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About WolfKhan66

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  1. Kinda funny but a little nauseating when in a rush (trying not to be eaten by a spider). In 3rd person when trying to walk through a doorway the camera shows you the inside of the character models head, eyes and all. The biggest issue here really is it makes opening doors quite hard.
  2. Since the update trying to align blueprints to the grid is broken. Just a thoery but the initial placement apears to be being offset by other player viewports (e.g. blueprint appears behind me and to the right when trying align to the grid square in front of me as another player is behind me. Slight movements also send the blueprint flying wildly all over the place). The alignment itself is then also off center and aligning to the top or bottom left of the grid square. e.g. before it appeared a grid sqaure had 9 points to center align to. Now its like whichever point you manage to find your only able to get the top or bottom left of the grid square. Some sort of highlight to indicate the grid square and point you are aligning too would be a great help with building. e.g. you look at the grid sqaure you want to align to and then are able to toggle through its 9 points instead of having to try and move the camera to find the point you want. Manual placement is fine to get around this issue at the moment, but manually placed objects appear to have a much larger 'aura' of influence affecting the ability to place other blueprints nearby (much easier to see when placing something like clay foundations)
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