a highly game breaking bug that is very annoying, because the only fix we can find as well is to leave and rejoin the session every time the guest comes back to off load resources.
    1 point
  38. I just spent 2 hours troubleshooting, reinstalling windows and running antivirus programs and whatnot because I was convinced that my mouse moving apparently on its own was malware. My Bluetooth keyboard was on the floor upside down, the touch pad generating the input. My biggest facepalm this week.
    1 point
  39. adding my 2ยข agree with the above posts. It's a preview, it supposed to have bugs and glitches and some stuff not work correctly, it's how they perfect the game for the public release. I wish more games would do this. Used to be a big thing years ago, they'd send out invites or have sign up forms on their websites to alpha and beta test games, to get them ready for retail release. I've tested a number of games over the years in this way. But now it seems lots of companies just push out garbage and fix (if they even do) on the fly, rather than test and fix prior. Kudos to Obsidian for letting us help perfect and enjoy the game like this in it's early stages.
    1 point
  40. ok first off let me say a few things.. kiting is not an exploit. it is a tactic. In other games you would kite mobs to more favorable combat points (so you don't aggro a huge group, etc) or to just simply kill things you would normally die to (in case of more hardcore styles where ranged players had huge defense nerfs so 1-2 hits and they died) so it became a functional mechanic since - forever. In reality, 'kiting' is an attack to lure enemies away, usually so another group of friendlies can sneak by or through an area that was previously guarded. Kiting - doesn't really exist in Grounded. You can 'sort of' kite slower critters, like lady bugs, but eventually if you get too far away, they just lose aggro and HP resets. Faster enemies, like spiders, will just catch up with you. Kiting is not 'attacking from a place they can't reach' that is more 'terrain exploitation' - and sure, given the current AI - I can agree that one is not really in the spirit of things. Secondly - realism? You want, realism, in your survival game where you literally can respawn all you want, were shrunk down to the size of an ant, and never have to use the toilet, or sleep if you choose to? There is almost no realism here, especially when it comes to AI. You have to get rid of realism in games to make them entertaining, otherwise ... it is just reality. Back to the quiver situation: carrying sling shoulder quivers or having a quiver attach to the backpack sides (allowing 2) is very much possible. As for how much they can carry - why are you going crazy on this? Look how much we can 'carry' now, then try to imagine what that looks like. Especially since it all 'crams magically into a tiny backpack". As per how many a quiver can hold, yes, technically 20, 24 is the upper limit of most quivers. Obviously custom made 'barrel quivers' exist, but we won't go there. But to keep to this 'realism' your making quivers essentially useless, as we already carry 20 arrows per slot. It COULD become useful if we had an equipment paperdoll section, and armor/gear were removed from the backpack and put there - allowing the quiver to be placed there and then the arrows inside it - but that isn't the case right now. Also - 20 arrows isn't even enough to kill most of the larger critters. You'd need to either shoot all 20, and then go melee it, or carry even more arrows - thus the issue. as for the gas arrows - I'd like a balance if it's going to be lost. That is the main point. Either crafting more per gas sack, or simply increasing the damage/duration(both) of the fired arrow, making them much more useful overall, and at the cost the entire arrow is lost. the venom arrows already craft 5 per venom, so I don't see why similar methods couldn't be used for gas arrows. Sure your 'realism' of attaching a gas sack has to go out the window, as suddenly now we split the gas sack into 3-5 parts without it leaking somehow, but again Quality of Life and Balance changes over realism anyday. if you want realism, you'd suggest that regular arrows (and feather ones) have a chance to break upon use, even if they hit the target, as in reality - that is what happens. Most of the time, they hit a bone, or chunk of armor, or a rock or what not - and they break. The only time they don't really break is when they hit completely soft tissue, or a target made to be soft and re-use arrows. Essentially making every arrow shot - delete upon use. That means 2 things: 1 - players would either have to hoard stupid amounts of arrows and supplies to make them, or more likely 2- players would stop using arrows all together, as the amount of effort to keep enough ammunition to do anything other than 'killed 1 thing, going to get more' would be tedious. You can then see the point there. If you go too far into 'reality' territory, you dull the game, make it tedious to get anything done, and generally speaking - players stop playing and move onto other games. If you wanted this to be 'more real" I'd suggest you rework the backpack system, we should have maybe 4 inventory spaces if your going with reality, along with maybe 6 hotbar slots. Doesn't sound like much fun, does it? (in this example gear would be worn, and your hotbar would be a few things strapped to your belt/side/back) because there is no way in 'reality' that backpack can fit more than 1 dandelion fluff, yet you can easily fit 10+
    1 point
  41. That Dragon Age (4) video told me essentially nothing. It was a bunch of bog standard, catch-all statements that can describe virtually any fantasy RPG ever. In Dragon Age you can go to different places and do things, you will like some characters and dislike others. I guess they're in early development and this video was mainly a "We still exist, EA didn't ****can us yet. We swear we're working on a game." video. Fair enough. Honestly, while I no longer have any faith, I hope DA4 turns out great and sells a billion copies. I'd much rather have BioWare make great games again than get schadenfreude from anothe Bio bomb.
    1 point
  42. One thing that really helped me was cleaning up my server. If you have a very messy server with lots of planks and other dropped items then get rid of them all. I noticed my manual saves now are actually saving since I've done it.
    1 point
  43. Gabriel Paramo - Senior Gameplay Programmer. Worked on Killer Instinct and Strider. Hoya Lee - Senior Lighting Artist. Previously worked on Destiny 2 and Modern Warfare. Jeff Chung - Senior Software Engineer. Zoe Nicole-Aprodite Smith - Junior Character Artist. From Zoe's artstation:
    1 point
  44. According to his website, Paul Kirsch is one of the Narrative Designers on Avowed. Which makes me cautiously optimistic, considering his work on Deadfire and Tyranny that we know of.
    1 point
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