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My money is on Betty White in this, presumably, Highlander duel. There can be only one.4 points
The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognise as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct. A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it. The Shopping Cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.4 points
Finishing Shadowruns, though I'll deffinitely do moar playthroughs of "Hong Kong" which is my favorite of the three. You guys were right, games good.4 points
I just got back from donating blood. I had to wait until I hadn't had 'Rona exposure for 30 days, so I haven't donated since the end of February. Double platelets and a unit of whole blood. A lot of blood banks are testing for Covid-19 antibodies for free, so that's an incentive. We really could use the blood right now. We could almost always use the blood. Also, platelets have a much shorter shelf-life, so if you can donate those, please consider it. Packed red blood cells are also vital if you have O-. Really, O+ or O-, but O- moreso. If you're in Southern California, you can go to LifeStream and donate much needed blood product *and* get a free antibody test. I'm sure there's an opportunity wherever you live to do the same. EDIT: When I say we could "almost" always use the blood, what I mean is, the need is almost always extreme. It's always needed.4 points
They're mostly for signaling other riders and I don't know how wide spread they are (its been ages since I biked in a group). Point at road hazard as you pass it, point at road and move hand back in forth for road hazards, hand down and palm parallel to road and move arm up and down to indicate slowing, Signal with elbow when shifting to left or right of group, right arm back and pat backside to signal a need to pay attention to the riders behind, hand open as if pushing on a wall to indicate blocked shoulder or blocked part of the road. So 9 then, unless I'm forgetting 1.2 points
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To be fair, in a lot of cities, I notice no one knows what they are doing.2 points
Tropico 6 is free on Steam this weekend - https://www.pcgamer.com/tropico-6-is-free-to-try-this-weekend/2 points
'cause homelessness, like crime, is one o' those issues some folks wanna fix with a police baton as 'posed addressing causes (at least in the case o' crime) such as, but not limited to, poverty, social/economic discrimination, and lack of education. homelessness, perhaps surprising to many, is a temporary condition for the majority o' those who suffer-- less than 6 months is actual average duration for more than 50% o' US homeless population. the rest includes significant numbers o' children, military veterans and the mentally ill. crime rates is indeed higher 'mongst homeless, until you look at crimes committed. disturbing number o' resisting arrests with underlying crime amounting to contempt o' cop or vagrancy. oh, and violence against homeless should be a bigger concern. homeless women, in particular, is disproportionate victims o' violent crime. oh and complete unrelated, but cyclists is a menace. haven't been in a moving vehicle accident in years, unless you include cyclists hitting our stationary vehicle. couple years past, one a-hole broke our passenger-side rearview mirror and just kept on pedaling. is nobody's fault city streets were original designed without more awareness o' cyclist needs, but all too many cyclists wanna punish ordinary drivers for the lack o' city planner foresight. too many near misses o' cyclists weaving in front o' our vehicle as if they have no respect or awareness o' F=ma. almost makes us want to move to notoriously hilly cities such as pittsburgh and boston, places with less cyclist friendly weather as well. we use our bike frequent, but we use bike paths and streets with dedicated bike lanes. 'course we don't live in city so is so much easier for us to maintain such guidelines. regardless, whenever we see cyclists lamenting how oblivious is drivers to cyclists, we cannot help but view through prism o' our own experience which suggests all too many cyclists is a-holes who is willful obtuse regarding some very basic rules o' common sense and physics. HA! Good Fun! ps if we had to choose boston or pittsburgh, pittsburgh would clear win. fewer patriots fans in pittsburgh.2 points
[the world has ended. Keith Richards walks the barren wasteland, surveying all that is left. In the distance he notices a lone figure carrying what can only be described as Excalibur] Keith: "Oi! Who goes there??" Betty White: "You knew it would come to this, Keith. Now, draw..."2 points
It had 13 episodes that were all good. No-one ever got to see a bad episode per se, just a couple that weren't as great as the rest. The chemistry between the actors, the dialogue that Whedon wrote, it all clicked together as a great whole. It left a lot of people wanting more and wondering just what it could have delivered if Fox hadn't screwed it over. Edit: And don't get me wrong, I love Farscape, but it hit different Sci-Fi buttons for me than Firefly did. Sure, you had that over-arcing "Mixed crew becoming family as they exist on the fringes of space" idea, but they were exploring different things and going with some different themes. Farscape had the time to really develop the various characters in-depth and show their evolution, it showed them becoming family and changing their goals and what they were doing as it happened. Firefly was much more of a family protecting their "home" from the very beginning.2 points
Good on you! I've been meaning to donate blood for a long time since I'm an universal donor, but trypanophobia, and the fact that my doctors keep changing my blood pressure medication has stalled me, and now Covid ontop of that.2 points
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I heard a recording of my own voice for the first time in ages, and I was quite shocked about how I sounded. :S That's never a bad thing1 point
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I refuse to believe Elizabeth II won't still be out there somewhere.1 point
Makes me wonder what Bill Watterson is up to these days.1 point
Im not sure how I feel about the digital renders. I think I miss the pen drawn versions.1 point
He's a little rusty after 26 years1 point
Yup, and that's basically how I beat my fear of driving in big cities after I got my driver's license. At first, it was super intimidating, but then I realized that so many people were YOLOing their way through the daily traffic that I couldn't possibly be the worst thing to have graced the asphalt. Bam, confidence boosted.1 point
What I'm saying is that you can't blame a car driver for hitting a bicyclist if that bicyclist runs a red light, or hits a pedestrian who, at the last minute, decides to dart out into traffic. And I've seen both happen with regularity. In fact I see bicyclists running red lights and stop signs almost every morning on my commute. Locally, at least, bikes are supposed to obey the same rules as motorcycles. A friend of mind got dragged by a truck because the driver didn't give enough clearance when passing her on her bicycle. I get it - cars can be dangerous for bicyclists. And far too many drivers are impatient with slower speeds that bicyclists maintain and make bad decisions around them. But I hear far too many times, always from bicyclists, that bicyclists are never at fault for accidents as if some rider on a bike running the red light and not yielding to oncoming traffic as they are supposed to can't possible be to blame for getting hit by a car. Nope, its the car drivers fault for not anticipating the bicyclist would run the light, obviously. Don't get me started on bicyclists who don't know how to give proper hand signals for either turns or stops, either. I learned it at, like 6. There's like, three - ten if riding in a group - to learn. Its not that hard.1 point
is not just a toronto thing. hell, even in rural, Gromnir does bike stoopid at times. we live in the foothills-- understatement. am right on border o' sacramento and el dorado county. lotta hills. lotta stop signs right at the top o' a hill. *groan* how many times at 5:30 am has Gromnir not made a complete and full stop at every stop sign on our bike route? too many to recollect. nevertheless, when we see a driver in his luxury suv drive through such intersections at same time o' day, we gets all indignant 'bout how dangerous is such behavior. we see different from pov o' cyclist. serious, there is something 'bout a bike helmet which decreases iq. as bike is a small frame o' metal offering zero protection in case o' collisions, genuine reasonable behaviour would have us being far more careful than auto drivers just because consequences is so much more dire, but cyclists don't see the world reasonable. because autos is able to do more damage, they should be more careful? while cyclists pinball machine their way through stopped traffic at busy city intersections and ignore, with regularity, the most basic rules o' road, the menace is the lady in the mercedes doing her makeup instead o' paying attention to the road. again, is not binary. far too many cyclists routine ignore rules o' road which makes biking more difficult or taxing. is somehow ok 'cause the real menace is auto drivers. *snort* HA! Good Fun! ps 'pon reflection, stop signs at bottom of a hill is worse for Gromnir on bike. am habitual violating stops at bottom o' hill when making a right turn... is American, so no oncoming traffic when making a right. however, am having no idea what is around the corner we take at +30mph at 5:30 am and we nevertheless do such almost daily. is daily stoopid. is the kinda daily stoopid cyclists do all the time w/o considering as menacing. one o' these days, if we hit some old guy walking his pomeranian at 5:30 am as he crosses street a bit before the stop sign from his pov, we will reflect 'pon our dumbness, but am betting tomorrow we do exact same as we has done +4 times a week for years and burn through the stop without more than a slight tap on the brakes.1 point
In Toronto a LOT of cyclists act like the world needs to adapt to their behaviours, so they ride around as if everyone needs to watch out for them. Not sure if it just Toronto-level entitlement though.1 point
yes! for chissakes, we drive knowing we is in a vehicle with enormous mass and we drive appropriate. all too many cyclists take hurl's view and obtuse presume they need not be careful 'cause it is Gromnir in the big and dangerous vehicle who should be more aware and cautious. what? is as if putting on a bike helmet squeezes your brains outta your skull. and again, we were hit multiple times when our vehicle were stationary. what 'bout F=ma is so hard to understand? wanna tell us many drivers o' cars and trucks is careless? fine. no argument. is many careless drivers o' cars, but you know that. would think more cyclists would act accordingly. cyclists should be more careful knowing there is careless auto drivers and recognizing they always lose in a auto v. bike confrontation. geez. assume as fact there is many auto drivers who is careless (there is) don't mean cyclists is precluded from being similar or even more careless. is not freaking binary. HA! Good Fun!1 point
Not sure where you've seen people dismissing vehicular manslaughter and homicide given that authorities are looking for all the drivers in the incidents listed. That said EVERYONE can be more mindful of the roads: drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists. For every courteous and conscientious driver, walker or biker I've seen, I've seen a driver who can't maintain a lane or fails to yield properly or drives the wrong way down a one way street, a walker who walks against the lights without looking up from their phone or darts across the street without paying attention to oncoming traffic or a bicyclist who gets off the road onto the sidewalk to pass traffic, fails to signal turns or straight up run red lights so they won't be slowed down. We all owe it to each other to look out for each other, no matter what mode of transportation we're using.1 point
1 point
Hmm. Thank you - I had no idea that intern mills were a thing. I'll need to do some research.1 point
A bit more Rammstein. Sort of rock, sort of metal, all industrial. Touchy subject too (pun unintended) about the rampant sexual abuse of children in the church. Song is close to 20 years old and they (the church) still have to get their **** together and do some internal reckoning. Lyrics translated: He is pious and very sensitive A picture of the Lord on his wall He wipes the stains from the bible He likes to distribute the sacrament He loves the choir boys They keep their souls clean But the tenor worries him That is why he must be closest to him Quiet and silent on his bedside table A picture of the lord He turns it over slowly When the tower clock strikes twice Hallelujah He folds his hands in prayer Hallelujah He lived without a woman Hallelujah So he has to love his next one (literal translation, I think the bible says love thy neighbour) Hallelujah The young man can stay with him Sin nests over my legs He is happy to help drive them out With music and candlelight When the tower clock strikes twice Hallelujah He folds his hands in prayer Hallelujah He lived without a woman Hallelujah So he has to love his next one Hallelujah When the tower clock strikes twice Hallelujah He takes the boy into prayer Hallelujah He is the real Christian Hallelujah And knows what charity is Hallelujah Turn around slowly turn around1 point
Pulled this off the 'What is to come thread' since it probably fits better here*... That situation is getting closer to confirmed now- consumer 3000 series very likely to be on Samsung '8nm', only pro and above level cards at TSMC. Ultimate source is kopite7kimi on twitter, who is usually reliable, and there are a fair few supporting articles out now as well (eg Igorslab). Power draws may be a near throwback to Thermi as a result, which I guess will at least give a good reason to buy 1000W+ PSUs again. *That first quoted sentence has more run ons than a rugby match in Dunedin during O week.1 point
If you are looking on the corporate side there will be a check-list you will be evaluated against. Getting on a junior developer position may not be easy given the times. And whatever you do try to avoid one of the intern mills that abuse employees as far as law allows.1 point
Did it have Majesty? That is the realization that had you stop loving it, no?1 point
1 point
Just want to thank you all for the guides, you guys are the best! I just have completed the ultimate challenge with death godlike/ ascendent cipher/ skaen priest. In case if anyone is interested, the link is below: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWnrH6Lq2whImLWhcIfFYbsqaV5JnzSZY1 point
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"When the jaws open wide and there’s more jaws inside, that’s a Moray"1 point
Happy Birthday, Murica! This should 100% be the national anthem. DO IT YOU COWARDS!1 point
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Yeah, same here. Also self control though. But with Covid's effect on tourism, I'll be lucky if my total income for 2020 will reach four digits, so not spending money isn't hard.0 points
I say we get rid of cars and go back to horses. Your car will never be your friend.0 points
Currently reading: Hey... I made a pun! CURRENTly reading!0 points
The human body is 60% water. You're more water than anything else. Even your bones contain it. Which means: you contain oceans. You contain low tide, high tide, great depths and peculiar shallows. You also contain one hidden octopus and two vengeful sharks so that's nice.0 points