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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/20 in all areas

  1. It's actually not. I can't remember the game, but I remember cases of games running on Linux via WINE with better performance than natively on Windows. It's extremely rare for newer games, but it's actually quite common for older games, since Windows' own compatibility layer for older versions of Windows is kinda garbage.
    3 points
  2. I would totally replay PoE1 with PoE2 character builds and turn-based combat. Just saying...
    2 points
  3. "I did not kill her, it's not true, it's bull**** I did not kill her I did NAHHHHT"
    2 points
  4. Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate edition free on Steam for limited time. Grab if you like fighting games.
    2 points
  5. Yes, that's indeed why I like that build. It's passively draining + dazing while offensively casting. Eternal Devotion works with damaging spells. I used Arcane Veil, Mirrored Images, Llengrath's Safeguard (stacks with the others) as self buffs mostly, also infuse. Later Wall of Draining of course (because of Hands of Light). Also Inspired Beacon and Sacred Immolation. Spells: I didn't pick a lot because I try to use grimoires for spell portfolio and thus get more points for passives etc. Citzal's Corrosive Siphon, Death Ring, Combjsting Wounds, Torrent of Flames and such stuff. Depends a lot on the enemies. Minoletta's Piercing Burst is also great.
    2 points
  6. There are two good builds around Voidwheel if you don't mind playing a steel garrote. One is the steel garrote/assassin (or trickster if you want more survivability) which has huge backstab damage potential (with modal activated) and has also good single target dps, coupled with decent survivability. The other one is the steel garrote/helwalker spamming Raised Torment. The constant self draining from the sword coupled with Hylea's Talons ensure plenty of wounds and you can keep most enemies stunned while also dealing good AoE damage.
    2 points
  7. The International Association of Professional Baseball Players was a minor league circuit that operated in Canada & the USA from 1877 to 1880. Some famous minor league teams played in this league like the Syracuse Stars and Buffalo Bisons, Two teams continued to play in other leagues into modern times. One is the Guelph Maple Leafs. They went on into the Intercounty League, the Ontario Baseball Association semi-pro league, Class D Ontario League (affiliated), then finally the amatuer summer Intercounty Baseball League where they have played in a number of small cities in Canada. They finally folded in 2017 as the Guelph Royals. The other team from the International Association is still operating. Who it is: A) London Tecumsehs B) Columbus Buckeyes C) Pittsburgh Alleghenies D) Lynn Live Oaks
    1 point
  8. so... geoffrey berman, the US attorney whom general barr claimed had stepped down, has now s'posed been fired by trump... at least so says a letter from barr. barr curious also no longer is claiming to appoint a temporary replacement for berman 'cause, y'know, he didn't have authority to do that either. well, story is over, yes? as we noted earlier, barr may not have authority to fire berman, but trump does. thus the letter from barr explaining who were doing the firing. nope. nothing so ez. trump says, "Well, that's all up to the attorney general. Attorney General Barr is working on that," Trump said on the South Lawn ahead of his departure for his rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. "That's his department, not my department. But we have a very capable attorney general so that's really up to him. I'm not involved."-cnn... but for all you fake news 100ns, you may find quote just 'bout anywhere. tempest in a tea cup though, right? sure, trump or barr is lying (both?) but end result changes little once these clowns get their act together and barr gets trump to realize he needs be the guy making the decision to fire. delay the inevitable. not so fast, 'cause lindsey graham apparent discovered his spine on a domestic issue after more than three years o' trump 'cause when questioned 'bout situation, mr. graham said he weren't informed by the wh o' the situation, but if there were to be a firing and replacement o' berman, senate traditions regarding such matters would be upheld, including the right o' the State senators from the relevant jurisdiction having veto power over US attorney appointments. lindsey graham heads the committee on US attorney appointments, which is why is relevant for mr. graham to have input. senators schumer and gillibrand has both announced they will veto trump/barr choice o' replacement, sec lawyer, jay clayton. mr. clayton has ZERO prosecutor experience btw. we could not make this nonsense up if we tried. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  9. @Keyrock red-dead-redemption-2-actually-performs-better-on-linux-than-windows-with-amd-graphics This must be a first...
    1 point
  10. Advernum, were even the cows are condemned criminals.
    1 point
  11. Of course it's a cheap dodge, but one that I hear far too often when people defend any given populist's corruption or dumbwittery. "But the others aren't any better." they say. That might be true, corruption seems to be a ubiquitous iniquity in politics these days. Just like Trump most populists claim that they will drain the swamp, ferret out injustices and root out corruption, and once elected aren't if not worse then at least not any better than the same politicians they rallied against. I'm with you in being baffled about people actually defending Trump as a person. Even if I would agree with the politics of his administration (which heaven forbid deserves nothing but the most scathing of criticism in my opionion) I'd be hard pressed to come up with some way to come to terms with the Tangerine in Chief. He has little to no redeeming qualities as a person, appears to have the proverbial attention span of a gold fish and he's either cognitively underpriviledged or suffers from the early symptoms of dementia. Way back at the BIS/IPlay boards we played a similar spiel on YOP with the likes of Crucis about how George W. Bush wasn't an abject moron because he's just a terrible public speaker. Back then I laughed hard at the idea, but at least it had more merit than anything said in Trump's defense. You can see the same sort of behaviour for instance with Sharp_One, who once people started calling Trump out on being ridiculous with the desinfectants and sunlight cleanses your body nonsense he came up with. He immediately linked to some bogus company's pseudo-scientific research that I wouldn't be surprised if it formed Trump's actual basis for his stated opinion. They probably read the same "news" sources. While Bush saying he believes that there's a way for fish and man to coexist peacefully is kind of ridiculous at least one could make the assumption about how he thinks that it should be possible for us to not overfish the seas (although that doesn't sound like something any Republicans of the era would come up with). Trumps blathering is just... sad. So sad. Cofeve needs to dominate. Dominate. I have yuuuuuge hands. Sharp_One was unto something though. Trump's a businessman and he doesn't need empathy or compassion as businessman. That might be right, but that does make him a terrible leader. Even if it would not, at least the people who champion Trump should realize that someone with so little empathy, coming from a life of wealth and priviledge, has no ability to even remotely understand their problems. Since I've already accused poor goldfish of having a shorter attention span than they actually have we can conclude this by another famous misquote. Trump is exactly the sort of person that would say: Then let them eat cake. 200 years ago people like Trump were beheaded by the people. Today they're their heroes. O tempora, o mores...
    1 point
  12. that's fine. call 'em out if you see hypocrisy, though your vagueness fails. specific is good. for instance, point to actual instances where dems who during trump impeachment were excoriating trump for arguments schumer and others were making when bill were on trial and we would support you 100%. call out the wrong. however, doesn't make better 'cause more people is doing the wrong. cheap dodge. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order It's....Ok, the gameplay and plot aren't half bad and the environments are a beauty but it kinda feels sloppily put together, like it was made by an artist and not an engineer. I guess I'll stick with From Software/Bandai Namco when I want games like that, they are very difficult to topple.
    1 point
  15. Before the wipefest in Shrine of Amana, I had a pretty fast encounter with the duo of Dragonriders. As before, the way to the boss was kind of ridiculous, because I've opened soul doors in wrong order, so when I wanted to get for all the items, I had to defeat 5 of Ruin Guardians, which of course respawned... sigh I've spent almost hour there to finish them all out... Yes, I am that stubborn when I see one shiny, and there were three of them... *sighs* Way up to the Dragonriders was much more pleasant and my first attempt was pretty decent, but unfortunately, the Red one destroyed patform under the Black One, and my ass was firmly impaled by two polearms... The corpserun was long, so after 2 more attempts I started to search, if there might be a hidden Bonfire somewhere, and it was, behind one wall with missing ornaments. After finding that one out, the fight went pretty decent. Only 7 tries in total.
    1 point
  16. Nice to see people still using my mods! At some point I gave up updating on both steam and nexus and focused only on steam (much more user friendly to update tbh). So steam workshop had more updates and changes.
    1 point
  17. Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. I've completed the original campaign and defeated Morag. Discovering that my build was not exactly the best to face an opponent who was immune to sneak attacks and critical hits at the end of the last chapter was unpleasant. Fortunately, my companion was able to kill the final boss almost by himself.
    1 point
  18. Flagstone level finished. Zero kills, zero civilians assaulted. The desperado difficulty pacifist run continues.
    1 point
  19. Obsidian, I just want acknowledge, How awesome you guys are. I literally have been waiting and searching for a single player game, that has an interesting story and writing since the Witcher. I have to say Obsidian you knocked it OUT of the park with The OUTerworlds. I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say this, Thank you so much. Thank you for putting so much hard work and effort into this and every game you do. I will forever be, playing Obsidian games for the rest of my life. You guys are what we want out of the gaming industry right now, you made a game, put so much in it, no other added transactions, and YOU FINISHED THE DAMN GAME. I can only hope that you guys will start a trend and bring this type of passion back to the industry. You guys are the best gaming company right now in my opinion and its not even close. I hope you guys continue to make great games and always put the heart and passion in all of them. Thank you Obsidian so much. From, a simple gamer P.S - Gonna go play the Outerworlds now I wanted to you ask everyone's opinion on Obsidian and how they compare to rest of the industry? good and/or bad. lets keep it civil too.
    1 point
  20. I know Deadfire was amazing... oh, yeah Outer Worlds was good too.
    1 point
  21. You're right, I've switched to green, it's much better.
    1 point
  22. Thanks for this kind affirmation Chris. I know the Devs are most grateful when members of the community not only enjoy their creativity, but take the time to share such as you have!
    1 point
  23. 2 wizards are talking to each other and one says "the times are changing my friend. today i am known as the african american mage" "how so?" "apparently black mage was racist"
    1 point
  24. MedicineDan ... I'll take you on that offer
    1 point
  25. Unbroken/Trickster is one of my favorite party tanks. You get enough engagement (Unbroken+shield+Persistent Distraction + Hold the Line = already 4) without the use of Defender Stance but can take Mob Stance or Warrior Stance instead. Good mix of tankyness and dmg (especially on disengagement) and impervious to ranged and AoE attacks thanks to Large Shield modal & Adept Evasion. I like how you can still move on the battlefield with the help of Escape (despite being immobilized from the modal). And you also can terrify. The cherry on top is that he can lure enemies to a spot with Dazzling Lights easily before unstealthing. This usually makes sure he can engage even those enemies who would otherwise sit in the back rows and shoot/cast. I personally like lots of engagement slots because unlike PoE it makes a tank really sticky. 5-6 slots is def. enough though.
    1 point
  26. Ah, nice, love the colour! I reckon blueberries from the look, I'm a mite more sceptical about cherry mead I've got a few recipes for mead, I made birch sap mead with a friend, but I'd be interested in seeing what recipe you used
    1 point
  27. Fresh blueberries. ....At least I think it's blueberries. It might be blackberries, but I think that tends to look more purple than dark red. I have cherries I bought for the little lady that she hasn't eaten and they're probably *just* right for making cherry mead. That's more tart, but I put in enough honey to take off the edge and then I sometimes add dark brown sugar at racking if I want to carbonate and that has a distinctively sweetening effect. It took a while, but I love the end product now. You just have to be patient, and I was for patience made. :wry grin: Anyhow, I tend to have a lot of stuff fermenting at the same time, and I'm a bit in my cups now so I think I'll wait until tomorrow to verify. I can post the recipe if anyone is interested.d
    1 point
  28. Good God! Is it truly the fabled scaled one participating in this neck of the sandbox?! lol I have to say, I don't think anyone has experienced these times in his or her lifetime. Not to those of us South of the border, at least. I guess I should post something about my day now. Well, let's see. I'll post a picture. For all of the fact that some folks probably hate my political views, they'd be won over by a sip or two of my home brewed mead.
    1 point
  29. I was going to hop in here about a month ago and predict that Trump loses the election. I didn't believe that the polls were completely accurate. However, I didn't think the issue with national polling, which wasn't as bad as people thought last presidential cycle, were all that crazy. The important polling really is the state by state polling, and I know various organizations are trying to get a better handle in key states. I still think the election is Biden's to lose, and that's mostly because Trump is a sociopath. I'll gladly muddle through the diatribes of Trump hate around here, but I don't believe the crazy stuff Trump does as an individual have made much of a difference. Before the 'Rona, we were in excellent shape. My litmus test to see if you're a blind hater or not is if you deny actual data about the state of the economy before the pandemic. If you talk it down, you're doing so for nakedly partisan reasons. So, the big reason Trump isn't doing better is because of his personal failings, and they are many. People's lives were going well and, minus Trump's vexing persona, he would have walked away with re-election. Then the 'Rona came. He made legitimate policy mistakes that could have hurt him a little, but his incontinent character and multiple... weird statements were the big problem. The press hates him, and so any stupid mistake is highlighted. The hydroxychloroquine kefuffle was just silly. His endorsement was ill advised, but it wasn't earth shattering or even all that important. On the other hand, his crazy assed question to Birx about sunshine and bleach rightfully drew harsh criticism. No rational person would hear those comments and not be confused at best. I mean, what the hell was the guy saying? Then George Floyd was brutalized by police. Peaceful protests turn ugly and then the real motives of the left come out. Defund the police. White people must kneel and atone for sins they personally did not commit. Suggesting that all lives matter, including black lives, can lead to consequences in your life and in your job. This sort of stuff ends up hurting legitimate causes. It simply does. This is not a winning message for Democrats, which is probably why they've more or less stepped away from the strategy. Now, I'll say that, while in my opinion Trump probably loses the upcoming election, I'm not really sure. There's no way to trust current polling in this atmosphere. People are afraid to tell pollsters anything but what they think they should say. That's always true a little bit for Trump, but I'm telling you that it's gone crazy. There are people who truthfully said they weren't going to vote for Trump last month who still say it now even though their feelings have shifted. The problem for Democrats is that they tend to match crazy for crazy with Trump. I rarely resort to profanity, even in person, but the United States is a complete ****show right now. This is the one way Trump can actually cause real harm. He's capricious and crazy in an unsettled time when we need real leadership at the top. The thing is, we were already heading to where we are as a society. Trump just got us there faster. He had two things going for him that people like me felt justified all his bad qualities: he's a disruptor and he defies the relentless march of wokeness in our society. In my opinion, the quality of disruptor is like any medicine. It's got a therapeutic range after which it becomes toxic. With multiple traumas in our society, Trump as disruptor goes from harsh medicine we need into a toxic range that is disturbing to me personally. At this point, I doubt people like me can jump ship on him because we believe society has become unhinged by wokeness that is unforgiving and unrelenting. I just hope the medicine doesn't end us all. You can rest assured of one thing. People like me aren't a huge number in Trump's corner, but he simply cannot win without us. In the states he needs to win, he can't lose even the small number of us he has. If he does, I don't have to hedge my bets. He simply loses. His hardcore support is sizeable in this country, but it's not enough to put him over the top. It's not even close.
    1 point
  30. You are correct. It's a weird shift. A few years and 30 pounds ago I had borderline high blood pressure, bad knees and I would throw my back out about once a year. I wasn't in terrible shape. I could still get up and down the ice in a hockey game. But I didn't feel like I had a lot of energy. Part of that was just being a parent. The early years are tough because you are just trying to keep them alive. I mean, they have very little sense of self-preservation for the first chunk of years. It was exhausting. So I started running, and the energy started coming back, and some pounds went away, and the blood pressure got better. That improvement can be a bit of an addiction in itself. You have to keep pushing to see more improvements. But I have way more energy. My back still gets tight, my knees still swell, but I recover way faster from those things. I also get to do amazing things like swim across the San Francisco Bay or climb a snow topped mountain with my bike. There are no regrets.
    1 point
  31. am hesitating to mention, but seems as if you has developed an increasing number o' peculiar and unfortunate health concerns since taking up serious fitness. no doubt the uptick is correlative, but... HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  32. I don't remember if I talked about this, but I had a solid B cup on my leg after crashing my bike. It was just this weird sac of fluid hanging out right where I impacted. When I started running again, it would jiggle up and down painfully, so I started wearing a compression sleeve on my thigh. My wife used that as an opportunity to lecture me about the importance of good sports bras. Anyways, the fluid is nearly gone now, and my wife has upgraded her collection of sports bras. You have my sympathy, Azdeus.
    1 point
  33. hmmm...from memory, Ted Healey worked out the Stooges act with M. Howard, Fine and S. Howard around 1922 (Moe started as a single Stooge in 1921), but modern wrestling was developed by the Gold Dust Trio (Toots Mondt, Ed 'Strangler' Lewis and Billy Sandow) to replace declining-in-popularity exhibition style wrestling with a flashier, more exciting "Slam Bang Western Style Wrestling" style in 1919-1920. Its the legacy of this style that Vincent J. McMahon bought into when he started Capitol Wrestling Corporation (later, WWWF, WWF, WWE) in the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) in the early 1950s. He even had Toots Mondt working for him for awhile. That said modern WWE wrestling has as much similarity to Slam Bang as it does with the Stooges, so maybe you are right, afterall...
    1 point
  34. One thing you could do is get a cheap Ryzen 3xxx right now, like the 3100, for example, then swap in a 4xxx once they come out, since it's the same socket. Just make sure you get a B550 or X570 mobo that will support the upcoming chips, if you plan to go that route.
    1 point
  35. Depends on your use case. If your computer is going to be used primarily for gaming and you don't forsee using a lot of highly threaded applications or doing heavy multitasking on a regular basis, then Intel is probably your best choice. In nearly every other scenario than the one I just described AMD is probably your best choice. If you could wait a few months until the Zen 3 Ryzen 4000 desktop CPUs come out, it may very well be, at that time, that AMD is the best choice in any use case, but we won't know for sure until those chips are out in the wild.
    1 point
  36. It's a dead horse at this point, let the idiots at Bethesda keep it. How about, you know, expanding on The Outer Worlds? Which, imo, is better than Fallout, as Tim Cain, lead designer of both games, agrees.
    1 point
  37. Guys I think you guys should put Portuguese translation. Here in Brazil the staff has invested a lot in games. And sad to wait about 1 year to someone release a playable Portuguese translation. '' Original sin Divinity '' is an example of this here in Brazil. The game has already released some time ago and still do not have a translation. Result is that many Brazilians still have not bought it as I have the game yet to have isso.Para idea the renowned '' ice wind dale '' Not yet possesses a translation. I would ask on behalf of all the people gamer BR so if possible you guys put a translation pt br.
    1 point
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